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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Simonsloth »

I didn’t think you could physically buy a Wii u anymore. The only games shops near me are game and CEX which only sell preowned ones.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by russ32233 »

Simonsloth wrote: February 18th, 2018, 10:24 pm I didn’t think you could physically buy a Wii u anymore. The only games shops near me are game and CEX which only sell preowned ones.
yeah, that's why i want to be able to return it if there is a problem, some ebay sellers wont accept returns or you have to pay shipping etc

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Todinho »

So let's talk a little bit more about Evil Within 2 because Im really struggling to like this game. I played the game for about 6 hours and Im kinda of hating the combat right now which is a big problem. First off every gun in this game feels like crap to shoot, the shotgun has no punch at all and I've heard firecrackers with more humf then the pistol, so that's bad but the worse of it it's that your enemies just shrug off getting shot, unless you shoot them with the shotgun enemies dont react to getting hit by bullets or even the harpoon from the crossbow, now that's bad but it gets worse, why?Because enemies run at you really fast and erratically in this game so they are already hard to hit even once so when your hits do nothing to stagger them it means you`re gonna get hit unless you hit every shot, that is if you can because at the start your guns cant fire very fast at all so if you have no upgrades on that even if you do hit the enemy it wont mean shit because you`re not gonna be able to hit him enough times anyway to kill him before getting hit.

Now the guns feel like shit and guess what your movement is shit as well, not only is moving around slow but your camera is super slow too making turning to deal with an enemy or even to just look around takes way too long now add to this those running enemies I talked about+the fact that your guns barely stagger enemies when hit and you have a recipe for disaster you simply lack the capacity to deal with them without taking damage.

But I mean you must have some sort of way to counter them right and the anwser is no, no you dont. the "tools" you have to deal with them at the start are the WORST melee attack I've ever seen in fact I think it's even worse then what you had in the first game so good luck trying to use that because you're likely to die if you try, you have no dodge and no block(boy do I appreciate the Block in RE7 so much more now) the only thing you can do is try and do a quick turn and run away but once again your run is not only so slow it barely gives you distance towards enemies but you also have stamina that depletes in 1 second so you better find a bush to hide or hope they just give up at random.

You can improve your gun and character by the upgrades like in the first game but when it comes to the guns it does nothing to alleviate the problems I mentioned as for the character upgrades you can improve things like the speed of your crounch walk, improve your melee and unlock the ability to use bottle to fend off enemies when grabbed, one thing that pissed me off though was finding there was a skill that gives you a 20% chance to dodge an enemy attack, that's right you can dodge an enemy attack but instead of making that dependent on the players skill lets just leave it to chance that sounds like a great idea! Also this game has maybe the worst gun sway I've ever seen in the game and I've already bought many upgrades to mitigate that and guess what those tale up 50% of the combat tree, yep half your combat improvement are just to make aiming less of a nightmare.
So you have a character that's bad to control and is super weak+ guns that feel terrible and are super weak against super fast and tough enemies what a great idea right!? All of these problems only get worse when you consider Im playing in hard mode so enemies can kill me in 2 hits, so far combat has been an exercise in frustration and not the good kind which is why I've been focusing on the stealth path more at least that is way more usefull this time around, its simple but at least is not maddening like combat.

Now if all that wasnt enough, I've played this game for 2 days and Evil Within 2 is already the buggiest game I ever played on PS4, in these 6 hours I've put in I have fallen through the world, had to quit the game and reload a save after the game soft locked me,encoutered several gliches like enemies clipping through and worse being able to attack me through them. My favorites was when I was hiding from a tough enemy and said enemy aproached seemed to know I was there and proceeded to make a mad dash in the oposite direction until it disapeared, seemingly through a wall, I them stood up looked around only for said a enemy reappear in front of me attacking and killing me, Also the first proper boss of the game got stuck in a wall in the middle of the arena halfway through our fight but instead of reloading I decided that the game had screwed me enough times and decided to take one for me so I just unloaded on him killing it.

This sucks because there are alot of things that I like about the game, I love how they are using the setting this time and really being creative with it in fact my favorite parts are parts are when you're just walking around getting terrified by the mindbending stuff happening around you that's great, the story is not that bad and I can actually follow it this time, overall I think they did a pretty good job with this open world because exploring the map is interesting and rewarding, the side quests so far have been pretty cool and the game just has alot of little touches that I like.

