Whatcha Been Playing?

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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by dezm0nd »

30 hours into M&L Dream Team. Another 3DS title to add to the list of greatness. This handheld is on fire at the moment.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by DomsBeard »

Bakers_12 wrote:I restarted RDR: Undead Nightmare after starting it after compleating the main game and then hitting a bug that stopped the next mission poping up

I'm finding a lot better than I remember first time, I think the gameplay changes from the mian game where too extream when played back to back. Given the distance from it now i'm loving it.
Just remembered I've had that sat on my hard drive 2 years, must get that sorted asap.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Pitwar »

Not had much game time recently but when I have I've been slowly working my way through the Walking Dead. I'm about half way through episode 3 and my jaw hit the floor!
Spoiler: show
Lilly shot Carley!!!
Hope to get a bit of time this evening to polish of episode 3 but I can already see why this won so many game of the year awards last year.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Todinho »

So I ended up caving in getting DMC4 for PC(damm you steam!) felt a little bit slow and strange at first but then MOTOR-SWORDS happened,you can never go wrong with those =D, Im aware of the problems the gamea has(being cut in half) but so far it's has been over the top and fun so im liking it.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

Been playing DMC4 as well.

I don't find that the recycled content is much of a problem. It is a bit of a shame, but when you play through the same levels again you do so as a completely different character, so the way the game plays changes a whole lot anyway. The way the levels work and the enemies you come across are also different too.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by hazeredmist »

After finishing 999 I'm playing Virtue's Last Reward on Vita. Brilliant game. Only 2.5 hours in
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Electric Crocosaurus »

Picked up Civilization V in the Steam sale over the weekend. Result? Bye bye weekend. I've probably sunk more hours into Civilization: Revolution on the XBox360 / iPad than any other game this generation, yet this is the first time I've given one of the grown up games a proper go. I bought Civilization IV in a steam sale a couple of years ago, but for some reason never played past the tutorial. V though is like videogame crack; utterly addictive, and so complex that I feel I've barely scratched the surface.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Roy42 »

Played a bunch of stuff at PAX.

I gave Duet, an iOS game currently in development, what I thought would be a quick play, but it had two options for playing: A "Newbie Mode" and an "Expert Mode". After doing about three levels of the beginner levels I immediately jumped into the expert levels, which skipped ahead to either level 27 or 28, I can't remember exactly. And then I got carried away and beat the rest of the game (level 36 or 37) over the course of I don't even know how long. Probably 30 minutes, while several other people played at the other demo station they had set up. In my defence, the game started saying that the levels were impossible, and like hell some videogame is gonna tell me what I am and am not capable of!

Anyway, it's a really cool vertical scroller. You control a circle with two orb-things on the edges, opposite each other. By touching either side of the screen you can rotate the orbs clockwise or anticlockwise, much like Super Hexagon. From the top of the screen come white walls; and if they touch either of the orbs, you lose. It's pretty inventive and is fun once you start thinking in a circular state. One of the developers started filming me as I got further into the expert mode and asked for my email so he could send me the video, so whenever that happens I'll post a link to that so you can see it.

There was a puzzle-platformer called InFlux being shown that was pretty nice, though seemed quite large in scope and had some playability issues; I ended up stopping because I got myself stuck in a room while trying to get to a puzzle. The basic premise is that you control a sphere (which is very sluggish to respond to any inputs) in a quite nice-looking overworld, travelling to these giant glass structures where the puzzles reside. Once you're in there, you have to get coloured spheres to respective coloured areas by means of attracting them to your sphere and pushing them away. In the few levels I played, there were gravity rotators, fans, spring plates; fairly conventional systems of a puzzle game, though they were arranged fairly well. The puzzles are a little undermined, though, in the same way that any puzzle with a constant, clearly defined end point is: If I ever get stuck, which I didn't in this demo because it was all straightforward anyway, all I ever have to do is look at where I know I'm going to end at and work backwards.

