Whatcha Been Playing?

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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Chopper »

Metal Gear Survive is a strange beast, and is rather niche in its appeal.

The scavenging and progression bits I like, but the 'defend the doodad' bits in between are rather annoying. They require you to defend multiple paths of incoming zombies, and therefore hit me right in the multitasking part of my brain, which is rather small and underdeveloped. I'm stuck at a bit now where I have to defend five incoming paths and can't process it at all. Funnily enough I was having the same issue in Raw Data a few weeks ago before I stopped playing that. I think I can conclude that tower defence is not for me.

I've also got sucked back into Out of the Park Baseball, taking control of an expansion team that consists of all other teams' cast-offs and rejects. Surprisingly my guys are punching well above their weight and leading their division after 40 games, so I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop in the form of regression to the mean. Exciting.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by macstat »

I decided to be more fit so i placed my stationary bike in front of my TV, so I can play on PS4 while i exercise :D Lately I've been playing Rayman Legends and Witcher 3 ;)

On PC I bought FF15 .... after 6 hours i find it adorable (i like those really cool little interactions and animations ) but also very dull (a lot of running around doing nothing).
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ColinAlonso »

I'm currently playing Final Fantasy V Advance (through an emulator) on my commute. The 20 minute bursts that I play for really help with not getting worn down by random battles. I've been playing along with the podcast on these and I should come close to suffering Final Fantasy fatigue (so to speak) after playing 110 hours of old school FF but FFV is my favourite so far. I'll write more when I'm finished.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

I've almost finished Dying Light, and I must say, I'm pleased it's coming to an end. It's not that it's overly long, but as you heard towards the final chapters it almost becomes a different game. The enemies become so strong and quick that it's barely worth stopping to fight them, and you're better off just sprinting and grappling everywhere across rooftops as quickly as you can. The game overall is OK, but it's not the masterpiece I was hoping for. For years I've wanted on PlayStation a big open world zombie game, and this is it, but the quests and story aren't really all that interesting and it's more the minute to minute game play that keeps me going. There are a huge range of customisable weapons, which is great, and every weapon in the game will degrade to the point of breaking eventually, so you never get attached to one item, forcing you to grab everything you come across that could be used to hit zombies.

The day and night cycle is interesting, but the trouble is that the volatiles who come out at night are virtually invincible, and quicker than you, meaning all that happens is the second it starts getting dark you're looking for a safe spot to wait until morning. Fortunately, only one story mission forces you out in to the night.

I bought this game with the Following expansion, and whilst that does look really good, I'll be having a break before moving on to it.

I've also been playing a lot of The Banner Saga on my phone. It's really great. The short battles make it perfect for mobile, and the balance between combat and story is nigh on perfect. I've not had a bad moment yet, and everything about it is so compelling. Looks gorgeous, too. Really recommend. It's a tenner on mobile, but that's still cheaper than other platforms, and worth every penny.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Chopper »

Alex79uk wrote: July 14th, 2018, 9:33 am I've almost finished Dying Light, and I must say, I'm pleased it's coming to an end. It's not that it's overly long, but as you heard towards the final chapters it almost becomes a different game. The enemies become so strong and quick that it's barely worth stopping to fight them, and you're better off just sprinting and grappling everywhere across rooftops as quickly as you can. The game overall is OK, but it's not the masterpiece I was hoping for. For years I've wanted on PlayStation a big open world zombie game, and this is it, but the quests and story aren't really all that interesting and it's more the minute to minute game play that keeps me going. There are a huge range of customisable weapons, which is great, and every weapon in the game will degrade to the point of breaking eventually, so you never get attached to one item, forcing you to grab everything you come across that could be used to hit zombies.

The day and night cycle is interesting, but the trouble is that the volatiles who come out at night are virtually invincible, and quicker than you, meaning all that happens is the second it starts getting dark you're looking for a safe spot to wait until morning. Fortunately, only one story mission forces you out in to the night.

I bought this game with the Following expansion, and whilst that does look really good, I'll be having a break before moving on to it.
Yeah, I felt that the game was overlong - I thought they could have done with just the first area and not bothered with the second. Once I hit the second area I critical-pathed it. There are definitely flaws - I tried not to engage with the Volatiles either, outside of the two scripted missions - but I think it's one of those games that gets better in your mind the longer you go from playing it. :P

The good news is that the expansion is a very different game. Give it a year or so and jump back in, I don't think you'll regret buying it!
Alex79uk wrote: July 14th, 2018, 9:33 am I've also been playing a lot of The Banner Saga on my phone. It's really great. The short battles make it perfect for mobile, and the balance between combat and story is nigh on perfect. I've not had a bad moment yet, and everything about it is so compelling. Looks gorgeous, too. Really recommend. It's a tenner on mobile, but that's still cheaper than other platforms, and worth every penny.
Wow, glad it clicked for you and that it looks good on mobile. Another flawed but interesting game for sure.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Suits »

I'm religiously addicted, once again, to Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. This time on the Switch.

