Super Mario Run

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Super Mario Run

Post by Jusifer »

hey thought we should open a topic for this one. I'm very interested in hearing your opinions on it as i myself can't play it until it comes out on android. I've never owned an apple device and hopefully never will. personally don't like the company but that's besides the point. have any of you tried it yeat? how is it?
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Re: Super Mario Run

Post by Alex79 »

I've got an iPad but my iOS is too old to play it and I can't (ahem...) update it.

So yeah, also looking forward to the Android release.

Re: Super Mario Run

Post by Joshihatsumitsu »

I did download it for my iPhone 6, and because I don't keep my Nintendo ID login details on my brain, and I'm at work, I'll login in properly later.

I did play the brief intro that shows the basics... and yeah, it's very straightforward and good. And graphically it looks how a Mario game should: very bright and colourful.

I think the narrative of Princess Peach baking a cake for Mario, only to be kidnapped by Bowser to be very deep and unique! :P Yeah, nothing special about it, and never the reason you play a Mario game anyway.

I'll give it a proper go when track down my login details. You don't need the Nintendo ID to play, but I'm a bit funny like that.

Slight edit: as we all know this is a mandatory online only game, and within my iPhone mobile settings I cannot find an option to use wifi only, rather than using my own data. It's an option that I get for most apps on my phone, so why it's not there is a little bit troubling... I like Mario, but not that much! I don't mind exploiting the free university wifi, but mobile data is expensive!

Minor update edit: mangaged to actually download and play this on my iPad 2 running 9.3.5. Of course, having downloaded to the iPhone first it appeared on my iPad App Store, and just tapped the cloud download... and wouldn't you know it!
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Re: Super Mario Run

Post by KissMammal »

It's OK, but I can't help but feel a little underwhelmed.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't expecting this to be a fully fledged Mario title or anything, it's just... I dunno.

I think its partly because it feels a little unfair - you frequently run into obstacles and enemies that are hard, if not impossible to foresee, and it feels like the only key to success is learning the levels by rote, but unlike conventional Mario games, the desire to replay levels once completed isn't really there. Ultimately, I think it comes down to the fact that those things I most enjoy about Mario games - the freewheeling inertia of Mario's run and jump, the daredevil, tightrope feel of charging through a level, exploring every nook and cranny of each stage to uncover secrets etc etc simply don't translate to this boiled-down format. There's also a hell of a lot of waffle for a game that requires one button.

It's fine, don't resent paying $10 for it, but can't see it holding my interest terribly long.
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Re: Super Mario Run

Post by gallo_pinto »

I've played the first four levels and I'm really enjoying it! It's weird to be playing Mario on a touch screen and there are certain mobile mechanics that are really strange to see (building out your kingdom, daily challenges, etc.). But after 40 minutes with it, I really like it!
KissMammal wrote:I think its partly because it feels a little unfair - you frequently run into obstacles and enemies that are hard, if not impossible to foresee, and it feels like the only key to success is learning the levels by rote, but unlike conventional Mario games, the desire to replay levels once completed isn't really there.
I think these levels are designed to be replayed a lot. They're very short for Mario levels (60 seconds or less) and you can compete against friends. They also have a mechanic where you have to collect the special colored coins, but there are three different sets of those coins, encouraging going through each level several times.

I'm into this!
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Re: Super Mario Run

Post by dezm0nd »

I quite enjoy it but it's not giving me that Nintendo feeling like most new Mario games do. The sense of discovery seems lost and not knowing what surprises are round the corner doesn't seem to be here either but I'm sure that's because I'm comparing it to a traditional 2D Mario platformer.

This is more of a puzzle game which happens to have Mario auto running and aesthetically looking like the other games. Once I get over that fact i'll probably end up buying it as the hook of building a mushroom kingdom has always lured me towards it.
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Re: Super Mario Run

Post by hazeredmist »

I'm clearly in the minority here, but I just don't care... I'm not into endless runners at all, and if I were I wouldn't be looking for them in a Mario game. The best example of this I've played is the bonus levels on Rayman Origins, they were a fun little diversion but at no point did I think I needed a full game of it - consequently after trying Jungle Run I quickly tired of it and wished I was just playing Rayman. It's too simplistic and ruins what I enjoy about platforming in anything other than a mild diversion from a 'proper game', and the thought of playing Mario on my phone tapping the screen really does not appeal. I love Mario on my Wii U and myriad of Nintendo handhelds, I don't need a simplified endless runner version on my phone. So I couldn't be less enthusiastic about Super Mario Run.

