Borderlands & Borderlands 2

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Borderlands & Borderlands 2

Post by ratsoalbion »

Gearbox's loot'n'shoot is the subject of Cane & Rinse podcast Issue 50 (the final show of the first Volume). Please share your Borderlands opinions, comments & experiences in this thread (we'll have a separate thread for Borderlands 2 chat).
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Re: Borderlands

Post by Alex79 »

I started playing this a couple of weeks ago as it was free on PS+. I initially really liked it, the setting, graphics, sound, everything - it was a lot of fun. As I put the hours in I kept on thinking that the missions would start to get more interesting and varied. They didn't, and I eventually gave up after about ten hours. The complete lack of a decent storyline was what killed it for me. I get so little time gaming these days I need a story to keep me playing, a reason to carry on. Just playing something for 'fun' isn't enough any more, as backwards as that sounds.
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Re: Borderlands

Post by DomsBeard »

I've played this for over 60 hours in co-op with my Mrs split screen and I've loved every minute of it!. Arguments we've had over shotguns and the fact she refuses to use her special powers used to have us in stitches and you cant beat the mad dash to revive a fallen team mate. I think you have to play this game in co-op to get the best out of it, I couldn't imagine playing it on my own as the large area's would seem quite sparse for one person. Slight criticism's I have is the fact you need to load between area's which breaks the immersion for a bit and the story's forgettable. The DLC is on large excellent (apart from the Thunderdome).

You can pick up the GOTY edition for peanuts today so it'd be rude not to....

p.s. Hope none of you say you hate ClapTrap! ;)
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Re: Borderlands

Post by magicjoef »

For me, the great thing that Borderlands did was make drop in/drop out co-op work as easily as it sounds like it should. The quest tracking, experience and leveling always worked well from game to game, and I always felt I was progressing my character. I also played the whole way through the game with a friend that lives abroad, it was a great way to keep in touch, with the 'just one more quest' approach to progression.

I did have a couple of problems with the game though. It seemed rather an empty place if playing alone, and did rely on having other people with you to make the most of it. Also, for a game so heavily loot focused, I sometimes felt the gear progression to be a little slow, often playing for several levels with a weapon before finding something new. I'm hoping in two they scale that a little better in the sequel to keep things fresh.

It did miss with the story too, which is a shame as the character design and style of the game were excellent. I really have no idea what was going on, thinking back to it now! I did find the DLC enjoyable though (except for the awful arena based Mad Moxi content), providing some funny twists on the enemies and characters established in the original game.
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Re: Borderlands

Post by Alex79 »

DomsBeard wrote: p.s. Hope none of you say you hate ClapTrap! ;)
Oh God, that little robot was annoying, haha.

I'll give Borderlands 2 a try when it comes out, sounds like they've worked on the story a little at least.

Re: Borderlands

Post by chunky_Monkey »

This was a Day 1 purchase for me on both PS3 and 360 - although I hadn't heard much about it before release, I instantly fell in love with the cell shading and sci-fi theme. The opening credits and introduction made a nice change and meeting the clap-trap off the bus set the tone for the rest of the 200+ hours that i have spent in Pandora. Throughout the first run through I never co-oped with anyone (not wishing to share my experience with a PUG) and I have to agree with magicjoef the areas are large and feel empty with the enemies arranged in clusters around the map. The main vault quest takes you on various locations and the leveling up stats and bonuses are nice to read through and experiment with. There does seem to be an awful lot of fetch quests, and side quests, and towards the end I had outleveld slightly the enemies so it became more a run and gun time. The voice acting and script in the game is exquisite - memorable catchphrase and so many funny moments, each boss has its own cut scene which I found fun and refreshing although they soaked up rounds like sponges in comparisons to the normal enemies.
Having completed the game solo and all the DLC (bar the attortious moxidome) I recently had the opportunity to try one of the DLCs (The island of Dr Ned) with Don in co-op mode and found it easy to join, comms was great and much much more fun with 2, definetly a co-op game designed for sharing and fun :) - that being said even though the game was on PS+ not many seem to be playing online??

