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Far Cry 4 Co-op/Multiplayer/Map Sharing

Posted: December 13th, 2014, 5:11 pm
by Grimsgrams
Interested in playing Far Cry 4 cooperatively or competitively or perhaps in sharing your map maker creations? No? Well, if you change your mind then here'd be the place to exchange contact info for whatever system you're on!

I'm on PS4 myself, where I'm Grimsgrams84 - add me if you like!

Oh and I've got 9 spare 'Keys to Kyrat' for anyone who's interested. They allow anyone who doesn't own the game to jump into a co-op game for two hours. The whole map is available in this mode provided the host has unlocked it, so it should give you a picture of what the game's about. If you want one of the keys, just let me know - I've got to get rid of the damned things somehow.