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Re: Overwatch

Posted: May 29th, 2016, 3:40 pm
by Todinho
doesnt it work that way? I though that if you`re with a team you get paired up with teams and if you`re alone you get paired up with other people that are alone I could swear that was how it worked

Re: Overwatch

Posted: May 29th, 2016, 5:45 pm
by skidoosh
Not by my experience I'm afraid. Wish I'd saved the screen shot of my team lvl 9 to 18. Their team lvl 29 to 35. If it was that they were all loners and it's just skill based. It's definitely broken if it thinks we were better than them!

Re: Overwatch

Posted: May 29th, 2016, 7:02 pm
by skidoosh
Thought I'd pop on for a few hours and it looks like Sunday night is annoying little shit night.

First match the entire opposing team was a Winston. That was funny, but frustrating.

The second had some annoying skid mark telling people to be a healer rather than doing it himself and just kept spamming the "Need healing" button. So I obliged and switched to Mercy, but made every effort not to heal him no matter how much he spammed. I even pushed the ultimate status button when he was dead to let him know I had an ultimate, just not to rez him.

The third was a peach. Some tit was ranting on chat NO BASTION! Again and again... So we all went bastion and watched him go off like a bottle of pop :D

Re: Overwatch

Posted: May 29th, 2016, 7:44 pm
by AndrewBrown
skidoosh wrote:That was one thing Destiny got right. If you're in a party you'll be matched against the same. But if you're flying solo you'll have an easier time.
I wondered out loud last night on my stream why this isn't the standard case. The answer, of course, is probably so premades will actually get matched up quickly. This is completely unfair to the PUGs, of course, but oh well?

I've gone against a full team of Genji's a couple times in the past week. I gave them a face full of Winston in response (can't deflect his weapon). Still, though, the ability to have more than one of each hero on each team still feels like a weird design oversight than a deliberate choice.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: May 29th, 2016, 8:03 pm
by skidoosh
The thing is I know the counter to a Winston, but when you've got two more battering you around the head and dropping bubble shields so you can't be backed up is a great tactic. But not in the spirit of the game I feel. I think a hero limit might have been a better choice. Sometimes it easy to counter, like a team of Bastion. Just go reaper. But Winston has shields, shit loads of HP, a bound and a weapon that locks on.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: May 29th, 2016, 9:04 pm
by Flabyo
A players level number is really just a measure of how many hours they've put in, it's not a ranking. The actual ranking stuff isn't enabled yet, they weren't happy with it during closed beta.

Playing on xbo it all seems a lot more civil than how you're describing it, but that's probably because I have chat set to friends only, and as a hardcore hearthstone player I am immune to being trolled just by in game emotes :)

Re: Overwatch

Posted: May 29th, 2016, 10:39 pm
by skidoosh
Yeah, I do get the leveling system but it should still make an effort, at this stage especially to keep you in teams with similar experience which is a better word than level. If you spend all your time getting steam rolled or being the roller the fun factor depletes rapidly.

When both sides are equal and you're both scrapping for everything you get or keep it's a massive buzz! We won a match last night with five seconds to go after being beaten back to the brink by the other team. At the end of a match like that everyone on both teams GGs and votes for a player. At the end of a steam rolling no one says a thing and no one votes.

With the number of people playing at the moment I can't see it being an impossible task to group two teams and keep them within 10-20 exp of each other overall rather than the nearly 80-90 I've been lumped against. All the means is you got two teams with similar knowledge of the maps and heroes.

I'm really looking forward to ranked matches. That way I'll settle at a level with and agains people similar to me and get some more great scraps! :D

Re: Overwatch

Posted: May 30th, 2016, 12:51 am
by AndrewBrown
Yeah. Win or lose, the best matches are the ones that come down to a furious Overtime battle. These are the matches where you know the matchmaking has done its job.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: May 30th, 2016, 1:12 am
by skidoosh
Yeah. Decided to have another quick go before bed. The first match was the usual lvl 9 - 17 against 29 -38. The next match it put me in when the enemy already had the payload on the objective and the last one was a scrap. 1 out of three ain't bad I suppose...

EDIT: Even though the matchmaking I a wee bit wonky. This game is like crack!

Re: Overwatch

Posted: May 31st, 2016, 3:41 pm
by MagicianArcana
AndrewBrown wrote:Yeah. Win or lose, the best matches are the ones that come down to a furious Overtime battle. These are the matches where you know the matchmaking has done its job.
Yeah! I love those matches even if my team loses. I don't like being on either team in a one-sided match. That's no fun and the game ends too quickly. I'd much prefer an exciting battle till the very end.

Win or lose, I'll always give a one-sided battle a 1 out of 3 rating and a close battle a 3 out of 3 rating.
skidoosh wrote:Even though the matchmaking I a wee bit wonky. This game is like crack!
I must agree! I haven't felt like playing anything else lately. Although I'm not looking forward to the day I finally get burnt out on this game haha

Re: Overwatch

Posted: May 31st, 2016, 3:51 pm
by skidoosh
MagicianArcana wrote:I don't like being on either team in a one-sided match. That's no fun and the game ends too quickly. !
I think you mean mercifully quickly :D

Re: Overwatch

Posted: June 2nd, 2016, 9:54 pm
by MAp
I'm loving this game but enjoying it far more with atleast one buddy by my side...if only to make the team have at least two person that hasn't picked Reaper. I only really appear randomly for 30mins or so but add me to the PS4 list if you want an extra member on the team ;)

Re: RE: Re: Overwatch

Posted: June 2nd, 2016, 10:30 pm
by mikeleddy83
MAp wrote:I'm loving this game but enjoying it far more with atleast one buddy by my side...if only to make the team have at least two person that hasn't picked Reaper. I only really appear randomly for 30mins or so but add me to the PS4 list if you want an extra member on the team ;)
What's your psn name?

Re: RE: Re: Overwatch

Posted: June 3rd, 2016, 1:24 pm
by MAp
mikeleddy83 wrote: What's your psn name?
Look down in my signature ;) Or the less obnoxious psn is MAp-MAp

Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Overwatch

Posted: June 3rd, 2016, 2:14 pm
by mikeleddy83
MAp wrote:
mikeleddy83 wrote: What's your psn name?
Look down in my signature ;) Or the less obnoxious psn is MAp-MAp
Apologies, on Tapatalk here on my way back from a mini holiday, will see if I can enable signatures

Re: Overwatch

Posted: August 18th, 2016, 10:16 am
by Combine Hunter
I'm going to be playing a lot of Overwatch Saturday evening (on PC). If anyone's about, we can get a skype chat going and form a team.

This isn't an official Cane and Rinse game night or anything, I'm going to be playing it anyway, so I might as well play with friends.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: August 18th, 2016, 10:38 am
by ratsoalbion
I am up for this!

Fair warning: I'm still a total NOOOOOB.


Re: Overwatch

Posted: August 18th, 2016, 10:54 am
by Combine Hunter
Haha! I'm a pretty good Lucio, so if no one wants to play healer, I'm happy to take on that role. ;) In fact, I'm happy to switch roles around, depending on what others are doing.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: August 18th, 2016, 11:02 am
by ratsoalbion
I've still only tried a handful of the cast and only one or two games with each that I have tried.
I've ended up playing as Mercy most often and contributed a fair amount to the team effort, but I'm not sure that's the role I want to play.
Still experimenting.

Game looks shiny as fuck running on my new gfx card.

Re: Overwatch

Posted: August 18th, 2016, 11:05 am
by Combine Hunter
Zarya is one to look into. Protecting your team with energy bubbles makes your gun more powerful. So you get to feel like you're aiding others, while also doing some serious damage.