Whatcha Been Watching?

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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Roy42 »

DomsBeard wrote:I've got the last two Dexters to watch and I'm expecting little. The thing that annoys me about Dexter is the fact
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Quinn suspended something was up with Dexter in season 5 or 6? and even had video evidence from Peter Weller but never followed it up and it hasn't been mentioned since. Pretty sure he knew Dex killed PW too.
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Quinn never got the video footage; Dexter threw the laptop with it into the harbour after he killed Robocop — which wouldn't have done ANYTHING if the police were doing anything close to their jobs and looking for a computer; water damage is piss-easy to get data back from — however you're basically right about the rest of it. He basically gave it up because he didn't want to upset Deb or something like that.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by DomsBeard »

Watched the penultimate episode of Dexter and I was in disbelief when
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He let Saxon live. I mean he knew Dexter was going to kill him and he knew too much. Oh and let's go outside and leave a serial killer tied to a chair so we can say goodbye and have a hug. I mean what could possibly go wrong?.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by dezm0nd »

For a final series, they really fucked it up. A decent ending but it felt like it tried to appeal to a mass audience. A shame.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Scrustle »

I finished off Serial Experiments Lain. Very interesting series. I enjoyed it a lot, but at the end I was still left with a feeling that I had through almost all of the series. A kind of mysterious feeling that there was a lot about it that I didn't understand. Events and sequences that still weren't really explained by the end, characters who you still don't really know who they are or what they're trying to do, stuff like that. But I like that in a way. But not everything needs to be explained, and that kind of mysterious feeling is part of the experience. Seems like one of those shows you have to watch several times to really understand though, and I imagine a lot is still down to interpretation too. But I think I still understood the main plot line and the most important points, and that was still very enjoyable.

I also just watched the fourth episode of Korra...
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Still not quite sure what to think of this series so far. This episode seemed to get some stuff done at least, while the last felt like it was treading water a bit. They tied up the thing between Tenzin and his siblings well, and the twists they revealed about the backstory between Korra's father and uncle has set up something which has potential. I'm happy the show isn't staying around in the same area too. After the whole previous series being stuck just in Republic City it would have been kind of a drag to stay just in the South Pole. With them going ahead with trying to get the help of the United Republic we might start seeing some old characters too. Not just from TLA, but maybe some people from Republic City too. I've found I'm really missing Lin. I'd love to see her again.

But there are still some things I didn't really like. For one thing it seems this civil war is going to be a thing for a while, despite these few episodes apparently being the ones named for it. And that business guy seems to be sticking around, doing his "craaaazy" antics. He seems too "cartoony" for the show, I think. It was kind of silly to keep him in that bearskin the whole episode, having him "poop" money too. And it's become clear what the point of Bolin wasting his time with those twins was too. To give the team someone to be pursuing them. I thought that they were just going to drop that plot thread once they left, but no. Now that girl is the crazy jilted ex that's chasing them for... what exactly? I can't see this conflict having a good resolution. Feels kind of shallow and contrived.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by DomsBeard »

Just watched the end of Dexter. Terrible plot, terrible acting and terrible end.

Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Roy42 »

Thankfully, Breaking Bad had a fantastic finale, to cap off a fantastic show altogether, so at least ONE show that I regularly watch that's gone on for years didn't go down the gurgler after a couple of seasons.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by DomsBeard »

That's great news, looking forward to watching it this evening
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by dezm0nd »

Yeah Dexter was awful, even more now i've had a chance to dwell on it.

Breaking Bad however, was nothing short of amazing.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by DomsBeard »

Yeah breaking bad was nice. A good ending all round.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Flabyo »

Lain is a little like Akira in that you probably need to see it a couple of times before it all makes sense. It is perhaps a little too clever for its own good at times, but I forgive it that for just how creepy some moments of it are.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Scrustle »

Yeah, Akira definitely doesn't really do a great job of making itself clear on the first viewing. I still need to rewatch that at some point. My impression of it when I saw it was that the pacing was off, and it does too much of telling you about events than actual events happening. I think that might have something to do with the fact that the manga is a lot longer than the film, right? I heard there was a whole lot that had to be cut out.

