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Thank you

Post by adwild1982 »

Dear The Cane and Rinse team and Community.
I just wanted to post a thread to say a massive thank you for the fun, entertainment and laughter your videos and podcasts have brought to me since I found them
2014 if am honest was a shit year, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at start of the year, nearly lost my job and my wife suffered a miscarriage. I found myself in a very dark lonely place we very little joy in my life. I decided that I needed to find something that would bring joy back in to my life and I rediscover my joy for video gaming. I started to listen to gaming podcast as a way of extending this enjoyment. Someone recommended I check you guys out along with the Midnight Resistance lads and the team over at Cane and Rinse and my god it opened my eyes to a whole community of likeminded people who on the whole are the nicest people in the world, shocking I know video gamers who are nice people am sure that’s not how it’s meant to be.
During some dark times when needing some enjoyment I would strap on some headphones load up one of your podcast and go for a long walk and within in minutes I would have a smile on my face listening to you guys talk about some great game that I had played and loved (Champ Manager being a stand out episode for me) to introducing to me to many other games that I would never have tried and have now fallen in love with.
Thank you for all your hard work that you do to entertain us and the fact that you do it for the love of the gaming and don’t get paid for doing it truly is generous and thank you to the community as well as I have to say what a nice and welcoming bunch of people you all are.
I would like to end this on happy note. I didn’t lose my job in fact I have recently been promoted, My wife is now expecting again and everything is going well and I have not had any issues with my depression in months. Now just to try and get over the anxiety as it stops me from doing online gaming with people from the gaming community and I will be a happy man
Adam Wilding (late2theparty82)
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Re: Thank you

Post by JaySevenZero »

Thank you Adam, and I'm glad to read that things are on the up.

But do you know what's the one thing you're missing to make things even better?

More Destiny with the community! :D

Re: Thank you

Post by adwild1982 »

Ha Ha its just getting over the fear of online gaming and talking to people but am going to push myself and try some Destiny with the community as I love the game
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Re: Thank you

Post by dezm0nd »

adwild1982 wrote:Ha Ha its just getting over the fear of online gaming and talking to people but am going to push myself and try some Destiny with the community as I love the game
I have this issue, which is probably why I enjoy Mario Kart 8 online so much. I don't know why I feel this way, either, I talk for ages about games on this here podcast! I genuinely don't get it.

I'm overwhelmed by your story and praise and I'm happy that C&R (and friends) have given you the much need support. Much love!

Re: Thank you

Post by adwild1982 »

dezm0nd wrote:
adwild1982 wrote:Ha Ha its just getting over the fear of online gaming and talking to people but am going to push myself and try some Destiny with the community as I love the game
I have this issue, which is probably why I enjoy Mario Kart 8 online so much. I don't know why I feel this way, either, I talk for ages about games on this here podcast! I genuinely don't get it.

I'm overwhelmed by your story and praise. Much love!
Thanks man.
For me I think it stems down to what will people think? Does he even know what he is talking about? or that I come across as a bit of tit if that makes sense?
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Re: Thank you

Post by dezm0nd »

I understand that, yeah, which is why I only really confidently talk about videogames as it's my specialist subject. As soon as a less controlled environment is talking around me, I go all quiet and shy.

I think it's all about control for me. The podcast is controlled, it's structured. A free-form conversation just freaks me out a little, which probably explains why i'm quite shy in person until I settle down.

Never really took the time to think about it and seeing you mention that has helped me understand it a tiny bit more!

Re: Thank you

Post by adwild1982 »

Am a youth work so I used to talking to people from all age groups and different roles about important things but put in a situation that's supposed to be fun and I either become over the top trying to fit or a shut up and look grumpy. Gaming is meant to be fun but yet make me feel like am back in school trying to fit in. Am 32 ffs lol
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Re: Thank you

Post by dezm0nd »

It's very perculiar, aye. I also attribute this feeling to my increasing love for local multiplayer gaming. Much prefer people I know next to me rather than some randoms. :)

Re: Thank you

Post by adwild1982 »

Tell me about it. Going to have to get over it as am loving Destiny and feel like am missing out on soooo much
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Re: Thank you

Post by JaySevenZero »

adwild1982 wrote:Tell me about it. Going to have to get over it as am loving Destiny and feel like am missing out on soooo much
Exactly, there are no egos 'round these parts - just a lot of folks who love games (and one space shooter in particular)! We also want to be as inclusive as possible when it comes to community so no-one has anything to prove when playing together - except to just kick back and enjoy some online shenanigans as a group.

Re: Thank you

Post by adwild1982 »

Thanks mate. Just one of those things I need to make an effort to get over it and enjoy the game
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Re: Thank you

Post by RoboticMonk3y »

To back up what Jay said, community destiny night has been honestly one of my top gaming experiences of recent memory.

I was stumbling through the campaign with a friend (MrMcfluffin), we'd bitten off a little more than we could chew, and taken on a mission that was a bit too far about our level.
Jay jumped in and pretty much single handedly steamrollered the mission while we ended up talking about TV shows.
Not too long after, I was playing more destiny with McFluffin again, and we both got a message from Jay, asking if we wanted to have a crack at the Vault of glass, I explained that only being level 24 would probably mean we would be more hindrance than help, but as Jay said "What's the worst that can happen?"
Well... I died rather a lot, but the entire session was amazing fun. I've not had that feeling of coordinating a fight since my marathon gaming days of battlefield 3. Everyone was working to help each other out, and everyone was trading advice, and I didn't leave feeling like I was holding the game back.
On the 360, I pretty much stuck to playing crucible, and didn't even look into any of the strikes or raids, and while the crucible is a good online shooter, I can't help but feel I've lost so much time on things like raids. I want to push myself to level 30 :)
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Re: Thank you

Post by ratsoalbion »

Thanks for the initial post there, Adam. Incredibly touching and I'm so pleased to hear that you're moving onwards and upwards.