Im gonna keep going because I wanna see where the game goes but man dealing with this combat system has been rough.

PS: Oh yeah the game also threw in this shitty First person section that made me thank god I didnt put the game in FPS mode, it was so bad that even though it was short I cant imagine playing the entire game like that and once again it really made me appreciatte how well RE7 managed to make the transition to first person.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by KSubzero1000 »

Todinho wrote: February 19th, 2018, 5:21 am So let's talk a little bit more about Evil Within 2 because Im really struggling to like this game.
Frankly, I've had a very similar experience. I've tried my hardest to like both EW titles and was left utterly cold in both cases, mostly due to the various mechanical issues you've mentioned.

I don't know if Mikami has lost his touch or if it's because he simply didn't have the budget/resources necessary to realize his vision, but it's rough going from his earlier stuff to this nonsense.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

Dark Souls 3: the bastard King Of The Storm is basically one shotting me every time. I will beat him. I will not summon.

I will beat him. I will not summon.
I will beat him. I will not summon.
I will beat him. I will not summon.

I will beat him.

I will not summon.

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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Flabyo »

Still playing Dynasty Warriors 9.

This is not a good game. I wouldn’t recommend it.

The frame rate is shocking, I’ve had it dip under 10. There’s no antialiasing going on so everything seems a little noisy. The English voice acting is atrocious, even by the standards of this series. The hand crafted craziness of the battles scenarios in 8 is just not here. It’s an open world with not much to do, nor is it a lot of fun to explore either.

But I’m still enjoying it immensely, because I know the source material so well and presenting it this way puts so much of it into better context. (Mainly the relative positions of all the towns, that’s super hard to grasp from the book unless you have a map of 2nd century China around)
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

The only Dynasty Warriors game I've ever played was on Vita. I remember enjoying the combat but didn't really have a clue what was happening between those sections! I did play what I think was a spin off years back when I bought a pre-owned PS2 which came with a few games. It was the same as the core series but I think it was like robots or mechs fighting or something.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Flabyo »

I think the core series is not as approachable as many of the spin offs. They work much better if you know the basic plot of the IP they’re working with. I think that’s why the Zelda one works so well, everyone knows the basic set up and characters of the Zelda series. But very few westerners are familiar with ‘Three Kingdoms’ to the level that the games post game 4 need.

I wasn’t either, I picked up the first game in the series on a whim way back in the early ps2 days (confusingly that game is Dynasty Warriors 2 for reasons not worth going into). It had nowhere near the amount of stages or characters the series has now, there were I think 8 different stages in it? It told a very abridged version of the Three Kingdoms story but enough that it made me seek out my own copy of the unabridged English translation.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ADumican83 »

Alex79uk wrote: February 19th, 2018, 9:39 am Dark Souls 3: the bastard King Of The Storm is basically one shotting me every time. I will beat him. I will not summon.

I will beat him. I will not summon.
I will beat him. I will not summon.
I will beat him. I will not summon.

I will beat him.

I will not summon.

Old Nameless? Yeah I had trouble with this guy too. Let us know how you get on.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Todinho »

KSubzero1000 wrote: February 19th, 2018, 9:01 am
Todinho wrote: February 19th, 2018, 5:21 am So let's talk a little bit more about Evil Within 2 because Im really struggling to like this game.
Frankly, I've had a very similar experience. I've tried my hardest to like both EW titles and was left utterly cold in both cases, mostly due to the various mechanical issues you've mentioned.

I don't know if Mikami has lost his touch or if it's because he simply didn't have the budget/resources necessary to realize his vision, but it's rough going from his earlier stuff to this nonsense.
Rumor has it he didnt wanna do another horror game but Bethesda didnt hire the father or Surival Horror for him to go and do something else so he was basically made to work on something he didnt want to, Evil Within 2 isnt even directed by him he's just executive producer. I have the feeling that he wanted to make something in between Remake and RE4 but it just doesnt work and I think he knows it because before EV2 came out he advised people to play the game on easy, well after playing alot of the game on hard yeah if you're gonna play this game in any way do it on easy.

I sure hope Mikami is working on something he really wants on the background because EV is far from his best work, what baffles me most is the praise this new game is getting, it's on the same level of the first game it's better in some areas but worse in others, to be fair it has been awhile since I played the first one but I thought combat there was at least better then what the sequel offers.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by DomsBeard »

Well that is me done with Wolfenstein 2. I have just wasted 30 minutes lost in some level that is like a knock off of Metro 2033 outdoors with no clue where to go. Combat is so poor I have tried it on various difficulties. I will watch all the cutscenes on Youtube!

