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Star Wars

Post by ratsoalbion »

I thought perhaps this particular event movie should have its own thread.

Please, please be mindful of spoilers, folks - especially if you're one of those who is going to see it early in its run.
Use the "
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" tags above for anything that could be considered even vaguely sensitive.

I'm going on Saturday (20:45) and I am looking forward to it. My intention is to go in without having read a single review or impression, so while I have created this thread I may not be back in it until Sunday.
Lego Solo

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by Lego Solo »

I booked mine and a friends tickets the day they were available for Sat at 17:05. We had planned to see it on release day at an IMAX but I got a new job so couldn't make that.

I'm the same as you Leon, I'm on full lockdown. I want to go in as blind as possible. So for the next few days the Internet is going to be sparsely used in case of the inventible spoilers that'll be floating around.

Haven't been this excited for a film in years.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by Beck »

I have tickets to see the film in 5 hours, super excited :)
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by macstat »

Im going on Friday noon, when movie theater is nice and empty ;) Thank god for flexible working hours.

ALso are you guys going to see 2d or 3d version ?
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by ratsoalbion »

2D; my brain and eyes don't see 3D, my girlfriend has the same issue.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by Beck »

I can see 3D but don't bother as I get terrible headaches shortly after the film ends.

The force awakens is amazing:)

We went to see it last night and were surprised to see at least 500 people at the cinema. From what I can tell everyone seemed to be smiling on the way out.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by mikeleddy83 »

Looking forward to this but it'll have to wait until next week. I'm not great with packed out cinemas for some strange reason but I put myself through the hunger games to get some company for this one so it'd best be worth it.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by DomsBeard »

Saw it at Midnight last night. Loved it. Just stay off the internet till you see it as it has way too many things to be spoiled


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Luke Skywalker being cleared up in the opening credits, I loved that. Daisy Ridley was amazing, BB8 was fun. Harrison Ford was phoning it in a little but his death was pretty brutal even though you knew it was coming. Hamill looked superb and I'm glad they left it there. Kylo Ren (who I think will be a different kettle of fish in VIII and be a Darth
Slight Negatives not really negatives but

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Carrie Fisher can't act, thought Finn was trying a bit too hard at points. Thought Serkis's character was a bit Gollumesque
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by KissMammal »

I'm seeing it tonight.

I'm a bit cautious, as I strongly disliked Abram's previous two movies (Super 8 and Star Trek Into Darkness), and am worried that TFA will be chock-full of the things that plagued them (messy and uneven plotting, nonsensical plot twists, thoroughly unearned dramatic moments, over-reliance on nostalgia and recycling/calling back to moments from much better films and distracting/annoying levels of fan-service). I'm also very aware that yes, it's getting rave reviews, but I think it would have in any case as people are willing to overlook any number of flaws so long as its not as bad as the prequels.

Literally everything we've seen so far from this one is just something lifted from the originals, and I was very dismayed to learn that the plot apparently revolves around yet another
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Death Star
. Say what you want about the prequels (and I honestly think they're terrible films overall), but at least they had their own aesthetic that was pleasingly distinct from the originals (despite everything being rendered in such a sterile, greenscreen way, I actually think there's a lot of wonderful design work in those movies, especially things like the gorgeously retro yellow and chrome starships, and Darth Maul).

On the plus side, the cast of this thing is flat-out amazing. John Boyega, Domhnall Gleeson, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac... it's like they assembled a cast based on my personal favourite actors from my favourite films and TV shows of the last five years, so at least that bodes well. And, being generous, from the trailers it does very much looks like they've recaptured something of the tactile charm and excitement of the originals. It looks fun, which a Star Wars film should.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by KissMammal »

I found it to be a real mixed bag.

I really, really loved the cast, the characters, the music, the humour and the tone, and while the first half of the film is generally fantastic and there are superb moments throughout, I think the story taken as a whole is a bit of a mess. There's a rough, sloppy quality to some of the storytelling, some very daft plot developments and (in my opinion) evidence of a lot of rewriting (for example I'm 99% certain that there was a reveal about a certain character in a previous draft of the script until the filmmakers changed their minds at the last minute). As could be expected, there's a lot of fairly heavy-handed references to previous Star Wars films, and while this worked in the context of the cinema, where every single nod and returning character was met with whoops and cheers from the audience, it might get a bit old on a later rewatch.

I don't think I've been as conflicted about a film in a while. Lots to like, lots that is a bit groanworthy.

Very entertaining though, well worth seeing. It goes without saying that it's the best entry in the series since Return of the Jedi, but by no means is it a classic either.

