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Re: Apex Legends

Posted: March 3rd, 2019, 9:48 pm
by James
Yeah, the flat HP doesn't make a great deal of sense given the bigger characters (Gibraltar and Caustic) are supposed to be defensive. Though base movement is also equal across all Legends, characters like Bloodhound, Wraith, Pathfinder and Bangalore all have abilities that increase effective movement speed. Throw in the bigger hitboxes, and Gibraltar/Caustic start to look like risky propositions.

I know the abilities are intended to be the only differences, but I really do foresee an HP buff for the bigger characters.

Re: Apex Legends

Posted: March 3rd, 2019, 10:19 pm
by Flabyo
It feels like they wanted to go for an Overwatch or Team Fortress feel with the classes, but they haven’t fully embraced that because it’s hard to balance when you have no idea what guns and equipment they’re holding.

For example, you could give Gibraltar some sort of buff when using the heavy machine guns, less recoil perhaps, but that means you have a character that’s only at their best if your lucky enough to find one of them.

They should have enough metrics now to tell them what might work though.

Re: Apex Legends

Posted: March 7th, 2019, 8:23 am
by hazeredmist
I've made it to the last few people a few times now with my friends in a squad, but that's just being stealthy, I still have no kills - every gunfight I get into I lose :D

Jump, land, run around and find guns and stuff, gunfight, die, repeat. That's my pattern with these games, I'm very aware I need to play a lot to stand a chance. Not gonna happen sadly, I can see it's great though and easily the best "one of these" I've played.

Re: Apex Legends

Posted: March 7th, 2019, 1:49 pm
by Magical_Isopod
Apex Legends is a really good online game, very fun gameplay loop of around 5-15 minutes a go. But gods almighty it could do without the grown-ass men shrieking like banshees when they can't pick the character they want!

Re: Apex Legends

Posted: March 16th, 2019, 6:24 am
by Magical_Isopod
Just a PSA - The Anthem glitch that people claim is "bricking PS4s" is happening in Apex now too. I just had it happen to me. Exact same symptoms, exact same solution. Apparently it's something to do with the VOIP speech to text - disable that. And it should avoid the crash.

Can almost fucking guarantee it's little shitheads using EA's accessibility features to "troll" other players. The aimbots were bad enough, but I'm gonna put a freeze on this game til they fix this.

Re: Apex Legends

Posted: March 19th, 2019, 2:38 am
by Magical_Isopod
Season 1 Battle Pass announced today; going live TOMORROW at 1pm EST.

950 coins (the ones you have to spend real money on), or 2800 coins for a cheese bundle that unlocks the first 25 levels of rewards in one go.

So here's a list of info I've gleaned:
- The BP level and player level are different things, but both drop rewards; though the BP level drops stuff faster and resets at end of season.
- Octane is a new character (speedy boi, regens health while running) but not included in Battle Pass. Is unlocked with the free in-game currency though.
- BP has 100 levels, each with an associated prize.
- Prizes include the normal skins, trackers, backgrounds, loot boxes, etc.
- But they also include new bonus like "epic" and "legendary" loot boxes, XP gains, currency you normally have to pay for, and an "evolving" weapon skin that changes as you kill with it.

But here's what's really baller: If you spend $13 or whatever to buy the Battle Pass, you actually *get your money back*. From the Apex Reddit:

For 950 Apex Coins, you get the following by BP level 100:

1000 Apex Coins
Apex's first ever 3-stage Evolving Legendary Weapon Skin (Havoc)
Exclusive Epic PDW weapon skin
Legendary Apex Pack with Guaranteed 1+ Legendary
Epic Apex Pack with Guaranteed 1+ Epic
5 standard Apex Packs..."
Pretty neat stuff. I'm new to this FTP shit, so this business model seems... Quite fair if you play a lot. Kind of a scam if you don't. Interesting to see how far I'll get, then I can gauge its value.