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Cane and Rinse Feedback

Posted: May 11th, 2024, 12:58 am
by caponeadam
I'm guessing I'm not the only one, it's kind of inevitable with the format but I don't listen to every episode. I sort of dip in and out, I can go months not listening to anything and then come across an episode about one of the thousands of games that had an impact on me and I'm in.

Happens every time (recently with Ghostbusters/BruceLee) where I remember just how good this podcast is, I know there are other retro podcasts out there but I presume they are more about the reminiscing rather than the breaking down of the origin, the differences between the conversions, the impacts they made etc.

I have some feedback. A few things if I may (please tell me if I'm missing/not aware of a feature or something);

1 - It's not just a podcast anymore, it has become an exhaustive library (or database). I wonder if this could eventually be reflected in the name/branding to really instantly communicate to newcomers that there is probably a podcast for 'every' game.

2 - Most importantly. I dream about a search bar being the star and center of the homepage. Where you can easily search any game and either get a link to the devoted podcast first with additional smaller links to where else it comes up such as sausage factory etc OR if the game has not had a devoted podcast yet, perhaps create a way of allowing the user to officially make a request for the backlog.

I tried searching skool daze, the only way I could find to do this was via where I had to use the internet browser to 'find' and see what came up in the results. I know the home page has a little search bar but if I type 'Ico' I have to scroll down to the 10th entry to find the devoted podcast. C&R is at such a stage now where more of a database/library kind of search would suit the format.

I get it though, you'd probably need a software engineer and maintenance etc. I would just love C&R to have those resources, what you have created deserves them.

I basically want to be able to share the main site address and say to people 'Go here, search a game you're really fond of.' and it be incredibly simple/intuitive.

Here, I quickly doodled my dream C+R homepage. Love what you're doing, it's incredibly special and important (Don't tell TCGS I said that)


Re: Cane and Rinse Feedback

Posted: May 11th, 2024, 11:34 am
by ratsoalbion
Hey Adam!

Thanks for the lovely, kind words and feedback.

I'll make sure that Jay has seen this, and ask if he has any ideas as to how something like your search box could be implemented. As usual, when it comes to this side of things, I am utterly clueless.

What I do when I want to quickly search for a 'back issue' of the podcast is go here:

And then CTRL+F to do a text search.
Fairly foolproof, and all the previous volumes have links to the show's page.

Edit: I now see that you included that method in your post.

Re: Cane and Rinse Feedback

Posted: May 11th, 2024, 4:36 pm
by caponeadam
Yeah the Ctrl+F on that specific page is what I use and it works. Coming at this more from a newcomer perspective, I think a more relatable inviting 'Google-like' search bar would be more engaging.

Also, hope you do skool daze in the future! I have some hot takes to share.

Re: Cane and Rinse Feedback

Posted: May 11th, 2024, 7:56 pm
by Will Marley
Thanks, Adam, for starting the thread that's made me post again. After a good while away from the podcast, mostly due to a fading interest in games discussion because of the proclivities of the Internet and a newfound understanding of my own tendencies/frailties/neurodiversity, I've come back to C&R in recent months and while there's not an awful lot I'm interested in this volume, I've listened to everything this year purely because I really rate and value the tone of discourse on the pod.

As a body of work, I think it's unsurpassed in the podcasting world.

Re: Cane and Rinse Feedback

Posted: May 11th, 2024, 8:48 pm
by ratsoalbion

Re: Cane and Rinse Feedback

Posted: May 12th, 2024, 11:39 am
by ratsoalbion
By the way Adam, we accept suggestions for the podcast in this thread:

Everything that gets named in here gets added to our big list. Rest assured that Skool Daze and Back to Skool are already on there.

Re: Cane and Rinse Feedback

Posted: May 12th, 2024, 2:11 pm
by Alex79
Adam, whilst you're here, we all know what a great success your edits of the Computer Game Show podcast have been. I'm wondering if Leon will let you have a crack at Cane and Rinse :lol: :lol: :lol:

(No, really though :lol:)

Re: Cane and Rinse Feedback

Posted: May 14th, 2024, 12:03 pm
by ratsoalbion
As a fan of Adam's editing work going back to the late 2000s, I would find it funny to have a Cane and Rinse go out in that style.

I think a large percentage of our listenership would be extremely confused, however.

Re: Cane and Rinse Feedback

Posted: May 14th, 2024, 12:37 pm
by caponeadam
Yeah, I don't think a full standard episode of Cane and Rinse would suit a capone-edit. However, those desperate for a Capone and CaneRinse mixup, I did do a little test podcast several years ago for Rain&Mince where myself and my best friend Graham reviewed Frogger. ... 0429626919

Re: Cane and Rinse Feedback

Posted: May 14th, 2024, 1:54 pm
by ratsoalbion
I'd forgotten about this!

We still haven't done a Frogger show...

Re: Cane and Rinse Feedback

Posted: May 14th, 2024, 3:45 pm
by Alex79
Aaah I'd somehow never heard that before! Thanks for sharing :)