All things Resident Evil (Biohazard)

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Re: 307: Resident Evil 2 (Biohazard 2)

Post by seansthomas »

Resident Evil 2 is the videogame equivalent of Aliens. It takes a strong, original premise and builds on its foundations through a greater emphasis on action and styling.

This sequel feels slicker and a better actual gaming experience. It's more action packed, with the game instantly throwing you into a war zone and ratcheting up the intensity from thereon in. If my memories of the original are of isolation and jump scares, this one is of streets full of zombies, unloading clip after clip of ammo into oversize crocodiles and noisy self-destructing facilities.

Stylistically, it hung together far better too. Using the animated cut scenes stopped the atmosphere from being broken, whilst the bright colour palette and ambient light made the experience more colourful. Whether it be the outfits Leon and Claire wear, the burning flames, the flickering shop sign neon, the occasional abandoned bright car, the national flags hanging outside the station, the mosaics or the flashing red warning lights, every rundown environment had something within it that caught the eye and lives long in the memory. The models all felt far better connected to the pre-rendered backgrounds than before too, gelling far more atmospherically.

I found the decision to change the central protagonists a stroke of genius even at the time, and discovering their fate was a strong reason why I returned to the series for years afterwards. Likewise I have a huge amount of respect for Capcom's scrapping the original sequel prototype and going in a new direction. It must have been a huge decision to make at the time after the originals success, but one that probably changed the series's reputation.

As many said with the original, my fondest memory of Resident Evil 2 is playing it with friends. I acquired a second hand copy in my final year of University and, as was the way on Fridays when pubs and clubs were more expensive, we treated ourselves to a night in. The three of us began playing with Leon at 9pm, taking it in turns to control him, and finished the campaign at 2am. Then we swapped discs and played Claire's path until the birds started singing. The overlapping stories stayed with me for years, such was their cleverly interwoven moments, and this night is one of my favourite memories of that era. I still see those two now, albeit not as often as I'd like these days.
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Re: 307: Resident Evil 2 (Biohazard 2)

Post by Alex79 »

It's really hard coming back to these games. Tried a bit last night, the first time in over 15 years I've played it, and.... well.... it's not aged well. Put it that way.
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Re: Resident Evil (1996)

Post by Simonsloth »

Great podcast! I loved the community integration and the way it sparked further debate. I feel foolish for suggesting you combine it with the REmake now.
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Re: Resident Evil (1996)

Post by ratsoalbion »

We’d definitely have run out of time!
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Re: Resident Evil (1996)

Post by seansthomas »

Yeah this was great guys. Back with a bang.
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Re: 307: Resident Evil 2 (Biohazard 2)

Post by aidopotato »

After the wonderful time I had with RE1 in 96, I was salivating at the prospect of a sequel and RE2 didn't disappoint. It took the same essential infrastructure and applied it to a much more ambitious canvas, boasting a much larger play area, more onscreen enemies and a more pronounced difference in the campaigns on offer.
The presentation was best in class in it's day too. Looking back, while I'm more a fan of the setting in the original, the second game undeniably stands up better and the sound design much more memorable.
The tone remained daft and schlocky, the jump scares and setpieces were every bit as potent and from a storyworld point of view it was pleasing to have the events pick up in the immediate aftermath of the first game too.
Overall, while this didn't leave as indelible a mark on the history of gaming in the same way as the first, I'm sure for many gamers their memories are as fond or fonder.
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Re: 307: Resident Evil 2 (Biohazard 2)

Post by Simonsloth »

Resident evil 2 brings back a lot of memories for me as do a lot of the games from the psone era.

My parents were quite strict comparatively so even as a teenager I was prohibited from playing games of this ilk. I had to hear my schoolmates accounts of this multidisc experience with tall tales of secret characters if you raced at top speed through the game without saving. A lot of what came out of their mouths were complete fantasy like the nude tomb raider cheat code of legend. It was an all boys school after all.

I didn’t get the chance to play the game until my 15th birthday a few years after my peers who were all onto its follow up by then. I actually rented it from blockbuster and it only came with one disc which I happily played. I thought the talk of a second disc was complete BS until about ten years later when I replayed the game on my PSP and consulted a walkthrough!

