629: Metroid: Other M

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629: Metroid: Other M

Post by JaySevenZero »

Here's where you can contribute your thoughts and opinions for Metroid: Other M for potential inclusion in the forthcoming podcast.

A friendly reminder that where the feedback for the podcast is concerned, we love it - but keeping it brief is appreciated. We do want to include a breadth of opinions where appropriate, but no-one wants a discussion podcast that’s mostly reading out essays. Better to save yourself time and cut to the chase if you can.
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Re: 629: Metroid: Other M

Post by Buskalilly »

When I left feedback for Metroid Prime 3, I said that game was unusual among metroids because I couldn't remember much of it. Well, I forgot this game even existed!

I remember thinking the story was a load of guff, which does seem to be the critical consensus, but I also remember quite enjoying the actual play of the game, which seems like a more controversial opinion. I think a little bit of a reappraisal has happened from that perspective, but this still seems to be bottom of most Metroid fans' lists.
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Re: 629: Metroid: Other M

Post by Nicktendo »

It's been more than a decade since playing it. My recollection of Other M is that it was harshly criticized, mostly for it's seemingly weak portrayal of Samus Aran. However, I remember really enjoying it as a return to the exploratory nature of the Metroid-Vania genre with added action-oriented combat. I remember the gimmick of aiming the wii-remote at the screen to use missiles was my only real gripe as it was really finnicky and took me out of the character/game I thought I was playing. When I get time I will revisit this one and see how it holds up.

TWR: The other one
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Re: 629: Metroid: Other M

Post by Girard »

One weird detail that stood out in my memory about this game were that occasionally you'd encounter a pair of gendered restrooms of which you could explore the women's in an over-the-shoulder perspective (but which never yielded anything).

Perhaps my brain was desperate to find meaning in the experience of playing Other M, but I remember at the time wondering if the game was trying to make some sort of commentary on the gender of its protagonist. Spaces that are made accessible to women and spaces that aren't. I suspect I was putting more thematic thought in than Team Ninja were, however.
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