Tomb Raider

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Tomb Raider

Post by ratsoalbion »

Rich wrote: I think the 3 previous Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider games are some of the best games ever
Wow! I don't think I've ever heard such effusive praise for Legend, Anniversary and/or Underworld. I understood from both critic reviews and friends/peers that they were good but unspectacular, so I meant to play the first two but never got round to it. I have played a couple of hours of Underworld and it seemed all right but unremarkable.

I did enjoy Guardian of Light however, and in fact that was the only TR game I'd put any serious time into since the original (which I completed).
I abandoned TR's II & III after increasingly brief attempts to get into them and ignored Chronicles, Last Revelation and Angel of Darkness altogether.

I'm now several hours into TR 2013 and I think it's quite excellent.
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Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by dezm0nd »

I remember playing the original TR with my little brother and his mates all night once. It was one of those games which you couldn't escape, Lara was everywhere!

There were some truly terrifying moments in the original such as the bear, t-rex and sword of Damocles but only until the Legend / Anniversary did I get back into it. Underworld is also a good game.

This years reboot is of the highest caliber and with a bit of cajones in the exploring department, the sequel could even be better than this!

Guardian of Light was indeed a corker and I'm sad they're not doing another one but if it means actual TR back on the map, I'm happy.

Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by Imo »

I always remember being a kid and my dad helping me with tomb raider 2, it was the last time we had those roles - I've been helping him ever since.

Like Dezmond says just having TR back in the sphere is a very good thing and I'm pleased and my overriding feeling was that the sequel will indeed mind blowing.

The reboot looks superb, plays great and is crammed full of lovely touches. I wish the rest of the characters were as good as Lara and really wish they had tied the story and gameplay better but like I said I'm just delighted shes back.
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Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by Rich »

ratsoalbion wrote:
Rich wrote: I think the 3 previous Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider games are some of the best games ever
Wow! I don't think I've ever heard such effusive praise for Legend, Anniversary and/or Underworld. I understood from both critic reviews and friends/peers that they were good but unspectacular, so I meant to play the first two but never got round to it. I have played a couple of hours of Underworld and it seemed all right but unremarkable.
I probably should have said my favourite rather than the best. I skipped every cut scene in those games and some of the boss fights we terrible.

In terms of level design and control I do think they are some of the best out there. I can't really describe what I like so much about them it just feels so right to me.

I also love that you only kill 5 people in Anniversary, a lot of endangered animals but only 5 people.
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Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by AndyKurosaki »

I've not played much of the series, as puzzles aren't really my strong point. I finished Legend and really enjoyed it,Guardian Of Light I didn't get too far with.

Just finished the latest one, and think it's genuinely excellent. It's fair to say the supporting cast don't do much, but when there's so many brilliant set pieces one after another, that doesn't drag it down. I've seen some long-term TR fans kicking off that there's not much Tomb exploring (most are optional, and extremely short). But that's something to look at in the sequel. An absolute must play.

Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by Imo »

Agreed Andy definite must play despite the flaws. I liked that the tombs were optioned, it was a tidy compromise to the new direction and the roots of the franchise. There is also something about 'Tomb Raided' that I liked. Apparently further tombs will be added via DLC and as you say can be expanded in future titles.
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Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by PressEscToExit »

The original Tomb Raider game was massively important to me at the time, something I tried to explain on here a while back:
PressEscToExit wrote: I find it difficult to explain to people exactly how they made me feel the first time around. Isolated and vulnerable but at the same time brave and empowered. You're exploring these spaces where nobody's set foot for hundreds of years and you can sort of feel the weight of all the time that's passed, and all the things that might have happened there.

Endless Ocean and Dear Esther manage to do something similar to a limited degree, but neither have any real sense of danger and they miss the wee spark of confidence (almost arrogance) of a preternaturally capable lead character like Lara...
I've enjoyed all of the Crystal Dynamics TR games - Underworld was actually my game of the year for 2008 - but I'm a huge sucker for anything that lets me climb up really high things and jump off, and I always felt like they fell a little bit into the guilty pleasure category. All gorgeous games for their time with some brilliantly intricate design and a real eye for spectacle, but often pretty buggy, prone to weird collision issues that lead to unavoidable deaths and with horrible combat.

