639: Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

This is where you'll find threads specific to the games we'll be covering in our current volume of podcasts
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639: Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

Post by JaySevenZero »

Here's where you can contribute your thoughts and opinions for Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy for potential inclusion in the forthcoming podcast.

A friendly reminder that where the feedback for the podcast is concerned, we love it - but keeping it brief is appreciated. We do want to include a breadth of opinions where appropriate, but no-one wants a discussion podcast that’s mostly reading out essays. Better to save yourself time and cut to the chase if you can.
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Re: 639: Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

Post by sheeldz »

I reckon this is one of the best comic book video games ever made. It takes the team aspect of the comic (and, by extension, the film) and turn it into a genuinely impressive action game, that surprises with heart and nuance not entirely expected but certainly earned.

Graphically impressive and one of the more "cinematic" games not forgetting it also needs to be, by the half way point you're able to fire off wild levels of combos and team ups that very very over powered in the best possible way.

The downtime between story beats is welcome too, reminding of the best slow elements of the Mass Effect trilogy.

But for me, the key thing that makes this stand out is the narrative. I fell for the fake out bad ending at Peter's home, and also fell for the fake out actual ending, and whilst the concept feels eye rolling, the game manages to toe a line between "this doesn't work" and "this is working brilliantly".

An absolute surprise package, and so much more than the initial reveal (and the bemoaned Avengers) would have had you believe.
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