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Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 8th, 2013, 10:23 pm
by NokkonWud
RoboticMonk3y wrote:
NokkonWud wrote:Judging a console on its graphical qualities before they're out is crazy...
said the man who yesterday put up a gushing post about the xbox one's graphical capabilities ;)
That's promoting, not judging :p

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 8th, 2013, 10:25 pm
by NokkonWud
SqueezyCheesyPeas wrote:
NokkonWud wrote:Personally I think it's at a level now where even the 'lesser' of the machines is clearly capable of stunning graphics.
A good example from this gen is Red Dead Redemption. It looks far better on 360 than PS3 but does that mean I can't enjoy the PS3 version? Absolutely not. Same goes for titles in the upcoming generation. All I care about is the game I'm playing and whether or not I'm having fun.
I watched a lot of my father play through Red Dead Redemption this year. That's a 3 year old game and it's still utterly magnificent to look at. Am I worried about next-gen? Not even a little bit.

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 9th, 2013, 10:12 pm
by dezm0nd
Criterion in spirit, Need for Speed: Rivals might as well be called Hot Pursuit 2.

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 10th, 2013, 3:48 am
by NokkonWud
Not even in spirit, Ghost work along side, not in competition. Reading an interview it stated that they couldn't hang the camera better than Criterion, so they just got Criterion to do it, etc. Was a fascinating read in a little book that I got with a magazine.

I'm so pumped for this game.

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 10th, 2013, 8:51 am
by dezm0nd
I was trying to do a wicked pun with "spirit"... Ghost.. Oh forget it! :-)

Ghost are basically Criterion 2. They broke off to make Need for Speed games leaving Criterion to be a 16 strong studio. This fills me with hope and joy that the end product will be good.

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 7:40 am
by dezm0nd
Seems like PS+ is translating to the next gen very well in terms of value. ... th-playst/

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 1:04 pm
by NokkonWud
I think thats what we'll continue to see, cheaper games being thrown into PS+. Neither of those particularly excite me, but BoI may still do something for me in console. (not always a guarantee as Hotline Miami showed.)

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 13th, 2013, 1:51 pm
by dezm0nd
Embargo lifts at 2pm! Quick Look of Killzone over at Giant Bomb on that time!

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 13th, 2013, 2:32 pm
by Flabyo
No real surprises so far. The launch titles are poor to average (same as always), the ports of games also available on the PS3 aren't massively better (same as always).

It's been a long time since a console launched with a must have title on day one. It's why I'm usually quite happy to wait.

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 13th, 2013, 2:48 pm
by ratsoalbion
I tend to agree, I wouldn't be buying so early but for potential work and, to a lesser extent, Cane and Rinse related matters. Happily waited over a year for PS2, PS3, 360, 3DS and Vita.

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 13th, 2013, 2:50 pm
by NokkonWud
Xbox 360: PGR 2
Xbox: Halo: CE
Nintendo 64: Mario 64, Pilotwings 64
Playstation: Wipeout, Tekken, Ridge Racer

Those were the days! Microsoft knocked a killer exclusive out the park on the last two, Forza 5 definitely does it for me this time too (would rather have PGR5 mind!) but Sony haven't had one since 94/95 but hoping Killzone turns out to be a monster online.

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 13th, 2013, 4:15 pm
by Flabyo
PGR leaves me cold, but the 360 did have DOA4 at launch which was enough for me at the time.

The days of getting a game of the quality of Super Mario World at launch are long gone.

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 13th, 2013, 4:28 pm
by dezm0nd
It seems that Resogun is the best scoring game so far! Knack is getting poor to above average scores and Killzone seems to be more of the same.

Still waiting for that elusive Need for Speed: Rivals review!

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 6:11 am
by Dr Mcfluffin
Shame about knack...I thought that looked promising. I'm happy with 'just more killzone' though :)

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 6:45 am
by chase210
Killzone seems to be getting decent reviews. Sorted :)

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 1:24 pm
by Sinclair Gregstrum
Some slightly worrying reports of early hardware issues are starting to come out: ... -4-systems

Lots of horrible fanboys gloating on the message boards around the net but fingers firmly crossed from me for all those getting launch PS4s that these are isolated incidents. I'm getting Xbox One at launch and I know how gutted I'd be if it was dead on arrival so how people can be so callously mean to fellow gamers is beyond me!

Not the first time a hardware launch has been plagued by these kinds of issues but I guess that's the risk we take as early adopters :roll:

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 2:55 pm
by NokkonWud
Dead or Alive 4 was actually released a month later. I imported it for my 22nd birthday. Crazy... 22nd...oh man...

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 3:02 pm
by NokkonWud
Reviews are going very much how I expected. Standard Sony launch.

What was interesting however was Sony stating that the console failures (IGN's, Kotaku's and the Taco Bell winners) are isolated and a small number (as there are no doubt more) compared to the number shipped.. But given that the console isn't even out yet and in the hands of the majority of gamers, it seems a strange comment to make.

These rumours of overheating were widespread pre launch and the fact we hadn't seen retail units until a week before launch were a little worrying. As you say, fingers crossed.

Some part of me smiles at the misery of those PS4 lot on NeoGAF that have made it hell for those excited for an Xbox One for the last 6 or so months.
The other side is incredibly sad that as someone who has a lot of friends investing in one at launch, myself included, are now worried we'll be troubled by these reported issues.

These reports of failures were always coming and I'd been telling people to brace themselves for quite a while on Twitter. It's the same every time.

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 3:25 pm
by AndyKurosaki
Keep the reciept handy then. Still,not going to worry unless it happens. For now, it's all aboard the hype train, Choo Choo!

Re: PlayStation 4

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 3:56 pm
by NokkonWud
AndyKurosaki wrote:Keep the reciept handy then. Still,not going to worry unless it happens. For now, it's all aboard the hype train, Choo Choo!
Apparently Sony are saying to contact themselves, not the retailer.

I honestly don't have a problem with that, I had to sent 3x Playstation 3 consoles back and every time the service was nothing short of fantastic. Probably the best customer service I've ever experienced.
(All 3 were straight console swaps at the door - hope they still do that rather than the Microsoft method of sending coffins. Ugh.)