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Re: Overwatch

Post by skidoosh »

Just spotted this, so anyone on Battle.net better go reset the passwords and possible detach payment information for the short term. Good idea to activate multi factor auth too. The app just got update so you just have to approve a request on your phone rather than type a number in like on steam.

https://www.vg247.com/2016/06/24/passwo ... g-ins-now/
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Re: Overwatch

Post by macstat »

Link is dead and i haven't found anything similar on other sites . I wonder if that means it wasn't true.

Re: Overwatch

Post by skidoosh »

Yeah. They deleted the tweet and put this up:


It's still advisory to have multi factor auth though. The horrors I've seen that could have been stooped because of it!
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Re: Overwatch

Post by macstat »

Yeah i had that already since it gave ma WoW pet ;)

Re: Overwatch

Post by skidoosh »

So. I've popped onto Overwatch for a bit and I appear to have been put into thew category 'Savage'. All weekend I've been playing with teams at about level 1-40. All of a sudden I'm in with teams at about level 50-180. It's even more fun than it was before and the matches are frantic. Need to revise my character tactics as the don't seem to wash with players in this skill band.
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Re: Overwatch

Post by Flabyo »

The last few days I've found that I've not been in a game where the attackers win. At all. It feels like everyone has a handle on defence play (at least at the level of player I'm being paired with), and that people aren't finding ways to work around it.

Re: Overwatch

Post by skidoosh »

Funny you should say that. I've been seeing the same thing 'a lot'. Sometimes I'll look at the team comp and there's no problem with the punching power just how good the defensive classes and positions seem to be on some of the maps. I was in a match yesterday that we were literally being repelled for 2 mins meters from the finish. If it wasn't for a lucky ultimate (see below ;)) we'd have lost it. We just couldn't move them.

Sometimes you really have to surprise them from the start. Yesterday I started on attack as D.Va on Kings Road. Went to the top door and as soon as the match started flew to the objective forcing them to fight on two fronts and bypassing the Bastion, Reinhardt, Torbjorn (little hacking arse hole with his insta-aimbot turret with no range limit) and Symmetra that were covering the wall opening. Did the same on the Route 66 with her up the left over the trailer, took out the turret and went into the trailer for the counter ambush.

If it isn't for little moments of genius like that, you're stuck at the first point till the end of the match.


Re: Overwatch

Post by skidoosh »

On a more positive note though! I'm really getting to grips with some of the characters I never thought I'd be good enough to play as when I started. I'm lethal with Roadhog. He's not that amazing against armored enemies, but you can snatch a sniper, healer or anyone trying to get a well timed ultimate of on you and ruin their day in seconds.

Some dude was about to high noon my entire team on the Nepal map when we were all on the point. Span round, spotted him, hooked him and head shotted him down the hole :D The salt was real! There was just "oiuytgfytcfuhgygfjtfgcdt" in the chat window :D
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Re: Overwatch

Post by Flabyo »

The salt that flows when you knock multiple people off the map as Lucio or Pharah makes my day sometimes.

Don't run between me and the edge of the map! I will do this to you! Every time!

I'm slowly learning the best places to put Symmetra turrets now as well. There' are routes in some maps, especially numbani, that everyone seems to go for cause they think they're being clever... (I do stop short of exploiting geometry errors to put them in places where they can shoot you but you can't shoot them. I'm not a total asshat)

I've really started to get the hang of playing Junkrat now as well. Being able to arc shots over walls and through holes onto places where people always seem to put their Torbjorn turrets is kinda hilarious.

However, I still remain utterly hopeless with Zenyatta, McCree and Genji.

Re: Overwatch

Post by skidoosh »

I only ever roll out the Zenyatta when they try to roll with the Winston hoard! You can de-buff them and take them down as fast as Tracer. He's quite powerful on PC now they've reduced the Widowmaker damage. Never really saw him before that if I'm honest.

Just been causing trouble on Kings Row with a Bastion. They pushed us right to the back but I just tucked the Bastion under the ledge on the left around the corner so they didn't know I was there till it was too late. Bit shitty that I can take them out by shooting under the cart too. They were throwing everything at me too bless em. Winston, D.Va, Widowmaker. They just couldn't deal with me on one side ant the rest of my team on the other. One guy asked was I having a nice time. I replied "Superb of course :D".

Glad to hear Torbjorn's getting nerfed on the console. I got the funniest play of the game with him before. Didn't even do anything. I was just leisurely walking to get a medpack and got a triple down. Recorded the footage to get that up when I get the chance to edit it :D

Re: Overwatch

Post by skidoosh »

So. Has anyone managed to have a crack at competitive yet?

I've done the ten placement matches and about four-five ranked matches beyond that and here's my thoughts so far:

The ten ranked matches are needlessly harsh. You're thrown in with players who are astronomically better than you AND your team. I can see why they do this as you're ranked at the end and then that replaces skill for matchmaking purposes. My problem with this is, why not just have leagues? They have the data to keep people playing in the same skill range as each other. And you could still move up and down leagues as you improve or reach your peak. AND they could do this without pushing you through ten demoralising rounds of placement matches. This feeling is really compounded when you've got some swollen testicle telling everyone their idiots, even though he was quite shit himself.