...but it seems I'm pretty much the only one who feels this way since it's so damn popular (this is Pokemon Go all over again!) :D
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Re: Super Mario Run

Post by Flabyo »

Semantics I know, but this isn't an endless runner.

Those don't have defined levels, they're by definition 'endless'.

(Sorry, I work in mobile and definitions are important :) )
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Re: Super Mario Run

Post by Alex79 »

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Re: Super Mario Run

Post by Michiel K »

hazeredmist wrote:I'm clearly in the minority here, but I just don't care... I'm not into endless runners at all, and if I were I wouldn't be looking for them in a Mario game. The best example of this I've played is the bonus levels on Rayman Origins, they were a fun little diversion but at no point did I think I needed a full game of it - consequently after trying Jungle Run I quickly tired of it and wished I was just playing Rayman. It's too simplistic and ruins what I enjoy about platforming in anything other than a mild diversion from a 'proper game', and the thought of playing Mario on my phone tapping the screen really does not appeal. I love Mario on my Wii U and myriad of Nintendo handhelds, I don't need a simplified endless runner version on my phone. So I couldn't be less enthusiastic about Super Mario Run.
I'm with you. I'm happy people enjoy it and that it helps Nintendo's business, but I have zero interest in it myself.
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Re: Super Mario Run

Post by gallo_pinto »

I think you guys should give it a shot. I don't play many mobile games, but I'm having fun with this one. It's really smartly designed (and fascinating to see Nintendo make a touch screen Mario game). The three free levels will let you see if you're into it or not.
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Re: Super Mario Run

Post by Suits »

It feels very odd not pressing physical buttons.

Not sure I'll be able to get over that.
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Re: Super Mario Run

Post by KissMammal »

I think these levels are designed to be replayed a lot. They're very short for Mario levels (60 seconds or less) and you can compete against friends
My point was though, that in my opinion, unlike in conventional Mario games, the levels simply aren't much fun to replay, and getting 'good' at the game simply requires learning every level through trial and error. Collecting the five coins, for example, just seems frustrating more than anything because its so easy to miss one. It instills a kind of anxiety that I don't really find enjoyable. In other Mario games, there is occasionally a 'missable' gold/purple coin, but they tend to be rare.

I also have issues with the jumping mechanics, which feel weirdly inconsistent. But by far the most frustrating thing for me is the relative inability to finesse jumps in mid air - yeah, I know that goes with the format of the game, and I know you can do that spin jump thing, but being able to alter course mid-jump is something about Mario games you don't fully appreciate the importance of until you can't do it. It feels like trying to play with your hands tied.

I also strongly dislike the 'find the key' levels. I'm currently on the one with the key inside the ghost, and it's so irritating that I can't really be bothered to persevere with it.
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Re: Super Mario Run

Post by gallo_pinto »

KissMammal wrote:My point was though, that in my opinion, unlike in conventional Mario games, the levels simply aren't much fun to replay, and getting 'good' at the game simply requires learning every level through trial and error. Collecting the five coins, for example, just seems frustrating more than anything because its so easy to miss one. It instills a kind of anxiety that I don't really find enjoyable. In other Mario games, there is occasionally a 'missable' gold/purple coin, but they tend to be rare.
Ok, I see what you're saying better now. That's a fair point. Reading through this thread feels a lot like the arguments over Phantom Hourglass. "Is a new take on a franchise worth giving up traditional controls and replacing them with a touch screen?" I came down on the "Not worth it side" for Phantom Hourglass, but so far, I'm liking Mario Run.

Re: Super Mario Run

Post by Joshihatsumitsu »

gallo_pinto wrote:I think you guys should give it a shot. I don't play many mobile games, but I'm having fun with this one. It's really smartly designed (and fascinating to see Nintendo make a touch screen Mario game). The three free levels will let you see if you're into it or not.
I agree that it's worth giving the free side of the game a go. You don't have to like it or even keep it beyond that.

