Games you love because of Cane and Rinse?

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Games you love because of Cane and Rinse?

Post by Megadirt »

I came to Cane and Rinse because I wanted to listen to a deep dive into the metal gear solid franchise, and since then I've listened to every episode of games that I already played, so I started playing through the others. Since doing that I have realised that I have games that I absolutely LOVE that I would never have played if it wasn't for the podcast, which is crazy.
  • Bayonetta
    Shadow of Colossus
    Dead space 1 & 2
    Mass Effect 1 & 2
    Luigi's Mansion
    Ghost Trick : Phantom Detective
    Sleeping Dogs
    Bloodstained : Ritual of the night
    It takes two
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Re: Games you love because of Cane and Rinse?

Post by ratsoalbion »

I approve this thread!
And the list would be a long one for me.
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Re: Games you love because of Cane and Rinse?

Post by Megadirt »

Oh yeah me too, I actually forgot to add Ratchet and Clank - A Crack in Time, Hollow Knight, and Castlevania Symphony of the night.
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Re: Games you love because of Cane and Rinse?

Post by T-BirD »

Not exactly Cane and Rinse, but I discovered one of my favorite gaming experiences of 2021 because I heard the game's seminal piece of music on an old Sound of Play.
The game was: 198X

Cane and Rinse has certainly inspired me to finally play some longterm residents from my gaming pile, or finish some that were started long ago. I haven't necessarily loved all of those, but I was glad to get them off the pile.

Edit: of those, Koudelka sticks with me in a memorable way, and my enjoyment of it was definitely enhanced playing it for the podcast, and gaining more insights from listening to the episode.
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Re: Games you love because of Cane and Rinse?

Post by markfm007 »

Bloodborne, Hollow Knight, Final Fantasy come to mind. It's hard to be exact. I remember the Bloodborne episode in particular being really good and giving a great impression of that game's atmosphere and setting. But generally I'll listen to episodes after I've played the game, and they'll give me a better appreciation for the game and how I feel about it.
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Re: Games you love because of Cane and Rinse?

Post by Alex79 »

There are lots of examples of games I initially didn't enjoy, but replayed off the back of listening to the show and ended up, in some cases, really enjoying them.

Dishonored is one that springs to mind. Rented it from Blockbuster for the weekend back in the day on PS3 and didn't enjoy it at all. After listening to the show I always meant to give it another try, which I did a couple of years ago on Gamepass. I ended up really enjoying it, so much so I went straight on to the sequel.

I can't think of any others off the top of my head, but there will have been some.
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