The "Introduce yourself" thread

This is the place where you can conflab about all the other stuff besides videogames
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by BBoyEdgy »

Hey guys!

Thought I'd stop lurking and introduce myself, my name's Jared and I'm based in the North East of England. I stumbled on the podcast last summer and was completely moved by the Red Dead Redemption episode (I'm the guy that tweeted you guys who appeared on it a few weeks ago!) as this has been my favourite game for a long while.
I've been a longtime gamer since Megadrive and Gameboy. Earthworm Jim, Streetfighter etc. I played Altered Beast this weekend too, never gets old!
I love lot's of different genres of games, at the moment I love ones with good stories-been a big 'point n click' fan so I'm hyped now Grim Fandango is on the PS4 but I'll also play FIFA and Mortal Kombat.

I work in Mental Health and in my spare time I play football, go to the gym and love B-Boying (Breakdancing) and go to events and nights to do that!

Extremely impressed with the level of research and professionalism of the Cane and Rinse outfit, hats off to you fellas and nice blokes you are too. It's a pleasure to be here! :)
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by ratsoalbion »

How lovely!
Welcome along. We love breakdancing mental health workers!
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by BBoyEdgy »

ratsoalbion wrote:How lovely!
Welcome along. We love breakdancing mental health workers!
Cheers and thanks again for the kind tweets! :). Yeah I think the headspins may soon turn me into a patient! :lol:
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by magicjoef »

BBoyEdgy wrote:...headspins...
You know what we're all waiting for now...right???... :lol:
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by BBoyEdgy »

magicjoef wrote:
BBoyEdgy wrote:...headspins...
You know what we're all waiting for now...right???... :lol:
Just as well I shave my head! :lol:

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by RebornParachute »

Hi All.

Been listening to the show since somewhere around mid Season 1 and thought is about time to join in the community and introduce myself (though I apparently joined the community 18 months ago, but I forgot to actually join in haha).

Anyway, I'm Carl, 24 from South Wales. Been playing games for about as far back as I can remember, though it did fall out of interest for me between 14 and 20. But the last four years I've gotten right back into it, even going back to play some of the games I missed during those years (and I missed some good ones).

These days my gaming is mainly split between my PC and 3DS, though I do get some occasional time on my WiiU, PS3 & X360 (Though I don't play nearly as much of my WiiU as I should). Most, if not all, of my 3DS time for the last few months has been Monster Hunter, Was playing 3U but that has since been replaced by 4U. My Pc is generally for whatever nostalgic game I wish to lay or the latest AAA game.

Favourite Games: Crash Bandicoot Trilogy & CTR, Spyro Trilogy, Medieval, ICO/SotC, Jak & Daxter , LucasArts Adventure Games, Half Life Series, Mass Effect Series, Dragon Age Series (well Origins & Inquisition), Diablo, Monster Hunter 3U & 4U, Red Dead Redemption, Arkham Games, Witcher 2, Borderlands Series & the Souls Series (plus probably a bunch more I couldn't think of).

Outside of gaming, just general things: reading, Netflix binging and also a big interest in Roman History.

That's all I Can think to write for now, hopefully will get to know some of you a bit better in the future.

P.s. for the C&R crew, Great show guys, keep it up.
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by ratsoalbion »

Hi hi, and welcome along!

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by Retrothumbs »

Hi guys. Leigh here. About a month ago I was searching for a UK based podcast and low and behold I read that yours was a good one to subscribe to (to summarise). I can say that this is absolutely true and if I am being totally honest, the podcast has exceeded my expectations. I love the general structure of them and that each of your personalities come through - I dl them from itunes and listen to them in the car (mostly) when I am working out on the road. I like Leon's presentation style (is it a style ;-) ) and so you must not allow Leon to move on!!!! ;-)
Anyway about me..I have been a keen gamer since my first ever experience with a Spectum 48k machine in the day. Since then I have owned Vic20, Atari 2600, Spectrum 128k, Atari ST, A600, SNES, Megadrive, PC, Neo Geo, PS1/2/3, X360, Gamecube, Wii and Wii U plus and a few hand helds too. I sadly missed owning a C64 and a GBC and GBA but I have played many games on many systems, minus a few years hiatus (booze,,,women etc etc) - the only thing is at 38 my memory is waning, so its great to listen to your casts to jig the ol d grey matter!! Fact..I never owned any import machines until 2013...yes 50Hz and borders for YEARS!!!! hahaha

Keep up the great work chaps!
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by ratsoalbion »

Welcome along, and thanks for the kind words about the podcast.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by Duncan2501 »

Hello all, finally decided to sign up here after listening to the podcast for about a year now - along with a few others it's been keeping me sane on my daily train commute to work! Loving the more recent Sound of Play too, wanting to add to the user submissions thread was the final push for me to join your forums here.

