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Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: September 20th, 2012, 10:56 am
by JaySevenZero
mikeleddy83 wrote:Just picked this up, 6 gigs of patches and maps is a bit extensive but I'm up for a game sometime if anyone's interested. Last and only game I played in the series was Battlefield Vietnam so I'm a bit rusty.
Cool beans, send me a FR (tag is in the sig) and we'll sort out some squad shenanigans. I'm mostly on in the evenings around 9pm for a couple of hours or so.

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: September 20th, 2012, 11:14 pm
by mikeleddy83
Baptism by fire indeed, I'm sure to get better over time but that was the best online experience I've ever played. Hope I didn't mess up any stats for you guys, can't wait to play chicken with a few tanks again!

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: September 20th, 2012, 11:40 pm
by Indiana747
Shit man, mess up stats? No way, your a great team player. We found a nice rythm there. Won the next few games after you had to go aswell. There can be good nights & bad nights. This was one of the good ones. :D

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: September 21st, 2012, 1:00 am
by JaySevenZero
No worries about any stats Mike, when we play as a squad we tend to do alright for points even if we're on the losing side just because we're working as a squad. :)

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: September 22nd, 2012, 12:17 am
by mikeleddy83
Brilliant game again tonight, I'm starting to get that pixel vision you guys seem to have. When I had the opportunity to shoot the guy on the roof from the gun on the chopper I just couldn't see him until about the 3rd flyover, even then he was about 5 pixels :)

I spent 2 hours on an empty server before playing just to get a feel for flying but those skills were immense, how you managed to fly at speed about 2 cm's off the ground when dodging those lock ons looks impossible! I think my PSeye was trying to echo cancel my TV when I had headphones connected but I'm starting to think I'll need a dedicated mic, any suggestions?

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: September 22nd, 2012, 12:45 am
by Indiana747
Lols, cheers Mike. I knew our squad mate(Shepps) was in the tank coming out of our base so he could spot up the chopper on our tail & give us suppression fire to get turned & face the enemy. I needed to stay below 25metres to avoid a lock from the enemy choppers missiles, so thats the reason i was mere feet from the ground.
Yeah, the vision thing will come in time mate, it'l become second nature to ya soon enough. Spotting when in the gunner seat is the best thing to when you have no visable targets, just spam the select button to light'em up for yourself or team mates to take out, always glancing at the mini map for an easy target.

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: September 22nd, 2012, 10:30 am
by JaySevenZero
mikeleddy83 wrote: I think my PSeye was trying to echo cancel my TV when I had headphones connected but I'm starting to think I'll need a dedicated mic, any suggestions?
Can't really go wrong with the official Bluetooth headset, although their mic sensitivity means that they can easily pick up your TV volume too so some adjustment usually has to be made in its settings.


However, the official surround sound headphones have had solid reviews and circumvent the issue of TV volume as everything is self contained (quite fancy a pair of these myself).


I have to say the couple of nights playing with the badass C&R crew have rocked. That combined squad effort has lead us into dealing out a collective ass-kicking to the poor saps on the opposing team with the Ace Squad award and the 500 points that it comes with in almost match - good times indeed! :)

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: September 22nd, 2012, 11:06 am
by Xantiriad
I use these PX5's with built in noise cancelling Bluetooth. They're excellent. ... l=backPage

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: September 22nd, 2012, 5:31 pm
by mikeleddy83
Good suggestions, I think the price will put me off the turtle beach set for now but once I hit 20 hours on the game I'll order some of those surround sound ones (the review on amazon made them look amazing for the asking price).

Since I'm the silent squaddie at the moment keep an eye on the radar as I've become hooked on spotting enemies even if I don't get the chance to shoot. I hear pretty much everything you guys are saying but every so often I break away for a second just to get a feel for the maps. If you need me switching class I need the experience anyway but most importantly it seems like every vehicle I get in I'm always finding new abilities so if I'm in a window watching birds fly overhead on a nice drive through the countryside when I'm unaware I'm actually manning a side window turret tell me to move it (still don't know if there's an option to quick switch with a teammate in a vehicle) or shoot it.

Let's hope the wins don't stop! :)

Btw, just about to listen to the top 5 FPS podcast. Really enjoyed the TWEWY one a couple of weeks back!

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: October 11th, 2012, 4:04 pm
by JaySevenZero
Okay, I've been putting this off for a while but I was thinking of renting a server this weekend for some CaR clan BF3 togetherness.

If everyone is available at some point over the weekend (although we don't all have to be on at the same time, although if we are the better it'll be) I'll go for it.

I'll post further details in here once I've got an idea as to whether peeps will be up for it or not this weekend but the plan would be to either rent it early Saturday in the AM so that it will expire very early Monday or earlier Friday night, leading to a Sunday night expiration time.

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: October 11th, 2012, 4:23 pm
by mikeleddy83
JaySevenZero wrote:Okay, I've been putting this off for a while but I was thinking of renting a server this weekend for some CaR clan BF3 togetherness.

If everyone is available at some point over the weekend (although we don't all have to be on at the same time, although if we are the better it'll be) I'll go for it.

I'll post further details in here once I've got an idea as to whether peeps will be up for it or not this weekend but the plan would be to either rent it early Saturday in the AM so that it will expire very early Monday or earlier Friday night, leading to a Sunday night expiration time.
Count me in

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: October 11th, 2012, 6:12 pm
by Indiana747
Me too. I will be about at some stage. Do you kick for t-bagging?

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: October 11th, 2012, 6:38 pm
by ratsoalbion
Although I have to get Asura's Wrath played for next week's podcast I promise to try my best to make an appearance. It's been way too long.

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: October 15th, 2012, 7:20 pm
by mikeleddy83
Did this actually get off the ground or is it postponed? I joined the other night but I'm not sure what the server was. I missed the last one but is double xp weekend up anytime soon?
(just checked: 2012-10-31 - 2012-11-04)

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: October 15th, 2012, 8:26 pm
by JaySevenZero
I didn't set this up, in part because I knew that the usual suspects would be playing this anyway but I also felt I hadn't done enough to promote it. It makes for a better choice to pick the double XP weekend to do this anyway so I'm gonna hit it up for then instead as it gives that little extra incentive for some of the irregulars to join in too.

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: October 15th, 2012, 8:44 pm
by ratsoalbion
Oh cool. I did look out for you but I'm glad I didn't miss anything.
Had several multiplayer sessions planned this weekend and failed to actually do any of them.
:( :oops:

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: October 25th, 2012, 8:12 am
by Toffer
I'm certainly up for this as and when we're about so I'll keep an eye here!

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: October 25th, 2012, 9:02 am
by Indiana747
Great stuff Toffer, didnt realise you had this on PS3 aswell. More the merrier.

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: October 25th, 2012, 9:15 am
by Toffer
Indiana747 wrote:Great stuff Toffer, didnt realise you had this on PS3 aswell. More the merrier.
I've had 5 hours sleep and also am a moron. Thought this was the PC thread. I'll leave now and hide in shame XD

Re: Battlefield 3 (PS3)

Posted: November 27th, 2012, 9:57 pm
by mikeleddy83
Just noticed a huge number of you guys on this tonight. Drop me a quick message if you're after a higher chance of the squad ace ribbons ;)