Whatcha Been Watching?

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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Miririn »

My True Television Love (...since Mad Men, Deadwood and The Sopranos finished, anyway), Succession, finally returned from a two year break and already Sunday is the season finale. I hope we don't have to wait two years after an absolute whammy of a cliffhanger like last time. (The delay was Covid-related, I think, so hopefully not).

I don't think S3 is as good as S2, but I think it's been extremely good and that besting S2 would have been quite difficult. S2 was like lightning in a bottle - I'm not quite sure what happened, but it's one of the most consistently brilliant seasons of a dramatic TV show I've ever seen. Up there with S1 of Sopranos and Deadwood, and Mad Men S3, in just not having a single dud episode and having pretty much impeccable writing and performances throughout, along with a ridiculously satisfying narrative arc. <-- Which sounds nauseatingly effusive and luvvie, but I'm not a writer, I'm allowed :p

The finale of S3 will be interesting. The best and most memorable moments of both S1 and S2 were the last five minutes of the season finales. I remember watching the season 1 finale of Succession (and if you've watched it, you know) and sitting there mildly stunned by how well they had pulled off the ending flourish. ("You're my number one boy...")

Jeremy Strong and Matthew MacFadyen have been particularly brilliant this season, although all the cast are great. Hopefully they get a heap of awards.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by DeadpoolNegative »

Succession really hit it out of the park again, with a surprise ending that seemed perfectly appropriate in hindsight.

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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »

A mate of mine recommended Sex Education on Netflix to me so I started it at the weekend. After the first couple of episodes I thought it was just going to a show full of crude jokes which isn't really my thing, but it did evolve into being more nuanced with more drama and some quite heartfelt moments between characters. Plus I have laughed a few times in it.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »


The Power On Xbox documentary which was initially revealed in Xbox's 20th anniversary stream last month has been released on Youtube. It's six chapters long and is all about the history of Xbox. Here is the first chapter.

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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Cornelius_Smiff »

Witcher Season 2 was awesome... That is all!
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »

1. Liquorice Pizza
Really good romantic comedy/drama with standout performances from the leads. Went in a different direction to what I was expecting from the trailer but that wasn’t a bad thing. Check it out if you’re a Paul Anderson fan. 4/5
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »

After hearing a lot of praise for Succession I decided to sign up to NowTV as I was wanting to watch the Harry Potter documentary too. I am hooked to Succession. I have never been a binge watcher but since starting it a week or so ago I have watched 6 episodes due to it's quality. On paper I don't think it sounds like a very interesting premise (family drama with siblings vying for control over their fathers company) but the drama on show is incredible. Everyone is a horrible person in it but throughout you're vying for certain characters only to have a total u-turn on them not long after. Some scenes have you on the edge of you seat and there is a LOT of tension. Highly recommended.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »

Finished Succession Season One now. It lived up to the hype with an incredible final episode. Probably the best show I have seen since Better Call Saul. Looking forward to seeing the next two seasons.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »

Spoiler: show
1. Liquorice Pizza
2. Boiling Point
Fantastic film starring Stephen Graham as a chef running a London restaurant on a evening during Christmas time. It is a stressful watch in the same way that Uncut Gems was but I found it to be even more enjoyable. It is only 90 minutes but is all one shot. Incredibly it isn't just filmed to appear like it's a one shot (like with 1917) but is genuinely all one shot. I found this out afterwards and makes the film all the more impressive. It is all set within the restaurant but there is still a lot of moving around, I feel sorry for the cameraman who must be still sweating! It is quite an incredible feat, there must have been so much planning and rehearsals to get it all right. 5/5
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Seph »

I saw that Archive 81 adaptation on Netflix. It was fine, but it felt like a plug in and play thing that plagues that service now, in that everything has to be about 8 episodes and the runtime seems to be needlessly padded out, which is pretty much a crime for horror. It actually would have made a great 90-100 minute film. The conceit made it almost comical that one of the main characters was conveniently holding a camera at all times, even more so than any found footage film I've ever seen. The excellent Magnus Archives podcast does a great job at explaining why the characters are being recorded in situations where it wouldn't make sense.

I'm sure I listened to the podcast original years ago as it seem to stimulate something in my memory. Plus, the podcast episodes are mostly shorter and I think are much more effective at telling a story like this.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Seph »

Truk_Kurt wrote: January 18th, 2022, 9:42 am Finished Succession Season One now. It lived up to the hype with an incredible final episode. Probably the best show I have seen since Better Call Saul. Looking forward to seeing the next two seasons.
I keep hearing good things and people placing it alongside some of my favourite shows, so I definitely need to track that down.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Cornelius_Smiff »

Started watching Snowpiercer and despite it being a little bit silly, it's actually pretty entertaining, alot of the characters start to develop properly into the second season and the first season is paced as such that its more about spectacle over character. That said, the leading man is literally the most uncharismatic leading character I think I have ever seen in a show I actually like.

Ozark... Cannot believe I waited this long to finally watch this brilliant show. Honestly fantastic!
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Jon Cheetham »

Big thanks to Jay for putting me onto Arcane - League of Legends. Honestly one of the best looking animated shows I have ever seen and a brilliant cast of characters. I actually missed them the day after I finished the show. Absolute banger! (and this is from someone who has never played LoL and still doesn't really know what it is)
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »

I've seen a few films since my last update.

