Improving fighting game defence

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Improving fighting game defence

Post by magicjoef »

I've playing some Street Fighter IV and Injustice and have focused in on a couple of characters. I'm finally getting the hang of some combos and timing my attacks, but I find defending really hard. Often getting rushed or cheesed by someone using a very effective attack. I've heard of things like 'breaking out' of combos, so I'm guessing I need to be doing more than just frantically trying to press back??

Is there a good way to practice, or is it just taking my lumps until I start improving!?

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Re: Improving fighting game defence

Post by Flabyo »

Defence in Injustice is quite different to defence in Street Fighter 4 unfortunately.

If you have the time, read this free ebook from

The best advice I can give is to watch twitch streams of fighting game tournaments. My game improved massively just from watching people who know what they're doing playing.

The big mental barrier to get over is that you need to be blocking way more when you play humans than you need to against the CPU. And not jumping anywhere near as much as you think you should be.
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Re: Improving fighting game defence

Post by magicjoef »

That ebook looks great, I've put it on my iPad to work my way through, thanks!

Yeah, I watched a few evo fights a while back, but I didn't even know as little as I do now :oops: I'll go back and check out some YouTube channels :)
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Re: Improving fighting game defence

Post by DomsBeard »

Youtube and twitch is great. The main thing is playing against other humans is the only way to prepare, CPU is a waste.
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