Videogame News

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Re: Videogame News

Post by KSubzero1000 »

...Metal Wolf Chaos?!

I'm really frustrated this game never saw an international release. Awesome if true.

Re: Videogame News

Post by Joshihatsumitsu »

KSubzero1000 wrote: June 8th, 2018, 6:26 pm Thankfully, yes.

I stand by my statement that DoA is secretly one of the very best fighting game franchises, once one can look past the frivolous and immature titillation. Intense, high-energy matches with the most intuitive and rewarding defensive options in the genre.
I do have a particular love for the DOA series, especially my very treasured Dead or Alive Ultimate Xbox version, which I spent a ridiculous amount of time unlocking as much content as I could many, many years ago.

I did end up getting the rest of the series, as the cost of these games don't really hold over time, and you can pick them up super cheap. However, number 6 in the series... I'd pick it up on the cheap, but not day one. It's a series I love, but I have 5 games in the series already! I can wait a bit. :)
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Re: Videogame News

Post by Alex79 »

This is neither new, nor news, but for want of a better place to post it I'm sticking it here. ... elievable/

This is insane! I'd never heard of it until I stumbled across it just now. A century spanning ARG in one of the most unlikely of games! Have a read, crazy stuff!
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Re: Videogame News

Post by KSubzero1000 »

Whoa, amazing stuff. Mad props to the creator! :o

ARGs and treasure hunts always look really cool from a distance, though I've never done anything like this (or would even know where to begin). Does anyone here have any first-hand experience with one?
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Re: Videogame News

Post by Alex79 »

Yeah I got quite in to the Nine Inch Nails one he did when Year Zero was released. That was pretty cool. People would find memory sticks with unreleased songs taped in the bathroom of gigs and stuff.
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Re: Videogame News

Post by Flabyo »

I got in pretty deep with Perplex City a decade or so back, but I haven’t had the time to really dig into one since.

Re: Videogame News

Post by Todinho »

Kotaru Uchikoshi just announced a new game and by the looks of it they might have given him a budget:
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Re: Videogame News

Post by KSubzero1000 »

I'll buy anything that guy does without hesitation.
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Re: Videogame News

Post by KSubzero1000 »

Stuff like this just makes me sad and reinforces my decision to not participate in social media whatsoever (apart from this here forum, of course). The situation seems to have been handled very poorly, as far as I can tell. I think her tweets were rude and unprofessional, and looking at her feed she seems to have an ideological chip on her shoulder or two, but what does her being fired actually achieve? It didn't have to lead to this particular outcome. What happened to giving people the benefit of the doubt? What happened to simply acknowledging that people have a bad day sometimes? What happened to agreeing to disagree? What happened to generous, measured responses? Why this insistence on framing every exchange as some kind of binary cultural battlefield: "you're either with us or against us"? Why base every exchange on gratuitous labels? Why this widespread assumption that those outside of your inner circle must automatically represent the dregs of humanity by default?

I have no idea how people can think this is somehow normal social interaction between civilized adults. Nothing but toxicity, resentment, cruelty, tribalism and mutual radicalization as far as the eye can see. How can a simple, honest statement cause such overreaction and lead to someone being fired? I don't get it. :(
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Re: Videogame News

Post by Flabyo »

And if you read the subreddit they’re now all ‘we can get anyone at that company fired just by complaining about it now’, so that’ll be a super fun place to work now for everyone else.
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Re: Videogame News

Post by Alex79 »

The latest firmware for Vita has finally been hacked, if anyone is interested. It's nowhere near as simple a process as the 3.60 Henkaku hack from a couple of years ago - I consider myself pretty well experienced with hacking my consoles, and I looked at the instructions and thought nope! But still, it's there if you want it...
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Re: Videogame News

Post by Flabyo »

To be honest I’ve stuck the whole thing on ignore on twitter.

Re: Videogame News

Post by Todinho »

You got the right idea man
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Re: Videogame News

Post by Michiel K »

KSubzero1000 wrote: July 6th, 2018, 6:45 pm Stuff like this just makes me sad and reinforces my decision to not participate in social media whatsoever (apart from this here forum, of course). The situation seems to have been handled very poorly, as far as I can tell. I think her tweets were rude and unprofessional, and looking at her feed she seems to have an ideological chip on her shoulder or two, but what does her being fired actually achieve? It didn't have to lead to this particular outcome. What happened to giving people the benefit of the doubt? What happened to simply acknowledging that people have a bad day sometimes? What happened to agreeing to disagree? What happened to generous, measured responses? Why this insistence on framing every exchange as some kind of binary cultural battlefield: "you're either with us or against us"? Why base every exchange on gratuitous labels? Why this widespread assumption that those outside of your inner circle must automatically represent the dregs of humanity by default?

I have no idea how people can think this is somehow normal social interaction between civilized adults. Nothing but toxicity, resentment, cruelty, tribalism and mutual radicalization as far as the eye can see. How can a simple, honest statement cause such overreaction and lead to someone being fired? I don't get it. :(
Wholeheartedly agreed, man. Sure, she shouldn't have went off at the guy the way she did, but the e-mail bombing and successful (!) calls for resignation over it and the further escalating shitshow. It's all proper disgusting.
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Re: Videogame News

Post by Stanshall »

Totally agree with everything K says there. It's the worst of the Internet and contemporary discourse, unfortunately.
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Re: Videogame News

Post by macstat »

But isn't Jessica Price in this moment also the worst of the internet? Why no one seems to care about people who were affected by it in the first place like Deroir or INKS (yes she managed to insult multiple GW2 content creators who were nothing but respectful). Common decency should work both ways.

