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Posted: December 17th, 2012, 4:21 pm
by JaySevenZero
Over the weekend I received a copy, courtesy of Lovefilm, of id Software's Rage. To be honest, I wasn't expecting much having originally placed it in the rental list as a sort of filler. Which is why I was so surprised after I started to play it that it turned out to be rather good (well, except for the last hour or so of the campaign). I can remember back when the trailer was unveiled for the first time back in 2007 and thought it looked very impressive at the time but then as the years went by and other games attracted our attention it, id Soft's next game didn't seem to matter as much. I'm guessing that was the general perspective, as, over its initial release week back in Oct 2011, the game sold a disappointing 19,000 copies. A year or so later the game has sold a more reasonable 2.9 million units across three platforms. Which I still feel is a bit of a shame as there is a lot to like in this particular game.

The first thing that struck me, as is often the case with video games in general these days, were the graphics - this game really does looks sweet! The id Tech 5 engine certainly holds its own against any of the engines I've seen running on a console this generation with nary any sign of visible tearing or clipping whilst running (on the 360 at least) at a reasonably solid 60fps. It's clear that id spent considerable time creating characters and environments that are amongst the most detailed I've seen to date, with everything given a distinct, individualistic look.


The thin plot can feel a little slight at times but never to the point where I got bored with it during play. Part of this was due to the above par voice work that accompanies the various characters the player encounters. This, coupled with great character animation, help carry a convincing sense of place when wandering around the various settlements.


As for the gameplay, I appreciated the freeform approach to allow the player to tackle the many combat situations from different angles with the varied assortment of weaponry at their disposal. That said, it could still have easily become quite repetitious due to the volume of combat during the game had it not been for the impressive enemy AI that helped bring an organic feel to each of the many combat situations (the enemy voice work during combat is one of many favourite things about this game). The vehicle were not as painful as I was expecting with them actually becoming enjoyable once I had upgraded the weapons sufficiently.


The only fly in the ointment really came in the form of the final section which was a let down on almost every level when compared to the rest of the game. They had spent the final third of the game setting up who the villain is, only for it to be a massive letdown in that, whilst there is a conclusion, it actually ends up adding an air of unnecessary confusion to those final moments. I'm unsure as to why they chose to end the game the way they did but from the outside looking in it's almost impossible not to believe that there was a sizeable chunk of game was cut out from the end, whether due to either budgetary or release date constraints? To date there has been no official word as to whether either was the case or not but it sure as hell feels that there's something missing, which is a crying shame really because the rest of the game is pretty darn good. I feel there is still a ton of potential for a sequel as they have created quite an immersive and noteworthy world to play about in, only I'd prefer it if they don't take another five years to get around to it.

Anyway, when all said and done, I would still recommend playing this game to anyone who hasn't as there is definitely plenty of impressive stuff to see and do despite the ending being shite.

Curious to know what those of you who have played through it thought of the game?

Re: Rage

Posted: December 17th, 2012, 5:15 pm
by furyac3
I really like/ed Rage when i first played it though it has be cut short by a lot of people (don't really know why?) I really loved the gunplay i thought it was really well handled

Ok online was pants and the the game turn to crap after the bridge which was a killer and lead to the shittest ending in a game for a long time for me really left me asking what the hell happened / is that it ? really ? no your having a joke ? right ?

but when you can get it for buttons (sub £10 new ... ad255ac5ae and around £4 on amazon preowned) hell if you got Doom BFG edition you got it free its well worth a look

Plus the DLC isn't far away (they say) which i really fancy playing as the world was very enjoyable to be in and i would mined going back

(tho that level 5 knife game still busts my baws trying to do it because its a random patten and not scripted aaaaaaaa lol)

Re: Rage

Posted: December 17th, 2012, 7:53 pm
by dezm0nd
DLC out tomorrow which features new areas and the ability to carry on playing after the story has been completed. Think i'll be dipping back into Rage! :)

Re: Rage

Posted: December 17th, 2012, 7:54 pm
by ratsoalbion
Is this all formats or PC only? And is it free or paid for?