I put Underworld on just after I finished the new game and honestly, the difference between the two is staggering. The reboot is so much more solid and believable in the way Lara moves and reacts to her world that they feel a decade apart. Sad as I am that the old Tomb Raider feeling is essentially gone, I'm happy that the license has given birth to something different but equally worthwhile (and infinitely less frustrating).
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Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by AndyKurosaki »

If i had a choice between action, and tons of puzzles, it's action all the way for me. The optional tombs are at the right level for me, when things get complicated and i have to crack out gamefaqs, my interest soon goes.
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Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by Alex79 »

I never really played the first Tomb Raider when it came out. I had a mate going on about it as he'd got a Playstation but I was still stuck with 16-bits for the time being. By the time the second game was released I'd got my own PS, and borrowed a copy of it off a friend. I thought it was ok, but never really got in to it. I didn't then touch the series until much later on when Underworld was released for the Wii. I hacked my Wii and being able to play pirated games on it (yeah yeah, ok I'm not even going to make an excuse, I just wanted free games) so downloaded a copy of Underworld. I kind of got in to it, but then read the Wii version was massively inferior to the 360 release (well dur...) so I actually went and bought it on 360. Then I discovered that Underworld was a direct sequel to Legend so decided I needed to play that one first, so bought that too (you see, my Wii piracy led to me purchasing two games I wouldn't have in the first place!). I loved Legend. I really loved it, thought it was the best game I'd played in ages. Underworld not so great but still a solid game. I'll play this new version when it drops in price I guess, I'm not such a big fan of the series I need it ASAP, but I'll be interested to see what they've done with it.
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Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by Sean »

Never finished a Tomb Raider up until this one.

I'm having a hard time understanding all the 9's it's received. It's a good game, and, I certainly liked it more than I thought I would. I do think Uncharted could take a few tips from it, regarding the world exploration. Really liked how it was only kinda mini-open world. Felt like you had just enough breathing room to explore, but, not too much room to feel overwhelming.

Conversely, Tomb Raider could learn a lot from Uncharted when it comes to storytelling, compelling characters, and set pieces. While the set pieces in TR are pretty good, it all felt a bit "been there, done that" to me. And, with everything being so damn serious all the time, having her pull off Nathan Drake-like platforming sequences felt tonally inconsistent to me.

Overall, I'm definitely interested to see how the series goes from here. There's a ton of room for improvement, but, CD's off to a good start.
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Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by ratsoalbion »

I enjoyed it plenty enough to give it a 9/10 in my review, although it probably would have been about 86% if we awarded percentages.
But yes, the supporting cast were weak compared to Uncharted's.

CD aren't really just starting out though - this is their fourth proper TR game!
Which makes Ninja Theory's success with DmC all the more impressive.

Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by MblockHead »

I completed the new TR last night and found it thoroughly enjoyable. I thought it struck the balance between scripted action sequences and small, open world environments for exploration perfectly. I had just finished Assassins Creed 3 and went straight onto Farcry 3. This was a mistake as I found it to be very similar and when I realised I would be hunting animals again, I shelved it straight away. Lo and behold, Tomb Raider has hunting in it as well but it doesn't feel so much like a chore, rather a happy distraction in a much smaller environment.

It was also nice to sit back and just let the game show me where to go. After playing a couple of much bigger, open world, choose your mission style games, a bit of hand holding was a nice change. The platforming reminded me a little bit of Enslaved as in the 'single route only' climbing sections with shifting perspective and this is definitely not a bad thing. Of course the game borrows a lot from Uncharted but Uncharted did learn from the original TR games so I guess its fitting. Circle of gaming and all that. The action sequences and characterisation was better in the Uncharted games and also injected a little bit of humour which was sadly lacking in TR.

The upgrading of skills and weapon customisation was just about perfect. Nothing too complicated and still feels like your have some control over her progress and can suit the development according to your play style. My worry is that sequels have the tendency to expand this area of the game and add more and more customisation which I think would be a huge mistake. Change it up for sure, but don't lose focus or balance on what made the game great in the first place.

Some of the areas Lara found herself in raised the tension pretty well and seeing her squeeze through tiny gaps and wade through water had me feeling a little claustrophobic at times. This was great and added to the desperate nature of the situation she was in. This could have been balanced with perhaps some much larger indoor areas that the old TR games were so good at. That, and making some more, bigger puzzles integral to the game would have been perfect. As it is, still a fantastic effort and cant wait to see where it goes form here.

edit: Did have a few glitches though that were almost game breaking and could have changed my whole opinion on the game.
Spoiler: show
When Lara was tied by the hands from the ceiling in one part, swinging back and forth did not free her. Had to turn the console off and on for it to work. However, this wasnt as bad as the next one...