But sometimes I just like odd things simply because they're odd. People sometimes complain about things that feel like they're just trying to be weird for the sake of it, but it's rare that I feel the same way about things people make that criticism of. Real life is boring, so sometimes it's fun to see a world that is weird and doesn't make sense, just because that's how it is. I just like to see a world that doesn't fit with the logic we're used to. That's what makes FLCL so interesting too.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Flabyo »

As good as the Akira movie is, it's never going to get everything from the manga in. The manga is, what, 6 telephone book sized volumes? Something like that.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by JaySevenZero »

Scrustle wrote:I think that might have something to do with the fact that the manga is a lot longer than the film, right? I heard there was a whole lot that had to be cut out.
The book, as is so often the case, vastly superior to the anime for many reasons (and is quite a radically different story to the film). I would urge anyone who has even the remotest interest in Otomo's work to endeavour to check it out as it is, in my humble opinion, one of the greatest comics ever written/drawn.

If not, then check out his less expansive but still amazing Domu instead.

For the record I loved FLCL for its utter craziness, so much so that I even tracked down soundtrack CD.

Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Todinho »

So I just finnished Attack on Titan...and it's really fucking good! I was worried around episode 8 when I thought the show was gonna head into weird direction but as a kept watching it just got better it has great animation,a phenomenal use of sound and music and some of the best action scenes I've seen in a anime,if I can compare the feeling it gave me to something it would be Pacific Rim just spread for longer and with good characters and a interesting plot.This seriously blows any other animated show I've seen in recent years out the water and im really looking foward for whenever they decide to release a season 2.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Scrustle »

I've been slowly progressing through Psycho-Pass. It's getting really good. It's addressing some of the earlier problems I had with it in an unusual way too. At first it seemed like they were just going to not make a big deal of it and just run with it, and I think the way they it was going, the show did a pretty good job of that. But now a new character has come in, and it seems they're going to act as a major antagonist of the show, and what they're about is kind of an illustration of exactly what I had problems with before. So it's kind of weaving it in to the story in a natural way, which doesn't feel ham fistedly preachy.

Also just watched episode 6 of Korra. Still really have no idea what to think of the show so far.
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The action scenes are fantastic and every now and then it sets itself up for what looks like could get really great, but it just hasn't done much so far. So much of what happens seems like pointless fluff that goes nowhere, and there are so many characters with no real point to them. It's been a real shame how much they've underutilised Lin for one thing. And the reveals at the end of this episode, again I don't really know what to make of them. Granted, I did not see Varrick's double-crossing coming at all. But I don't know whether that's a good thing. And with Korra losing her memory... I don't know. Seems kind of contrived. Not in that it feels like it shouldn't or couldn't have happened, but just because it felt like it was just put in to add more "drama", and yet more fluff that's getting in the way of something real actually happening. And for Asami kissing Mako as well, I guess it makes sense. I've always thought that there was a good chance she would still be harbouring feelings for Mako, but I don't think another love triangle is going to be a good idea. Really hope this kind of feeling doesn't continue, and that the series shapes up. So far it's felt like kind of a mess of just things happening, instead of an actual story of the calibre that I know the guys behind the show can make.

Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Todinho »

Psycho-Pass really builds up the more you get to the end(which I think it's great) so definitely stick with it!
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Alex79 »

I've been rewatching the BBC comedy, How Do You Want Me? One of the most underrated comedies of the last 20 years and easily Dylan Moran's finest hour.

Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by Woodfella »

Hey, want to see some guy with mad skills play through god hand? Of course you do, watch my bro's videos

http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL ... ANxQi8L2UQ
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by AndyKurosaki »

Halfway through series 1 of Homeland, which is alright, but I'm not on the edge of my seat yet. Considering the huge hype the press seems to give it, thus far I'm a bit underwhelmed. It's certainly not yet in the same class as Breaking Bad/Boardwalk Empire/Mad Men etc.
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Re: Whatcha Been Watching?

Post by DomsBeard »

AndyKurosaki wrote:Halfway through series 1 of Homeland, which is alright, but I'm not on the edge of my seat yet. Considering the huge hype the press seems to give it, thus far I'm a bit underwhelmed. It's certainly not yet in the same class as Breaking Bad/Boardwalk Empire/Mad Men etc.
I gave up half way through season one. I found Clare Daines?!? too irritating yo continue watching it. Plus I'd just finished watching V so it was weird seeing Anna in another show so soon.
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