Whatcha Been Watching?

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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by ratsoalbion »

Amusing, somewhat. Not to "OMG I must seek out the entire back catalogue right now" levels though. :D
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Combine Hunter »

There is a unicorn that almost exclusively speaks in Korean, and they never subtitle it, would that sway you?
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by ratsoalbion »

It just might.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by RoboticMonk3y »

Combine Hunter wrote:There is a unicorn that almost exclusively speaks in Korean, and they never subtitle it, would that sway you?
I always wondered if Lady Rainicorn was actually saying the intended lines, or if it was just random phrases...
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by magicjoef »

Dante Fireseed wrote:Prometheus - wasn't expecting much but I found it dull and lifeless although very pretty to look at.
Insultingly poor dialogue at points too.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Combine Hunter »

No, what she says makes perfect sense in context. A bunch of people have translated some of her lines, for example.

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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Dante Fireseed »

magicjoef wrote:
Dante Fireseed wrote:Prometheus - wasn't expecting much but I found it dull and lifeless although very pretty to look at.
Insultingly poor dialogue at points too.
Yes! and plot holes that were more like chasms!
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by magicjoef »

These aren't really spoilers, I'm just being extra careful, but these lines of dialogue made me laugh in the cinema:
Spoiler: show
"It's carrying death and its headed for Earth"
After a conversation with David:
"...I guess that's because I'm a human being, and you're a robot."
Really subtle stuff isn't it! Makes Avatar look like Shakespeare (I had similar issues with that film). In Prometheus you could phsically see the actors wrestle with their dialogue. Also, not a native accent cast within any of the main players I don't think? Mess.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Dante Fireseed »

haha yes those were classics!

I actually found the characters so limp and acting so wooden I was actively watching and waiting for the violence to start so some of these piss poor characters could finally get torn to bits in amusing ways.

think i should rewatch Alien to remind me how it's done!
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by ratsoalbion »

Dante Fireseed wrote:...think i should rewatch Alien to remind me how it's done!
I think Ridley Scott should have done the same.
Lego Solo

Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Lego Solo »

I can't wait for Prometheus to come out on blu-ray so I can watch it again. I have a sneaky feeling it's one of those movies that requires a number of viewings for you to really be able to make a fully informed analysis of it.

Or I could be living in a little bubble that refuses to acknowledge the fact that he fucked it up!!
Buckled Kipper

Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Buckled Kipper »

JaySevenZero wrote:Saw Dredd yesterday and I couldn't have hoped for a better adaptation of 2000AD's iconic Mega City lawman. Like many I was a little sceptical towards this when it was first announced, having memories of the abysmal Stallone version back in '95. But they pretty much nail it, giving this vision a gritty, grounded depth to it's post-apocalyptic cityscape. There was perhaps a moment early on that I thought Karl Urban was maybe too young to play Dredd with the comics version starting in his fifties, but from the second he's on screen he is Dredd and the fact that he never reveals his face throughout the film is to be applauded.

Alex Garland's script is tight too, giving the characters a sense of depth without revealing too much and just the right amount of snappy one-liners. I also admire the film makers for not chasing a lesser certificate too with a surprisingly graphic level of violence, at times literally splashing the screen with blood but yet never feeling overly gratuitous (well, apart from that one scene - okay, maybe two but it was done so well).
Hoping to watch this again before it leaves the cinema as the more I think about this film the more I love it. Really hope this does well in America so we get to see the full trilogy that Garland has planned. So many great Dredd moments in the film but my favourite has to be
Spoiler: show
Judge - "what happened in there?"
Dredd - "drug bust"
Buckled Kipper

Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Buckled Kipper »

I know I'm in the minority, but I really liked Prometheus.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by PlexShaw »

I really liked it too. Don't understand the hate at all.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by JaySevenZero »

Buckled Kipper wrote:Hoping to watch this again before it leaves the cinema as the more I think about this film the more I love it. Really hope this does well in America so we get to see the full trilogy that Garland has planned. So many great Dredd moments in the film but my favourite has to be
I definitely want to see this again, but I'm willing to wait now until the Blu-Ray as I have an axe to grind against the multiplex mentality of charging extra for a 3D film whilst not offering a 2D version and for turning the lights on 3 seconds after the credits begin to roll.

