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Re: The Hitman thread

Posted: November 29th, 2016, 8:27 am
by Joshihatsumitsu
Actual information that's kinda useful, if you're buying, or bought, Hitman through Steam - ... 1659.phtml

If the offline mode extends top the PS4, I may actually buy it... I'll just wait and see first.

Re: The Hitman thread

Posted: November 29th, 2016, 9:03 am
by Combine Hunter
I'm glad they are making this change. I kind of can't believe they included this to begin with, but at least they've listened to feedback and adjusted.

Re: The Hitman thread

Posted: November 29th, 2016, 4:40 pm
by James
I can't help but think that Square Enix assumed the downloadable and episodic nature of the game somewhat inured them from complaints. They were, of course, incorrect; the first couple of weeks after release was an absolute mess, with many being unable to play without repeated disconnections.

Finally, sense has prevailed, even if only by virtue of the forthcoming disc release.

Re: The Hitman thread

Posted: November 29th, 2016, 10:36 pm
by Todinho
Thank god they are changing that,you would think that after the debacle that stuff like Sim City and Diablo 3 were publisher would learn not to do this kinda of stuff anymore...I ended up buying the first chapter of Hitman just to see how it went but now I think I'll get a refund wait until this update rolls out and then pick up the full thing at another sale.

Re: The Hitman thread

Posted: December 2nd, 2016, 7:37 pm
by Sean
Here, so, I just bought this on a cyber monday deal.

Is it natural to be *absolutely awful* at it for the first couple hours? I can't even get out of the final training mission.

Re: The Hitman thread

Posted: December 2nd, 2016, 9:28 pm
by Joshihatsumitsu
Sean wrote:Here, so, I just bought this on a cyber monday deal.

Is it natural to be *absolutely awful* at it for the first couple hours? I can't even get out of the final training mission.
I still haven't got this game, but that was the same feeling I got when I first started playing Blood Money! Maybe that's a positive sign?

Re: The Hitman thread

Posted: December 5th, 2016, 9:16 pm
by James
Sean wrote:Here, so, I just bought this on a cyber monday deal.

Is it natural to be *absolutely awful* at it for the first couple hours? I can't even get out of the final training mission.
Yeah, probably. I can scarcely remember my first playthrough of Hitman 2, but I dare say I ran around the outside of that mansion a bunch of times before I successfully de-pantsed the delivery man or strangled the peeing guard. :evil:

Best thing to do is follow the Opportunity prompts and take your time. Before you know it, you'll start to grasp how much leeway the disguises, and AI, and vision cones give you. Most targets, guards, etc are on enough of a cyclical path that you should be able to spot moments where they are on their own, and where might be a good place to wait, and hide their body, etc. I'd say that a good rule of thumb is that you never want to be running anywhere or pulling out your gun... ever. But then, I would say that! ;)

Re: The Hitman thread

Posted: December 5th, 2016, 9:39 pm
by ratsoalbion
It's natural for me to be *absolutely awful* at Hitman (and Splinter Cell for that matter) forever.

Re: The Hitman thread

Posted: December 5th, 2016, 10:09 pm
by James
I wouldn't necessarily describe myself otherwise, to be fair. The same goes for most any game I can I think of; the only difference, I suppose, is how readily I can tolerate being awful and for how long!

Stealth games - Eternally.
Fighting games - I'll always come back.
Shooters - It's designed to be completable, so I'll get there.
Rhythm action games - Eff this noise!


Re: The Hitman thread

Posted: December 6th, 2016, 9:36 am
by Combine Hunter
The thing about Hitman, is there is a temptation to overreact to being spotted or noticed, start running, start shooting, that's when things go off the rails. Just calmly walk away from someone suspious of you, they won't call the guards unless they see you doing something bad or they get a closer look and realise you aren't who you claim to be.

Also, (THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT TO KNOW AND A BIG REASON WHY THIS IS MY FAVOURITE HITMAN) if you're trespassing, and guards spot you, they won't automatically open fire. Guards will always assume your some idiot who got lost first, and ask you to follow them out of that area. If you follow them, nothing bad will happen. This is great, because it allows you to test the defences without risk of failure.

Re: The Hitman thread

Posted: December 6th, 2016, 9:40 am
by ratsoalbion
Interesting. I could work with that I reckon.

Re: The Hitman thread

Posted: December 10th, 2016, 2:27 pm
by Alex79
Planning on getting stuck in to this tonight. Quick question, is there an overall story running through season 1, or are they all self contained vignettes?

Re: The Hitman thread

Posted: December 14th, 2016, 5:16 pm
by Alex79
Anyone tried the free Christmas mission? Apparently it's set in Paris (the only episode I own) and sets you killing the baddies from the Home Alone movie. :lol:

Re: The Hitman thread

Posted: December 14th, 2016, 5:20 pm
by Combine Hunter
I have! I have to say, it was very easy. Because they're just two dudes stealing stuff, unprotected by the layers of security you normally have to peal back with traditional targets, it's very easy to find them on their own, equip a silenced pistol and just pop them in the head.