Whatcha Been Playing?

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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by dezm0nd »

Welcome to the Wii U club, MrFlabyo! May have to get another game night going soonish.

I've been playing Sky landers Swap Force. Its a very well crafted game and has luscious presentation but the core gameplay is starting to wear thin with me. I know they're aimed at kids but I was hoping the game would be more in line with Nintendos difficulty masterclass. It does feel Nintendo-esque but falls short of their qualiyy
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ratsoalbion »

I'm now around half-way through Merc Kings. Went back to it today after a long lay-off and remembered why I'd put it down; I have three missions accessible but I can't manage to finish any of them. One's too tough, one's too quick and the other I literally can't work out where to go next!

What I would say Steve is that the difficulty peaks and troughs with this game - don't expect a nice, smooth curve - and also the game is rather like something along the lines of Terraria in that the gathering and using of resources to make better gear is at least as essential as platformy/shooty skyllz.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Todinho »

I also have been playing Mercenary Kings,I picked it up on the steam sale thinking it would be a cool Metal Slug clone but it turns out this has a bunch of crafting into it and it's more akin to monster hunter I hear,Im only at the start but I dont think I like the idea of grinding for materials to make guns a be able to complete missions I also dont like the fact that all missions are timed and the levels are huge so I get nervous and dont explore most of it,from what I see this seems to be a game more geared to multiplayer so that might be the "right way to play" but I still wish I could lone wolf it without being punished.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ratsoalbion »

Co-op can certainly help, and teaming up is fun, but I reckon they've made it so that every mission can be soloed.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Pitwar »

I picked up Wolfenstein The New Order on a bit of a whim on the way home from work yesterday, and I'm so pleased I did. Such a fun, old school shooter!
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Feirsteax »

Yep. I'm near the end of Wolfenstein now and my god its a great shooter. Haven't been hooked to play one on ages but this is just so much fun
I love how they really run wild with the ideas, massive robots everywhere
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by AndyKurosaki »

Yeah Wolfenstein is brilliant, loved it from start to finish. Old-school Doom game next, please.

While I saw some potential in Merc Kings, I found it to be a chore to play. Gave it a fair chance, but I just didn't find it fun.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by CapinGreen »

Glad to see so many people enjoying Wolfenstein. It has great characters and is genuinely harrowing in places as well as being a superb shooter!

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by arry_g »

I... am back on the 'Souls' train, I'm attempting to Platinum Demon's Souls. To be honest I don't care about the plat, it's just an excuse to play the game again.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by stvnorman »

Thanks for the Merc Kings tip earlier Leon. Having spent an age in Minecraft recently I've got no problem with a bit of crafting! Minecraft aside, I'm 28% complete on Lego Lord of the Rings, so I should finish the main story on my next decent run at it and can put that one to bed!
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Electric Crocosaurus »

Decided to delve into my Steam Library of Shame last night and ended up settling on 'Papers, Please'. Only meant to play for 15 minutes, ended up playing for an hour and a half; a really addictive 'admin-em-up' that reminded me a lot of Bullfrog in their heyday. It's funny, it's satirical, well paced... and I started to feel genuine emotion towards both the people and the 'family' I was trying to support.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Flabyo »

Picked 'Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate' as my free WiiU download from Mario Kart 8 and decided to give that a go last night.

It's quite clunky, but there's the soul of something really interesting in there so I think I'll stick with it for a while yet.

My main complaint so far is the lack of any introductory 'lets teach you what the weapons are for' thing. Some of them are clearly meant for specific types of foe, and others have crazy special moves, but it's all very much 'in at the deep end'.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Todinho »

Made it to the Castle in RE4 and im much better at the game now,it was just a matter of getting used to the controls and bam I can take a El Gigante with Ashley in tow no problem,I will say that while in terms of tone and atmosphere the village part is the best in the game the Castle part certainly has the best setpieces(some of which are really annoying too) so im having fun with that the more I like this part though the more I dread what's to come once it's over.

Meanwhile on Merc kings I am making no progress im just dying alot and while I will admit it's my fault the fact that I can only carry one gun isnt helping there's also something I cant put my finger on but movement feels wrong some how,it's not as responsive as I would expect especially when you roll,I dont if that's just me but it's certainly annoying.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

I had a quick go on Mario Kart on a demo pod in Toys R Us the other day, my first experience of using a Wii-U. It looked brilliant, however as I suspected there's no way I could use that controller for extended periods of time. I can't imagine playing something like Arkham City or Bayonetta on it, the buttons are in totally the wrong place in my opinion. They felt really awkward to reach from the natural position your hands are in. It's a shame because there are a load of first party games I'd have loved to play eventually when I could pick a console up cheap, but it's just another nail in Nintendo's coffin as far as I'm concerned. What is wrong with a normal controller? I wish they'd just make a HD console, standard controller, it would blow everything else out of the water. But as it is, I'm just not interested.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

Just get a Wii U with a normal controller. The Pro Controller is excellent. It rivals the 360 controller easily. You can use it for most Wii U games too. That's what I use with Mario Kart, WW HD, and I'm definitely going to use with Bayonetta 2 as well. There are some games which are better with the Gamepad, but with a lot of games it's not necessary, and the Pro Controller is a brilliant substitute.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Mono »

I built my first ever PC a couple of weeks ago for my birthday and got my GPU soon after. I'd already amassed 150 or so games by the time I'd got it, and largely unable to play most of them.

Now though, I've been playing a bunch of Metro 2033 and the Witcher: Enhanced Edition, as well as the terrifying and terrifyingly addictive DOTA2. Absolutely love the PC games I've been able to play so far - learning mouse + keyboard has been a unique experience for one.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ratsoalbion »


I'm back to m&k after a long lay-off for System Shock 2. I do like the immediacy and fidelity of mouse-look but I do also get a huge crick in my shoulder (my problem rather than the control method's) when playing that way.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by mikeleddy83 »

Had a brief period away from Xenoblade to start the Destiny beta and try the new BF4 maps which were both fun but I'm back to business clocking well into the 25 hour mark and still enjoying every minute. I've started a horrible addiction to walking the perimeter of vast landscapes just to get a blueprint for the areas but I'm filling this time with podcasts before hitting the story beats.

Bedtime gaming continues to be Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies which intimidates me with its blink and you'll miss it relishing of small details, I'm literally playing 10 minutes a night and think about the game more than I play it.

It's a hard choice between the two but I plan to savour both and will certainly go full steam ahead with it once Xenoblade Chronicles sadly ends.

(Bloody hell, that copy of Tales of Xillia has been staring at me while I wrote this post, long live the game drought!)

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Todinho »

Speedrunning through RE5 as fast as I can already got Irving which I recall to be the halfway mark of the game so hopefully I'll be done with this by wednesday,I know alot of people hated this game when it came out but to me it just feels like the natural progression of the series after RE4,now dont get me wrong this is at best a poor man version of RE4 but it's not as bad as some of the fans seem to think, actually it's kinda of interesting how much this game rips-off RE4:American arrives at foreign country it's attack by locals,there are chainsaw wielding guys an El Gigante fight,a fight against a sea monster,you visit a local historical landmark,there's a annoying mid villain that becomes part of a big monster,...it goes on and on too bad almost everything here is subpar in comparison to 4,well at least Wesker is better than Saddler I guess.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by adwild1982 »

Finally finished my first play through of Borderlands 2 and loved it, am now playing it in Vault Hunter Mode and trying to do all the DLC before cracking on with the main game. As am level 36 I feel that their is a lot more to be done on this game. I am however looking for my next epic game to play any suggestions welcome.
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