The videogame music thread

Here's where you can discuss and share music from videogames
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by macstat »

When my 8 year old niece visited me this summer we spent countless hours playing Rayman Legends. It was a nice bonding experience, not only cause we enjoyed the game but also we enjoyed its music a lot.
This time im going to submit two tracks from 20,000 Lums Under the Sea world.

First track, The Spy Who Kicked Me is very fitting for spy-themed level.

Second one, Laser Mayhem is much faster and very stylistic. Both the level and the track are inspired by the Laser scene from Oceans Twelve.

Good times :)

Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Rxanadu »

It's refreshing to hear a rap song in a game, let alone as the boss music for the final boss of a DLC expansion.

Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes already had an unnecessarily great soundtrack - especially for a game which originally released on the Nintendo Switch. It's even more impressive the expansion this song comes from has some of the best music in the entire game when you realize said expansion is basically a series of fignting arenas with a time limit attached.

However, it took me by complete surprise when I discovered the final boss' music wasn't some hard rock ballad, a symphonic piece, or even a grunge song but a rap song with Japanese lyrics talking about how the boss doesn't want to be in their position in life.

This song - along with the final boss theme for CrossCode - really makes me wish more game composers were comfortable using other music genres in their soundtracks to emphasize tense or dramatic moments.

Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Rxanadu »

Not sure if this was ever suggested, but this song was apparently the original title screen music for the Japanese version of Dragon's Dogma. As you can possibly hear, this song goes full anime fast. It's unnecessarily high energy for what is basically Japanese Skyrim with a hint of Shadow of Colossus enemy climbing involved.

...but, it's amazing, nonetheless.
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Flabyo »

It was on the original western releases too, but they didn’t have the licence to keep it around for the dark arisen re-release.
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Bloody Initiate »

EDIT: Links now embedding properly it seems, I’m just a little out of practice!

This music stood out to me right after I completed the Fyke Island quest.

No spoilers, but you should not skip that side quest.

There are a few moments in the game where the Horror of Velen is perfectly communicated to the player and these moments are the ones that made the game for me. I think Fyke Island was the first one to really reach me. Games rarely affect me emotionally beyond the basic impulses which feed into enjoying thrilling gameplay. This one a few others in Velen left me somewhat staggered and contemplative.

Between White Orchard and Velen though, assuming you’re paying attention, the developers have combined the real historical horror of medieval times with the fantasy horror of the Witcher. The other areas are good, but so far nothing in the game has impacted me the way the plights of the people of Velen has. They are completely miserable victims of literally other-worldly powers for so much of their lives, and often their deaths.

The track by itself is good, it sounds sort of distantly sorrowful to me. However the first moment it really hit me was in an empty place that was better off empty compared to what it housed before, all because of the tragic cruelty of the Witcher’s world.
Spoiler: show
EDIT: Whilst listening to Sound of Play 205 I realized this track was already submitted under a different name (Midcopse)! I almost always search before I make a request but a different track name WILL sabotage that method. Sorry for the duplicate.

I think this one is called Spitfire Bluff (Day) by Martin Przybylowicz.

There is a second a very similar track. To me the night version sounds more like a warning while the day version is more contemplative.
I believe this song may be called Spitfire Bluff (Night) by Martin Przybylowicz

I thought the Witcher 3’s soundtrack was decent but it really picks up in the DLC. This track eventually sounds like the background music for cavalry reinforcements riding hard toward a battle that they’re already winning or something. It actually just plays during card games.

This is The Mandragora by Martin Przybylowicz

Until I played further into the game I didn’t realize this awesome menu music was DLC music. I think few tracks are more thematic for the game as a whole.

The strings, when they arrive, almost prowl or stalk toward the listener. Around the time you expect they arrive, percussion reinforces them, and vocals command them all. There’s a bit of a break, which feels like a lot of the city segments of the game which are soft and safe, but then the monsters return.

On the soundtrack this is called Blood and Wine by Martin Przybylowicz

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Stalkedbycats »

Susumu Hirasawa is pretty damn good. More videogames should be scored by him.

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Simonsloth »

I’d like to request a piece of music from one of my favourite games Tex Murphy and the Pandora Directive. Admittedly the graphics, gameplay and acting are incredibly dated but I still love it.

For those who have never heard of it’s a 90s FMV adventure game featuring Tex Murphy a P.I channeling his inner Harrison Ford. The plot is equal parts X-Files, Indiana Jones and low budget soap opera set in a Blade Runner inspired world. The game is revered in Adventure Game circles making number 9 on the Adventure Gamer top 100 adventure games of all time list:

1.Grim Fandango
2.The Longest Journey
3.Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within
4.Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars
6.Day of the Tentacle
7.The Last Express
8.Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge
9.Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive
10.Portal 2
11.Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
12.Zork Grand Inquisitor
13.King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
14.The Secret of Monkey Island

Most notably it is ranked higher than many of the genre darlings such as secret of monkey island. Obviously any list is subjective but I hope it highlights that I’m not on my own in my love for the game.

I first stumbled across it on a PC Zone demo disc which had an interactive demo. I say interactive it basically had 2 icons you could click on. One was a trailer for the game and the other was the song I’m going to request. The vocalist on the track is Richie Havens of Woodstock fame and is very much like the game, sublime.

I’ve waffled enough. For your listening pleasure. Tex’s Lament by Richie Havens.

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Bloody Initiate »

Simonsloth wrote: September 12th, 2019, 12:14 pm
I believe I have made the link work in the above post.

On that same note I am re-suggesting a song I suggested years ago but I posted the link wrong.