Funnily enough a lot of what I thought were playground rumours were actually true although a survival horror game with a block of tofu as a hidden character still sounds like nonsense. I never unlocked tofu so im still suspicious it’s an elaborate trick that’s still being played on me.

The game itself reminds me of metal gear solid in terms of its tense serious moments being offset by some delightfully bonkers scenes. Similar to Kojima-san’s masterpiece it has some of the best examples of voice acting in video gaming. I jest, but its perfect for the b-movie feel the game does so well.

I actually think it has stood the test of time and its absolute insistence on rewarding repeat run throughs is wonderful. I concur with other correspondents in that I prefer tight finely crafted experiences like this which offers incentive to replay rather than a bloated open world title with endless icons and collectibles to pad out the running time.

Re: 307: Resident Evil 2 (Biohazard 2)

Post by L-Barg »

Hi everyone! Love the show! Thank you for all the time and effort that goes into creating these!

I just wanted share my experience with RE2 with everyone.

I didn't play a lot of home console video games growing up, so when I made a friend in Junior High who was an avid gamer, he was the one most responsible for educating me. I had received an N64 late in that console's life for Christmas one year and the only games I had were Mario 64, Doom 64, and Nightmare Creatures. You can see where my tastes leaned by those last two titles. Anyhow, I was over his house one day when he was playing one of the Resident Evil games and I knew I absolutely had to find a way to play it. That's when he told me that Resident Evil 2 was available for my poor under used N64. I don't recall how I got my copy of the game, and I only vaguely remember my parents buying me the RAM expansion once I discovered that my 64 was lacking that bit. What I do remember is sitting enthralled for hours wandering around that Police station, wastefully expending round after round of ammo, using up all the green herbs and first aid sprays, and at one point, putting a key item deep the item box and forgetting about it, effectively halting my progress. When my friend asked me how the game was going I told him I was stuck and he helped me work out what I had done wrong. Then I remember asking, "when do I get to the next level?" He was confused. I elaborated. "Like, I've been on the police station level forever. What's in level 2?"
You see, that's how ignorant I was of how video games had evolved and my only frame of reference were games like Doom that were divided into levels. I seriously had no idea that games existed that linked all the environments in a single continuous map. It blew my mind.
And that's the start to how Resident Evil 2 became my favorite game that I would beat over and over again, until I started trying to speed run it, before I even knew that speed running was a thing.
I'll comment later about how this friend introduced me to my first JRPG.
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Re: 307: Resident Evil 2 (Biohazard 2)

Post by KSubzero1000 »

L-Barg wrote: January 26th, 2018, 10:42 pm And that's the start to how Resident Evil 2 became my favorite game that I would beat over and over again, until I started trying to speed run it, before I even knew that speed running was a thing.
Nice! Do you have any recorded runs we could see, by any chance? :)
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Re: 307: Resident Evil 2 (Biohazard 2)

Post by Simonsloth »

L-Barg wrote: January 26th, 2018, 10:42 pm When my friend asked me how the game was going I told him I was stuck and he helped me work out what I had done wrong. Then I remember asking, "when do I get to the next level?" He was confused. I elaborated. "Like, I've been on the police station level forever. What's in level 2?"
Haha I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who had that thought!
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Re: All things Resident Evil (Biohazard)

Post by KSubzero1000 »

After months of hesitation and skepticism, I've finally taken the plunge and bought RE7 Gold Edition.

Huge fan of the classic titles, RE4 fanatic, RE5 & 6 snob, and I hold FPS jumpscare horror like Amnesia in very low esteem. Not sure what to expect, to be honest.

