Independent Video Game Stores

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Independent Video Game Stores

Post by Sinclair Gregstrum »

I've started this thread as I've had some very sad news today.

My local and only independent video game store in Sheffield - the wonderful Playtime - is closing down. Run by passionate gamers for nearly 20 years and stocking everything from the latest releases to rare retro gems, it's been a regular stop on my mooches around the city centre since I moved here nearly 5 years ago.

The reason for it’s closure is a depressing and unavoidable one – the lease is up on the shop and the landlord is hiking up the rent since it was first signed all those years ago, so they've got no choice but to call it quits as while they do ok, they simply can’t absorb the new rates. Even worse, they have a sister store in Nottingham that is going to have to go too. Both stores obviously survive largely on people buying pre-owned games, and apparently most of Nottingham's stock comes from the trading done in Sheffield, so that pipeline will now dry up and they'll not have enough to sell to keep going.

This effectively heralds the end of bricks and mortar game shopping for me, which when I think back over the decades that I’ve spent visiting video game stores and the experiences I’ve had in them, makes me really quite sad. Yes online shopping is often cheaper (although Playtime’s prices were always pretty competitive), and digital is ‘The Future’ (so I’m told), but there’s nothing quite like handing over that box at the counter and walking home with a new game in hand. You also can’t match that thrill of finding something rare on the shelves, flicking through a rack of old tosh to discover a gem that you’ve always wanted and nabbing it for your very own.

So my C&R friends. Am I alone in lamenting the passing of indie game stores and gaming retail in general (I don’t go into Game – sorry if you work there!)? Did your local store close years ago and you’re further down the road to recovery than me? Or have you embraced the Digital Future and think I’m just being a big baby?

Also, who still has a great local store? Would make me happy to hear stories of other people’s thriving indies!

R.I.P. Playtime. You shall be missed :cry:

Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by kintaris »

That is really sad news. I didn't have a particular independent game store growing up but I did adore several independent bookshops in my area that are no more, so I'm familiar with that horrible sense that we're losing some physical connection to the things we love - even if we can still access them digitally.

In terms of high street retail, even GAME has shut down in my immediate home town (though it lost it's soul long before that - and I did work there!). Luckily we're hanging onto our CeX, which is actually not too bad. It's a chain, sure, but they stock a lot of odds and ends from gaming history alongside the usual tablets and phones. If you have one near you, it's probably the closest you're going to get to that same feeling. The staff aren't hugely nerdy about gaming, but they are at least well-versed on the last couple of gens and have a fairly broad range in terms of genre. They're all around 20 years old, so we can't really ask for more than that! I've racked up quite a lot of credit there, and now I'm just debating whether to blow it on lots of shiny new consoles and accessories or lots of really old ones...
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Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by Sinclair Gregstrum »

We do have a pretty sizeable CEX in Sheffy. It’s just not the same though! Games are only part of what they do vs the sea of DVDs and gadgets, and you get folks from all walks of life in there rather than just gaming folk so just doesn’t have that classic game store feel! I’ve also noticed their prices are pretty expensive these days. You can get many games new online for less than they charge used, but I totally get that they have a place and serve a purpose for many people. Always seems busy and staff have always been pleasant when I have bought though so good luck to them!

We do actually have a Grainger Games in Sheffield, but they’re still a chain with 60+ stores with prices in the same ballpark as Game (a little cheaper maybe) and nothing older than the last couple of gens, so no replacement for my beloved Playtime…

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Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by Michiel K »

Sad story! :'(

In the Netherlands and Belgium we've got the GAME MANIA chain. They're like GAME / Gamestop, but a bit more friendly and customer focused. You can usually still find a modest stock of Gamecube / PS2 / Xbox software in each store.

Independent stores can be found in the larger cities, but almost all are really 'retro gaming' oriented, which is fine by me. I used to hate Game Over? in the heart of Amsterdam, thinking their prices were way too expensive, but that's because I was used to picking up carts in random second hand outlets for a couple of bucks. Nowadays, the market has caught up with them and their prices are actually quite reasonable.

They're still going strong. I was there a week ago, to sell off my Saturn copy of Waku Waku 7 and some other things and buy Silhouette Mirage instead.
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Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by Sean »

I have a relatively local game shop, but, unfortunately for them, there are literally 5 Gamestops in between them and my location, so, I don't go out there nearly as often as I'd like. It's not even that great of a store (just a tiny little room called The Video Game Cavern), but, it's something, at least.

Sorry to hear your store closed! I do miss brick+and+mortar rental shops.
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Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by mikeleddy83 »

Not sure if it's the same place but I loved this shop in Amsterdam, loads of cool stuff and a lovely talkative owner who helped me with my purchase in a way I'm not really used to (well). Really wish we had things like this around my neck of the woods.

