What single game mechanic can't/couldn't you get enough of?

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Re: What single game-mechanic can't/couldn't you get enough of?

Post by Joshihatsumitsu »

Considering how Cave title to Cave title, the mechanics don't really change too much, I absolutely never get sick out the weaker shot = faster movement/stronger shot = slower movement mechanic. It never gets old, and it's a simple mechanic that relies on one button, and it allows for so much strategy.

It's a mechanic is noticeably missing as I start to play Jamestown... :(
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Re: What single game-mechanic can't/couldn't you get enough of?

Post by Suits »

Leading on from something I touched on earlier, in a different thread - led me here.

Language interpretation/discovery in games is something I very much enjoy.

My first encounter with this sort of mechanic and introduction to it was in a Mobile game call 'Out There!' which is a rouge space exploration game which has you encountering Alien races who may ask you questions, request things from you or ask for you help on delicate matters.

Your responding actions may result in a welcoming response or a disproved notion, thus altering your path on the game.

Successful actions will often result you learning a word, a noun or a verb. Which then gets added to your vocabulary and will be displayed correctly in future encounters with that race, in what would appear to be a sentence of gobbledygook.

Certain words like Help, War, Resources and Please, as you can imaging will give you a much better understating of a situation and allow you to select a more appropriate response for the situation.

Until ultimately you have a wide enough vocabulary to make accurate decisions.

Very rewarding and satisfying to learn new words I found.

The next similar style of this I can remember was in No Mans Sky, which would have you finding stone tablets, that would reward you in a learning a word and again, would then be displayed clearly in a sentence of nonsense.

Then watching a lets play of a puzzle/logic puzzle game called Prime Mover has the story of the game delivered in a series of what are still images and nonsense text displayed at the bottom, which as you piece together the story and get further into the game slowly becomes clear to you.

More of this please. I enjoy it.
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Re: What single game-mechanic can't/couldn't you get enough of?

Post by Alex79 »

That Out There game sounds interesting, I shall check it out.
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Re: What single game-mechanic can't/couldn't you get enough of?

Post by DomsBeard »

Winning a round with a Shoryuken I have probably done 1'000s of times.

Same in Street Fighter IV and V hitting an Ultra and knowing you have won

Detective Mode in Arkham and more recently Detroit
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Re: What single game-mechanic can't/couldn't you get enough of?

Post by Alex79 »

I thought of a couple of things. I really like just messing around with things in games, like the grappling hook in Uncharted 4, or the climbing bit in Brothers where you're swinging from the ropes and have to take in turns to get to the next foothold bit. There are loads of bits in Tearaway that were fun just messing around with too. Popping fingers through the screen, rolling around like a ball etc.
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