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Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: November 7th, 2016, 5:09 pm
by JaySevenZero
nickturner13 wrote:Spend my whole time gaming when not at work pretty much... favourite games these days are GTA V / Just Cause 3 / Rocket League, but have spent years in the past playing WoW and Football Manager.
GTAV? Two questions - does this include GTAO and are you on the PS4?

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: November 8th, 2016, 10:45 am
by nickturner13
JaySevenZero wrote:
nickturner13 wrote:Spend my whole time gaming when not at work pretty much... favourite games these days are GTA V / Just Cause 3 / Rocket League, but have spent years in the past playing WoW and Football Manager.
GTAV? Two questions - does this include GTAO and are you on the PS4?
Sadly not, I think I actually tweeted you the other day about it.

I’m a PC gamer, but might get a PS4 later this month if I can find one for a decent price in a Black Friday sale.

My experience of GTA Online is Log in, get killed, respawn get killed again. Try to do some kind of lobby for a heist or race, wait around for 10-15 minutes for the whole thing to either collapse through lack of players or occasionally make it to a race, which is fun, but then after the race spend another 15 minutes waiting for another one.

I’ve heard you guys raving about GTAO on the podcast and as you say, I’m probably doing it wrong, but that’s my experience of it so that’s what I have to go on!

Tried the new stunt races recently which were ok but Trackmania does that kind of thing a lot better and faster.

I like the idea of GTAO but I just haven’t had a good experience with it. Of course, it doesn’t help that my other gamer friends don’t have it, so we can’t meet up and play as we do in other games like Rocket League or survival games like DayZ or Empyrion.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: November 28th, 2016, 12:26 pm
by Mafisto667
Good Evening All.

I have been enjoying both of your amazing podcasts for almost a year now, and managed to work through the majority of your back catalogue in that time. It has made my transits into work infinitely more enjoyable. Looking forward to kicking back and relistening to my favourite episodes down on the Great Ocean Road over Christmas.

I've been interested in gaming since I was a young kid, and have spent more then I am proud of across consoles, handhelds and my PC since the original Gameboy days... that giant yellow brick still works too. Have been recently jumping between the awesome Civilisation 6, Grim Dawn, Shadow of Mordor and the obligatory new Pokemon generation. Although, I'm currently reinstalling GTA V after catching your cast over the weekend.

Thanks for all your hard work over the years!!
Feel free to look me up if anyone is playing at between 3am and 10am on weekends (the time difference over this side of the Pacific is a killer).


Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: November 28th, 2016, 12:52 pm
by ratsoalbion
Hello, and welcome to the forum!

Thank you for the kind words.

Be sure to share some pics of your Great Ocean Road trip.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: January 30th, 2017, 11:24 pm
by chrysalice

Been listening to the podcast for a few years now, and have signed up for the forum in the past but pretty terrible at posting. So, going to try again!

Mostly just stick to single player games, anything I can just get myself lost in for a few hours. Currently playing through Kingdom Hearts 2.8, and really looking to picking up Persona 5 in a couple of months! Also, when money allows, trying to pick up retro consoles and go back to stuff I never had the chance to play on account of not being born.

Always trying to find new games to get into, and so hopefully will be able to play along with some of the games you've got scheduled :D

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: January 31st, 2017, 12:54 am
by ratsoalbion
Hello there - thanks for signing up (again)!

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: February 3rd, 2017, 6:27 pm
by ianw78
Hello :)

I've been listening to your show on & off for a few years now... Recently enjoyed the Everybody's Gone to the Rapture episode (loved that game) and looking forward to seeing what the rest of the year brings.

I've been on a social media blackout since last month (FB, Twitter, IG... all deactivated for now) so thought I'd sign up here.

Gaming wise I've got my PS4 and currently playing Witcher 3 and Virginia (what a soundtrack).

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: February 3rd, 2017, 6:51 pm
by ratsoalbion
Hello and welcome!

Thanks for signing up.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: February 12th, 2017, 3:08 pm
by ReprobateGamer
Hi all,

new to the forum and indeed new to Cane and Rinse.

I've come here via way of a Gamesradar feature on gaming podcasts, which mentioned Sound of Play - exactly the podcast I was looking for!

I've been gaming since around 1990, when I was given a Spectrum+ and, other than a year or so when I was distracted by girls and alcohol (not necessarily in that order ... :-)) there has been at least one gaming platform within easy reach.

Currently I'm mostly on Xbox One, with a PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii still hooked up, a couple of Android tablets and even an old DS on a shelf somewhere. I'll play most games, but lean towards action adventure games given the choice and prefer co-op and objective based games to straight deathmatch or score attack.

I do have a Youtube channel that I update semi-regularly (and if I get more comments/subscribers I'll spend more time on it!) with a twitter and wordpress account to go with it

Best wishes to all and I hope to get to know some or all of you more soon


Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: February 12th, 2017, 3:17 pm
by ratsoalbion
Hello and welcome RG!

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: February 24th, 2017, 10:56 pm
by Marco
Hi everyone,

I'm Marco. I've been playing games for over thirty years. My parents were kind and caring enough to support my interests and I spent hours with friends who loved games as much as me. This meant I grew up playing on NES, Master System and Spectrum when I was very young; Amiga, Mega Drive, Super NES, Gameboy, when I was no longer quite so young; Saturn, PlayStation, N64, X-Box, GameCube, GBA when I was considerably less young and after a few years of returning to university as an actual, proper, grown-up adult: Wii, PS3, DS and Vita. I even had 2 Neo Geo Pockets which were great and both versions of the Atari Lynx, though I couldn't tell you why.

As for how I got to be here, I actually found Cane and Rinse through Sound of Play. I can remember Google suggesting I take a look and a listen a few days after some heavy game music searching. Well, after listening to a couple of the early episodes, partially surrendering my privacy to a faceless corporation suddenly seemed like one of my wiser decisions.

