The videogame music thread

Here's where you can discuss and share music from videogames
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by DomsBeard »

Couple of favourite pieces from Detroit OST (well one for each character):

Connor OST ''Now''

This is from a chase section in the game as one of the characters. I love this piece of music as it is one of those that fits the scene perfectly. This is also one of my favourite scenes as having had my play through and watched my wife and brother in law play it through we all got different endings to it which is why I love this game so much as we discuss and argue why we made the choices we did throughout the game

Kara OST ''Main Theme''

This plays intermittently throughout with Kara and is a great piece of music which I think plays into her struggle and trip to get Alice somewhere safe.

Markus OST ''This is the end''

Surprisingly this is from the end of the game :lol:

I didn't enjoy Markus's storyline initially but after he earns where he ends up he ended up being my favourite character along with Connor. I played him true to himself throughout.

The music at 1:03 begins and in this scene something happened and I made an impulsive decision, I had 3 options and I didn't even look at the other two. Had I looked at the other 2 I would have chosen one of those over what I did it just felt right as to what happened in this scene in the previous minute. After the credits only 2% of the worlds players had the same outcome as me.

I love Detroit :lol:
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Richard »

I'm greatly anticipating the next entry in the "No More Heroes" series on the Nintendo Switch, and was reminded of this bizarre track from the first game. From what I recall, "The virgin child makes her wish without feeling anything" was sung by Dr. Peace in a stadium, and starkly contrasts with the ultraviolent nature of the fights. It's such a weird moment in a game that is absolutely full of weird.

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Richard »

My favorite moments in any video game come at the eye of the storm, where all the chaos and drama and tension is suspended for a brief time. Whether its the save room in Resident Evil games, or that moment in "The Last of Us" right before everything goes to hell, these special moments always have music that reflect a certain mood of acceptance, peace and serenity, even if you know it can't last.

One of these moments that has really stayed with me is "Satorl Marsh at Night" from the first Xenoblade. I was mesmerized by the sounds (and sights), and always wanted to linger there until dawn.

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Joe81 »

This track, Grassland Grooves from Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, epitomizes the sheer, simple joy and pleasure of playing DKC games to me.


Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Marchantia »

Here's a retro tune that stuck in my head:
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by DomsBeard »

Another Detroit one :lol:

In my defence I didn't get this one in my first play through as the event it is for never happened. This is from a scene where you play one character being chased then switch to the character that is chasing. The theme of the 2nd character comes in at around 1:15 to mix in with the original

Reposting the Now from above as it didn't seem to work:

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by DomsBeard »

Couple from Yakuza 0 to show the contrast the game has at times.

This is the theme that plays whenever you finish certain substories (side quests). Whether helping a kid get his first adult mag, helping a woman become a better dominatrix or helping someone tell their unrequited love finally it fits all occasions :lol:

I had Karaoke with one character to a dance off with the other then into the final battle

Apologies if these fall under licensed tracks:

Favourite dance off tune

Favourite Karaoke tune

When this tune kicks in as the final fight begins it matches the whole fight perfectly

Nobuo Yagami

Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Nobuo Yagami »

As an omnipotent urban planner in Sim City 3000 I felt the OST aimed to keep a steady tempo with a fairly unoffensive tone to not disrupt the never-ending workflow required of the player. But Magic City broke through many unobtrusive tracks and stood out with a hard to define sense of optimism.

The track could’ve easily found itself in a cheesy but charming advertisement of a real life American town where its uplifting tones were the backdrop to well-tanned retirees joyfully claiming their town receives as much annual sunshine as southern California. Zooming right in to the maps’ maximum level you could even sense the Sims were working along industriously to this tune. Magic City certainly injected more purpose into what I was creating which in the end should be a primary goal of all video game music, and Jerry Martin certainly succeeded in that I think.

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Peditis »

With the recent (at least at the time of writing) release of Dead Cells, a game that I've been supporting since its initials Early Access stages, I can for the first time say that a perfect game exist. That is not to say that this is a game for everyone or that is the best game ever made. It IS a perfect game because, everything it sets out to acomplish, it does flawlessly. From the fluid and fast-paced combat, the balance and risk-reward factor of the weapons, the satisfying gameplay loop that encourages constant replayability and evokes that "just one more run" feeling, the challenging but fair difficulty, to the (of course) amazing music.
I was tempted to pick the theme from the first level since it's the one that most people will hear over and over again (for obvious reasons), and although it's an awesome track that makes your blood rush, I had to go with the one from the last Non-boss level.
This theme combines medieval-fantasy aspects with those found in classical music to create an atmosphere that is threatening, foreshadowing the looming danger that awaits next, but also sometimes hopeful, leading you to believe that this might be THE run, that in which you finally master this game's challenges.
All in all, an excellent game that is bound to become a timeless classic.

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by BlueWeaselBreath »

One of my favorite NES tracks is “The Beginning,” the killer piece from Stage 1 of Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse. The Famicom version of the game sounds much different due to the three extra sound channels of the VRC6 chip, and in particular the Famicom version of “The Beginning” sounds really awesome. The whole piece is much fuller and has more punch, and the drum sound is more realistic, especially notable in the intro drum fill. It sounds the way the original sounds in my memories,
but when I go back and listen to the NES version now, it sounds a bit anemic in comparison. Still great, though.



