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Post by JaySevenZero »

Here's where you can leave your thoughts regarding Rampage for possible inclusion in the podcast when it's recorded.

Re: 312: Rampage

Post by kintaris »

Quick question on this: what's the best way to play this on modern devices? Or the best emulation, at least.
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Re: 312: Rampage

Post by Flabyo »

MAME might probably be the only decent way, I don't know that it's appeared on any machines since the poor 8 and 16 bit home computer versions.

Is this likely to be around the time the movie releases by the way?
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Re: 312: Rampage

Post by KSubzero1000 »

Alternatively, the Midway Arcade Origins compilation of classic arcade titles, including this one, was released for PS3 and Xbox 360 and was recently added to the Xbox One backwards compatibility list.
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Re: 312: Rampage

Post by Michiel K »


I'll be revisiting Midway Arcade Treasures Vol. 1 and 2 (for World Tour) on the original Xbox for this one. But indeed there have been Midway compilations on more modern systems.
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Re: 312: Rampage

Post by Alex79 »

Come on guys, the Sega Master System version is surely the definitive (and the only one I've played :lol:)
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Re: 312: Rampage

Post by Michiel K »

It is a good version, no doubt. :)
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Re: 312: Rampage

Post by Suits »

I must be honest, the version that instantly springs to mind when discussion Rampage is the Master System version, it's also the only version that I've played too - glad I'm not alone on that :lol: .
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Re: 312: Rampage

Post by ratsoalbion »

Flabyo wrote: January 2nd, 2018, 8:15 am Is this likely to be around the time the movie releases by the way?
That’s the plan.
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Re: 312: Rampage

Post by Simonsloth »

I remember this game well from my childhood. One of my best friends at the time had this on his master system but it was the only game he wouldn’t let me play. I was fully aware that it was multiplayer but for some bizarre reason he forced me to watch him for hours on end and described it tantalisingly as the best game ever. Apparently it was incredibly intricate and complex and there were these hidden 3D levels that would blow my mind.

I didn’t get to play it until much later as part of a retro bundle when I realised that none of these things were true and I actually wasn’t missing that much.

It reminded me a lot of arcade cabinets I walked by as a nipper on family holidays longing to know what they offered only to find out that later in life they were mostly disappointments.

Playing it recently for the show I can only recommend it as a piece of history to fondly reminisce over but it only held my attention for a few button mashing minutes. Perhaps I’m still a little sore about not getting a turn when I was 8.

Re: 312: Rampage

Post by Joshihatsumitsu »

My main memories of Rampage were from my childhood (so they're may be some inaccuracies in recollection). It was the Sega Master System version, and at the time of was one of the few games I could complete at the time.

Going purely on recollection: I remember playing through the game with each character; I remember making my character bounce along out of the screen, only to reappear on the other side, still bouncing along; I remember always aiming to eat as many as the people as I could, and punching helicopters; and I remember, at the time liking it.

There's not really much else to say about it - it's basically an arcade game where you chase high scores, or experiment to test the boundaries of the game, which in Rampage's case didn't take long. As a kid, where replicating the arcade experience in the home was something to strive for in console ports, it felt appropriate for the time, and certainly met expectations.

But as time goes by, expectations inevitably shift, and while I'm sure I'd get some nostalgic joy out of revisiting the game, I don't think I'd find it as satisfying as I once did.

That being said, if I ever came across a Rampage arcade PCB for a decent price, I'd probably pick it up. It feels more at home in a cabinet, knocking down building with your friends right next to you. I think that's the way to play it, to get the most out of it.
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Re: 312: Rampage

Post by Spacefarer »

I also played Rampage in my childhood! Funny, that. It wasn't in the arcades, though, but on my PS2 as part of the Midway Arcade Treasures collection.

Not really much to say on it, other than it's decent fun. I imagine it shines when playing with friends, but even if you're just playing alone, it's nice to just wantonly batter down buildings and accidentally eat toasters while you're at it. What annoyed me most was only being able to play as George (correct me if I'm wrong), when I really wanted to play as Lizzie. After all, who doesn't want to pretend they're in a Harryhausen movie?*

The game does get old quickly, though, as I find with most arcade games. Still, worth a play if you can get some mates round.

*Spoiler: I wasn't really that sophisticated when I was a kid...
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Re: 312: Rampage

Post by Simonsloth »

A little off topic but did you deliberately time this to celebrate the release of the (sure to be brilliant) film
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Re: 312: Rampage

Post by ratsoalbion »

Sure did.

Re: 312: Rampage

Post by Joshihatsumitsu »

Boy, I cannot wait to not watch that movie!
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Re: 312: Rampage

Post by stvnorman »

This was a favourite for me and my two brothers, crowded around a 14” portable TV, first on the Spectrum then the Atari ST, mostly treating it as a very basic 3-player fighting game, once we’d argued about who had to be Lizzie because she was a girl. The Spectrum version was really impressive, with huge, detailed monster sprites and maybe a bit too much colour, whilst the ST was much closer to the arcade original, but both were great fun to play together. The original was included on the Lego Dimensions Midway Arcade pack, and this was the first time I’d ever played the arcade version, which feels good on a PS4 controller, and I think it’s simple premise, cartoony style and part-competitive, part-cooperative gameplay make it just as much fun today. All that said, it was never that much fun for long as a single player experience... unless you’re talking about the fantastic Atari 2600 variant, which I regularly play on my Atari Flashback Portable - as basic a version as could exist, though the city backdrop with the helicopters buzzing around in the distance are still intact!

Re: 312: Rampage

Post by nickturner13 »

Originally played this game in the arcades, my earliest memory was at some kind of Fun-House type situation... no idea where it was though. I think possibly in a bigger city like Manchester or Liverpool, it was definitely not anywhere in my home areas of rural Shropshire back then.

I distinctly remember wanting to spend my entire day playing this instead of running round the place that had ball pits and rope swings and all that kind of thing you're meant to find fun as a kid... I just wanted to smash up the buildings and the cars and eat the people in the windows! It was all such good fun and presented things that I'd never seen in a game before... finding games that do something genuinely new has always been a passion of mine and I guess, looking back, that this is the kind of early experience that probably helped to drive that feeling even now!

I eventually got it on my Atari ST although memories are somewhat hazy of that... I know I had it because I was a bit disappointed in the differences between that and the arcade version in terms of the graphics.

I'm quite looking forward to seeing the movie, it looks like a big dumb action film, but sometimes those kind of films are great for a bit of mindless escapism for a couple of hours.
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