Has this game been given a bit of a free pass as it is sticking the boot into Nazi's?.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by kintaris »

DomsBeard wrote: February 20th, 2018, 10:04 am Well that is me done with Wolfenstein 2. I have just wasted 30 minutes lost in some level that is like a knock off of Metro 2033 outdoors with no clue where to go. Combat is so poor I have tried it on various difficulties. I will watch all the cutscenes on Youtube!

Has this game been given a bit of a free pass as it is sticking the boot into Nazi's?.
I haven't played it myself but I have seen a fair number of criticisms of the combat and the signposting, so I'm not sure it's a total free pass. However the story beats are definitely the aspect that people have been praising the most.

I can't quite bring myself to play any of the modern Wolfensteins - I don't really do first person shootybangs of any sort unless someone can really sell them to me!
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by duskvstweak »

I've been playing Darkest Dungeon and it's such a time thief. Like XCOM or Civilization, I don't even notice the time go by while playing. It's also one of the best Dungeons & Dragons adaptations since Baldur's Gate.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by macstat »

I've been playing a lot of Kingdom Come lately. I'm about 50 hours in, significant progress in the main story and I've done a lot of side stuff.

I think its a diamond in the rough. It has a really interesting story. It's cool how they managed to make something much more mundane than typical fantasy engaging. The main character is interesting because it has its own personality, but at the same time, a lot about him is vague enough for your choices to make sense.Sometimes game makes a choice for you (which might not work with your idea of him) but fortunately, it's very rare.

The game is also very complex but also those systems are well connected to each other. Things like your clothes and armor affect how people around perceives you. When you run around in dirty cheap clothes (yes your clothes can be visually damaged and dirty) you probably won't get into a ball even with high persuasion, and if you're armored to the teeth you will have higher rolls on intimidation checks. There are a lot of things that feel in place, and make this whole experience more believable.

A lot of people asked me "is it like Skyrim?". I instantly reply, "No, definitely not". I would even say that first-person perspective is maybe only significant similarity. Best way to describe the difference is to use racing games analogy. Racing games tend to divide into simulation and arcade games. Skyrim is kinda like an arcade RPG, it leans toward pure gamey fun rather than simulation. For example, you can jump off the cliff and then eat a bunch of sweet rolls to feel better. KC, on the other hand, won't help you, won't make your time easy and fun. You have to work for everything. Its systems are punishing, especially in the beginning where your stats are very low and you cant really do much. I personally love both styles of games, just for different reasons.

Main drawbacks of KC is in a very very buggy state. That and couple of decisions on developers part make this whole experience sometimes very frustrating. I'll start with that saving system since I saw Flabyo was very concerned with it. In theory, it's not that bad. You can save either by sleeping, there are rare autosaves, or you can drink something called savior schnapps to save. So technically you can save everywhere but you can only carry three of those at the time. After use, you have to either buy new ones or use your alchemy skill to brew them. In theory, it wasn't such a bad idea. Not having unlimited on-demand save makes game a bit tenser and makes you consider your decisions more. Unfortunately because of its buggy state, crashes you can and probably will lose some progress because those autosaves are so rare. Once I lost nearly two hours because I was stuck in a dialog with a quest giver. He just kept repeating the same line over and over. It was really discouraging and I stopped playing it for a day.

Another very frustrating part are controls. Its a weird combination of controls that need to work both on controller and keyboard+ mouse. Sometimes i feel like K+M is perfect (especially when you just walk around in the first person), on the other hand, some button combinations are clearly easier done on a controller (my hand cramps up a bit when I need to do horseback riding). It's even worse when you start fighting. Overall I'm really digging this system. You use your mouse/right thumbstick to position your weapon so you control how you slash/stab your opponent. But that makes camera control while fighting much harder, and that, unfortunately, leads to real issues with target switching when fighting more than one opponent. Your enemies tend to flank you constantly and they do it relentlessly. ... oh and don't get me started on shooting bow :D you don't have a crosshair and the main protagonist holds this bow like he's drunk or something ;) I need around 6 arrows for every rabbit I want to bag ;).

