Hardware Lineup?

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Hardware Lineup?

Post by KSubzero1000 »

One of the things I like the most about C&R is the attention being given to "older" titles of past generations instead of the incredibly short attention span pertaining to our hobby which seems to be the norm everywhere else I look. So this should be a rather straightforward question: How many different consoles do you (still) use regularly?

I have a GameCube (with GameBoy Player!), PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 & WiiU all hooked up to my TV. Plus a GBA SP (the sexy AGS 101 model) and a 3DS XL on the handheld front. All of which receive more or less regular attention. Don't see myself relegating any of those to storage any time soon. What about you?
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Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by Flabyo »

In terms of using regularly, the XBO probably sees the most use right now (blame Overwatch), followed by my PS4. The WiiU gets fired up when I'm in the mood for Splatoon or Hyrule Warriors. The 3DS is currently just doing a job of being the thing I play Theatrhythm on when doing a long build of the game I'm working on.

I still have my 360 set up and fully hooked up, was playing Deathsmiles again the other day on it. The PS2 and Dreamcast are still half setup in the lounge (not hooked to the TV at the moment) from when I had an itch to play some of the Soul Calibur games the other month.

The only other machine that's set up is my Megadrive in the bedroom, but I haven't played it much lately.

Sitting in the cupboard is the Gamecube, PS3, Original Xbox, two PS1's, an N64 and a Wii. Keep meaning to sell some of that stuff on actually.
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Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by Combine Hunter »

I have a PS2, 360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4 and Wii U hooked up to my TV (as well as my PC). On the handheld front I have a 3DS XL and a PS Vita. My PS2 collection is slowly disappearing as I replace them all with digital copies. If it ever gets to the point where all of them are available else where, I'll retire the PS2. Though this is unlikely, due to the Silent Hill situation. 360 is semi retired, as the console is actually my girlfriend's, I just have my own hard drive. If Microsoft continue at the pace they're going, all my 360 favs will be available to play on Xbox One eventually. The only annoying thing is that Ninja Gaiden Black is "considered" the optimal way to experience that particular game, and Xbox Originals are unlikely to ever be available on Xbox One. The PS3 will never be retired, as it has become the home for all my favourites from the 6th and 7th generation.

Because I have a proper gaming rig, the Xbox One is on dangerous ground. I only own the Master chief collection, Halo 5 and Sunset Overdrive. Future exclusives I was excited for are all coming to PC. If it turns out these are all great ports, and Halo 5 and Sunset Overdrive are retroactively added to Windows 10, I may just get rid of my Xbox One, and just use a 360 for legacy purposes. I'm holding off on this, because I suspect some of these PC versions will be a little shoddy, in which case the Xbox One will stick around.
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Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by hazeredmist »

Love hearing what people have got! I do miss all the consoles I've sold over the years, having owned almost every console you could name from ZX Spectrum to Xbox 360 at one point but trading in to buy the next one, selling or giving away etc, ultimately I don't have the room for the collection I'd love to have but I'm happy with what I've got now nonetheless.

I have the following...

Under the telly:

Wii U
Lego NES style Raspberry Pi (for retro gaming, LOVE this!)

Handhelds (I'm a big handheld fan):

New 3DS
PSP (3000, modded)
DS Lite
GameBoy Advance (original model)
JXD S7800B (for handheld retro gaming)
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Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by Sean »

As far as using regularly, aside from my PC:

XB1/PS4/PS3/360 and Wii U are all plugged into my TV, and, currently, I probably use them in that order. Vita is my most used handheld, but, I still keep my 3DS charged up.

Still have my old NES, SNES, Genesis, and Sega CD boxed up in my closet.
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Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by KSubzero1000 »

You're all a bunch of GameCube haters! :D
Combine Hunter wrote:The only annoying thing is that Ninja Gaiden Black is "considered" the optimal way to experience that particular game
Yes, it most definitely is. Sounds like a perfectly valid reason to hold onto your 360 to me.
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Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by Combine Hunter »

Ain't nothing wrong with the Game Cube, just that most of my favourites can be played else where. :D
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Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by Suits »

Cool, it's great to hear about what other people are using and still showing the love too.

