Guilty pleasure games

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Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by ratsoalbion »

Oh haha my bad :)

Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by Todinho »

Borderlands1&2,the gamming community in general loves these games so nobody will call me out if say i like them but i feel bad for liking these games,they have everything I dislike in games:MMO style quests,repetitive combat,poor narrative and a loothunting focus.Yet for some reason I've dumped more than 30 hours in both of them,granted than the sequel greatly improves on the first one but still I dont know what makes them so appeling to me,granted the characters are enjoyable if not really deep and the world is interesting but I still feel guilt of playing those games more than great titles like rock of ages and frozen synapse.

also if you're gonna include visual novel's in the game category I would put katawa shoujo in here is an actually good game/novel/interactive fiction(?) with great characters that pull in to the story and I was honestly impressed with the result of a project that started on 4chan if im not mistaken,but that didnt stop everyone I know from laughing at me once I told them this but there you have it.
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Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by ratsoalbion »

Custer's Revenge :oops:
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Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by FollowMyRuin »

ratsoalbion wrote:Custer's Revenge :oops:
...truly A seminal game...

Seminal Adjective
1) (of a work, event, moment, or figure) Strongly influencing later developments.
2) Of, relating to, or denoting semen.
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Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by macstat »

My guilty pleasure is every Call of Duty single player campaign. I still haven't played a single multiplayer game, yet besides last two i own every single one ;)
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Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by Flabyo »

Insert something about Dynasty Warriors here.

Although I don't really believe in 'guilty pleasures' as a concept. If I enjoy something that's legal, I'm sure as hell not going to feel guilty about it, hehe.

Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by MagicianArcana »

I also don't really believe in guilty pleasures. You shouldn't be embarrassed for enjoying something. Once I started to embrace the stuff I love, I became a much happier person.

That being said, I suppose I have a few games that could be considered "guilty pleasures" by some. Games that I like that are generally disliked by the gaming community.

Sonic 06: I really liked how it felt like a spiritual successor to the Dreamcast Adventure games with its hub world and overlapping story modes. The story isn't good, but I enjoy the gameplay. I thought that the controls were tight for controlling Sonic and Shadow on foot. The game has some infuriating and boring parts because I know it's an unfinished and buggy game, but I enjoyed it as a whole. (I didn't enjoy playing as Silver, and I also disliked having to use vehicles on occasion as Shadow) When I first got it, I played it for 6 straight hours to complete Sonic's story because I was having so much fun. I lost track of time. When I saw the credits scroll I looked at the clock and was kinda shocked at how much time I spent on that game the day I bought it lol

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5: I don't think it's as great as the original Pro Skater games, but I still think it's a solid game judging it on its own merits.

Silent Hill Downpour: This one is definitely my second favorite in the series. (My favorite being Silent Hill 2) I much prefer the Silent Hill games that are about personal stories and internal struggles rather than the order, the birth of a god, and some really large scale stuff. I think the plot of Downpour is the strongest in the series. The technical issues and the somewhat clunky controls weren't enough to keep me from enjoying this game. It's a shame the series pretty much had to come to an end after this game.
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Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by macstat »

I guess we should start discussing ethics of playing Custer's Revenge ;)

Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by MagicianArcana »

macstat wrote:I guess we should start discussing ethics of playing Custer's Revenge ;)
Ok you have a point lol if someone enjoys playing Custer's Revenge, I can see why they would be embarrassed to admit it.

But I think that in most cases, people shouldn't be embarrassed to admit it when they like a universally hated game. Everyone has different tastes.

Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by zen_anarchy »

Got to play quite a bit of Devils Third over Christmas and highly enjoyed it even though it reviewed badly and even Nintendo pretend that it doesn't exist as one of their own releases.

I can see the problems, wavering frame rates and loads of bugs and glitches. But there is something about the gameplay that draws me back, at its core you can feel some of elements of past Team ninja glory.

And the dialogue is sublime.
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Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by Sean »

zen_anarchy wrote:Got to play quite a bit of Devils Third over Christmas and highly enjoyed it even though it reviewed badly and even Nintendo pretend that it doesn't exist as one of their own releases.