It's stopping me playing other games and is as beautiful and charming the 2nd time round as it was in 2014.

I still think the idea is a wonderful one based off the Japanese Hakoniwa - Box Garden, concept, which is stunning.

As well as the new worlds now included in this that represent Super Mario Odyssey, this also has the Pixel Toad Hide and seek which was originally locked behind the Toad amiibo (if I remember rightly) and a new time trial mode, which is unlocked once you clear a book, with all collectibles.

The time trail seems solid by the way. I did the first level and it looks like you have to pull off completing a level without a single pause for breath or deliberation.

It suits the pick up and play of the Switch perfectly, handheld is a dream TV mode is great.

One thing I have heard that people are not happy with is the gyroscopic pointer that appears on the screen when playing in docked mode, to negate the fact that there is no GamePad or not having the Switch in handheld mode to touch the screen there is an on screen pointer that is constantly waving around the center of the screen.

I'm OK with it really as it becomes almost essential in the later more challenging levels, however if it's annoying you can move it out of your view by pressing 'Start' which calibrates the cursor while on the move. So, just put the pointer in say the top right corner and calibrate by pressing start and it'll sit there, thinking it's the center. Not perfect but works great if its getting annoying.

Anyway, great game, more people need to play this I think.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Stanshall »

I've been playing J.B. Harold's Manhattan Requiem and I don't really know why, nor why it's gripped me so much. I think I just went too intense with Ikaruga and I can't face anything else but this inane, badly translated, badly signposted, point and click text adventure. The gameplay consists of backtracking to every previous character and asking every possible previous question to see if they give you a different answer or introduce another character to add to the absurd loop. The English is often confusing, ambiguous and nonsensical, so you don't actually understand the revelation which you've just uncovered. Every suspect gives you the same blue balls proclamation, "It's...it's..." without telling you who it is.

Sample gameplay:

<Just a little more and Leondard Gripp will say truyh.>

Me: "Murderer?"

Len: "Get out! You really are so pest now!"

Me: "Murder motivation?"

Len: "It...it..."

<Richard Christie is now a suspect.>

I've got this far and put in five hours of my life, so I basically need to waste another hour to validate the previous loss. In a weird way, it's absolutely riveting.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Suits »

So bad it's good sort of thing :lol: .
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Stanshall »

I'd like to see a James Farley stream of it, put it that way.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by KSubzero1000 »

Still pulling my hair out on Ikaruga. Just barely got S rank, but I feel like there's still a bit left in the tank. To be continued (hopefully).

Alien: Isolation is good, I'm enjoying it so far. First person horror games with minimal gameplay are never going to be my jam, but this one is solid. Fantastic atmosphere.

Lastly, I'm currently replaying Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. Not my favorite of the series by any stretch of the imagination, but still an excellent game. And the fact that it doesn't run on a massive heat-producing console is a wonderful little advantage this time of year.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Stanshall »

KSubzero1000 wrote: July 17th, 2018, 10:26 pm Still pulling my hair out on Ikaruga. Just barely got S rank, but I feel like there's still a bit left in the tank. To be continued (hopefully).
Bravo! Congratulations, mate.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by KSubzero1000 »

Stanshall wrote: July 18th, 2018, 8:57 am Bravo! Congratulations, mate.
Thanks! But it wasn't a good run, just 3,030,XXX. Which is obviously a joke, hence why I'm dumping it in this thread instead of the proper one. :P.

I need to get quicker at dealing with the columns, but honestly what fucks me up more than anything are the randomized lateral strings you can't anticipate (around two thirds of the way through, after the four stationary ships). It's currently a coin toss whether or not my combo breaks there.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Stanshall »

I would be delighted with anything over 3m any day of the week. It's S Rank no matter what, so pop a cork or two.

I couldn't think what you meant about those randomised strings - and then I realised. Are they different every time, then? I really never noticed that. I'd bet the contents of my pocket right now (£4.70) that they're not random. I thought I'd got that section down. Start slightly left of centre, about six chains, shuffle right, another couple, left again, right and done. I tended to move towards the two ships and wiggle back to the single ship to complete the chain. Lots of little wiggling until I realised I could stay still for much of it. I'm happy to be wrong, mind you.