When Lara gets the rope ascender for the first time on the ship, you are suppose to pull down a large object that smashes through the floor and allow progress. This was glitched for me and the object would not pull. No amount of restarts or reloads was working. After a bit of googling, I found a workaround in that a part of the floor is glitched and with a bit of patience, you can fall through and carry on the game. Thank fuck someone found this or I would have been well pissed off.
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Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by Rich »

AndyKurosaki wrote:If i had a choice between action, and tons of puzzles, it's action all the way for me. The optional tombs are at the right level for me, when things get complicated and i have to crack out gamefaqs, my interest soon goes.
I couldn't disagree more. I enjoyed the combat a lot but it really needed some big Tomb puzzles on the critical path to really make it feel like Tomb Raider.

I would have been happy with about 1/2 the enemy encounters and just a few more puzzles.

It was a bit too easy though. I played on hard and never really struggled and I'm not that good at games. Maybe this one just clicked with me.
I was really hoping for an extra hard new game plus to really test myself when I was done.

I am really glad they never went too far with Uncharted style enemy encounters where they spawn guys for ages and it gets really tedious and feels like padding. Outside of the great multiplayer the combat is the worst thing about Uncharted. The best bit for me is in 3 when you're a kid and don't have a gun.
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Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by Rich »

MblockHead wrote:edit: Did have a few glitches though that were almost game breaking and could have changed my whole opinion on the game.
Spoiler: show
When Lara was tied by the hands from the ceiling in one part, swinging back and forth did not free her. Had to turn the console off and on for it to work. However, this wasnt as bad as the next one...

When Lara gets the rope ascender for the first time on the ship, you are suppose to pull down a large object that smashes through the floor and allow progress. This was glitched for me and the object would not pull. No amount of restarts or reloads was working. After a bit of googling, I found a workaround in that a part of the floor is glitched and with a bit of patience, you can fall through and carry on the game. Thank fuck someone found this or I would have been well pissed off.
I had the exact same thing happen to me. If I wasn't renting it I might have looked at getting a refund. I did find the same way trough it as you did.
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It was funny seeing the floor smashed up when you get back to that bit when you leave the ship.
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Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by dezm0nd »

I had a game breaker through sequence breaking by accident. Upon handing in an item, In happened to come across an optional tomb and I went in and solved the puzzle. On the way out, the peoples who expected me to hand in the item didn't respond to me at all and the way point was literally outnofnthe game environment.

I had staggered saves so I just rolled it back 10 minutes so I got away with that one.
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Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by AndyKurosaki »

Strange, I played from start to finish and had no glitches. Well, apart from when Lara fell from a wooden platform in a cut scene, and the fallen bits of wood disolved, Tron style, right next to her.
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Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by stvnorman »

I had a great glitch on PS3 - so great it seemed almost intentional! I fell off the pirate ship as I was making my escape. Lara got "snagged" half way down the ship. Nothing more happened, so I tried to free her with the controller and off she went, floating around the ship under a reasonable amount of control, looking like Peter Pan. Eventually she fell off, died, and the game restarted about thirty seconds further in than when I'd originally fallen. Otherwise, nothing more mundane from start to end.
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Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by dezm0nd »

There's a fantastic Pop Fiction on the much rumoured nude mode cheat code in the original game.

You should peep it over at GameTrailers, it really is one of their best features. Its basically videogame mythbusters.
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Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by mikeleddy83 »

Just started the reboot an hour ago so I'm not daring to scroll far up the page but early impressions are bloody impressive, lets hope it continues to keep me gripped.

I'm pleasantly shocked by the production values, the quality of passive animation and having totally skipped the reviews (and even basic info on it) I'm pleased to find almost everything about the title an unexpected surprise.
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Re: All things Lara Croft Tomb Raider

Post by JaySevenZero »

I see there are several posts on gaming sites stating that the reboot has under-performed in terms of sales. However, I personally don't see 3.4m in four weeks as terrible but I do feel that Square Enix were being overly optimistic expecting a little under 15 million in sales for this game.
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