Speaking of the 3D, I have to say that Dredd was one of the better uses of this tech I've seen in a while, using it to great effect primarily during the "Slo-mo" drug sequences. But at the end of the day, it's still not a necessity and the incorporation of it on the posters was crass to say the least - especially as that will have to disappear for the DVD release anyway.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by AndyKurosaki »

I don't hate Prometheus, but I don't like it either. It could have been so promising, instead it left more questions than answers, and some of it is utterly ridiculous. Needless to say, to explain myself requires spoilers, so if you've not seen it, don't read on...
Spoiler: show
For the most part, the characters are boring. Most of them barely get a few paragraphs of dialogue, so when they start dying, you don't care.The few that do get dialogue can be pretty pscizophrenic
"I didn't come here to find aliens! I'm storming off home. Ooh, a strange alien liquid thing, I'll play with it! Oh, it's killed me"
"Let's both of us get lost in the ship, even though we pissed around scanning the entire thing"

"I'll get a horific caesarean, and then after stiching myself up, I'll not bother warning any of the crew. And then jump around collapsing chasms like i'm perfectly fine"

"Let's fly our ship into the enemy and kill ourselves!" "Pay back your gambling debt in the next life mate!" Three people killing themselves, not one panicking, or questioning the decision. Nope, just "weh-hey, let's die!"

"Here comes a giant ship to crush me. If I ran sideways i'd dodge it. Fuck it, I'll run in a straight line instead. SPLAT"

"Ok, so these aliens killed my entire crew. I've got no weapons, no supplies, no food.. I want to go to their he planet" What. The. Fuck??

How is it David can function perfectly well with his head knocked off, but when Ash, a later model of android gets decapitated, he's fucked?

"It's not in the Alien universe". Why bother with the Weiland Corporation them? More to the point, why have the elderly owner as a young man in ridiculous looking old-make up? Just hire an old bloke.

But worst of all, for me, "The Space Jockey is a humanoid in a suit". Fuck right off.

Pulling that "make up your own mind" stuff in a weekly TV show like Lost is one thing. Doing it in a film, where it can be years before a sequel makes good on that, is bloody ridiculous.

I've watched the Aliens series countless times for nearly 20 years. I strongly doubt i'd sit through Prometheus in one go again.
Buckled Kipper

Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Buckled Kipper »

I actually agree with most (but not all) of your points Andy, but none of them I found overly distracting. It ain't perfect but I really enjoyed it, and hopefully will work even better when seen as part of the proposed trilogy.

I actually saw it twice at the cinema and it stood up well to a second viewing.

Having said all that, it's no Dredd. That's the stand out sci fi film of the year. At least till Looper arrives.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by AndyKurosaki »

Yeah, I saw some people saying "it's worse than Aliens VS Predator", which is ludicrous. After seeing the various trailers I had high hopes, little was I to know it showed practically all the best bits. I saw it with my brother, his best mate and his girlfriend. On the way there, we were buzzing with excitement. As the credits rolled, we all sat there in silence, not quite sure what to say.

Really want to see Dredd, hopefully will get round to it soon. Sarah doesn't like going to the cinema when it's hot, feels it's a day wasted. Now it's raining with any luck I'll see it soon :D
Buckled Kipper

Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Buckled Kipper »

Trailers are worse than ever these days for giving away far to much of the film and Prometheous was terrible for this. It really frustrates me as its so unecarsary.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by DomsBeard »

AndyKurosaki wrote:I don't hate Prometheus, but I don't like it either. It could have been so promising, instead it left more questions than answers, and some of it is utterly ridiculous. Needless to say, to explain myself requires spoilers, so if you've not seen it, don't read on...
Spoiler: show
For the most part, the characters are boring. Most of them barely get a few paragraphs of dialogue, so when they start dying, you don't care.The few that do get dialogue can be pretty pscizophrenic
"I didn't come here to find aliens! I'm storming off home. Ooh, a strange alien liquid thing, I'll play with it! Oh, it's killed me"
"Let's both of us get lost in the ship, even though we pissed around scanning the entire thing"

"I'll get a horific caesarean, and then after stiching myself up, I'll not bother warning any of the crew. And then jump around collapsing chasms like i'm perfectly fine"

"Let's fly our ship into the enemy and kill ourselves!" "Pay back your gambling debt in the next life mate!" Three people killing themselves, not one panicking, or questioning the decision. Nope, just "weh-hey, let's die!"

"Here comes a giant ship to crush me. If I ran sideways i'd dodge it. Fuck it, I'll run in a straight line instead. SPLAT"

"Ok, so these aliens killed my entire crew. I've got no weapons, no supplies, no food.. I want to go to their he planet" What. The. Fuck??

How is it David can function perfectly well with his head knocked off, but when Ash, a later model of android gets decapitated, he's fucked?

"It's not in the Alien universe". Why bother with the Weiland Corporation them? More to the point, why have the elderly owner as a young man in ridiculous looking old-make up? Just hire an old bloke.

But worst of all, for me, "The Space Jockey is a humanoid in a suit". Fuck right off.

Pulling that "make up your own mind" stuff in a weekly TV show like Lost is one thing. Doing it in a film, where it can be years before a sequel makes good on that, is bloody ridiculous.

I've watched the Aliens series countless times for nearly 20 years. I strongly doubt i'd sit through Prometheus in one go again.

Brilliant, couldn't of put it better myself. Have you seen the 'how it should've ended'?
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