Last complain is inventory. It's not very good, you often need to click more times than you should. Some items are weirdly categorized ... it's more or less something we had with Skyrim or Witcher before they updated it a bit.

Overall I'm very impressed with this game. Fortunately, they managed to make a very good core. All those issues that I was talking about are fairly easily fixable. They already working on another huge update where they plan to change few things (they are adding save on quit for example) and I think it's going to be a great game a month or two from now.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Simonsloth »

kintaris wrote: February 20th, 2018, 12:41 pm
I can't quite bring myself to play any of the modern Wolfensteins - I don't really do first person shootybangs of any sort unless someone can really sell them to me!
I had the same feeling until I was stuck babysitting my niece and nephew with a copy of the new order in front of me. I genuinely thought it was fantastic. Lots of set pieces, great story and really good (optional) stealth. I throughly recommend it.

I have the old blood and the sequel proper still waiting to be played so I can’t account my for those

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Joshihatsumitsu »

After a considerable amount of a break from the first game, I'm maybe half way through my first play-through of Steins;Gate 0 on the Vita.

Obviously I won't go into spoiler territory; all I will say is that one point of difference between this and the first game is perspective. The first game was all from the point of view of Rintaro Okabe, while Stein's;Gate 0 has more of a third person perspective, which allows the story to shift between characters... which means it doesn't simply feel like more of the same.

And of course, it goes without saying that you should not touch this game at all until you've played through the first game thoroughly! And I mean, getting all the endings. The sequel picks up from only one of those endings, and makes no concessions for anyone new.

But then, this is the world of visual novels. It requires a different type of investment than other games, and chances are you're only playing Stein's;Gate 0 because you loved the first game, and want to experience more time with these characters. In which case, you will like this sequel.

Half way point though... but I have faith.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Chopper »

macstat wrote: February 22nd, 2018, 5:34 pm I've been playing a lot of Kingdom Come lately. I'm about 50 hours in, significant progress in the main story and I've done a lot of side stuff.

I think its a diamond in the rough. It has a really interesting story. It's cool how they managed to make something much more mundane than typical fantasy engaging. The main character is interesting because it has its own personality, but at the same time, a lot about him is vague enough for your choices to make sense.Sometimes game makes a choice for you (which might not work with your idea of him) but fortunately, it's very rare.
I was coming on here to complain about Kingdom Come and say that I'd reached my limit with it and I see Macstat praising it to the high heavens (jk) :lol:

I have all the same issues, bugginess etc, along with the cumbersome systems complaints. Also loads of pop-in, NPCs spawning statically in place as you ride along, and fights being won because your enemy sheathes his sword in battle or because he gets mysteriously struck down without you hitting him etc. It's a mess.

Macstat - have you done the Baptism by Fire quest? The internet seems to indicate a bug where it counts the enemies your men kill as part of your total deaths, and tells you 'Quest failed: too many of your men have died'. I can see that, but the main thorn in my side are the archers, 5 of them who are all nails hard. What level of strength/fighting were you for this, and did you level those up a lot before that point? I chose a perk that gave me +2 speech but -2 strength and now I can barely lift my sword. :(
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by macstat »

Im just about to start that quest ;) Guess i can wait till next patch :P. Right now im about 11 on strength, 10 on dexterity, 13 on speech. Strength is very easy to level if you pick specific perk in herbalism called "leg day". ALso im fighting using dex based saber. I'll let you know when i get to it :).
As I said, its very buggy atm i won't deny that. But at the same time, i see a lot potential in it. Bugs or interface can be fixed, bad core or story not so much.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

Hit a total brick wall in Dark Souls 3. Can't take down either The Nameless King or Prince Lothric. With Nameless, I can get him off the dragon and get him to about half health more often than not - I was once within one hit of victory, but he always bests me. I've been experimenting with different loadouts, very low armor with high maneuverability seems to be giving me the biggest chance at the moment.

And as for the Prince. Fuck him. He just keeps vanishing and reappearing and pummelling me! Never got him past about one tenth off his health yet! And the worst part is that it's quite a trek from the bonfire too.

Might take a break to play Yakuza Kiwami, but I'm so close to the end...!!
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by KSubzero1000 »

Alex79uk wrote: February 23rd, 2018, 4:50 pm Hit a total brick wall in Dark Souls 3.
Hey man, I haven't played in a while but I'd totally be down for helping with either / both of these bosses if you want a reliable coop partner. Just let me know. :)
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