The billions of guns that are on offer/lootable are there, but I found I kept with a set loadout between my early 10, 10-20, 20-40, 40+ and only upgrading if something exceptional (or ammo replenishing) came along, cherry picking for the goodies or whichever had the best price :) - the drops and loot on starting out seem very crap, but it seemed that as soon as I hit 30/40 the game couldnt wait to give me something new and shiney - be it a class mod or shield - but always lower that what I had, the DLC both Armoury and claptrap are a virtual cornucopia of items not a single dead "trap" dosent drop a gun or shield a little too much TBQH and now in my 50s I find nothing dropping that compares to what I picked up in my 40s.

Driving Mechanics were a bit wishy washy and the armoury DLC had a lot of driving - compensated for by the beast :)

The DLC is good fun and having worked my way through them twice still laugh out loud at some of the little touches Dr Ned(not DR Zed in disguise), the Ninja Claptrap and the rest, unfortunatelly the Maxi Underdome spoils the game with a pointless arena Horde area, with no save and game over if your down - survive 20 rounds of increasingly level higher mobs and you get ......... loot that's just below your level - and the upper arena horde - 100 waves :(

An awesome game and my "go back to" one every time I need some fun :)
Mr Nicey

Re: Borderlands

Post by Mr Nicey »

MMO finally makes it to the Xbox ;)

It really felt like this as the hours disappeared. A friend & I have couch Co-Op'd through every damn mission and DLC took us 3+ years (how long has the game been out) but its been an utter blast.

I must admit that it has it's Grindy & samey mission feel throughout much of the settings and stories but nothing that a lot of MMO players would sniff at. The art style and fun easy play style was a winner for me.

Also claptrap is like Marmite - you love or hate it. Thankfully I love both!
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Re: Borderlands

Post by RoboticMonk3y »

Borderlands borderlands borderlands

Where to start on borderlands?

From the start, the game Slaps you around the head with it's lovely hand drawn graffiti cut scene story telling, moving into the opening music and the moment when Markus' bus splatters into the skagg!

The cell shaded look to the characters and world gave everything a lovely comic book feel. This art style combined with a rather crude sense of humour raised a childish smirk on my face.

Then the game spends half an hour or so holding your hand and gently introducing the game mechanics to you. Claptrap sets you up on your way and does a rather slick job of showing you what your HUD does, how to use the inventory and how to get quests. after that the game throws you in on your own and gives you a good sense of freedom about where to go and what to do, with multiple quests often available to you. This leads into the first thing about borderlands that was annoying.
The map, at times, was fucking useless! 'oh, hey, can you go fetch me some spare McGuffins for my broken McGuffin machine?' sure, I have a handy marker right here on my map showing me to it, but the McGuffin is nowhere to be seen and at times I recall finding mission objective some way away from the map marker, this combined with the fact that sometimes it's possible to wedge yourself behind scenery and get trapped when you're scouring the landscape for trinkets.

The missions felt fairly varied, and despite the vast majority of them boiling down to now much more than fetch quests, there was enough variation in the fetching that I don't recall the main game dragging at any point. I also found it easy to pick the game up, play for a bit, and be able to return after a large gap in playtime, and not really feel too confused about where I am, or what I should be doing.

One of my other strong likes about the game is how the enemies are locked at a certain level. If you progress through the game following missions and the story, the enemies you're steered towards will consistently be challenging to your characters level. I remember having to re-try the first mini-boss several times. If you were finding things a little too tough, you could go off for a bit of a wander, and level yourself up, look around the surrounding areas for loot chests, then return with a feeling of empowerment that you're better equipped to take things down. I know that there are some people who don't hold this opinion of games where you level up, and like the game to be constantly challenging the entire way though, regardless of where you are, but after getting a fair way through the main story line, I returned back to earlier areas to wrap up some missions I skimmed over, and enjoyed running around with Brick in bezerk mode and uppercutting people into a million tiny bits.