It's a great podcast though, always find myself searching through to see if an episode has been recorded on games I've played in the past that I'm thinking of revisiting, or even games I'm thinking about giving a look for the first time, spoilers be damned, it's worth it!

As for me, it goes without saying now that my time killer of choice is videogames new and old, with a particular fondness for horror games, shooters and RPGs (if I can find the time).
Outside of videogames, I also love history, work in a museum, and count medieval battle reenactment/combat demonstrations and (the bit more sedate) painting as my other main hobbies when not sat in front of the tv.

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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by ratsoalbion »

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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by JaySevenZero »

A big ol' welcome to all the recent new folks to this here forum! :D

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by arry_g »

Welcome to the Cane and Rinse forums, where no game related debate is too nerdy!
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by Quiet Paul »

Greetings! Paul's then name - if you hadn't guessed that already. I've appeared before in older forums with some of this community however I shed the old alias (Mordecai) to start a fresh since it's been a while! (Sorry for the hiatus, I had to go to the toilet!)

I listened to a lot of Vol.1 when it was released but due to full-time work kicking into place I stopped virtually all podcast listening but recently had some time and caught up with certain episodes. I listened to a good 5 or 6 the other night! Being reminded of what I was missing I liked the Facebook page and re-joined the community (since I don't use Twitter) on here. My contributions will be intermittent but will show my support where I can.

The website looks amazing and the podcast is equally as entertaining and insightful. Today Vice released an article that uses better adjectives and sums up the podcast better than I can. So, good work guys! :)

-A fan.
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by ratsoalbion »

Wow, welcome back along! And thanks for the kind words too :)

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by goatsnake »

Hallo folks.

I've been listening to Cane and Rinse for at least a couple of years now (and Sound of Play more recently of course) and, after signing up quite some time ago, finally decided to drop by and say hello. I figured now was as good a time as any with E3 just around the corner.

Games-wise, I mainly enjoy exploring fantastic environments, ordering little turn-based dudes around, and first person shooting - though I enjoy most genres that aren't beat 'em ups, sports sims or MMOs. I do most of my gaming on a PC nowadays but I only use a mouse and keyboard when absolutely necessary. I'm currently playing Battlefield 4, Dark Souls, South Park: The Stick of Truth, and Fire Emblem: Awakening.

Anyway, I look forward to getting involved with the community - or at the very least lurking attentively!
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by seansthomas »

Hi all, name is Sean.

Found C&R via listening to a great end of year round up on Midnight Resistance and wondering who these other guests were. Have been working my way through the backlog ever since for well over a year now via Podcast Addict on Android. Brilliant show and always of a crazily high, consistent standard.

Have been a gamer for years, so have endured the lows of Acorn Electrons and Atari 2600s as much as the greats. Rough owner history (machines I picked up after their pinnacle in brackets) is: Atari 2600, Acorn Electron, Sega Master System, (Amstrad 464), Amiga 600, (Sega Mega Drive), Ps1, (N64), Ps2, iMac, Wii, (Xbox360), Wii U

Hope to catch one of the MK8 gamer nights one day when I'm not busy with the little one! Thanks for hosting such a great show and community...
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by ratsoalbion »

Welcome welcome, and thanks for the kind words.
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by fieldy »

Hello there!

I've only just found this thread after already posting in a few other threads but I thought I'd introduce myself properly.

I'm Richard from London, I'm ashamed to say I only really found the cane and rinse podcast at the tail end of last year but have been an avid listener since. The podcast stands out to me as one of the best gaming podcasts around I love the idea of having one game per episode and giving it some in depth analysis. This moved me to join other like minded people and get involved in the community.

To give you some idea of my gaming past I have been playing games most of my life and enjoy almost every type of genre, I was known among my friends for being something of a specialist in odd Japanese rhythm games indeed I count the original Rhythm Tengoku and Ouendan! among my favorite games of all time. Right now however I am playing through Fire Emblem Awakening and The new Shantae game.

I look forward to contributing and thanks for having me :)
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by ratsoalbion »

You're very welcome, and it sounds like you'll fit right in.
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