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by Todinho »

Just saw it and I completely agree KissMammal it was a mixed bag I thought that the movie was really fun but it had more then a share of problems that bogged it down,I think that it felt really rushed to be honest we had very little time with the characters just to get wisked to the next big action scene,so alot of stuff didnt felt earned in my opinion.Another problem I had was that too much of this film felt too familiar and at the same time this was the first time watching a Star Wars movie that I felt I needed to read a book or a primer before watching I mean I dont wanna a Kojima monologue to explain all that's happening but c'mon 10 minutes to really estabilish the world wouldnt hurt either. The two leads and BB-88 were really good though great choices for protagonists both,I just wanted to see more development on them but Im sure were a gonna get that on future movies.

Also about the antagonists:
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These are the worst antagonists a Star Wars movie ever had,Kylo Ren was a pissy boy with daddy issues that reminded me of Hayden Christen and that is not good,I get the story arc they are going and I wouldnt have a problem if the other villains made up the slack but they dont,Brienne literally doesnt do anything in the movie you could cut her character entirely and you would lose nothing,the general guy felt like another crybaby wanting to be the leader's favorite and meanwhile this supreme leader was really meh,first off the name "Snoke" is horrible whoever came up with that name should be fired and second he just isnt menacing and since Kylo Ren after the first 10 minutes isnt menacing either we have a bunch of bad guys that are kinda shitty,and I could really buy into that if they were the underdogs now with the Republic being much bigger and them being this remmant trying to stir up trouble but obviously a shadow of their former selfs,but at the same time they have planet destroying weapons(that make no sense by the way even by Star Wars standards) and are talked up to be this great force in the galaxy,but nothing of the politics is very well estabilished either so...
Overall way better then the prequels but way bellow then the originals,on that note kind of a bummer that the Trawn trilogy had to be uncannonized because of it.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by Beck »

on that note kind of a bummer that the Trawn trilogy had to be uncannonized because of it.
I don't think the old extended universe stuff can be cannon anymore, how would that work? I can't think of one possible way that would float. Do you continue with the extended universe and expect the viewers to read it? That was one of Lucas biggest mistakes with the prequels.

I like the fact that the old extended universe material is there for reference and I fully expect more of it to appear in some sort of form in the next films.
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I totally disagree with you on the Kylo Ren part, I found him engaging and cagey. Clearly gifted but also conflicted and emotionally unpredictable. Isn't that what a Sith is supposed to be? If anything that's the one thing Hayden Christen got right.

I went to see the film again today with some friends, I picked up on several things that I didn't on the first viewing.

The guy with the map seems to know Luke and is aware of Kylo Ren and what he's done. Who is he?

I suspect Rey is an old pupil of Luke's, maybe a relation. I believe he has taken her memories but she is tapping into them. I also believe that Han and Leah know who she is.
During the scene in the falcon when Han is explaining the force and that Luke went looking for an artifact she instantly knows it's name.
Also when Kylo Ren is in Reys head he mentions that he can see an ocean with an island. Luke is found on a little island in the ocean.

The flashback with the sabre has a lot going on, apart from the visuals i struggled to make sense of it. I heard yodas voice this time but couldn't make out what he was saying.

When fighting Kylo Ren, Rey is getting her ass kicked when he offers to train her to use the force, that reminds her of what the little alien lass said, "close your eyes to feel the force". Rey does and then composes her self, I thought that was cool.

I'd really like to know what the condition for R2D2 to wake up was as I don't get it. Rays awakening? How would he detect that ?

Sorry that turned into a blurb of observations haha
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by macstat »

Seeing your opinions guys, Im really interested on what you're thinking about original trilogy
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especially episode IV since TFA is basically a new hope in both symbolism and what are basically same scenes, just refreshed
I enjoyed my time in movie theater but at the same time its really hard to judge TWA since its clearly not finished. Both plot and characters will develop in next two movies so its still up in the air whether its going to be amazing or flop.
Beck wrote:I don't think the old extended universe stuff can be cannon anymore, how would that work?
Lucas said it some time ago that expanded universe after original trilogy is no longer considered a cannon.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by Beck »

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I'm not sure I buy this Episode VII is a remake of Episode IV argument. I was a bit disappointed with another Death Star being the big bad. That being said episode VII makes references to all of the original trilogy and you could argue that it's a mixture of all 3.

Just to list some examples off the top of my head

A hard working youngster longs to leave a desert planet and gets caught up in a huge adventure after finding a droid. Their ship gets caught in a tractor beam and they are captured.

A cocky space pilot is tortured by a Sith Lord.
A force user is shown the true power of the opposing side of the force and is left in a desperate position. Our Jedi heads out to be trained by a Jedi master.

A Death Star is active and has a sheild round it's one weakness. The shield needs to be blown up so a team is sent to do it. One team member is reluctant to go but does so against his gut feelings to challenge a family member.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by macstat »

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I cant say i agree on both points you're making.