Older consoles, you might find get more use than some people expect.

I generally horde all my stuff and collect certain generations and consoles.

I also have a very accommodating wife, that's not interested in gaming but lets me spread my wings with it.

In the front room under the TV I have the 3 modern consoles, that all get used, probably the Wii U or the Xbox get the most use but the PS4 gets switched on for it's unmissable exclusive titles.


Then in my office I have a iMac, another Xbox One and my old consoles, they're not all plugged in unfortunately. My office is a mess and where I store all my stuff. I keep meaning to get in there and sort it all out and make it look like those nice American places but I just can't be bothered.

This is where I store my older handhelds too, which do get quite a bit of love really. Anything I can't play on my N3DS which is either beside the bed or the sofa.

Of all my classic stuff I use my SNES the most, I just bought myself a Super Famicom too and I'm trying to get hold of an old Sony Production monitor for it to set up both my SNES and SF on - that's the plan anyway.

Classic Handhelds


Messy Office


Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by MagicianArcana »

I also think too many people focus only on the current generation of games. That's not too say the current gen is bad though, but the classics are worth talking about too. I've met so many people who seem to think old games aren't worth playing or talking about simply because they're old and look dated. I often have just as much fun playing an old gem I missed out on as I do playing the latest installment in a series I really like.

Currently hooked up to my TV I have my PS4, PS3, PS2, WiiU (Which I mostly use to play Wii games), and 360. But I own so many consoles I don't wanna list them all. I never felt like selling them because I fear I'd regret it down the line. The other consoles I just haven't unpacked yet since moving. But I still play GameCube and PS1 games regularly. I'm trying to get through Eternal Darkness, Skies of Arcadia, Harvest Moon AWL, and Final Fantasy 9. I'll still play my NES from time to time as well if I feel like playing Castlevania or Crystalis.
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Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by KSubzero1000 »

MagicianArcana wrote:I also think too many people focus only on the current generation of games. That's not too say the current gen is bad though, but the classics are worth talking about too. I've met so many people who seem to think old games aren't worth playing or talking about simply because they're old and look dated. I often have just as much fun playing an old gem I missed out on as I do playing the latest installment in a series I really like.
Yes, that's exactly what I had in mind when creating this thread. To get people talking about the classic systems they like to hold onto and forgotten gems which didn't receive modern ports. I'm glad to see it doing so well!

Nice pics, thanks for sharing! :)
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Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by Suits »

I was playing Wario and the other day on my GBA-SP and took a moment to think about the year that game was made and the technology it had to play it's ideas.

The achievements those games made with what seems like today a pitiful amount of horsepower is testament to the people making them.

This obviously wast aimed solely at Wario Land just the technology involved and the worlds they created.

Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by MagicianArcana »

Suits wrote:The achievements those games made with what seems like today a pitiful amount of horsepower is testament to the people making them.
Yeah. When viewed in this light, you begin to realize how impressive certain games are. I'm still impressed by the amount of detail in some PS2 games. I remember thinking Final Fantasy XII was a PS3 game when I first saw it.
KSubzero1000 wrote:Yes, that's exactly what I had in mind when creating this thread. To get people talking about the classic systems they like to hold onto and forgotten gems which didn't receive modern ports. I'm glad to see it doing so well!
I'm still hoping that Tales of the Abyss and Tales of Legendia will become available for download on PS4 someday. Most of my older games I'm holding on to because I know not everything gets a modern port. And if they don't, they may become hard to find. (I regret not buying Rule of Rose when I saw it for $40 haha Now it's worth at least $100)
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Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by AndrewBrown »

Let's see here...

Game Boy Advance SP, Gamecube w/ Game Boy Player, Sega Genesis (w/ no working wires), NES, Nintendo 64, Nintendo DS (2), Nintendo 3DS, New Nintendo 3DS XL, PlayStation 1 w/ Miniscreen, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Portable, SNES, Wii, Wii U, and an Xbox 360. A lot of these are rendered redundant because I own a Retron 5.