Re: Rage

Posted: December 17th, 2012, 9:38 pm
by NokkonWud
It's all formats and I believe I read somewhere that it was 400msp.

Re: Rage

Posted: December 17th, 2012, 9:44 pm
by dezm0nd
Yeah it's pretty cheap, about 400 MS Points. Should be quite interesting to see what The Scorcher gang is like. Hoping for a traditional idsoftware multiplayer DLC pack one day for this game but I can't see it happening.

Re: Rage

Posted: December 18th, 2012, 12:02 am
by JaySevenZero
It's interesting that they're still releasing DLC for it fourteen months or so after its release, maybe we'll get lucky and we'll see another expansion in order to improve that pretty dire ending?

Re: Rage

Posted: December 18th, 2012, 12:04 am
by magicjoef
I really liked the shooting mechanics in Rage; combat felt intelligent and engaging. I think you're right about things like the animation too, it really showed off some technical excellence on the consoles.

What stopped it being really great for me was that it didn't feel cohesive. It felt like a collection of bolted together pieces. The big world feel that they tried to create was undermined by only ever placing (shooting) combat in the smaller 'dungeons' that they built, and what made this worse was being sent back to the same few places several times along the way.

Also, having the driving in there was just a crazy decision. (Remember that free Doritos game Harm's Way?) I know that people say it is a small part of the game, and you only have to do a couple of driving combat missions along the way, but what really bugs me is the waste of time that they could have spent building a few more environments, or you know, an ending! The fact that the multiplayer in Rage is car based combat will baffle me forever.

But, I don't regret playing through it, and I would definitely recommend people give it a chance. Also, co-op on the higher difficulty was pretty cool too. You'll recognise the levels from the single player campaign, but hey, at least they put the option in there to play with a friend.

Re: Rage

Posted: December 18th, 2012, 8:33 am
by JaySevenZero
magicjoef wrote:What stopped it being really great for me was that it didn't feel cohesive. It felt like a collection of bolted together pieces. The big world feel that they tried to create was undermined by only ever placing (shooting) combat in the smaller 'dungeons' that they built, and what made this worse was being sent back to the same few places several times along the way.
I didn't mind the fact that when out in the bigger environments the combat was only vehicle based as that in itself was pretty straightforward and not much of a challenge when you have installed decent upgrades on your chosen vehicle. I get what you mean about re-using the dungeons but at least they tried to mix it up a little by you entering from the opposite way you did before and that the places were slightly different because of the damage you caused the first time through. The one that stuck with me was the hospital area when, upon your return later in the game, the body of the giant mutant is still there after you severed him from his mortal coil.
magicjoef wrote:Also, having the driving in there was just a crazy decision. (Remember that free Doritos game Harm's Way?) I know that people say it is a small part of the game, and you only have to do a couple of driving combat missions along the way, but what really bugs me is the waste of time that they could have spent building a few more environments, or you know, an ending! The fact that the multiplayer in Rage is car based combat will baffle me forever.
I have no interest in even looking at the multiplayer as I was only ever interested in the campaign and although I didn't mind having vehicles in the game it could have been interesting to have to walk from area to area (perhaps also adding a fast travel option for those who wanted it) perhaps coming across caravans of travellers being attacked by bandits or mutants along the way and other such diversions.

Re: Rage

Posted: December 18th, 2012, 9:41 am
by magicjoef
JaySevenZero could have been interesting to have to walk from area to area (perhaps also adding a fast travel option for those who wanted it) perhaps coming across caravans of travellers being attacked by bandits or mutants along the way and other such diversions.
Yeah, it definitely could have been quite a nice change of pace if they had done that a couple of times. There was a part early on where you had to clear some bandits with the sniper rifle, it set it up to make that wasteland feel really dangerous, so I wonder if at some point there were a few more parts like that.

Re: Rage

Posted: December 18th, 2012, 10:08 am
by JaySevenZero
I'd like to know a little about what went on during the production of this game because history has shown us that games that have taken around five years in development have only done so because they were troubled in some way. Rage certainly feels at times that the groundwork for bigger ideas is present in the game but leads to nothing as if cut out. As I wrote earlier certainly the ending smacks of missing content pulled for one reason or another.