Fractured Soul, which is out on the 3DS eShop right now, was lots of fun and as soon as I recover from my exuberant spending on Steam and at the convention, I'll be picking it up. It's a platformer where you can shift your physical presence between the top and bottom screens to do things like cross gaps with platforms that are only on one screen or the other, avoid enemies, pass through walls that would block or damage you and possibly more. I did the first level and then skipped to the last level, which also had gravity inverted on the top screen, which was even more entertaining, so I look forward to seeing what else is done with the mechanic. That was also one where the developer said I picked up on it really quickly and seemed to breeze through it while other people found it hard…Hmm…

Next was Framed, possibly my favourite game of the show. I'll check back once I finish writing all of this. An iOS game where you play as a silhouette of a guy with a briefcase who's running away from the police. Or some manner of armed forces. The story is told in a hybrid cinematic comic book style: Each level is a progression of animated panels, which play back from left-to-right, top-to-bottom. You have a set start point, where the man enters the area, a set end point, where the man eventually leaves the area, and any number of panels in-between, where the man can do different things depending on what order they are placed. You drag the panels around to reorder the events so that the man avoids either capture or death. It was incredibly innovative and one of the best things I've seen all year.

I tried Robots Can't Jump, a puzzle-platformer that revolves around your ability to build things in the world that let you overcome your inability to jump. The concept was cool, though some elements weren't really presented that well, as evidenced by the fact that I needed the developer to explain how I could get more gems to afford to build things.

I looked at, but didn't get to play Cargo Chaos, which is very reminiscent of physics puzzle games that you see online, where you'd have to arrange a group of objects to protect something from being destroyed. Several exist on iOS already, which is what this was running on. You get given a set of basic shapes and have to place them on a ship. The ship then goes across the ocean, the objects moving around as it hits waves. It's an interesting take on the genre, but I don't know how the developers plan on making it much of a challenge, since you can still move the objects around after you've placed them and are moving on the ocean, so you can just physically stop anything from falling off. I fear it might just end up getting lost in the sea of okay-but-not-great iOS games.

I played a sweet game called Colour Bind, which is available on Steam now. It's a puzzle platformer with an emphasis on the platforming. You control a cart-thing (two wheels and a plank) in a world where gravity changes for objects depending on what colour they are. For example, in the first level, red objects fall down, green objects fall up and blue objects fall left. From there it gets quite sinister; even once you've figured out what you need to do to get to the end of the level, the execution of it is still another hurdle to overcome; the developer said he specifically wanted a puzzle platformer where you actually had to have some degree of skill in platforming to clear the levels.

Freedom Fall is an interesting take on platforming: You're going down. You start in the top of a dungeon tower and start escaping downwards, at the behest and also the irritation, it seems, of the princess of the castle, who leaves helpful graffiti scrawled on the walls telling you what to do, how to use the collectables you're gathering to build contraptions to help you (glider, double jump, rocket board, etc.), which paths are easier or harder, and at all other points gives a lot of flavour text. By which I mean it's a little overwhelmingly verbose. I can get wanting to have humour in the game; and it does. I can also get not having a budget for voice acting. I think they could have reigned it in a bit, though. It made me feel like I was watching an episode of Family Guy, where the actual plot lasts for maybe three minutes and the other 19 are cutaways.

Last thing of the indie devs I remember looking at was Black Annex, an RTS-like game in a pixel art style. You play as employees of the titular corporation and get tasked to do things. At least, that's what I recall having to do. I got all my dudes killed very quickly in the first actual level because I wasn't too concerned with trying to focus too hard in such a chaotic environment that PAX is as opposed to just mucking around and having fun, but it seemed fun enough, and I'll have a closer look when it comes out and I can play it at a more relaxed pace.

I also picked up some flyers and cards for indie dev studio Pod Cubed, whose game Worm Air looks fun enough, and for a game called Crabitron, which has you play as a giant space crab. That's about all I know, but that much should warrant it a look; it's on the App Store now, apparently.

On bigger releases, I played a very limited demo of Saints Row IV. As in it was less than five minutes and really underwhelming for how long I had to wait, especially since, due to Australian game laws, the booth was shrouded in a black curtain of mysteriousness. Thankfully, even though it was short, it gave me everything I needed to know. It's Saints Row and I can move around in a manner similar to Infamous and Prototype, so I'm pretty much sold.

I got to try that Oculus Rift thing developers have been going on about lately. It's pretty good. I highly doubt it'll be the next big step forward for gaming, just like the 3DS wasn't either, but it's pretty cool nonetheless.