Once you come through the end of this (like Ace Ventura forcing his way out of a Rhinoceros ass) it's as fun as, but a lot more chatty than quick matches. The up side of being destroyed in seven of the ten placement matches and getting ranked thirty eight. I'm up against people who really aren't as good as me so I'm moving up quite quickly and gaining some competitive credits pretty much for free. The downside of this is it's getting a bit dull. In quick play I'm going up against people as good as and better than myself so it's really quite exciting and dynamic.

Even though competitive offers no rewards that really interest me. It feels more of a team game. People are talking, calling out targets, telling each other what their doing and it's all quite civil.

How's everyone else finding it?

Re: Overwatch

Post by MagicianArcana »

I found competitive matches to be pretty fun. I like how they're structured differently. In payload matches each team gets a chance to attack and the winner is determined by who can push the payload further. It almost feels like a different game mode from the quick play version.

I did my 10 placement matches and was given a rating of 49. Most of the people I interacted with in these matches have been civil. I played Reinhardt in one match and someone else played Bastion. I remember he and I coordinated where to set up. And even though we lost that match everyone on my team was like "well good try everyone. We played well." No one was unnecessarily toxic.

I like that people are more inclined to coordinate in ranked. Pulling off a coordinated attack is very satisfying in this game.

Also, I know it's a really minor aesthetic change, but I like the way it shows both teams rosters at the beginning of a match. It looks like a sports broadcast and makes me feel like a professional lol Sometimes it's fun to pretend :P

Re: Overwatch

Post by skidoosh »

Managed to push to level 41 before but went back down to 40 on a loss. Found out that there was a bug in the control maps that wasn't dishing out enough rank xp so I should be at about 45 taking W/L into account. Really gutted. Won five matches went up one level :-S

I have to say though I've only come across a few ass hats so far. Playing with a lot of Dutch, Danish and German players so far and they must get taught to not be dick heads in school because they're always really polite, accommodating, open to compromise but most importantly gracious losers.
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Re: Overwatch

Post by registradus »

Is anyone playing on PC? I need some friends... registradus#6713
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Re: Overwatch

Post by ratsoalbion »

I would be... but my graphics card has died. In fact I think I might have fried it while playing Overwatch.
Anyway, I hope to be back soon. In the meantime you'll find a few Battle.net tags in this here thread: http://caneandrinse.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=53
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Re: Overwatch

Post by registradus »

ratsoalbion wrote:I would be... but my graphics card has died. In fact I think I might have fried it while playing Overwatch.
Anyway, I hope to be back soon. In the meantime you'll find a few Battle.net tags in this here thread: http://caneandrinse.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=53
Thanks! I just added my battle.net tag to my post. couldn't see many others...

Re: Overwatch

Post by Todinho »

Pharah's mom is in the house!

She looks awesome,though her inclusion further dooms poor Zenyatta to be the worst of supports forever,her design is cool and she seems very versitile hopefully this will curb a little the widowmakers spam,also dare I say there's some The End influence in there.
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Re: Overwatch

Post by Flabyo »

Her shots heal friends and apply a DOT to enemies. Her ultimate is weak, relative to the other support characters, in that it's way more situational. There will be games where you hold it and never get to use it, but in the right situation it'll win matches.

I like the design of providing a support character that appeals to the twitchy no-scope headshot brigade, maybe we won't see teams full of widow makers who refuse to change even though they're clearly losing...

They're also modifying competitive to enforce a 'no more than one of each hero' rule. I'll admit I haven't seen multiple hero teams in competitive as much as quick play myself, but this is still a welcome change.
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Re: Overwatch

Post by NokkonWud »

If anyone wants to add me to play then my BattleNet is NokkonWud#2206. Don't be afraid to just throw me an invite or something! I say this on Social Media and have had a couple of people add me, but no one ever invites!

Re: Overwatch

Post by Todinho »

Messed around with Overwatch after the last patch officially dropped and man I thought I liked Overwatch before but boy do I love it now XD they buffed my 2 favorite characters,D.VA and Zennyatta, in a way they are actually usefull now!They were always fun to play but the buffs they got are game changers,Zennyatta now has 200 hp(150 shields) and his ult was also buffed to charge faster and to have increased movement and those make all the difference,it`s way easier to use the ult and quickly help your team push,also the health boost means I no longer have to worry about the breeze fearing it might kill me,D.Va`s changes are also really good first off her ult is no longer stupid it both explodes faster and the explosion doesnt kill you!Also the changes to the defense matrix were great it`s way more usefull now that you can control it.Played a little bit of Ana too and she`s really fun to play,way easier to get to grips with then I initially thought,people need to stop picking her and not healing though,also her ult is really OP I love it XD.
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