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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Jobobonobo »

Nier Automata is a popular choice on this show seeing as its soundtrack has been played on this show innumerable times and for good reason as it is truly one of the best soundtracks to a videogame I have listened to in years with nearly every track being a gem. It mixes the catchy melodies of more retro titles with the atmosphere and vocal performances of more modern games and the end result is truly a delight for the ears. Seeing as it is likely that the whole soundtrack will probably be played on the show at some point in the future, my request is somewhat different. This track is from the NieR:Automata Arranged & Unreleased Tracks album and is a remix of Pascal's village arranged by Ryu Kawamura. It uses sounds from the in-game menu alongside the singing children from the original track to create a really upbeat piece that for me, sums up the character of Pascal so well; a song filled with optimism and hope for a better future. The world of Nier Automata is often times cruel, bleak and pointless but this track reminds me that they are occasional moments of lightness and beauty that the game presents and that these moments are all the more precious for their rarity.

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by brazenhead89 »

If you asked me to name a song that so perfectly captures the opening level of an early 90's, cute-as-hell platform game based in a cheerful and colourful world, I'd have pointed you towards 'Happy Birthday' from Gimmick! on the NES.

But as we've already had that, here's its squelchy, SidChip cousin - Song 1 from Flimbo's Quest on the C64.


Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by thegreenflea »

Dragon Fighter (NES) - The Frozen Battle (Stage 01)

Parents randomly gave us Dragon Fighter with our NES when we were kids. I wasn't very good at it then but have since found out it's a pretty rare and expensive title. Now I have played through the game in its entirety and it's great. When I was young, I could only get past the first stage but I played that first stage over and over trying to get to the next one. It's a snow level where the majority of enemies are green, furry humanoids that I always assumed were grinches, a la the Dr. Seuss book and short. So lets just call the song the Grinch Massacre from now on :-)

Here is a video of the level for reference:


Donkey Kong (GB) - World Boss Battle Theme & Escape

I've never been very good at the arcade Donkey Kong games but I absolutely love the game boy version. Your control and move set are so much more versatile with a wide variety of levels AND you can save at almost any point. The best part is finishing the level by knocking out Donkey Kong but he gets up and runs when the catchy song "Escape" plays keeping you in the spirit of chasing down the renegade ape.
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Simonsloth »

I finished deadly premonition at the weekend for the second time and have been listening to the soundtrack on my way to work. It’s such a bizarre mishmash of ideas much like the game and never fails to bring a smile to my face. This track is one of the more emotive pieces despite its borderline terrible vocals it somehow manages to be nothing short of fantastic.

Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Rxanadu »

Despite its use in-game, this Killer7 track always made me feel like someone was introducing something big to me like opening a large mansion and seeing the foyer encrusted in gold. It just sounds epic to me.
Spoiler: show
Such a shame it's used in-game to more or less close off the game as a whole when you kill the last Heaven Smile - the main enemy faction in the game

This track from the original Drakengard exemplified how it felt to initially fly around with the dragon - an initial sense of wonder followed by the absolute fear of realizing you're riding on an outright killing machine. Thought it's not the first time in the game you fly around as the dragon, it feels like a proper introduction to the majesty and awesome power of the beast you're controlling through the skies.

This next Drakengard track is actually the most heroic you will feel in the entire game. Its use in the game is for a seemingly final push against the Empire as the main character tried to rescue his sister from their clutches. The song does what the rest of the track rarely does - make you feel like all your murderous actions are going to do some good for the world

"What does the end of the world sound like?" This Drakengard track answers the disturbing question excellently with its use of artificial skipping in the track to show how the world is starting to break after some major events in the story.

Finally, I just wanted to show some love for the underrated SolaToRobo. Here's the introduction theme for the game in all its majestic glory

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by MarkHoog »

While the Hollow Knight soundtrack is quite restrained and conventional overall, it's in the Grimm Troupe DLC where Christopher Larkin goes all out; this track from the Grimm boss fight starts very orchestral, organs and all, but it soon takes an unexected turn into black metal territory. I also picked this game because of the fond memories I have of it, and this boss was the last one I beat before I met my match in its (literally) spiritual successor, the Nightmare King (which also has a great musical theme, yet this one is more dynamic and interesting outside of the game)

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Suits »

I thought that this was a very compelling piece of music for a moment in the game.

Disaster strikes at the start of the game while the story unfolds.

I thought the tone set the sombreness of the moment very well and the instrument choice matched the atmosphere and the local of the tragedy.


Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by nickturner13 »

Just listened to the latest SOP and Leon shouted out for more 80s or 90s tracks...

Heres another memorable one from the Atari ST. I had a demo on this from a cover of ST Format (or maybe ST Action, I forget) and although I wasn't much a fan of the game, this music is memorable to this day.

Published by Psygnosis in 1989, the graphical feel of the game is reminiscent of other games of theirs at the time such as Shadow Of The Beast. Slightly weird and creepy, nightmarish style that was quite different to everything else.

This track itself is kind of creepy but with some really nice slow melodies.

Starts about 0:57...

... Interesting fact I've only just discovered whilst hunting this down.... the Amiga version has a completely different piece of music and intro which feels very, VERY early 90s...

I think I definitely prefer the Atari ST version!

Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by nickturner13 »

And I'll drop one more as I'm here...

Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge III.... I'd listened to a lot of the music on youtube trying to find one that took me back, all types of Atari ST tracks but none of them sounded right.

Turns out I must have had that game on my PC, not the ST, because this.... THIS takes me back.

Behold, once again the glory of the PC Speaker, beeping out some top quality stuff here whilst making the metal case of the machine buzz like a thousand angry hornets were trying to escape!

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Flabyo »

I definitely prefer the Amiga version of that track :)
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