As a lover and supporter of Australian indie devs, I spent a good hour or so at the Halfbrick booth. Finally tried Fruit Ninja Kinect, which has the same enjoyable ridiculousness as I've found party games on the Wii do, where everyone involved just has to let go and accept that they are going to look ridiculous, but that's fine, because everyone else does as well. Played for a bit on their other games, but I've already played them before and own them, so nothing new. What was new, however, was a big robot space dragon-thing that had their new game, Collosatron. It's a slightly frenetic mix of tower defence, top-down shooters and match-three gameplay. You're a giant robot space dragon-thing that's come to Earth on a mission to cause as much damage as possible. Like Blast Corps, the more collateral you cause, the greater your score. You start with between two and four parts in your dragon and can add more when they float around by dragging them onto the dragon. The basic parts (tower types, if you will) are the three primary colours; if you put two primary towers next to each other, they combine to form a new tower of the mixed colour. And if three towers of the same type are next to each other, they combine to form a bigger, better version of the tower. As you rampage, a classic square-jawed military general sends forces to deal with you, and when they destroy all of your parts, you explode, taking everyone with you. It was a load of fun and incredibly intuitive, such that I was able to figure out all of those mechanics in a single playthrough. It can be a bit hard to keep track of everything that's going on, but eventually you tune all of the effects out and just focus on the colours, which is all that really matters.

Nintendo… Everything there was amazing. They had Pikmin 3, Wind Waker HD, Super Mario 3D World, Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and possibly also Mario and Luigi: Dream Team Bros, but I didn't check all of the 3DSes they had there.

There were a bunch of other booths in the expo hall, but I think that was everything I looked at. I also spent a significant portion of each day hanging around the Antichamber booth; I didn't play it, but I got to listen to and chat with the developer a whole lot, which was both incredibly informative and inspiring.

In "The Big Top", where all of the freeplay areas were, I played N64 Smash Bros. a bunch of times with various groups of people; and by the end of the weekend I found myself returning to the point where I'm somewhat decent at the game. In the console freeplay area, I played some Bit. Trip for awhile and also Injustice, which I found quite enjoyable. The first time I played it, anyway. The second time I was up against someone who was genuinely good at it, which was just unfun to play.

And it isn't a videogame, but I played a few games of Giant Jenga as well; and thankfully didn't lose any games.

My two biggest regrets are that I somehow missed the part on the map where Johann Sebastian Joust was in the expo hall and I missed out on Cards Against Humanity, which some guys had apparently brought with them and played in the tabletop freeplay area. When I found out on Sunday afternoon that I missed the opportunity to play both of those I was just beside myself.

And I think that was pretty much the games I played over the weekend. Pretty good time, really. And that's without even going into the concerts.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by CountFosco »

Returning to gaming slowly with SUPER MARIO GALAXY on Wii, BORDERLANDS 2 (which I just bought for £6 on Steam) and MM: CLASH OF HEROES for iPad.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

I've been finding it much harder to stay away from the PS3 that I thought it would be. At least that doesn't mean that buying the thing didn't turn out to be worth it, after waiting so long to finally get one.

I can't help but sink loads of time in to Okami. I'm up to North Ryoshima Coast now.

I've also gotten about 2/3 of the way through God of War 2 as well. Not really sure what to make of it. I'm enjoying it, but something feels wrong about it. Can't quite work it out. Well, I suppose there's the crappy clang sound effect when your blades hit walls and things, but that can't be the only reason I'm getting this feeling from it.

I've gotten quite far through Shadow of the Colossus too. I've beaten 13 Colossi, but I haven't been on the game recently. The 14th is a real bitch. I hate that one. Comes right after my favourite too.

I also got No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise. At first the controls seemed strange and overly complicated to me, since I'm so used to the Wii control scheme, but I'm getting used to it. Despite the combat being better in the sequel, the way they do bosses is so much better in the first. There's so much more build-up. You actually have a proper conversation with them and get to know them, as well as Travis, as characters. That's something I found was almost completely devoid in the sequel. Such a shame. It seems like every single iteration of the series has its own unique collection of strengths and drawbacks. I'd love it so much if they were able to take all the good things from each version, and got rid of the bad, and just made one brilliant game out of it. Not that any of the existing games are bad. It's just annoying playing one and not being able to get over the absence of something in another. Actually, the series would be a pretty good candidate to cover on the podcast.

