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Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: November 29th, 2016, 12:46 pm
by ratsoalbion
Our James and our Josh both regard Invisible Inc. very highly indeed, so perhaps don't be too quick to dismiss that one guys.

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: November 29th, 2016, 12:47 pm
by Alex79
Well Drive Club did see a PS+ release, albeit a somewhat stripped down version. More of an extended demo, I suppose. I've been pretty happy most months with what we actually get, smaller indie-type games do suit me well. But I also agree that there are a lot of bigger name titles I'm surprised we've not seen - as you say, Infamous, Killzone, The Order etc. So I'm not complaining about the games we get, they're usually very good if you actually play them, but a few more AAA titles certainly wouldn't go unappreciated.

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: November 29th, 2016, 12:48 pm
by Alex79
ratsoalbion wrote:Our James and our Josh both regard Invisible Inc. very highly indeed, so perhaps don't be too quick to dismiss that one guys.
It's had very favourable reviews, but strategy games just aren't really my thing. I really enjoyed XCom, but that was the exception rather than the norm, and we do seem to have had quite a lot of them. I'll absolutely give it a try, though.

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: November 29th, 2016, 6:28 pm
by gallo_pinto
Listening to Giantbomb's Game of the Year podcasts last year has me really interested in Invisible Inc.

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: November 30th, 2016, 1:32 pm
by Alex79
Just picked up a few games in the sale - Inside, Grow Up and Slain: Back From Hell, all for about 15 notes. Really looking forward to playing all three of them.

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: November 30th, 2016, 1:47 pm
by ratsoalbion
I nabbed The Witness on PS4 for £15 in the 'flash' digital sale last night.
Who knows when I'll actually play it though...

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: November 30th, 2016, 4:34 pm
by ratsoalbion
Not exactly the optimal way to play RDR (that would be the 360 version on Xbox One), but there it is nonetheless: ... w-11302016

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: November 30th, 2016, 4:48 pm
by Combine Hunter
Just to re-iterate what has already been said, don't dismiss Invisible, Inc. It's FANTASTIC. One of my absolute favourites from last year.

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: November 30th, 2016, 4:50 pm
by ratsoalbion

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: November 30th, 2016, 6:15 pm
by Alex79
ratsoalbion wrote:I nabbed The Witness on PS4 for £15 in the 'flash' digital sale last night.
Who knows when I'll actually play it though...
Interested to hear your thoughts when you get around to it. It's a tie up between that Uncharted 4 for my GOTY.

I'm vvvvvvery pleased with vvvvvv on Vita this month. I enjoyed it years ago on PC, it'll be great to have on handheld.

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: November 30th, 2016, 9:16 pm
by Joshihatsumitsu
ratsoalbion wrote:I nabbed The Witness on PS4 for £15 in the 'flash' digital sale last night.
Who knows when I'll actually play it though...
I'm going to take your comment, substitute "The Witness" with "Inside", slightly adjust the price, and also wonder when I'm going to actually play it!

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: November 30th, 2016, 9:25 pm
by ratsoalbion
I played through Inside in a single four hour session - recommended!

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: November 30th, 2016, 9:28 pm
by Alex79
That's my plan for bedtime over the next couple of nights. Can't wait.

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: November 30th, 2016, 9:48 pm
by Joshihatsumitsu
I still haven't finished Limbo! I've had it for years on my 360, so buying Inside made me realised that perhaps I should actually find the time to play these games I buy!

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: November 30th, 2016, 9:53 pm
by countstex
Another nod for Invisible Inc. Has some very cool ideas on turn based strategy. Well worth a try.

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: December 3rd, 2016, 4:25 pm
by chase210
Lot of exciting rumours for the playstation experience this weekend, I'm quite excited.

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: December 3rd, 2016, 5:52 pm
by Flabyo
Stream for the opening press conference kicks off in about ten minutes.

Most of the panels for the rest of the day are "title to be announced" which suggests several previously unknown games will be breaking cover.

Should be fun.

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: December 3rd, 2016, 7:02 pm
by skidoosh
Trust me to be away for the night when PlayStation GPS bloody nuclear! I'll have to catch up tomorrow

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: December 3rd, 2016, 7:14 pm
by Todinho
Man PSX just kicked ass for me it was way better then their E3 presentation and that's saying something,however chat didnt seem to agree which might be why we cant have nice things. But whatever Patapon is coming back!

Re: The Sony news and discussion thread

Posted: December 3rd, 2016, 7:25 pm
by Flabyo
Hoooo, where to start...

Really strong showing from Sony. Some obvious crowd pleasers (new uncharted stuff, destiny stuff), plenty for the fan of Japanese weirdness (Yakuza 6, Dangonronpa 3, Ys, Ni No Kuni 2), lots of fun looking indie things (the remains of Edith, absolver, pyre...), some things dropping right now (let it die, ps4 version of umvc3).

Oh, and a new Marvel vs Capcom game. But we have to wait till Capcom Cup to see that properly.