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The arcade cabinet thread

Posted: September 27th, 2021, 4:36 pm
by shadowless_kick
I bought a couple of PCBs a few years back in anticipation of one day getting a Japanese 'candy cab' of my very own. I haven't yet, but it only recently occurred to me that when the day comes, I wouldn't know what to check for before making a purchase. other than screen burn-in, are there any red flags to be careful of (in layman's terms)?

surely someone here has fallen down this particular rabbit hole... I suppose this could also be a catch-all thread for any related discussion.

Re: the arcade cabinet thread

Posted: September 27th, 2021, 5:21 pm
by Alex79
I remember someone here making a thread or posting in a thread about making an arcade cab a while back. He put all the photos on his Instagram too. From memory, I think it might have been Jobobonobo, but I could be wrong.

EDIT: No, I'm sure it was Joshihatsumitsu actually.

EDIT 2: He doesn't seem to post here any more, which is a shame. But here's the thread -

Re: the arcade cabinet thread

Posted: September 28th, 2021, 12:21 am
by shadowless_kick
sweet -- this should be a nice resource. thanks for sharing.

Re: the arcade cabinet thread

Posted: September 29th, 2021, 4:11 pm
by duskvstweak
If we ever have room for one, that's a DIY project I want to commit to. I found this not too long ago, apologies if it's all things you know already!

Re: The arcade cabinet thread

Posted: September 30th, 2021, 2:17 am
by shadowless_kick
I'll likely be going the simpler (and undoubtedly pricier) route of just buying a candy cabinet outright, but there's still useful info here.

of course... someone could save me a lot of time, money and space and put out an Neo Geo MVSX-type tabletop unit crammed with shoot-em-ups...