I'm going to outright steal a quote (hey, if someone else said it better it saves me time :D ) from Kyle Orland's Ars Technica review that best sums the game up for me:
As a vision for a way to make Mario work in a mobile game you can play with one thumb, Super Mario Run is a good proof of concept that provides a decent amount of content for the $10 asking price. For Nintendo, this is a serviceable, if disposable, early attempt at bringing an established franchise to a very different kind of game-playing device.
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Re: Super Mario Run

Post by KissMammal »

Yeah, I think that's fair enough. I can see other Nnitendo franchise working better on a mobile device.
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Re: Super Mario Run

Post by Craig »

I'm really enjoying it and it bodes well for Nintendo's mobile future.

Previously they've made statements about how they wouldn't just put an old game on mobile and it would need to be designed with mobile in mind. This wasn't just marketing guff (well, not entirely) and it's clear that Nintendo get how people play mobile games.

The somewhat silly focus on how you can play one handed is entirely built around commuters playing standing up. The same reason Dragon Quest VIII is bizarrely portrait mode. The levels are short with little time wasted and quick restarts if you mess up, ideal for short bursts so you can play whenever, you don't need a huge slot of time free. To counter this, they've very clearly intended you to play through levels to beat scores by including the coloured coins and making it impossible to get all the coins on every play through so there's always the nagging doubt that you could have performed better (which I appreciate can cause anxiety and turn some folk off.)

The only real misstep so far in terms of getting mobile game habits is the online only- but maybe that's due to following standards set by other mobile games?

It's also cheaply made. I'm not saying that in a bad way, but there are a ton of reused assets here. People often ask why Nintendo keeps churning out New Super Mario Bros games and it's pretty simple; they're cheaper to make and sell a boat load.

I don't find the New Super Mario Bros art style as offensive as others, but man I'd kill for a 2D Mario game in Rayman style with the 2D art in the menus here.

It's a great first step. It shows Nintendo understands what it's doing with mobile. Expect to see more one handed games. I'd also imagine games are now being designed with their assets being reused in mind (Pokémon Go also used the same 3D models as X and Y, but looked a lot smoother - future proofing!)
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Re: Super Mario Run

Post by Craig »

KissMammal wrote: My point was though, that in my opinion, unlike in conventional Mario games, the levels simply aren't much fun to replay, and getting 'good' at the game simply requires learning every level through trial and error. Collecting the five coins, for example, just seems frustrating more than anything because its so easy to miss one. It instills a kind of anxiety that I don't really find enjoyable. In other Mario games, there is occasionally a 'missable' gold/purple coin, but they tend to be rare..
I`ve been playing a lot more and there`s a solution to this problem. They don`t really tell you but you can activate the bubble yourself and be transported back part of the level. Just tap on the bubble. It uses up a life, but if you`re special coin hunting that probably doesn`t matter. Helps cut down a lot of the frustration of missing the last coin in a level.

As for the key, if you want to give it another go, check out the enemy descriptions in the notes. It will help with that particular level.

I`ve finished the main campaign now and I`m really thrilled with it. Love going for these extra coins.

Toad Rally is also great but (and it`s a big but) I really don`t understand why you have to use tickets. Right now I`m swimming in them, but pretty soon they`re going to dry up and after I`ve collected all the coins, I`ll only be able to do the Toad Rally a few times a day. What`s more, it can be difficult to make progress because if you lose, you actually lose toads so you could end up spending all your tickets and be worse off than when you started. Oddly you can purchase extra Rally tickets (which in a premium game is uncool) but only with Nintendo points, so you can sort of buy them but not with real money, but with money you get from playing things? Sure.

Which also brings another interesting point - My Nintendo integration. This is likely something that will be worked into Switch games and it`s the first time we`ve seen it in a traditional game. I really like the way they`ve handled it - like Xbox Achievements, but you get points which you can spend on real things. The actual achievements are pretty dull (beat world 1! Beat world 2!) but the precedent is nice. What you can spend your points on isn`t that great, but hey it`s a free reward program, so I guess you can`t complain too much over a free theme here and there.
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Re: Super Mario Run

Post by chase210 »

It's better than I'd expect any mobile game to be... but not worth the £ investment. For a tenner you could pick up New Super Mario Bros on DS like. Endless runners never hold my attention.
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Re: Super Mario Run

Post by Suits »

Originally I played this on my iPad, its since downloaded to my phone, which is much better.

The phone has the bottom section almost blanked out as a space to press to get Mario to jump. This is absent on the tablet version and results in an awkward playing position so not to block the level when jumping.

Much better on a phone. Personally.
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