I also disagree with reductionist view that "community pressured ANET and they caved". There are at least a couple of probable ways it all unfolded.
Maybe that meeting next day didn't went well. As far as I can tell she wasn't very reflective about this whole debacle, and her only regret was "maybe instead of an asshat I should say condescending jerk".
Maybe she was already "on way out" but they didnt have enough reason to let her go. As Subzero pointed out she has a chip on her shoulder and has a history of smearing former employers (she tweeted about Piazo where she worked as an editor). That and her strong stance on many sensitive in this time topics might make her not so easy to work with.
Or maybe Mike O'Brien is as some describe him, not very empathetic, quiet and too rigid. There was the similar situation a while back (can't remember the exact date) where ANET employee Josh Foreman had an altercation with a fan on twitter/forum. He was removed from front facing duties for a year or two and anet worked with him on how to handle those things better. At the time Colin Johanson was game director, very friendly and open person (one of founders who left company in 2016). So current situation might be just Mikes decision and assuming its all based on bunch of trolls is just an assumption.

I should give a disclaimer that I'm part of said community. I've been playing GW2 since its launch, I try to keep up with both forum and Reddit, listen to a couple of podcasts and engage said community and creators on twitch and such. My experience is nothing like what Flabyo describes. Sure if you focus on a couple of troll posts. But huge chunk of the community shares my view on this whole issue.
Jessica was at fault and shouldn't attack Deroir like that. But she (and ESPECIALLY PETER FRIES who did nothing wrong, he stood up for his coworker in very polite and respecful manner) shouldn't lose a job over this (maybe something like what happened to Josh Foreman would be a better solution). This doesn't help anyone, this isn't a win or something we should celebrate. But I will strongly oppose to superficial branding community as toxic because this is the same binarism you guys try to reject. This again serves no purpose and only creates more divides instead of creating a healthy platform for communication.

I just want to let you know that I'm trying to disregard toxic behavior that obviously took place. This is a huge issue not only in gaming but in any form of digital communication. We as a humanity are in a place where any sort of intellectual/spiritual/ethical growth (or whatever you wanna call it) haven't caught up with technological advancements. Social mechanisms that work in face to face interactions dont work quite as well when we communicate via internet. This is something that is on us, parents/future parents to teach our kids not only how to interact with other people, but how to interact with them in such new and different way.

Sorry for the wall of text ;)

edit oh i forgot to post this .... this situation isnt a new thing in the industry, remember always online xbox ?
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Re: Videogame News

Post by Flabyo »

If this were just something that only affects the one company and it’s community then I think most places would have just done a quick news piece and moved on.

But as a direct result of this many people in the industry with vaguely progressive or liberal views on their Twitter are having to deal with the toxic element emailing and messaging their employers asking for them to be fired. For the crime of being slightly to the left, politically.

I mean, that’s always been going on at a low grade level, but this is an empowering moment because, this one time, it seems to have worked (whether that’s what actually occurred or not). And if one other company decides this is fine, then this will become the new normal.

The direct consequences of this are that developers are going to spend even less time trying to connect on a personal level with consumers, which is pretty much the exact opposite of what everyone wants to have happen. Game devs are already way more tight lipped on projects that other entertainment mediums, that’s not going to change any time soon.
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Re: Videogame News

Post by macstat »

If you choose to look at it politically then this was an empowering moment the moment it all started. It was only a matter of. No matter the outcome, one side would gloat over the other as it usually is with a petty political "debate". I'm sure you dont have to have be left to get that kind of shit on daily basis.

But guess who would always lose? You average joe players. Because either we get a normalization of that kind of behavior from JP, or were getting normalization of toxic fanbase. Either way im now a left wing asshole or right wing asshole who supports that dev. And I just want to play a game and have fun.

But I agree with your last statement. Devs are going to be more tight-lipped. We will have to see if it's for the better or worse.
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Re: Videogame News

Post by Alex79 »

If I posted insulting tweets to and about a customer then I would expect to lose my job over it. Her reaction to the original message was inexcusable.

There should be no politics involved here whatsoever. What she did constitutes gross misconduct in pretty much any industry I can think of.
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Re: Videogame News

Post by KSubzero1000 »

Alex79uk wrote: July 14th, 2018, 1:16 pm There should be no politics involved here whatsoever. What she did constitutes gross misconduct in pretty much any industry I can think of.
To be fair, most industries don't have the kind of history of harassment / open hostility between consumers and professionals that the video game industry has. You don't see the CEO of Porsche getting into shouting matches with random petrolheads on twitter like Kamiya, for example. I agree that her behavior was less than ideal, but it's also understandable that people would run out of patience after repeated instances of antagonistic miscommunication. Humans are fallible, and the impersonal nature of social media tends to make everything worse at times like these.
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