I've just completed J.B. Harold's Point-and-Click Visual Novel Shitshow, and I rather enjoyed it!
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Simonsloth »

I’ve just started binary domain. So far I am very very impressed. Way back in the bygone days of video game rentals this was on my list but sadly never made it to me so passed me by.

I’m delighted to have gotten around to playing it.

One question though. Are any of the multiplayer components worth playing?
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

Resident Evil 7.

With headphones and the lights off.

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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Spacefarer »


Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy.

Probably the best remaster I've ever played. And I've played New n' Tasty.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

These past few days I've been playing The Vagrant. Just popped up on Steam and it looked interesting, yet I'd not heard anything about it. On top of that it looked very inspired by Vanillaware games, and was extremely cheap, so I decided to give it a chance. Was pleasantly surprised how good it is! It really is very similar to the games that obviously inspired it. The character art and backgrounds are great. It's got a lush, hand-painted look which I never get tired of looking at. The combat system is pretty good too. It seems a bit clunky and limited at first, but once you get a bit in to the skill tree you unlock some more moves that help flesh things out, it ends up being pretty fun. Still not the best system, but satisfying enough. In terms of visuals and gameplay it really is just trying to be Odin Sphere. But it's wearing its inspiration on its sleeve, and even if it can't quite reach the heights of that game, it's still a pretty good time. It gets what is good about Vanillaware games. So if you're finding yourself wanting to scratch that itch, give this game a look. It costs next to nothing too. Literally only a few quid. It's very impressive for that price.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Chopper »

Finished the 2019 season as an expansion team (the Albuquerque Breaking Bads, groan) in OOTP19. Won my division, which included the Astros and a resurgent Angels under Ohtani - all three teams won >95 games - before being bounced out by the Yankees 0-4 in the ALCS.

Just how impressive that achievement is, is lost on you heathens, I know, but it is very impressive, believe me. :D

In the off-season now, trying to retool without disrupting the chemistry of the team. Need to add power (home run hitters) and playoff pitching (I have guys that are good enough to get us to the playoffs, but not win games there).
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by DomsBeard »

In between playing through Detroit to see other outcomes I picked up a Vita as I really wanted to play the original resi games again. I started with 3 and even on that little screen Nemesis still has the ability to shit me up :lol: . He actually managed to kill me on easy!, never played it on easy before so was surprised by how much guns and ammo you get but that is perfect for the trip down memory lane I am looking for.

Windjammers is also great on Vita too seems perfect for the system.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Stanshall »

I've started playing Yoku's Island Express. Not really feeling it. It's as I suspected which is why it took me this long to get round to it. I'll get back to it but probably not for another year or so.

Otherwise, I finally completed Butcher, a kind of 2D Doom thing, very violent and gory. It was pretty decent, glad to have crossed it off, really. I wish I hadn't bought it, like most indie games I pick up.

Bleed 2. Fine. Same as the first game, therefore less impact. Buyer's remorse again.

Mario Tennis Aces. Better after the patch, some brilliant matches, nicely balanced now between tennis and stupidity. A genuinely great fun game online and with mates. Maybe no long term reward like ARMS or Splatoon, though.

Lumines Remastered is pretty darn wonderful, I need to give it some more time. Never played it on any other system.

Ys VIII. Good but very PS2.

Octopath Traveler. Wonderful start, need to get back to it. I read some stuff about jobs and perks and party formation and balance and stuff. I've seldom touched a JRPG since FFVII and all that chat bores me senseless. Killed my enjoyment. Hmm.

One Strike. Divekick crossed with Pocket Rumble crossed with The Last Blade. Exactly as good as that, and as enduring.

Pocket Rumble. As above, minus the other interesting bits.

Paladins. Excellent Overwatch style hero shooter. Great performance and feel on Switch docked and in handheld. Battle Pass shits the bed a bit. Recent Jim Sterling ep (I'm not a fan really) got me concerned about where it's going, following the PC version.

Hollow Knight. I don't think I like the genre and I certainly don't like the combat or controls here. I find it all quite laborious and ponderous.

Uncharted Lost Legacy. I'm bored senseless of these games.

Hyrule Warriors. Incredible game, constantly evolving challenge and low-level stimulation.

Just Shapes and Beats. Pretty good bullet hell rhythm game. Some amazing sequences and patterns and a catchy soundtrack.

RXN -Raijin-. A grindy anime kind of vertical shmup. Fun but structurally weird with some massive difficulty spikes by design.

Captain Toad. A game which perfectly complements my current state of mind. Wonderful, charming, clever. Low-key funny.
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