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Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by dezm0nd »

I've worked in many indie stores running from the PS1 up until the PS3 generation and I loved every second of it. The PS2 era was golden and felt like a right community at the time.

It's very often that I walk round town and i'll get a few hello's from people who used to frequent me over the years. There's still a few knocking about and i'd recommend them over the big boys but only out of respect. Their business is suffering due to unfair wholesale prices and the digital age so try and support them as much as you can, when you can.

I've started buying used games again and I'll definitely be seeking out indie stores when I can. I almost opened my own shop at one point recently but soon realised that it'd be closed within a few years unless I did something drastically different to sustain it.

Who knows, maybe one day i'll find the secret sauce and do it but as of now, I don't have the cajones to do it.
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Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by Michiel K »

mikeleddy83 wrote: August 10th, 2017, 8:50 pm Not sure if it's the same place but I loved this shop in Amsterdam, loads of cool stuff and a lovely talkative owner who helped me with my purchase in a way I'm not really used to (well). Really wish we had things like this around my neck of the woods.

That's indeed the one! Cool you've been there!
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Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by KSubzero1000 »

I live in a fairly small town, and I think there is only one independent game store left around here. I don't even visit it anymore due to the unlikable staff. There used to be more, but most of them were forced to close or downsize over the years. It's a shame, I really like the cozy feeling of browsing through a classic section and finding the one gem you'd been looking for, much to your enthusiasm (and that of the friendly face behind the counter, of course). I was a proper regular at one of those ten years ago, and I still have pleasant memories of this place.

The realities of the current market are just making it really hard for these stores to stay afloat. And I suppose the fact that a GameStop came and forcefully erected itself in the middle of the city didn't help either. Not a fan of that dump at all - every time I'm there I have the dubious honor of witnessing the same smelly bearded weirdo with a nefarious gleam in his eyes offering a grand total of 5,50€ for a used copy of a week-old AAA game in mint condition off of some hopelessly outmatched mouth-breathing teenagers. Only to hit them with a tactical "Or you know, you could get 15€ in store credit if you would please fall prey to this deliciously enticing subscription con trick I conveniently have at my disposal all ready to go. Please sign on the dotted line and don't read the fine print, kid. And would you like to pre-order Scam of Duty while you're at it?" right afterwards. At least the Death Glare still works for whenever he tries to pull that shit on me.

On the positive side, there is a district with a really high density (over a dozen, all within walking distance from one another) of specialized game stores I like to visit whenever I'm in Paris. The prices are a bit steep, but the selection is just incredible. You can find almost anything you're looking for, and a lot more you weren't even looking for in the first place. Great (albeit expensive) way to spend an afternoon.

My favorite's probably this one, Maxxi Games (Not my video):

The ground floor is for current releases, and the entire basement is home to every classic software and hardware under the sun. Last time I was there, they had the hyper-rare Metroid-themed chinese iQue (for an obscene price, of course) in a display box. I then geeked out and had a really lengthy and pleasant conversation with the manager, only to be interrupted when his colleague decided to come down and (jokingly) give him a hard time about only selling obscure nonsense to elitist otakus. Cue the "Why don't you go back to selling season passes to your fat uneducated plebeians!"-type retort. Great stuff. Always a highlight.

Speaking of video game stores, there's also this gem:
Definitely worth a read if you ever have an evening to spare!

PS: The GameStop story might have been influenced by the current misanthropic mood of the author. Reader discretion advised.
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Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by Craig »

I'm from Newcastle so when I was a teenager Grainger Games was my indie game store. When I first went it was a small stall in the Grainger Market. We were well into the N64/PSX era, but they were still selling SNES games and I liked that.

Later they opened other branches and their prices would always be a fair bit cheaper than their rivals. They'd also sell American Gameboy/DS games, so I managed to pick up Pokemon Silver a good few months early, and would regularly break the street date on goods - I remember picking up Smash Brothers Melee a few days before I should have.

Now they've gone nationwide it feels a little strange. Especially after the embarrassing behaviour at some games conference (I think they were drunk and handing out condoms? I forget the specifics.)

Now I live in Japan and there are a handful of dedicated retro gaming stores as well as second hand everything stores (mostly cheap manga) and they're pretty amazing. When I visit I'm like a kid in a candy store, but nowadays I've had to restrict myself to a mostly "look, but don't touch" rule. I don't have the space or the cash to indulge! Still, they're fun to go to like a museum. I once found an old pre-famicom Nintendo pong clone in a dark corner of a market stuffed in a forgotten box!
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Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by Suits »

Indie Gameshops are a truly wonderful thing.

My local one is called The Retro Hunter and run by a really nice guy called Ali.

