The "Introduce yourself" thread

This is the place where you can conflab about all the other stuff besides videogames

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by zen_anarchy »

Hi I've been listening to quite a few of the Cane and Rinse podcasts for the past few weeks and enjoyed the long in depth conversations about some of the more interesting games ever made, so I thought I would sign up.

I generally play games as a hobby and have no ties to the gaming industry or gaming scene, I have been playing games for around 30 years and don't have a specific genre or system that I favour over others (although I do have much love for the dreamcast era of video gaming and a lot of the perfect arcade ports it enabled people to play for the first time at home).

I am currently playing through a bunch of games from daggerfall on dosbox to Gunblade/LA machine guns on the wii.

This year of playing games so far I have managed to play through all of the souls series of games after picking them up at release and then giving up on them due to being initially overwhelmed by the challenge. It was Bloodborne that taught me how to play the souls series (I think the lack of shields helped me to grasp the play mechanics), and after completing Bloodborne wanting more of the same type of challenge I directly jumped into Darksouls 2 and so on. I basically played the entire souls series in reverse and managed to finish all of them culminating in myself buying a ps3 for the second time just to play through demons souls.

I also really enjoy some of the games created in eastern Europe and Russia with the stalker (I refuse to put in the stops) series being a personal favourite along with the out put from the Ice Pick Lodge studio with both pathologic and the void being two of the more interesting games made in the past few years although with not total success both games have interesting design choices and mechanics.

As for systems I own a gaming pc, ps2/3/4, wii u, and various retro stuff neo-geo aes ,n64,dreamcast and so on

What I find most interesting in games is the times when developers have taken the opposite path to current trends and have made games that truly stand out and either through design and art or though play mechanics, I would rather play a game that tries to change current conventions and fails than something that is highly polished but stays safe in its goals (giving me an opportunity to mention "omikron the nomad soul" as a noble failure).

anyhow hello and mgs 5 should be ready to play just about now.
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by JaySevenZero »

Welcome zen, thanks for signing up to our forum!
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by gallo_pinto »

Hey guys!

Similar to the last several posters, I also recently discovered the podcast. It's a very welcome addition to my podcast line-up and I really appreciate the book-club style and how in-depth you all go on each game.

I'm a middle school teacher and while I live in Singapore at the moment, I'll be moving to Nicaragua soon to teach English. I've been playing video games since I was a kid and the N64 was my formative console. I own a PS3 and a Wii (still haven't made the jump to the current generation), but because I spend a lot of time on buses and trains, I do most of my gaming on my Vita and 3DS.
KSubzero1000 wrote: I usually tend to stay away from discussion boards in general due to the lack of... conversational etiquette, but this place looks relatively civilized so I thought I'd register and give it a shot.
I'm in the same boat as KSubzero in that I almost never post on discussion boards, but this group seems like a real nice lot.

Nice to meet you all.
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by JaySevenZero »

And nice to meet you too gallo! :)
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by brutaldeluxe09 »

Hey everybody,

I've been lurking in and out of the forum occasionally but have not introduced myself yet so here I am, my name is James and I am the brother of Cane & Rinse' very own dezm0nd.

I've been playing games on and off since the days of ZX and although I fell away from it almost entirely for long period of time during what can only now in retrospect be described as my wilderness years, I'm back in to it thanks to the introduction of Steam one christmas not long ago by Darren.

I've listened to almost every episode of the podcast now and am looking forward to plenty more.

Good work chaps!

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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by ratsoalbion »

Any brother of Gargette's is a brother of ours!
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by JaySevenZero »

brutaldeluxe09 wrote:I've been lurking in and out of the forum occasionally but have not introduced myself yet so here I am, my name is James and I am the brother of Cane & Rinse' very own dezm0nd.
Shit! You mean there's more than one of them?! Quick run to the hills! ;)
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by AlexMaskill »

Hi all, long-time listener, figured I'd say hi! I'm a relative young 'un (a mere twenty-three), I've been involved in games since I was very young and in the real world I'm a recent CS grad, author and amateur game designer.

I'm currently making my way through all the Metal Gear games in sequence, including Ghost Babel just because I love it. I'm currently stuck into the MGS:PW grind, and enjoying every second.

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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by ratsoalbion »

Welcome along, Alex.

I kinda feel bad in retrospect that we didn't officially include Ghost Babel in our MG series of podcasts.
Who knows? Perhaps some day we'll rectify that!
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by AlexMaskill »

ratsoalbion wrote:Welcome along, Alex.

