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Fortnite: Battle Royale

Posted: October 25th, 2017, 9:04 am
by Alex79
Anyone up for a few games of this at the weekend? I've played a few goes and not got very far. I think I've been playing it wrong really - just as a 100 man death match which after hearing people talk about it isn't the way to go at all! If anyone fancies getting a team together for a night on Friday or Saturday I'd definitely be up for playing.

Re: Fortnite: Battle Royale

Posted: October 25th, 2017, 12:17 pm
by Indiana747
Played a bit at the start, won a few solos & won 4 or 5 duos with my mate Pete(Chunky_m0nk3y). Never really managed to get a 4 man squad together, times online just didnt line up for some mates.
I kinda got tired of it really quick tbh, i never really liked the look or aesthetic of the game to begin with, was just itching to play a Battle Royale style game after watching hundreds of hours of PUBG on Youtube this past 6 months. Its no PUBG thats for sure, it has its quirks but i prefer the more realistic look & physics of PUBG. The bullet bloom from the guns leave alot of firefights in the lap of the gods, the bullets can kinda go anywhere, even when crouched & burst firing(the most accurate way to shoot). All that said i did enjoy my time with it, but thats more to do with playing with mates with the same sense of humour & banter rather than the game itself. Would def play with a squad of 4 though for a laugh, if it could be organised.

Re: Fortnite: Battle Royale

Posted: October 25th, 2017, 2:41 pm
by DomsBeard
I have been playing this non stop instead of Destiny 2 (and everything) since finding out about it and Don is right there is some luck on the draw sometimes in shoot outs. I have had one solo win and usually play solo however I had a laugh in the couple of games I had with Don and Pete. I have never really seen PUBG so cannot compare. Apparently I have clocked up 15 hours so far and 50% of the time I finish top 25.