Re: Thank you

Post by adwild1982 »

ratsoalbion wrote:Thanks for the initial post there, Adam. Incredibly touching and I'm so pleased to hear that you're moving onwards and upwards.
Thanks guys. I just wrote the initial post as a way of saying thank you to the Cane and Rinse team as you give so much and ask for nothing back and to the community on a whole who are some of nicest people I have had the privilege on interacting with.

Re: Thank you

Post by Cress1968 »

So glad to hear things are on the up for you now mate. I think you'd be surprised how many others on here are as nervous of joining community members online for fear of not being good enough at the game or not being talkative enough etc. One suggestion is to maybe jump in but have no comms at first and maybe that will break the ice? Honestly tho community gaming is something that has helped me through some very shit times and it's probably the most non judgemental and friendly community I've known. As Jay says just jump in a game, what's the worst that can happen? Jay has probably spent more time reviving me when I used to get killed playing killzone and I was same bloody level as him lol
Feel free to add me ( cress1968) and jump in any game you see me in that you like mate.

Re: Thank you

Post by Pilgr1m »

The community is full of love, always has and always will. Glad things are looking up for you. It also has proved to me that Cress can write in sentences!
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Re: Thank you

Post by Alex79 »

Glad you're on the up, mate. I've had a pretty bum couple of years too and it shouldn't be underestimated the power of having a place full of friendly faces you can come to talk about games and forget about everything else for a while.
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Re: Thank you

Post by Indiana747 »

Great news that things have turned around for you Adam. The Cane and Rinse crew should be proud of what a friendly, welcoming community they have built here. Not to put too fine a point on it but id say they are the main reason i myself havent ended up slipping into a depressive state. And i dont say that lightly. Ive always been an optimistic person but these last five years or so have really tested that. I wont mention names(they know who they are) amazing people that i have never met in person but have taken me through tough times. Special mention for Pete Turner(Chunky_m0nk13), who no doubt has had his own hassles down the years but has always been there when i needed him. Top man.
Myself and my mum have more or less been caring for my terminally ill dad since he became house bound in 2007/2008. He was diagnosed with a strain of Parkinsons Disease nearly 14 years ago. Its a strain that attacks all the muscles in his body which will ultimatly end with his heart. I think ive come to terms with this but only time will tell. He needs round the clock care mostly, hes 16stone so not an easy lift, he tries to help, bless him, hes a tough one alright. 10 times the man i can ever hope to be. Taking my dad for toilet trips and giving him a couple of showers per week are not really where i seen myself at forty.
This would be bad enough but as some here are aware(cause they helped me through it) my wife and i have suffered through two miscarrages in the last few years, all culminating in me packing in electrical company due to lack of work(never rains, but it pours, ehh?)
Fuck me, im getting upset just typing this. Needless to say, oh and sorry for hijacking your thread Adam, but i want to use it also to thank this beautiful community of people for, well, just being supportive really. I could never have envisaged meeting such great folks when i stumbled across a certain GamerDork podcast back in 2008. I raise my glass to you all, thanks for keeping me from a dark place that unfortunately many people visit and some never return.
Lego Solo

Re: Thank you

Post by Lego Solo »

I love this thread, not because I'm some sadistic turd or anything but because it's nice to hear that even when things are bad there are so many people out there that willingly give there support. It's even more heartening when you have never meet said people but connect with them on a completely other level due to mutual interests.

I myself don't post on here as much as I used to and I hardly play online with any of this community anymore [emoji20] there isn't a reason other than time to be honest. But I was thinking the other day how much I missed playing FIFA with Indiana and a number of others on a regular bases, was so much fun and a laugh. I have fond memories of playing through Portal 2 with roboticmonkey on co op. So I'm making a promise right now that I will try harder to make the time to have more fun with you guys online and contribute here on this great forum. So anyone who wishes to add me on Xboxone it's Lego Solo and on PS3 it's Bartlettrules (lost lego solo when they were hacked) and if you see me online give me a nudge as I'm a lazy sod.

I am glad to hear that you both have found a way to get through the tough times that life throws at us. My thoughts are with you guys [emoji4].
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Re: Thank you

Post by Sean »

One of the reasons I'm even here talking to you guys is thanks to the Digital Cowboys. Ages ago, I ran into some awfully rough times. I was remarkably unhealthy, had to move across the country, with barely any money, to a place where I had, literally, zero friends. Somehow, I stumbled across the Digital Cowboys show, and gave them a listen. Just by listening to that show on a regular basis, and, engaging in the forum community, I became a generally happier person. While I still don't have many friends where I currently live, I've more than made up for that in the new friends I've made across the world, thanks to communities like the one we have here.

While I hate to see anyone going through tough times such as some of you are, I'm glad C&R and the forum has been able to provide you with some sort of respite. I love the community we've culminated here. Considering the way most forums tend to turn out, it's almost hard to believe how friendly and inviting this forum is. Stay strong, and, thank you all for being a part of it!
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