I go in there probably every other Sunday when me and mate do the usual Sunday morning meet up, grab a coffee and visit a few of the CeX stores in Essex looking for retro games and bargains. It's not always super fruitful but is great to meet up, have a chat about games and pick something up at least. Going to Ali’s is probably the highlight really, as it’s always pleasant.

The Retro Hunter is a small shop in Leigh-On-Sea that opened back in the Spring, he mainly deals in retro games but does have a few current gen items too. He's a trader at the London Gaming markets and has been in the game for a long time - he was going for a complete SNES PAL collection so knows a thing or two about collecting. He also has toys, board games and other old school stuff that is great to paw over and chat about.

I love going in there and chatting to him about what people bring in and what I'm looking for. A few times he's held things back for me when they come in as he knows I'm after them, so it’s super helpful.

I recently sorted through all my stuff and got together rather a lot of doubles of games and systems that I've accumulated over the years and ran them down to him for store credit. It allowed me to make some space and refine things, whilst filling his stocks too, which he’s always looking to do as stuff seems to be flying out – wonderful to hear.

I never buy from Game, I have my reasons and won’t bore people with them but always try and avoid getting anything from them.

Me and wife have often joked about setting up a little shop, with her currently on maternity and being a teacher, going back full time isn’t something she’s overly excited about at the moment and a joint, coffee shop/game trade shop would be wicked. It’s just not sustainable when you could run the exact service out of spare room with mail order and not have any of the expense – dreams though hey !!
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Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by Craig »

Retro game cafe - come in for a coffee and a game of Street Fighter 2.
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Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by Suits »

Craig wrote: August 11th, 2017, 10:35 am Retro game cafe - come in for a coffee and a game of Street Fighter 2.
Think of the possibilities ........
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Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by Michiel K »

Get some arcade cabs in there...
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Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by Flabyo »

You’d think a town like Guildford with all these game dev studios in it could support an indie game retailer.

But apparently not. There hasn’t been one here for as long as I’ve lived here at least, and that’s getting on for 15 years now.
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Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by Stanshall »

Suits, I think that's a fantastic idea. I'd love to head off this morning with a mate, grab a bacon buttie, pot of tea and play an hour of SNES. Lovely way to start the day and I'd do it if I had anywhere like that locally.
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Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by chase210 »

In Dublin there's one retro independent shop called The Rage, they're ok but its quite over priced and they only sell software up to PS3. On the other hand they have just opened a retro gaming themed pub called Token! It has arcade machines and stuff in it.

Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by Joshihatsumitsu »

I am currently in my third and last week in Japan, and I'll stock up a bit on games when I get back to Tokyo prior to the flight home.

And home is Australia. No, there are no independent game stores. There's The Gamesmen, a shop where I bought my Gameboy way, way back when I was a kid, and that it is still in business is a miracle.

But no. It's EB Games (GameStop) and... that's kinda it. Thank God for internet shopping and Japan.
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Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by AndrewBrown »

Portland has a lot of independent videogame stores, but for monetary reasons they mostly focus on retro videogames. Videogame Wizards used to be my store of choice, but—again, for monetary reasons—they've put most of their good stock online now. The best place to visit them all is the Portland Retro Game Convention every October, where a couple dozen stores from around the Pacific Northwest come to town and put out all kinds of games. Definitely worth a visit if you're in the area.

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Re: Independent Video Game Stores

Post by Suits »

Cool little thing happened to me today.

So, I was at a seminar today in Maidenhead, after the event had finished I was walking back too my car (contemplating the battle that was about to commence with the M25), when I thought I'd go check out the local CEX.

I knew there was one there, as I scoped it on my phone earlier during a coffee and Gold Bar break.

As I was walking to it, literally right opposite it, was an independent game shop called 24-7 Games. It had it's walls stacked with games from pretty much every console you'd expect and some that you wouldn't.

It had toys, games, plushies and loads of stuff, decent stuff, not the usual nonsense you see at Game. There were some moody bits mind. Bootleg Yoshi FTL but grubby Nintendo charms FTW.

The shelves were packed with second hand games, packed. Nothing gives me a feeling like the view of rows and rows of games on racks to be paw'd over. There were current-gen systems too and what looked like new games too so it catered for everything.

Not blessed with time I quickly scuttled over to the Nintendo section, they had a good selection of loose carts and a few boxed early carts - nothing stand out and nothing that I thought I should pick up mind. The only thing I looked at for more than a few seconds was a boxed Animaniacs on the SNES.

I nearly picked up a Donkey Kong Game & Watch but the box was bad, with no inserts or paperwork and a very scruffy looking G&W, so I skipped it.

What did make it a good day was that they had 11 GameCube games that I didn't have. 11. All complete in box and in good condition - same of the cases are in a very good condition, some of my best, so I grabbed them, I'm well pleased.

CEX had nothing I needed.

Anyway, independent game stores are awesome and was a wonderful surprise to stumble across.
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