I can see the problems, wavering frame rates and loads of bugs and glitches. But there is something about the gameplay that draws me back, at its core you can feel some of elements of past Team ninja glory.

And the dialogue is sublime.
Can't lie, there's definitely a part of me that wants to play this because I think I might enjoy it on a real dumb level.

Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by zen_anarchy »

Sean wrote:
zen_anarchy wrote:Got to play quite a bit of Devils Third over Christmas and highly enjoyed it even though it reviewed badly and even Nintendo pretend that it doesn't exist as one of their own releases.

I can see the problems, wavering frame rates and loads of bugs and glitches. But there is something about the gameplay that draws me back, at its core you can feel some of elements of past Team ninja glory.

And the dialogue is sublime.
Can't lie, there's definitely a part of me that wants to play this because I think I might enjoy it on a real dumb level.
It's good, just not sure its full price worth good. I managed to play it because a friend of mine showed interest in it but was put off buying it because of the negative reaction to it, I bought it him for Christmas when I saw the price drop to 17 quid on black Friday amazon sale.

he brought it round to mine over Christmas to play

So far my friend loves it he has even been playing it online quite a bit

Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by Dixxxaster »

Does John Woo's Stranglehold count? I spent hours cycling through all of the different death animations (first game I played with a specific nut shot death sequence). Even though it was received fairly well received, seeing someone breathlessly scream from being shot in the sweet meats while doves circled Chow Yun Fat definitely made this fall into "guilty pleasure" territory.
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Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by James »

Dixxxaster wrote:Does John Woo's Stranglehold count?
I think any game counts so long as you feel that your playing of it requires explanation. :)

Stranglehold is definitely a game that I'd count as a guilty pleasure; it wasn't horribly thought of at release, but it did garner a reputation as a bit of a stinker (or at least a "cash-in licensed game") in the couple of years after release. I remember enjoying it quite a bit, despite some big difficulty spikes and decidedly frustrating sections, and would love to cover it on the podcast one day. :D

Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by Dixxxaster »

iwatttfodiwwfa wrote:
Dixxxaster wrote:Does John Woo's Stranglehold count?
I think any game counts so long as you feel that your playing of it requires explanation. :)
Well that's good to know! It's the kind of game that would be great to see on Games with Gold or a similar service - perfect for powering through on an otherwise wasted weekend. And yes, a podcast on it would be top notch! I think there are real similarities between it and parts of Sleeping Dogs that would be cool to see discussed.
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Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by InsrtCoins »

Dixxxaster wrote:
iwatttfodiwwfa wrote:
Dixxxaster wrote:Does John Woo's Stranglehold count?
I think any game counts so long as you feel that your playing of it requires explanation. :)
Well that's good to know! It's the kind of game that would be great to see on Games with Gold or a similar service - perfect for powering through on an otherwise wasted weekend. And yes, a podcast on it would be top notch! I think there are real similarities between it and parts of Sleeping Dogs that would be cool to see discussed.
I LOVE Stranglehold. I got way too much enjoyment out of pretty much turning it into Slow Motion Crotch Shooting Simulator.
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Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by macstat »

iwatttfodiwwfa wrote: I think any game counts so long as you feel that your playing of it requires explanation. :)
I really like that definition of guilty pleasure !

I feel that i need to explain why i like Assassins Creed games, especially since ones i liked the most are those that are usually least favorite.
My favorite is AC III thanks to arguably best parkour in AC series along with amazing animation.
I liked Unity more than Syndicate (again great reinvention of climbing mechanics and story had more purpose than its British younger brother/sister. It also helped that my playthrough was basically free from bugs and glitches that game will be remembered for.
Also AC Rogue was in my opinion better than Black Flag thanks to few tweaks in gameplay like tighter ship controls or new weapons.

Re: Guilty pleasure games

Post by Addman »

Revolution X is a game that I should dislike with every cell in my body, and yet I find myself replaying often. There's something ironically delicious about an Aerosmith game where they have you fighting against the man, while they're totally selling out with such an obvious cash grab. Am I broken?

However, there is a moment where Love In An Elevator plays while you're travelling in an elevator. Good times.
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