Re: Rage

Posted: December 18th, 2012, 10:15 am
by magicjoef
I reckon it was a difficult time for them, Carmack spent the first part of his Quake Con speech apologising for Rage. Though, I don't see any reason he should have done so, seems like a year devs don't want to stand by their work!

I hope they make a Rage 2 where they don't have to build the engine and can focus on the game more, but I don't know if it is planned before a Doom game.

Re: Our next podcast recording (28.4.16): RAGE

Posted: April 28th, 2016, 5:18 am
by DeadpoolNegative
Hopefully my comments will get in before you guys record:

I played a bit of Rage before the podcast, to reacquaint myself with the game. And I came away with some of the same feelings I did when I played it the first time, not long after release. It's a game that looks great and plays well with some fine mechanics, but it fails to distinguish itself and its world as someplace memorable. I'll try to elaborate.

When I booted it up again, I discovered my initial play through was a little over 12 hours. I was surprised at this, because I could have sworn that it was at most 7 or 8 hours. Rage creates the initial impression of a big style world, but the main questline is disappointingly linear. The protagonist is woken from a deep sleep and thrown into a world he knows nothing about, yet somehow adapts to it every easily and sets out as the long hope to free the land from tyranny.* The setup is distressingly generic, and the supporting characters so thin, that a lot of it slipped from my memory. It's not that the familiar elements are bad, per se, its that there's barely any flavor. The only side character who makes an impression is Sarah Hagar, and you have to buy the DLC for her to show up. Your'e the hero, the authority is the bad guy- that's pretty much it. In fact, I began to question why the Authority was so gung-ho on controlling the Wasteland and stockpiling mutant weapons because there didn't seem to be much worth controlling. The comic book and novel tie-ins didn't really add much to the story either. This contributed to a feeling that I had spent less time on the game than I actually did, given that it goes by so quickly.

I often wonder if the original premise for Rage was conceived sometime in the 80s- the origins feel like it's steeped more in Mad Max than Bordlerands. It's actually not hard to imagine the story set after a US-Soviet nuclear exchange, with the Authority putting its boot on the Wasteland to wage war once again.

But enough about the story- as I said, Rage has solid mechanics. I'll start with the most important addition- the WIngstick. At first I thought it would be just like a throwing knife, but no, it controls slickly and once you get a hold of it, it can be incredibly lethal. It's satisfying, when beset by several enemies, to fling out a wingstick and watch one bad guy's head fly off while you pump a load of bullets into the other. All the guns feel differently enough, and the frenetic pace of the battles can get under the player's skin. Oftentimes early on I'd find myself attacked by an enemy so quickly that I'd find I was still shooting them as they were falling, the green "A" icon indicating I have a chance to loot. The game's combat areas are almost always claustrophobic corridors and buildings, which works well. However, enemy variety felt sparse to me- their tactics were often either run right at the player, or walk methodically at the player. There's a lot of fun side weapons to use, including the RC car, but often it's more economical to just use the gun and wingstick combo. Eventually combat becomes routine, and even up to the final stage the game is simply spamming you with enemies.

A few words about the car combat. I found the car combat to be well done and controlled fine, but the problem to be was there didn't seem to be enough of it. Or to put it another way, you'd think that given that it's the only multiplayer mode, the car combat would feature more importantly in the main campaign.

In the middle of writing all this rambling, I think I finally targeted my issue with Rage: on paper, this game seems to have everything going for it. A fantastic developer with a great track record. Amazing controls. Fantastic production values. A fine game engine. A world that looks amazingly detailed and animated and could probably stand with this generation, despite the fact that it's nearly five years old.

On paper.

While there was a tremendous amount of effort and skill going into making Rage, it feels like there was precious little heart that went into it. It doesn't have the personality that Wolfenstein, Doom, or Quake does. Or even Doom 3. I finished it, and I felt empty. Compared to something like Wolfenstein: The New Order or Borderlands 2, it can't quite grab my imagination.

Despite my disappointment, I wouldn't mind seeing the world of Rage again. I may not have many firm memories of it, but those memories are mostly pleasant.

*Wait- isn't that the premise of Destiny???