I also downloaded Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. It's actually pretty fun, from what I've played anyway. So far I've just gotten past the first boss. This game was a bit of a gamble. I thought it might have been a waste. Might have been too hard to get in to, like Symphony of the Night has proven to be so far. While it does more or less drop you right in without any instruction like SotN, I just found it much easier to get on with. Probably because it's more of a straightforward 3D action RPG, instead of having the 2D platforming elements of SotN. But I thought I would give it a try, since I'm still curious about the series, and you never really hear anything about the PS2 games. I wanted to see what they were like. The intro cinematic gave me a good laugh too.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Roy42 »

Scrustle wrote: I also got No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise. … Actually, the series would be a pretty good candidate to cover on the podcast.
Speak of the devil…
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

Damn, I always seem to forget some of those older episodes. It seems the sequel is still open for coverage though.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by stvnorman »

Played a few hours of Far Cry 3 yesterday and today, borrowed from a friend. It was fun, and there's clearly tens of hours more to be had, but I'm not sure I'll take it much further unless I'm bereft of stuff to play when PS4 becomes imminent - may be one epic too far after Skyrim and Red Dead recently, but it didn't really grab me by the balls that much.

Then got as far as I feel I need to on Scurvy Scallywags and Pocket RPG on iPad. Certainly had a lot of value from those - at least ten hours combined from a grand total of 69p invested! And now I've concluded my night's play with Joe Danger, also on iPad, which is compelling me to keep playing far more than the AAA title I started on tonight ever did!

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Roy42 »

Scrustle wrote:Damn, I always seem to forget some of those older episodes. It seems the sequel is still open for coverage though.
No, they talked about it briefly in the episode as well; I don't think it's likely to be done.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ratsoalbion »

Roy42 wrote:
Scrustle wrote:Damn, I always seem to forget some of those older episodes. It seems the sequel is still open for coverage though.
No, they talked about it briefly in the episode as well; I don't think it's likely to be done.
Josh has played the sequel I believe, and I think rates it over the original.
One No More Heroes game was more than enough for me, though if there was enough demand for a NMH2 issue (unlikely), it's not inconceivable.

We've probably given Suda 51 more than enough airtime though to be honest!
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

Well I guess since I was the one who took things off topic, I should be the one to bring it back.

I've been dipping back in to Muramasa again recently. That game just looks so unbelievable. Sometimes I just have to stop simply to look at it. I really like the animation on the environments too. There's just something about them that's so great. Something about the way there actually isn't very many frames of animation to things like the reed blowing in the wind or the waves crashing on the shore, that makes it so gorgeous. I love the music too, but I find it's one of those soundtracks that is brilliant in the game, but you can't really listen to outside of that experience. It just doesn't feel right, and like it lacks something by not being set to the visuals of the game, even though it's hardly ambient music that you're not really supposed to notice.

I've also being slowly going through a second run of Bioshock Infinite. Maybe it's because I'm burnt out on shooters a bit, but the biggest feeling I'm getting from it is that it feels quite padded. Like doing things and going to places takes far longer than it should do.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by stvnorman »

I'll miss getting games I'd never buy, like Painkiller: Hell & Damnatiom, in the post when LoveFilm stop renting games shortly.

Got off to a very dodgy start with the tutorial. Move the right stick to look around as usual, but to make sure you've really got the hang of it, it tells you to look at three torches. The room you're in has them up and down the walls, and it told me I'd successfully found two before I'd even got my bearings; five minutes later though, I decided I'd spent enough time hunting down the elusive third one despite having a load in eyeshot, and dipped out of the tutorial.

This kind of glitch is the game's speciality - glitchy graphics, AI, shooting, movement... It also does a great job of getting the Unreal Engine to emulate the look of it's ten year old PC predecessor. And the music is as bad as it comes. All that said though, there's fun to be had in running around a graveyard shooting the undead ad nauseum, until one of the game's giant bosses decides to make an appearance.

I've a feeling I've seen pretty much all I need to in one sitting this evening, but it was good rental fodder despite being a technical mess.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Dante Fireseed »

stvnorman wrote:I'll miss getting games I'd never buy, like Painkiller: Hell & Damnatiom, in the post when LoveFilm stop renting games shortly.
try Boomerang games, i've had a subscription for a while now, decent service and very cheap, one game per month is only £3.99


Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Todinho »

Started playing The swapper beautiful art and animation reminds me of old childrens shows,it has some major metroid influences too and the clonning and swapping mechanics have been far more friendly than I had thought.

Still trying to get through Vagrant Story but good news I finnaly discovered what chain abilities are =D now I just need to learn how to use them well.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by dezm0nd »

Been playing Pikmin 3. It's digital magic, really enjoying but I'm fearful of it being too short ie 12 hours. I could literally play Pikmin games well into the hour 100 mark.
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