I love the song “Arsenal” from Phantom Dust and shared more about it in the past (you don’t have to look it up). It’s a delightful track and captures much about the game.
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Simonsloth »

:) Thank you! Very kind
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Scrustle »

The Astral Chain soundtrack is really impressive, and it's been solidly stuck in my head recently. It's so diverse, and pretty much all of it is really good. The combat music in particular has a very cool progressive metal/djent sound to it that I really like.

(In case Nintendo decides to take down this vid, the song is Ark Mall Combat Phase)
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by rob25X »

Revisiting LittleBigPlanet 2 on PS3 for a few hours yesterday I was reminded of it's excellent soundtrack.

This is Disco Divertimento by the Daniel Pemberton Orchestra.

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by DomsBeard »

Really happy to find this after digging around YouTube for it.

This piece of music plays at the end of Episode 2 of Life Is Strange 2. The whole scene to its end (depending on choices)is pretty powerful stuff and was a proper pad down head in hands moment. This piece of music is about saying goodbye why you don't want to.

I can't go on any more for spoilers obviously. More people should be talking about this game as it is superior to Season 1 for me. Episodes 1 to 3 are on Game Pass by the way

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Gingertastic01 »


With the release of Ori and the Blind Forest to switch I thought it would be a good time to request a track from the definitive edition that some folks might have missed out on with the original.

The track am requesting is called ‘A closer understanding of the past’ and plays during one of the new areas featured in the definitive edition. I know its another request from this highly requested score but you can’t really have to much of a good thing can you?

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Octorok385 »

Boys, this needs to happen. When the Link's Awakening remake got announced, I had a minor heart attack. Finally, a remake of something I actually liked. And when I heard the ending theme had been rearranged into this, it was an amazingly bittersweet moment for me. Quest complete, childhood relived, and, as an added bonus, my four year old got to experience it with me. Here is the ending and credits theme from Link's Awakening

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Bloody Initiate »

While most the music from the original Xbox game Deathrow (Pronounced Death throw) is sort of unremarkable, it was an incredible game and remains one of my all time favorites - if not my favorite video game of all time.

I can’t really stomach sports games but Deathrow creates its own sport - called Blitz in the game - where you have the alternate win condition of physically beating up the enemy team so badly they cannot continue.

In addition to having a fun concept, the game was extremely well made and ran very well even on a glitchy Xbox. It was so good and so unique my father joined my younger brother and I in playing it and this deeply enriched an already excellent experience.

This track just feels chill and cool, which is about right for the main menu.

The main menu music is probably the best music in the game, which wasn’t a problem because the game let you put your own tracks in.

Sadly it was one of those games that came out right before Xbox Live was really ready and so its awesome multiplayer potential was consigned to split screen, system link, and the trick some people managed of playing online before XBL.
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Gingertastic01 »

I am still working my way through the Castlevania collection and recently completed the Famicom version of Kid Dracula. I don’t know what I expected from this bizarre game but I rather enjoyed it and was decidedly jolly.

The track am requesting is from level 2 which contains a particularly tricky later section involving a rollercoaster.


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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Good Shot Janson »

The year was 2004. It’s my junior year of high school. I’m winning second place in the state final track and field meet for Shotput. I’m playing bass in an indie rock band named “the freedom riders.” I’m smoking pot for the first time. I’m kissing girls and falling in love for the first time. I’m getting my heart broken in ways only being 16 can know. I’m driving my car and listening to Joy Division for hours on end until I end up in unknown places, but it’s ok... because I have a half a tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, and a hand full of CDs to get me home. And when I get home at 2 am and sneak in through the basement window, I’m not going to bed. I’m plugging in Armored Core Nexus, and I’m going to become the hero I’ll never be in life. Now years later, when I hear this track, it takes me back to those days. Watching bebop and champloo at zach’s House, participating in insane 8v8 halo LAN games, and playing Armored Core Nexus half drunk at the crack of dawn after a night of partying and female rejection. Here’s to youth...being truly wasted on the young.

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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Gingertastic01 »


As a massive Rez fan I was massively excited to play the spiritual successor Child of Eden. Although I think it ultimately failed to live up to the huge expectations for many reasons, I think it still delivered a pretty interesting game. Much like Rez before it, the fantastic visuals paired with the sound and music create a unique experience that will live in your mind long after you have finished it.

The track am requesting today is called Evolution which plays in the second visually stunning level


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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by ratsoalbion »

Good Shot Janson wrote: October 21st, 2019, 10:27 pm The year was 2004. It’s my junior year of high school. I’m winning second place in the state final track and field meet for Shotput. I’m playing bass in an indie rock band named “the freedom riders.” I’m smoking pot for the first time. I’m kissing girls and falling in love for the first time. I’m getting my heart broken in ways only being 16 can know. I’m driving my car and listening to Joy Division for hours on end until I end up in unknown places, but it’s ok... because I have a half a tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, and a hand full of CDs to get me home. And when I get home at 2 am and sneak in through the basement window, I’m not going to bed. I’m plugging in Armored Core Nexus, and I’m going to become the hero I’ll never be in life. Now years later, when I hear this track, it takes me back to those days. Watching bebop and champloo at zach’s House, participating in insane 8v8 halo LAN games, and playing Armored Core Nexus half drunk at the crack of dawn after a night of partying and female rejection. Here’s to youth...being truly wasted on the young.

In case you missed it, we just played this one in SoP 209 :)
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Re: The videogame music thread (also Sound of Play submissions)

Post by Simonsloth »

I’ve got goosebumps thinking about tomorrow and the release of Death Stranding. It’s a little irrational but my love for Hideo Kojima games is unparalleled and a new series with the shackles of Konami off fills me with excitement.

Here’s one from Phantom Pain by Ludvig Forssell and another by him from Death Stranding.

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