I think one of the marketing pushes from borderlands was it's boasts of a bazillion guns, it was nice again, that you were rewarded for persistent exploration and looting, the guns seem to be generated at random, so stumbling across so many led to a lot of sorting. luckily guns were easy to sell at the shops/dispensers, and this gave you a top up of cash to buy ammo and health. I found myself sticking to a pool of about 6 guns, some of which I picked up very early on in the game (my vitriolic justice revolver served me well a long way into the game) looting weapons however had a somewhat frustrating quirk to it, which was;
tap x to pick up one thing, hold x to pick up everything all around you, a neat mechanic for grabbing all the cash and ammo on the ground quickly. Hold x was also the shortcut to 'pick up and equip' a weapon or shield, I've lost track of the number of times I picked up and equipped a crappy gun, then had to stop, fire up the inventory and find the weapon I just swapped out, hoping that I've not dropped it on the floor. I accidentally did this a fair number of times with shields to, which effectively left me open to a swift 2-3 shot death from the nearest bad guy. killed, back to the nearest spawn point, lose a stack of cash, and have to spend some time fighting to find where you dropped your shield.

Couch co-op mode was great, and I initially started out playing the game with my wife split screen, watching over my shoulder while I was going through the very early tutorial part of the game, she showed interest and asked if there was a co-op mode. Sadly, some rather odd design decisions meant that both of us missed a few aspects of the game because of not really being able to see your inventory properly. We both managed to get to about level 8 without realising you could "spend" your levelling points into your special skill. once we had worked that out, because you had to slide the inventory menu around because it didn't fit to the window, it meant that you couldn't read the attributes of skill upgrading. Minor niggles though, the game was highly enjoyable in couch co-op.
Online co-op was fun too! and actually proved to be helpful on occasion, if ever I was struggling with a tough boss or area, invite a friend into the game to join in and dish out some extra bullets.

I found the different characters varied enough to make me want to try the game a few times with different characters too (although I've never really used the sniper class, just didn't get on with it, probably down to my sheep ineptitude at sniping!) my favourite for playing through the game solo being the siren, I like the phasewalk early on as a way to bail if a situation got too tough and later in the game as an aggressive way of running silently into the middle of a crowd and causing devastation phasing in behind people. Brick was my choice playing with other people, juggernauting through the middle of a crowd windmilling out punches.

I have mixed feeling about the DLC. I really enjoyed the main game, so extra shooting and looting was greatly welcomed. I like the claptrap DLC, maily I guess because of how much I liked claptrap, there's on in particular that stick in my mind, which has been hacked by one of the bosses and decorated in red bandit armour, tells you to bugger off!!
I also played through and completed the general knoxx DLC, which was ok, but felt to be lengthened artificially by making the new areas massive, and you had to drive eeeverywhere, and my god, the super tough boss crawmerax! I tried it on my own unsuccessfully many man times. I liked the totally un-subtle addition of giant glowing vulnerable weak spots.

The more I think about it, the more details I think of that made me enjoy this game, easy to pick up and throw half an hour into aimlessly wandering and shooting. easy to spend a small amount of time looking at a loot chest and trying to work out how to get to it! easy to set up a multi player lobby and just pick on through the game with friends. Enough game there to sit down for a long gaming session and push through missions. I've heard some people say that this is somewhat of a dumbed down MMO, I can see how the game could be interpreted that way, but I can't really think of any other games on the xbox or playstation that are like it. If borderlands 2 turns out to be nothing more than just new missions and levels, even with all the existing flaws of the first game, I'd be happy.

I could go on for hours about borderlands, I really do think it will for me, be one of those games that I'll always look back on fondly. It certainly does scratch the itch for a large FPS/RPG style game. Janky gameplay aside, it felt like it had fun by the bucketload. pleasant looking graphics and suitably atmospheric music amke this a gameplay world I was happy to get myself lost in.

If in the upcoming Borderlands episode you don't play some claptrap sound bites, I'll do a little cry. umm-tss umm-tss, I think I lost the beat.... umm-tss umm-tss I'm daaancin!!

Re: Borderlands

Post by MblockHead »

Loved this game. The humour, cell shaded graphics, guns, looting, co-op and overall crazy nonsense of the game made it my GOTY when it came out. It was also one of the best games for DLC content. Each one had its own unique feel and environment and wasnt just a bit of the main game cut out and sold to you after. Nearly got all the cheevos but a couple of the collecting ones were just a bit too much.

By all accounts, Borderlands 2 looks like an absolute humdinger of a game. Day 1 for me.
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Re: Borderlands

Post by NokkonWud »

Saw my first advert for Borderlands 2 tonight and it got me all excited, far more than I was expecting. I did enjoy Borderlands, still have some DLC to play through as I'm doing it with a friend and he'd been quite unreliable for the longest time. But still, co-op is the only way to play.