Is there anything in particular I should know beforehand or is it better to just go in blind?
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Re: All things Resident Evil (Biohazard)

Post by Chopper »

So when are you picking up your PSVR? ;)

Going in blind is fine, I think. It is very straightforward.
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Re: All things Resident Evil (Biohazard)

Post by KSubzero1000 »

Chopper wrote: January 30th, 2018, 4:04 pm So when are you picking up your PSVR? ;)
I am not letting that Cthulhu-summoning apparatus within 100 yards of my enclosure, thank you very much! :P

Chopper wrote: January 30th, 2018, 4:04 pm Going in blind is fine, I think. It is very straightforward.
I'll do that, then. Thanks.
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Re: All things Resident Evil (Biohazard)

Post by Alex79 »

Resident Evil 5 is genuinely an decent game. Its not survival horror, but as a third person shooter its actually really entertaining. I enjoyed it, at least.

I've not played 6.
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Re: All things Resident Evil (Biohazard)

Post by KSubzero1000 »

Yes, I don't mind RE5 in a vacuum. For all intents and purposes, it is a perfectly decent and functional game. I just think it pales in comparison to its predecessor in almost every way.

More on that in the podcast thread when I get around to it. ;)
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Re: All things Resident Evil (Biohazard)

Post by Alex79 »

And I'm sure when I played it fairly near release time that it was the prettiest game I'd ever seen. Dusty ruined towns never looked so good!
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Re: 307: Resident Evil 2 (Biohazard 2)

Post by Mechner »

Rather than give a play by play into why I think Resident Evil 2 is one of the best in the series and all the reason I love it and Leon S Kennedy, I’d rather regale the strange and intricate 3 part history I’ve had with “one” copy of this game.

before I begin…. that “” version is utterly bizzare

Part 1

Resi 2 is the first of the series I ever saw or heard about, and one of my earliest memories of “zombies”. At the time I was a PC only gamer as I had yet to receive my PSone which wouldn’t make its way into my life till Christmas 00’.

Though as luck would have it, A friend of mine had two older brothers and a PSX. On one of the many evenings I stayed over at his house, we were deeply entrenched in Fighting Force it was late Autumn, late evening and the sun had long set. As we obliviously beat up polygonal street thugs, the two of his older brothers suddenly came bursting in to kick us off the PSX, touting a brand new copy of Resident Evil 2, I caught a glimpse of its harrowing PAL black box art, with a frighting outline of a face whose gritty features were hard to make out, but it held me enthralled in its empty dark stare. I vaguely remember hearing my friends mother shout from the next room, something like “don’t let the boys play that” (referring to us being too young: we were 7 and 8 years old respectivley)

My interest was piqued but I was unaware of what I was about to witness. The two brothers made no attempt to make us leave the room, and I remember the older of the two saying “Are you sure you want to stay?”... We stayed. The Leon disc was popped into the tray and the power button was hit. Cue the familiar Sony boot sound and shortly after the title screen showed and once the new game was selected, I witnessed my first experience (and not the last) of the announcer saying “Resident Evil 2” I was beginning to feel worried, the opening cutscene began, the grim narrator retreading the story of Resi 1 over those sepia toned images. I don’t know what it is, but that guys monotone delievery of the voiceover, never fails to instill fear into my mind, he sounds like he is almost happy it all happened, his hollow bleak voice rings in my ears as I type this “A bizarre incident occurred in the outskirts of an American suburb called Racoon city”. I could feel the fear rising as I sat and watched this cutscene, images burning into my minds eye forever. Leon S Kennedy heads into the city in his Jeep, he comes across a person lying in the road presumably dead, getting out to investigate, he wonders what could have done such a thing to the mangled corpse, apon hearing empty moans behind him, Leon turns around to zombies baring down on his position, we were shocked into place, but inside we were screaming, until the body on the floor grabbed Leons foot.. Myself and my Friend leaped up and ran screaming out of the room in terror.

I had never witnessed anything so unbelievably terrifying, it haunted my dreams for weeks on end. It effected my mind so much that I even began conjuring up nightmares of what a hypothetical first game in the series would look like. Any time after that, when I came to my friends house, that cover would gaze at me, filling me with dread.