From there, I started going back and listening to Cane and Rinse episodes of games I had fonder memories of before trying out a few for the games I had been less enamoured with.

Before I knew it, 2 years had passed and I still hadn’t quite consciously realised that I was going back to games that I’d always meant to play and never got round to, as well as finishing games I always meant to return to. It was only very recently, after actively seeking out games that had podcasts, returning to my somewhat neglected PS3 after years of, DS and Android aside, exclusively PC based gaming and only last week, purchasing a second hand PS4, that I realised I should probably say hello and a big thank you to the whole community.

While I no longer have the time or the inclination to rinse a game as I might once have, mild MGSV addiction notwithstanding, I’ve found the impetus to cane through many more. The fact a game is selected for discussion on your podcast tells me I should at least investigate it and once I do, I often find something to at least respect for technical or historical importance, if not outright enjoy in its own right.

So thanks.

Thanks for the hours of entertainment, your positive attitudes towards games, players and developers. Thanks for introducing me to games I would never have played and thanks for remembering opinions, differing viewpoints and experiences have value to your listeners.

Apologies for the long, gushing ramble. Thanks again everyone!

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: February 24th, 2017, 11:06 pm
by ratsoalbion
Hi there Marco!

Thanks for signing up and for the kind words about the podcasts.

Welcome to the forum.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: May 9th, 2017, 11:49 am
by kintaris
Hello everyone!

I have been listening to Cane and Rinse since March, on the recommendation of my colleague Mark from TrueAchievements. He's just been on your Mad Max show, which is still in my queue to listen!

As soon as I spotted the Sound of Play podcast on the website, I started to binge. After two months, give or take a day, I have listened to 60 episodes. So, one a day. I think it's fair to say that I'm hooked! I even downloaded iTunes just to get myself an account and leave a good review. It's no exaggeration to say that Sound of Play is a triumphant vindication of the medium; after decades of being mocked and scorned for adoring game soundtracks, it's a huge relief to know that I'm not alone!

As soon as I've caught up, I'll start sharing my own thoughts. I plan to start my own little blog about video game music too.

I volunteer as a news writer over at TrueAchievements, mainly taking on the press releases that come with hundreds of images that no one else wants to sort through and reformat. I also run a Community Interview feature there where I chat to any member of the community who wants to sit in the spotlight for a few minutes. It's a really rewarding segment that proves that everyone has an interesting story.

I'm mainly an Xbox gamer at the moment, though I grew up on a pretty unhealthy diet of point and click adventures on the PC. The logical side of my brain has never been the same since and you will often find me trying to solve simple household problems with ridiculous item combinations. After a long-awaited trip to Japan (next week!) I plan to purchase a reasonably powerful laptop so I can play some of the wonderful independent releases that I have heard so much about on the podcasts.

I love video games that can tell a good story, and I also think they are under-valued as a therapeutic and educational tool. I took a pretty tongue-in-cheek look at this idea here and that article pretty much sums up my feelings about gaming generally.

I'm still feeling my way around the forum but I hope to make some contributions soon. I'm a Witcher hipster so I will likely share my thoughts on the first game shortly! :)

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: May 9th, 2017, 12:52 pm
by ratsoalbion
Hi Kintaris, welcome along.

Thanks you for embracing Cane and Rinse so wholeheartedly.

We'd definitely like to hear and share your opinions on The Witcher please!

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: May 21st, 2017, 9:49 pm
by Nihilizem
Ciao from Italy.
I have been listening to Cane & Rinse since a few years at this point and I've grown to know a lot of you during these hundreds of hours of content and contributions. So it is really a pleasure to be part of this community.
Thanks for all the fine entertainment you provided, for free, during all these years.

As for me, not much to say really. I started gaming "seriously" when I was relatively old, I think 15 or 16. We were in the twilight years of the PS1 and the PS2 was looming. I think the first game I completed was Heart of Darkness, followed by Resident Evil 3.
As you may infer from that, the whole pre-32 bit era is a bit of a blind spot for me, at least in practical terms, even though I am always willing to rediscover masterpieces from back then. Cane & Rinse works extremely well in that sense ;-)

Nothing much to add really, looking forward to interacting with everybody on the forum. Just excuse my English, which may sometimes prove to not really be up to standard.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: May 21st, 2017, 10:40 pm
by ratsoalbion
Welcome! Please don't worry about your English, it certainly puts my Italian to shame.

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: May 22nd, 2017, 9:31 am
by JaySevenZero
Welcome to all the new folks who've signed up to our community! :D

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: May 23rd, 2017, 12:56 pm
by Bluebird55

I'm new to the forums, I was introduced by a couple of friends to C&R (ratsoalbion, to name one) and I have been a gamer since the good ol' days of the N64 (IMO the golden era of games, seems that Achievements and Trophies have killed the thrill of gaming nowadays). I have played many many games, I am a WoW Veteran (I hate the way that things are so isolated on that game which is why I quit, plus how Blizzard show little respect for a gamer of 8 years) and, with a fellow player called Mightyjames, cofounded Guardians of the Empire on Terenas, which actually glitched the game at 1k players (I heard that it was the biggest on the EU forums).

Anyway, I do squabble, sorry about that. Just felt that it was necessary to put up my first post introducing myself, so yeah, hi!

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: May 24th, 2017, 9:27 pm
by VadaGoll
Hey, everyone!
My name is Vada (my nickname can't hide that xD) and I'm glad to be here :)
Wish everybody to have nice time posting on this forum and good luck :D

Re: The "Introduce yourself" thread

Posted: May 24th, 2017, 10:22 pm
by ratsoalbion
Hello there and welcome!