First the death star. It was never a big bad. Not in original trilogy and not here. Its "just" a showpiece, a tool to setup cool space-fights, an obstacle for main characters on their road to true goal. Remember that this movie isn't about defeating DS but its a search for Skywalker, and big bad is still mostly unknown to us. By the way, this is first death star that actually destroys star :D

Second: similarities. Yes, of course it takes chunks from all three movies, but episode IV is main focus. For example summing up first 40 minutes in one sentence is simplifying it a bit, because its just full with. In beginning you have new empire chasing new rebellion who are in possession of secret plans. Then we have little r2-like droid who escapes with those plans, and lovely scenes of him rolling through a desert. Or think about scenes when they escape desert planet ? Its basically Abrams telling us "remember when Millennium Falcon escaped empire in Mos Eisley ? Well look how it could look like with better tech." Scenes rebellion like briefing also resemble Yavin 4 and scene with Finn and Poe looks basically like Luke's and Biggs reunion. Another example is battle on Starkiller Base, which as you pointed out is very similar to battle of Endor. But at the same time its princess rescue from episode 4(it even had trash compactor throwback ;) ).

Also we dont know if Rey is going to be trained by jedi master. I have strong feeling that Luke is going to be a little bit on the darker side than the last time ;)
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by Beck »

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You're right I wrote that last post in rush before work ;).

Big bad is a poor choice of label, I was only referring to this film, not all 3 of the sequels. In episode IV the bad guy is the empire and its weapon / base the Death Star. I am disappointed that another weapon/ base was chosen as the objective in this film.

I can see your points about the start of the film being similar to episode IV, I still see the final third as more of episode VI. We could probably run right through VII several times and find different comparisons to all of the films. I'm still thinking of them as I type this out haha.

Some people might not like the comparisons in this film to the others, I do. I wish there had been less of the nods and more of the film defining its own path because the parts that weren't taken from the old films were great. This one got the series going again but I really hope they don't follow the same path in the next two.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by macstat »

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Ok i can see your point of View :) Maybe it just didn't bother me as much because i kinda wanted to see more of the same but in more modern package :)
also how silly this conversation looks when there's nothing besides "spolier" button ;)
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by Beck »

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Haha totally

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by Todinho »

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I joked on twitter that this movie is JJ Abrams remake of a New Hope,and it is more superficially then thematically but let's be honest if this wasnt a Star Wars movie but followed the same plot everybody would be calling it a shameless rip-off of a new hope,that's why the fact that people are saying that this is better then Jedi or any of the original trilogy is baffling to me to be honest.
The real problem I had with the movie were really the villains and the fact that it doesnt explains anything to you,in a New Hope the entire point of the film is to destroy the Death Star it starts with rebels running with the plans capable of destroying it,we see it's destructive power,run from it and come back and destroy it. It's properly estabilished and it works as a symbol of power of the empire,here Starkiller is something introduced with no build up at all halfway through the movie with almost no explanation,I mean think about it the Empire at the height of their power and opulence built the Death Star but now 30 years later this remmant can literally Hollow out a planet and make a super Death Star?Are they a continuation of the Empire then that never weakened?What`s the Republic and the resistance to them?Why they are led by a bunch of 12 year olds?None of this is properly explained,at the start of a new Hope all of this is properly estabilished in the first scene but here it isnt,it just feels like J.J wanting to have a Biggerer and Betterer Death Star for a set piece I mean c`mon a character even goes to say "Sorry general but this is way worse then the Death Star ever was" in Return of the Jedi they reused the Death Star but it served a purpose it had a twist to it you thought it was gonna be the same think as a New Hope but it wasnt,here the only twist with the thing is that it can destroy more planets now. What I mourn about the Trawn trilogy not being cannon anymore is that Trawn is my favorite star wars villain in anything,he isnt a Sith or poses any kinda of phisical threat,he's was just a calm,collected cunning strategist that always had a plan,that was really the underdog in the story he led the imperial remmnats and only thanks to his leadership they were able to remain a threat and seeing him being wiped out so that we can have General Hux and a redo of the Death Star again is disappointing,I dont even object to Kylo Ren being this fuck up I kinda of like it that he's a Darth Vader fanboy but none of the other villains can sustaint he movie once we no longer see him as a credible threat,man Im coming across really negative...on a bright side I really liked the visual design of the villains
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Post by DomsBeard »

Seen it for a second time today.

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Rey is a Skywalker that's why R2 woke up
99% sure
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Daniel Craig is the storm trooper who unlocks Rey and drops his pistol. I listened out and pretty sure it's his voice
Re Hux
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I don't think he's pointless. You could level that argument with Peter Cushion and Grand Moff Tarkin
Great film I think. If you go in wanting to pick fault you can easily but I'm loving it for the amazing cinema piece it is :)
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