Awhile after the first incident we decided to brave the game on our own one day, this time during the broad daylight, for what good it would do. We put it on and this time skipped all the cutscenes, suddenly though we were trust into the game, fires blazing, and Leon standing defenseless as a hoard of zombies clambered towards him I was handed the controller as my friend bolted out of the room too frightened to play, my heart was pounding, I tried move Leon in absolute terror but at the time I didn’t understand the tank controls. I was soon over run by the hoard and as the dual shock shook in my hands I soon dropped it and ran out of the room to join my friend, leaving Leon to his fate. Similar things like this happened as time went on, I recall one time myself and my friend were watching the older brothers play the game from outside the bedroom window as we were too terrified to even be in the same room as the game whilst in play. I also recall picking up a copy of the game in Tesco to look at the back of the box one day whilst out shopping with my parents, of course I’d never be allowed buy it, but everytime it was seen or mentioned I couldnt help but be drawn to it. All of this built up in me to leave a lasting impression on my young mind, somehow I still wanted to play this curiously terrifying experience and find out what happened to Leon and Claire..

Part 2

Years passed and I would from time to time think about the game, the horror it had made me feel, and I still went to my friends house every so often, at this stage we were late into the PS2 lifecycle, and as with most things when your a kid, your old toys get thrown aside.

One day as we were out in one of the sheds looking at a new bike of his. I spotted, crushed under a huge pile of junk, a number of his PS1 games from his old collection. They were in very poor condition and most of the boxes, manuals and inlays were badly water damaged, but that unmistakable face gazed at me from the depts of the pile, albeit due to the water damage somehow looked even more hideous. I asked my friend why his PS1 games were being left out here to a sad fate, part of me wanted to claim them and give them all a safe home. He simply replied “storage”.

I asked would I be able to borrow some, he replied “you can, but not my brothers games”. A shot of sadness came over me as I picked through the games, Resident Evil 2 was of course his brothers game. He left the shed to head inside and I picked through the junk getting hold of Fighting Force (Disc only) and Die Hard Trilogy (suprisingly Complete in Box) the rest were games I had no interest in or were in too poor of a condition to be salvagable.. all except Resident Evil 2, do I dare break my friends trust for the allure of Leons horrofying adventure with Claire?

I thought for a moment, surley no one would notice this game missing from a collection whos fate, was simply to be claimed by water damage and mold?… I admit I gave in to my desire to play it on my own terms and took the game, hiding the discs in the Die Hard Trilogy Manual (its a feircly thick manual) I thought about also taking the manual or inlays for Resi 2, but honestly I was too frightened to have that horrible cover face in my room at night, and they were too damaged anyway. When showed my friend the “2 games” I was taking he barley looked up and gave me an approving nod, I threw them in my bag guilty, though elated, as we settled into a long night of Red Faction splitscreen Multiplayer.

After, when I returned home I began the game one evening, would I survive the terror? Pangs of fear crossed over me as I relived the opening cutscene on my own, though older, so whilst I still was scared, I was capable of braving it out, launching into the game again, Leon was surrounded, I had no idea how to use the gun, but had since mastered tank controls from the many hours spent playing Grim Fandango on my PC. So I ran in terror from the hoard through the ghastly infested streets of Racoon City. My blood rate pulsed heavy in my ears as I felt a cold sweat pass over me. Over a few weeks I slowly played through some of the game often with a few different friends of mine by my side, it was quite hard all told. I had never experienced the feeling of low ammo and a tight inventory. One night I was introduced to the licker, another night to the crows… those bloody crows.. and I became intamitley attached the warm fuzzy feeling of safe rooms. I found myself enjoying it, though still feeling scared at all the right moments. It was where I first met the spiders in the sewers, a friend of mine whom played bass in my school band was with me, we decided it was time to power through the game, so he pulled out a cheat book walkthrough for some of the tougher parts and we played Leon A to completion. As the internet was not yet available in our home, save for some expensive dial up, I wasnt aware of the canon way to play the game “Claire A/Leon B” or what the Zapping system was or anything really passed my own experience of the game. Only once did I pop in the Claire Disc thinking, “oh its just the same game with Claire, no need to play that”. So I counted it that I had completed the game, and was satisfied with the outcome. Though more was yet to come…

Part 3

Sometime around 2013 well into the PS3 lifesycle, myself and a long time friend whom was also in the school band were reliving the majesty of early PS1 games, spurred on by a Playstation nostalgia binge I was going through at the time. I had since learned all about Resident Evil 2’s zapping system and all its different storyline playthroughs you could achieve depending on the order you play in.