Re: Borderlands

Post by mik »

You would think that my earning the platinum trophy in Borderlands would be an indication that I really liked the game. I didn't. I utterly loathed it and earned the platinum out of spite. In my experience, Borderlands was a boring, drab, droll, monotonous, boring technical mess. 30 hours of walking backward and shooting. Yipee. Every time a battle should have been interesting, the boss/mini-boss/random bad guy would glitch, get stuck on geometry, or otherwise ruin my entertainment. To wit: ... S4TdyIx95w ... S4TdyIx95w

Over and over and over again. It got so bad that I actually just phase-walked (or whatever Lilith's skill was called) through the entire last level so I wouldn't have to actually play.

Most the time when a game is revered, I understand why--even if I don't share the love. In the case of Borderlands, I remain entirely baffled.

Re: Borderlands

Post by MAp »

I don't have great feelings about borderlands. I think there was a fun game to be played but it was ruined for me by a bad co-op experience as my partner repeatedly played a few missions ahead leaving me with a underpowered character. And people say co-op makes any game better :|

Re: Borderlands

Post by Christoph84 »

I've only ever played Borderlands in single player, roughly 20 or so hours now.

I play it in the same way I used to Gran Turismo 3 or PES on the PS2, just to chill out and do some grinding while listening to some music. It's usually podcasts that I have on in the background now (C&R, natch).

I'm sure it has the potential to be mega in co-op, I just never get my arse in gear to sort a co-op game out.
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Re: Borderlands

Post by RoboticMonk3y »

mik wrote:You would think that my earning the platinum trophy in Borderlands would be an indication that I really liked the game. I didn't. I utterly loathed it and earned the platinum out of spite.
Did you play solo or co-op?
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Re: Borderlands

Post by DomsBeard »

Not played through the Knoxx DLC yet, must put that right pronto. I'll pick up 2 over Christmas or Lovefilm it depending how it rates.

Re: Borderlands

Post by mik »

RoboticMonk3y wrote:
mik wrote:You would think that my earning the platinum trophy in Borderlands would be an indication that I really liked the game. I didn't. I utterly loathed it and earned the platinum out of spite.
Did you play solo or co-op?
Played to around level 12 co-op, then did the rest solo. I found the major difference between the two to be: voice chat.
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Re: Borderlands

Post by ratsoalbion »

I completed this on 360 and am currently on a playthrough on PS3. I have a lot I want to say (don't I always?) but I'm keeping my powder dry for the podcast.
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Re: Borderlands

Post by mikeleddy83 »

I'm going to have to echo mik's sentiments on the game, the one element of the game that has stuck with me has been the ridiculously long loading screens and despite the mad max influence it literally has barren wastelands. I loaded up my save from years back with the new PS plus download version only to take around about 5 minutes to even see an enemy.

I know it's not strictly related to the game but I found the pre-release PR for the game baffling, I never understood why gearbox where so vehemently denying their game used cel-shading but I guess it worked given that I'm also (mysteriously) in the platinum camp!
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Re: Borderlands

Post by ratsoalbion »

Technically I don't think it does use cel-shading. Borderlands has a simplified, cartoonish art-style akin to Telltale's Walking Dead, but cel-shading is a very specific technique with a very distinctive look as seen in Wind Waker, Jet Set Radio and others.

Perhaps one of our graphic types will correct me though, and it does appear on Wiki's list of cel-shaded games: ... ideo_games

Edit: As regards to loading times, they do seem slow on PS3, and even when the area loads in the close-up textures take another few seconds to arrive! I don't remember this being the case on 360 (installed on both consoles btw) but that was back in 2009 and I have no way to directly compare.
I wonder if the PC version fares considerably better in this regard.
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Re: Borderlands

Post by RoboticMonk3y »

mikeleddy83 wrote: I know it's not strictly related to the game but I found the pre-release PR for the game baffling, I never understood why gearbox where so vehemently denying their game used cel-shading but I guess it worked given that I'm also (mysteriously) in the platinum camp!
It's 3D models using cel shaded style textures, making it look and feel cel shady, but it's not actually cel shaded. If something's fully cell shaded, it should look flat.
No idea why there was so much fuss over it all anyways.
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