Mental Health

This is the place where you can conflab about all the other stuff besides videogames
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Re: Mental Health

Post by ratsoalbion »

Really sorry you've had to go through all this, Seph.
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Re: Mental Health

Post by Rhaegyr »

Sorry to hear that Seph, that sounds rough as hell.

Hope you find some better colleagues at your new job.
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Re: Mental Health

Post by Seph »

Cheers everyone. I have good days and bad days, that's just how I am; but I'm looking forward and just counting the days now.
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Re: Mental Health

Post by Alex79 »

I'm all over the fucking place at the moment. I don't know why so I don't know how to stop it. It's not even one day to the next, it can change in the hour. One minute feel like everything is brilliant and the next like my world is crashing down and genuinely can't think of any reason to carry on with it all. I've not changed anything in my life, I've not started drinking or stopped taking any medication I'm on, nothing. Nothing has changed at work (I got a promotion which was good but nothing changes in my day to day job role so it's not that) and nothing has changed at home. It's just really draining and I don't know what is causing it. At the moment, everything is shit. It'll probably be different by tea time.
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Re: Mental Health

Post by ratsoalbion »

Male menopause?

Seriously though, might be worth seeing if you can self-refer for some CBT.

Hope things stabilise soon, Alex.
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Re: Mental Health

Post by markfm007 »

Sorry to hear that Alex. I sometimes find a change in routine can help me feel a lot better, even something small like going on a different walking route to normal. Not sure if that'll help you but I do find it tends to pick me up sometimes.
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Re: Mental Health

Post by Truk_Kurt »

Sorry to hear how you're feeling Alex. Hope things improve. Out of interest, are you still using Twitter a lot as I remember having a chat with you a couple of months ago about how you were sometimes replying to posts on there which would only make you angry. I can't recommend coming off it enough. I know it's hard as I was addicted to it for a time, but after a week or so I got used to being off it and it has been a big help mentally. Not interacting with idiots, not reading negative stuff that would get me annoyed etc and also I would sometimes be thinking about what I could tweet. Something would happen in my everyday life and I would be thinking of how I could tweet about it which I didn't think was a healthy way of thinking.
I'm not totally off Twitter but literally the only thing I use it for is to say when I've finished a game and want to hear other peoples thoughts on it.
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Re: Mental Health

Post by Indiana747 »

Its tricky to offer advice on such matters as everyone is different. Life can be strange, especially nowadays with people spending too much time on their phones being brainwashed. Couldnt agree more with Kurt here, i deleted twitter, instagram, facebook & all the other trash last March & got my ass outside more, walking, jogging, listening to more music, it definitley helps.
My heart goes out to ya Alex, ive chatted to you about gaming on numerous occassions down the years & you've always been a pleasant chap. Life can grind you down if you let it, but theres fight in all of us mate, stay positive. Ive been to the depths myself between roughly 2012 till 2022. That internal monologue, questioning myself, my purpose(if we need one at all), how do i get out of this, is there any point. A lot of dark times, a lot of different reasons, a year didnt go by without some sort of family tragedy.
I guess what im tryin to say is & what i found out is that theres always a reason to keep moving forward, for friends, for family but most of all for yourself. My grandad had a really fucking tough life but something he told me that always stuck was that no matter how tough i thought my live could get, theres always someone poor bugger worse off, its harsh, but fair, our lives are a cakewalk compared to people living in poverty & war torn countries, it gives a certain perspective on things. We shouldnt dwell on the negative aspects but look at what we have.
Im rambling now, but just letting you know & anyone else that are feeling similar feelings that people are here for you, as i found out, i have mates online here that pulled me through shit when i reached out to them, people id never even met in person, good people, stay strong brother, it is but a phase, better days are ahead.
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Re: Mental Health

Post by Alex79 »

Thanks all, really do appreciate that.
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Re: Mental Health

Post by Alabastermage »

arry_g wrote: February 7th, 2015, 10:11 pm Hmm... I've already have had negative comments from a family member about being open and have been told that in discussing or encouraging people to understand all this just makes me look "mental" to other people. Bit of a knock to my self-esteem.
It's okay to set boundaries with people who are not supportive or who make you feel invalidated. Surround yourself with people who uplift and encourage you, whether they're friends, family members, or supportive communities online.
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