The Wii U, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, and Retron 5 are the only things I keep actively hooked up to my TV.
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Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by Alex79 »

Awesome set up there, Suits.

In an old house many years ago, I had pretty much every 'mainstream' console set up, as well as several others. I had managed to get most of them all wired up so whatever game I wanted to play, I just turned the console on and loaded it up. It was a proper games room with a huge CRT TV set up and proper decent speakers (this was before HD TVs were commonplace), with a decent gaming PC in there too.

All those consoles are either now (hopefully) being enjoyed by someone else, or in ex-girlfriends attics. Nowadays all I have is a PS4 set up downstairs, PS3 upstairs and a 360 in my eldest's bedroom. I have a Vita too which gets a lot of use, and a PSP I mainly use for emulation of 8 and 16 bit systems.

I do miss having all those old consoles and games actually, but realistically wouldn't have the time to play on them anyway any more. Still, it would be nice to have the option! I keep telling myself if we ever get a house big enough I'll get my games room back.

Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by Joshihatsumitsu »

I'm so glad I'm not alone in my gaming hardware pursuits! And see other peoples collection, just beautiful.

The best thing about others disinterest in older hardware? More for me! While I have a PS4, the Xbone is not really doing much for me. Part of that has to do with Microsoft's DRM (a subject for a different forum methinks), and part of it is it feels like more of the same, with prettier graphics.

I managed to bag a (chipped) region-free PS2 from eBay, mainly to get some Japanese-only released games like the Neo Geo Online collection (probably the most affordable way to obtain a version of Waku Waku 7). And very recently a Japanese PSone (giving my step-down converters a workout) for games like Dodonpachi.

I own more hardware realistically than I'll have the time to play, but it brings me joy, and thats worth investing in. Like my adult self finally being able to purchase that very expensive and exclusive Neo Geo AES system? My childhood self is thrilled with that acquisition. A PC Engine, that I only knew about through 90's gaming magazines like EGM? Owning one, now I understand the appeal. A cheap Wonderswan that I picked up on my last trip to Japan? That little system makes me appreciate backlighting on a screen!

While I have played many games through emulators, there's just something different about the gaming experience when you using the original hardware. And understandably, it's an expensive pursuit, so it's understandable why people stick with the modern systems. And for my financial benefit, I kinda hope they do.
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Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by hazeredmist »

Bloody hell Suits, can I come and live with you? :lol:

Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by Jusifer »

I'd love a dedicated room or space for all my gaming hardware and software but being a second son in my family and a nineties kid means for me that all the older consoles we have (nes, snes, n64, gc, original xbox, xbox 360 and ps2) are still in our childhood home since neither me or my older brother really own them. I do have a wii u, an xbone and a ps3 hooked up to our (me and my girlfriends) TV, and a gaming pc in our bedroom. I love handheld gaming so I have a gba sp for older gbc and gba games, the 25 year anniversary zelda 3ds that I no longer use cause I got the new 3ds majoras mask one. I also own a psp that I never use anymore and a vita that i regularly use.
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Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by Suits »

This is probably a good place to mention this;

What do people think about this NesBox App that has appeared on the Xbox One via Edge ??

Sacrilege, or an avenue for newer fans to play heritage titles ??

hazeredmist wrote:Bloody hell Suits, can I come and live with you? :lol:
No problem man 8-) 8-) .
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Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by Alex79 »

Has it been actually released now then? I'd be interested to hear if anyone has tried it. What the emulation is like and whether it's well made etc. I'm really hoping that this will set a precedent, but I can't see it being up for long.
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Re: Hardware Lineup?

Post by Suits »

Alex79uk wrote:Has it been actually released now then? I'd be interested to hear if anyone has tried it. What the emulation is like and whether it's well made etc. I'm really hoping that this will set a precedent, but I can't see it being up for long.
I think so yeah, I've seen a few Tweets about it receiving updates for 2 players and Gameboy module fix.

I've not tried it myself though.

Apparently, there's nothing illegal about it. In some sort of way I don't really understand, it's not deemed as damaging to the IP owner. Which seems crazy.
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