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Posted: January 13th, 2019, 1:39 pm
by JaySevenZero
Here's where you can contribute your memories and opinions of >OBSERVER for potential inclusion in the forthcoming podcast.

Re: 381: >OBSERVER_

Posted: April 24th, 2019, 3:24 pm
by The_reviewist
It's not surprising that the minds behind Layers of Fear would again want to throw their hats into the psychological horror ring. But that they could so expertly turn their skills from that period gothic aesthetic to a stripped back urban futurist dystopia was a genuine joy. The game proudly wears its Blade Runner influences on its sleeve, right down to the font and colours of the opening text crawl and the casting of Rutger Hauer. But on a more subtle side, in the look of the dilapidated slum that the game is set in, and the deeper philosophical musings on self, cybernetics and existential dread.

Not that Blade Runner is alone, there are inevitable nods to William Gibson, Philip K. Dick and other classics of the cyberpunk genre. Where similarly mentions of cybernetic Repossession and debates over the meaning of existence that will be familiar to modern audiences in the current media deluge of films like Repo Men or I Robot, and TV shows such as Love Death Robots, and Altered Carbon. Games wise, the title that this most reminded me of was Soma, in both theme and some of the horror elements.

I thoroughly enjoyed Dan Lazinsky's journey round that grim tenement, searching for his long lost son. While the slowly unspooling story of their relationship falling apart, as well as Dan's sanity both were dragged out a little too far, it worked for me. As did the police procedural style, "knocking on doors and examining crime scenes" gameplay. If anything, I wish this had been a little more in depth, as it reminded me of the similarly underused parts of the Condemned series. The mental deep-dives were also similarly well constructed, and offered a more creepy and bizarre breath of fresh air.

It does however sag a little at times, and some aspects of the narrative were a little thinly stretched, while others were bloated and ungainly, and the stealth sections with the trenchcoat titan can frankly, go get stuffed. Much as I love Bloober, this aspect of their design needs work, as it simply frustrated and annoyed me, rather than being tense. It probably didn't help that it reminded me of the similar hulking figure from Silent Hill Downpour, and as it transpires is almost a 1 to 1 identical Jungian mental projection.

Still, a very good experience, and definitely one of the most interesting cyberpunk, and police based games I've ever played.

TWR: Sad sex bot

Re: Our next podcast recording (3.8.19) - 381: >OBSERVER_

Posted: August 2nd, 2019, 7:44 pm
by Simonsloth
Observer has so much potential. Rutger Hauer, an excellent opening, interesting premise and did I mention Rutger Hauer. Unfortunately all the promise gives way to a series of trippy vignettes which eventually became quite exhausting. I desperately wanted to like the game but It failed to capitalise on many of its more interesting ideas and to me is a missed opportunity. The best parts of the game were wandering the locked down apartment building and knocking on doors. There were so many stories which could have been told about the residents which were never expanded upon. This to me is the true disappointment. I’ll be keeping an eye on the developer as I think they are only a game or two away from finding the right balance.


Posted: August 22nd, 2019, 12:07 am
by Worfendorf
Just listened to your guys' podcast on this one. It's a shame: you'd mentioned it didn't get a lot of input from the community. I wanted to write in, but just missed the deadline! I kept putting it off because I had TOO MUCH to say about it, and wasn't sure how to whittle it down.

Basically, this game is terrifying in a way similar to Soma. It touches on some seriously dark aspects of humanity. I have to ask anyone and everyone who reads this: Did you happen to stumble across the emails talking about "bird" auctions? They weren't talking about birds. Coming to that realization was a shocking moment that sticks with you for a long time. Dark.

I'm looking forward to Bloober Team's Blair Witch that comes out in a few weeks. We'll see how it turns out!


Posted: August 22nd, 2019, 11:48 am
by Chopper
Worfendorf wrote: August 22nd, 2019, 12:07 am It's a shame: you'd mentioned it didn't get a lot of input from the community.
I didn't comment because I didn't like the game (or at least the second half of it), and it feels a bit miserable leaving negative comments on podcast games.

I do not remember the bird emails. :)


Posted: August 22nd, 2019, 11:52 am
by ratsoalbion
We really like hearing from those who didn’t enjoy a game, as well as those who did.

I did read the bird emails, though for whatever reason that specific part didn’t come up in conversation.


Posted: August 24th, 2019, 3:50 am
by Magical_Isopod
I had a lot to say about this one, but having moved and started a new job this past month, it totally slipped me by.


Posted: August 24th, 2019, 8:31 am
by Chopper
Was wondering at no post from you alright, I know you loved the game. Hope the new job is going well!


Posted: August 25th, 2019, 7:09 am
by Magical_Isopod
Chopper wrote: August 24th, 2019, 8:31 am Was wondering at no post from you alright, I know you loved the game. Hope the new job is going well!
My goal was honestly to just find a job that I don't hate, but that pays enough to keep the lights on. I think I've found that, so... Success?

I'm also finding that moving away from Toronto area has been of huge benefit - something about that region was just really toxic for me. It's hard to put in words. People there are just not very friendly, always way too busy, very superficial. Perhaps an unfair generalization, but I'm very sensitive to "vibes", I guess, in the sense that I can get a good feel of a community. Here in London (Ontario), it's just so much more chill. Never any traffic congestion, people are happy, rent is some of the lowest in Canada...

Plus I've lost nearly 60 lbs. since April 4th, and I've been on a couple dates, but yeah. Things going better. Things were dark for a while there.


Posted: August 25th, 2019, 7:52 am
by Chopper
Wow, that all sounds great, or at least much better! :) Very impressed with the 60lb. Hard to offer a decent response on here but keep on being positive, sounds like you’re doing well with it.