I kinda feel bad in retrospect that we didn't officially include Ghost Babel in our MG series of podcasts.
Who knows? Perhaps some day we'll rectify that!
Just via not having had a TV of my own, a very large chunk of my earlier gaming memories are of handheld games, and if you're ever looking into more of those that would be one of my suggestions.
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by JaySevenZero »

Welcome Alex!
ratsoalbion wrote:I kinda feel bad in retrospect that we didn't officially include Ghost Babel in our MG series of podcasts.
Who knows? Perhaps some day we'll rectify that!
Perhaps, although at the time it made sense since Babel kinda sits outside the main cannon to a degree (with the only reference to it being during the Colonel's rambling towards the end of MGS2). However, it does appear to be available via emulation these days so perhaps it'll be a fun one to throw out there sometime.
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by Indiana747 »

A very warm welcome to any new members. I think you'll find this place to be one of the friendliest, most respectful communities on the tinternet.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by martymcfly3004 »

Hi All,

I have been listening to - and enjoying - the podcast for about a month now after reading an article online that recommended you, although I can't remember the publication now. I thought it was about time that I checked out the forums as I like having long and boring discussions about video games, much to the disgust of everyone around me :-)

I have been playing games since my dad introduced me to Jet Set Willy on the Amstrad about 25 years ago and have been a bit of an addict every since. I pretty much like all genres, and like the diverse approach of the podcast episodes. My now 70 year old dad still plays too and has recently played through FarCry 4 on th PS4!

To give you an idea about me, i'm currently working my way through 'Shin Megami Tensei 4' on the 3DS (not as good as Persona 4 imo but still ok), 'LIttle Big Planet 3' on the PS4, 'Demon's Souls' on the PS3 and trying to push myself into completing 'The Last of Us' after losing a bit of momemtum on it.

I'm also a bit of a retro addict and have recently gone back to the original Syndicate as my inability to beat it when I was younger still bothers me to this day.

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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by ratsoalbion »

Welcome along!

Great to hear that your dad is still gaming at 70 too.
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by Suits »

Long time listener, long time lurker :geek: .

Promised myself I'd not get into forums again but had to sign up as the content here is just too juicy.

Child of 1984, got my first console at my 7th Christmas which was a Sega Master System II.

Missed the early Atari/Commodore era personally (age) but I have fond memories of sitting crossing legged, promising not to touch anything and just watching my older cousins load tapes, lol.

Love games, love them. Listening to people describe why they liked something is always interesting and listening to why they disliked something is often enlightening. Will play anything generally but my staple constant is every Pro Evo ever made, Doom, Champ 97/98, Flashback, Minecraft and anything on the Mega Drive or GameBoy.

Gaming to me is something I want to get engrossed in, loose time in, not necessarily always master, just something I can slip away into and enjoy.

I have crates and crates of games, from Master System, SNES box's, all the way to AVP2 on the PC.

My wife allows me to keep a few of my trophies in the front room under the stairs, as well as a few of lasts gens collectors editions - that I used to collect but have since curbed due to lack of space to store them. I do still get the special editions that mean things to me, like Fallout 4, Destiny etc.... just not every one that is released anymore.

Currently playing my Xbox One, Wii U and 3DS-XL

Anyway, just thought I'd say hi, as I drive a lot for work and your fantastic podcast (come on season 5 !!) keeps me focused and eager for more, great job guys !!

Couple of bits that haven't been pushed out to the garage just yet.....



And I just had to get this.....

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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by Alex79 »

Nice set up!
Ghost World

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by Ghost World »

Good to have you aboard Suits

I always enjoy seeing people setups, I used to have my gaming memorabilia all over my house but the introduction of kids soon put paid to that! Luckily I like soft toys and dressing in little princesses outfits ;-)
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by JaySevenZero »

A big hello and welcome to those of you who are new to these waters!
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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by ratsoalbion »

What those guys said! ^^

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Post by MagicianArcana »

Hello! I just realized that I've been posting here on the forums for a bit but I had yet to introduce myself.

I started listening to the Cane and Rinse podcast because I really like in-depth discussions on games. Since it's a medium I'm passionate about I always like analyzing games to figure out what makes them so special to me.

As an aspiring game developer/designer I find that the discussions on Cane and Rinse offer some really great insight. I'm currently working as a software developer and in my free time I continue to work towards my goal of doing game development for a living by making games at home. But I have yet to release a game because I only recently started working on my first one.

I've been playing video games since I was about 3 years old. My grandfather gave me his NES along with his library of games for my birthday one year when he got a Super Nintendo. So I started gaming with games like Mario, Zelda, Crystalis, Castlevania, and Final Fantasy.

I grew up playing mostly Nintendo games until the PS2 came out and I became obsessed with JRPGs. Kingdom Hearts and Dark Cloud got me into that genre. Then I started playing the Tales series, Shin Megami Tensei, and Wild Arms.

Tales of is still my all time favorite series, with Tales of the Abyss being my favorite game.

While JRPG is my favorite genre, I really do like all types of games. I love point and click adventure games like Hotel Dusk and action/beat em up games like Anarchy Reigns. I also love World of Warcraft and I've been playing that game since 2005.

Video games are unique from other artistic media and I find it fascinating how they have a potential to impact us in ways movies and books can't. I'm not trying to say games are superior, what I am trying to say is that I think it's a medium that's generally misunderstood by people who don't play games. So I feel it's important to have in depth discussions and explore how games can offer enriching experiences. I don't normally get the chance to do that in real life so that's pretty much why I joined this community. To talk with people who are passionate about video games for reasons similar to my own. :)
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