Any time I would make my way over to his house, we would spend hours watching each other playing through various PS1 games, offering commentary and moral support for each other as we beat each game. One evening he had begun the mountainious task of completing Crash 2 100%. I was just fresh off the back of completing Medievil and I decided it was high time to complete Resident Evil 2 with all the storylines, using that orignal pair of discs which I still had. (I still feel slightly guilty about keeping them)

Beggining on the non canon Leon A again, this time the game was an enjoyable romp through my nostalgia soaked mind, it had nearly at this stage become an old friend of mine, there were still many shocks and surprises I had never realised were in the game such as MR. X hunting you through the Police station and playing for a short stint as Sherry Birkin. I regailed the stories of playing it for the first time to my friend, as he ran commentary over me playing… Also strangley, as we often do, we will put on different music whilst we watch each other play games, the person in the metaphorical passanger seat is in charge of the music. So for some reason my friend was on a curious Chris De Burgh binge… and now forever more Resident Evil 2 and Chris DeBurgh will be linked in my mind, as Leon runs down Police HQ corridors mowing down Zombies to the tune of “Don’t Pay the Ferryman”, it strangley suits the game in a way.

It was finally complete as I finished up Leon B, I was satified with the twists and turns, the ending, and I was satified that Resident Evil 2 was a complete story and finally a closed chapter of my life.

Well that is until I heard about all the extra modes since then… HUNK mode and Tofu mode (with just the knife)…. but thats a story for another time… maybe I will return to those when I hit my 30’s… or when the remake gets released… maybe I could return those original discs now to my old friend… now that I have a complete in box copy of my own.

One thing is certainly for sure though Resident Evil 2 will stay with me forever.
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Re: All things Resident Evil (Biohazard)

Post by KSubzero1000 »

Oh, absolutely. Very nice game to look at, despite the oddly persistent green filter.

Btw Alex, how does your frog phobia deal with the Lickers in RE2 and RE5? Do you have the same issue with them as you do with the Hunters?

Edit: And now that I think about it, you might want to tread carefully if you plan on playing RE0 along with the podcast...
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Re: All things Resident Evil (Biohazard)

Post by KSubzero1000 »

I thought it best to move this discussion to a more appropriate place.
Todinho wrote: February 1st, 2018, 1:19 pm ...What? So by this you`re saying that the game is very linear and scripted and there`s no change in the experience, that to me is crazy especially since you brought up Youtube because I played the beginning of that game and then went to youtube to see a playthrough and it was pretty different from what I had.
You know what I do in the first 30 minutes of REmake?

I get lost. Despite having played this game 20+ times, this is what happens every single time. Whenever I get back to the main hall after the first zombie, I am unsure of where to go next. I carefully check every door, memorizing the specific emblems on the locked ones. I tentatively push forward, paying close attention to my surroundings, hoping to find some supplies along the way. I only eliminate the necessary minimum number of enemies in order to conserve as much ammo as possible. 20 minutes in, and that's when it hits me: "Oh shit, the crimson heads." I frantically try to locate some kerosene to deal with the problem as soon as possible. But oh, wait. I need a lighter. Where is the lighter? I can't go this way, the dogs will feast on my bones. Should I kill this zombie? Hm... I only have 7 bullets left and I don't know if there are more behind him or not. I think it's more prudent to go back out the way I came from. Should I push this statue? I should, and then I'll have to remember to pick up the gemstone the next time I'm back in the dining hall. Time is a factor. What is the gemstone for, again? Nevermind, I'll figure it out later. If I can live that long...

Barry, help... I don't want to die. :cry:

You know what I do in the first 30 minutes of RE4?

Okay, single enemy: check. Enemy group: check. Hidden crow grenade: check. Saving the dog: check.
Pueblo, here we go.