3. Portrait of a Lady on Fire
Watched this before it leaves iPlayer in a few days. Enjoyed it, a bit slow for my own tastes but a great love story told really well with great performances and a superb ending. 3.5/5

4. Schumacher
Not a lot you can say about this other than it being an essential watch if you’re into Formula One. 4/5

5. Black Swan
All I can say is wow. This has become my second favourite film of all time after Whiplash, with which it shares some similarities in terms of the pursuit for perfection. Who knew ballet could be so horrifying. 5/5

6. Jackass Forever
Enjoyed this a lot but think Jackass works better as a TV show as once I’d seen someone get hit in the knackers for the umpteenth time it had lost some of its comedy by then. 3/5
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Rhaegyr »

Sadly - the news, non stop :(
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Seph »

I saw The Batman last night. I have some thoughts, I'll try to keep it vague enough.

Years ago, before the third Nolan film, one of my mates had an idea that they should do the Riddler next and have him as some sort of Zodiac Killer/John Doe from Se7en type, and we never know who he is (possibly in reference to the Long Halloween. The idea is that it would be a bit darker and more of a detective story. There was a lot more to it, and if my mate had written down his idea properly he'd probably have a good claim for copyright for this latest film, as the idea is almost identical. Either way, when I say the first trailer for this I was hit with a strong sense of deja vu, plus the excitement that they're actually going this way for the new film. However, what can seem like a good idea in theory really doesn't translate well to a full and complete story once you try to flesh it out.

The Batman is one of those strange phenomenons in modern blockbusters, in that it is simultaneously too long and under-developed. Thinking back on this (three-hour!!!) film I only saw hours ago, I can barely think of many things that actually happened. And it's not down to the lack of focus or side-plots, as there aren't any. And it's not because there's too much mindless action, as when a (well-shot and lit) fight scene happened towards the end when Batman is taking down a bunch of goons it felt like a novelty.

I've also read some praise for Pattinson's performance, which just baffles me. For all the "he ain't Twiglet guy no more" talk, he spends THE WHOLE FILM doing the same sulky vampire face. There's no duality of the character that is central to the psychology of Batman/Bruce Wayne, he is literally just a moody 20-something in black eyeliner. I put this on the writing and directing more than anything, as he's proven that he's a great actor with range. His Batman look is on point and, visually, the best the character has ever looked on screen. The rest of the acting was fine, some actors (like John Turturro) felt wasted, but Colin Farrell is unrecognisable in every way the Penguin and the standout performance for me.

It's just funny that I remember constantly reading criticisms about the Nolan films being void of humour, which completely misses the point of the character and proves how the mainstream has been abused by the increasingly lame Marvel/Whedon quippy dialogue. Compared to this film, the Nolan trilogy looks like fucking Adam West's turn all over again. In fact, watching this film in Madrid, the only moment that got a laugh from the audience is when someone's misunderstanding of Spanish is used a plot point. Saying that, I like how dark this is and how shadows are used effectively. Matt Reeves has a great eye for visuals, unfortunately a tin ear for dialogue and overall story structure.

I will praise the fact that Batman is Batman from the off in this film. The first 20 minutes are fantastic and there's no fucking about with the same origin story we've seen a thousand times. But with this comes a lack of emotional heft, as I found myself not caring about anyone in this film. Alfred is barely in this and seemingly forgotten about by end, and Catwoman could have been cut out and the story would be pretty much the same. The Riddler stuff is interesting early on, but the character stops being menacing and just becomes ridiculous by the end.

It's not a bad film, it's not a great one either. When I saw The Dark Knight for the first time I was bouncing out the cinema and couldn't wait to see it again. I honestly don't care to see The Batman again, and based on the scene towards the end of it I have no interest in seeing the next one. On that note I've also heard that they're planning an "extended universe" of TV shows about the police and the Penguin. Can we seriously fuck off with this shit?! Can we just have a single story without all this side crap? Especially when we've had it before. Gotham is barely cold in the ground.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Alex79 »

Seph wrote: March 5th, 2022, 6:59 am On that note I've also heard that they're planning an "extended universe" of TV shows about the police and the Penguin. Can we seriously fuck off with this shit?! Can we just have a single story without all this side crap? Especially when we've had it before. Gotham is barely cold in the ground.
Personally I'm really looking forward to the Gotham PD series. Gotham never really hit the big time and was always a bit dull. Gotham PD is supposedly a lot more like the Gotham Central comic series which is one of my all time favourite series. It was like The Wire, in Gotham. Police corruption and barely a bat in sight. I wasn't aware the new TV series was part of the shared world with the new film, but that doesn't especially worry me. I think both can exist without hampering your enjoyment of the other, should you choose not to watch either of them.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Truk_Kurt »

Watched a couple more TV Shows/films:

7. Succession Season 2
Up there with my favourite dramas ever and this season had my favourite finale of anything I’ve ever watched with the final scene. 5/5

8. The Power of the Dog
Really great character study and look into masculinity. Ending didn’t really land for me though. 4/5
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Rhaegyr »

Season 2 of Succession catapulted it into the all time greats for me too.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Cornelius_Smiff »

Pam and Tommy on Disney +, is actually pretty good. Blackly funny and wears it's slight satirical edge on it's sleeve. Surprisingly in the later episodes (so far) it exhibits some really good heart. It's entertaining and constructed well, with some very cool flashback ala origin moments to alot of the characters story arcs. I will never get over Sebastian Stan as Tommy Lee talking to his own penis.
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