First, rush to the hidden Salvador guarding the top left exit to secure the bonus loot. Bait his swing and exploit the stun vulnerability of his recovery phase. Time the following melee to catch at least one more goon and create space. Knife them on the ground while paying attention to audio cues so as to not get surrounded. Repeat until he's dead and the others spawn. Collect the Ruby and sprint towards the house. Trigger the second Salvador, collect the shotgun and jump out. Crowd control until you get them all in a spot and use the aforementioned grenade. Get to a safe distance of the blast and use the invulnerability frames of the following animation to tech reload. Go to work on the remaining homes with a pair of pliers and a blowt- Wait, what's this?

"Where's everyone going...? Bingo?"

You know what I did in the first 30 minutes of RE7?

I pushed forward in an empty forest, I pushed forward in an empty swamp, I pushed forward in an empty house, I pushed forward in the same empty house again (this time in a tape feat. unskippable cutscenes), I pushed forward in an empty wet basement, I got an unskippable first-person cutscene, I pushed forward some more until the token damsel-in-distress went "peekaboo!" and threw me across the room. But then the real fun began! Time for some in-depth combat complete with elaborate frame dat-oh wait, no, you'll get a 15-second Condemned-style whack-a-mole with garbage collision feedback and you'll like it. And then it's the old fart who went "peekaboo!" and threw me across the room. One unskippable cutscene later, and I could almost taste freedom at the end of the corridor, until... the script came back? Gasp! Immersion! Surprise! Does it mean it's time to push BACK?! GG, 10/10, meet you in the garage for the shitty bossfight!

I started this game with the renewed hope in a modern classic after the dumpster fire that was RE6, quickly came to realize that the game was striking back against that notion at every turn, and got hit with the return of the script as soon as I thought the bullshit was over. I went through the entire thematic arc of the original Star Wars trilogy in less time than it took me to write this post.

Resident Evil games have always been gameplay kings, even the classic titles. They know when to cutscene, and they know when to gameplay. They're tense and scary without relying on sudden close-ups of random characters going "BLARGH" in front of your face. RE7 is "go from A to B featuring Trader Joe's and his weird nondescript inconsistent vulnerability phases and Vegemite bullet-sponge spastics who begin dancing to 'O sole mio as soon as they see you". Even the map can't help but spoil your destinations. It has horror elements, but they're purely cinematic horror elements. The survival mechanics of the classic games aren't there. Nor is the exciting combat from RE4. It's insultingly shallow and superficial. What a fucking joke.

Can't remember the last time a game has made me so mad. Good job, Capcom. Get rid of Mikami and Kamiya in one fell swoop and put the Revelations guy in charge of your flagship franchise. No way this could go wrong.

Todinho wrote: February 1st, 2018, 1:19 pm This might a hard sell since you seem to be disliking the game enough already but I would advise to play on Madhouse if you`re playing it on normal, to me that`s the dificulty RE veterans should all be playing from the get go, I liked the game well enough on normal but it was Madhouse that really made me appreciatte it, maybe for you it will save the game from being a complete disaster I dont know.
Sure, why not. I'll give it a go on my second playthrough if I haven't imploded by then.

PS: I am well aware that we have a lot of hardcore RE7 fans around here. I hope you guys won't take this the wrong way. For the record, I can totally see why people are enjoying this. The game is very polished and looks fantastic. Sound design is superb. It's probably a sensory overload in VR. It's just that it's the exact opposite of what I want in a Resident Evil game.

Edit: Okay so, out of curiosity, I went to check on the Crimson Head wiki page. What caught my eye was the lower section titled "List of Creatures by Game". I scrolled down, and... huh, there is no RE7 section. Now, why could that be?

...I seriously hope it's only because the website hasn't been updated since the release of this game. Because if this means that the fucking Vegemites are the only standard enemy type in the game I'll-

Re: All things Resident Evil (Biohazard)

Post by Todinho »

So I want to start rebutting this immediately but I think we'll have a more productive conversation after you finnish the game, I just have to point out that like you Im a huge RE fan and this game gave me exactly what I've been wanting outta Resident Evil in forever. What you say doesnt exist here, as in the feel and gameplay of RE, are the entire reason as to why I like this game so much. Regardless its sure to make interesting conversation,
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