Whatcha Been Playing?

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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by deacon05oc »

Bastion. I paid for it on PS4 a while back but never played it. Heard it was on Vita and looked to see I got it for free. Holy cow this game is amazing. The isometric view kinda turned me away, but the gameplay and combat is addictive. I'm now excited to play Transistor which I got on PS Plus a while back. Can't wait to listen to the C&R on this game.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by seansthomas »

Pumped about 6 hours into Xenoblade Chronicles X this weekend.

Opening few hours are some of the best I've experienced in gaming. Won't say why for those of you yet to play it but its just a pure joy.

So far I'm a bit overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the planet, the menus, the systems and figuring out what next to do but I'm conversely enjoying how it dumps you on an alien world and says 'There you go...'

Combat seems improved over XC, the graphics are stunning and I love the planet geography so far.

Doubt I'll ever get to complete it alas and reviews suggest that by 45 hours in, energy may wane, but loving what I've enjoyed so far.

No idea how Scouting or the online mode works though. Anyone else?
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by mikeleddy83 »

Nope, still no access to anything too but then again I've only clocked up 3 hours. Really expected the passive story to bother me but nope, all good so far. The gameplay is pure and if only a minor upgrade over the last; still stupidly addictive.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

Is it a sequel to the Wii game or a re-release? I loved the original but got so far and never finished it due to massive grinding needed. Although the battles were a lot of fun.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by ratsoalbion »

X is an entirely new game, but the 3DS version was a rerelease of the Wii game.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by James »

Um... I finished MGSV a while back (end of September) and decided that it was ridiculous not to have completed Dark Souls on PS3 (as you do). Then I realised I'd never made an Artorias build, so I'd best get that sorted. And an Artorias build wouldn't be an Artorias build without saving Sif and getting the alternate cutscene, which meant completing the DLC. That meant I couldn't make the Greatsword Of Artorias until endgame and I wouldn't really have given it a fair crack, so I may as well roll into NG+. At that point, getting the Platinum Trophy was something of a formality, so...

I spent another 60hrs playing Dark Souls. :mrgreen:

And then the Bloodborne DLC was out, so I'm now playing that. And it's great. So great, in fact, that I may run through it again with my secondary (Skill) character as soon as I'm done.

Long story short, I'm probably playing Souls games until Dark Souls III arrives in April! :lol:
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

It's impossible to stick Dark Souls on for a bit without getting sucked right back in, isn't it. I recently thought I'd have a run around the world for an hour or so and then ended up playing all the way through to Anor Londo, oops!
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

ratsoalbion wrote:X is an entirely new game, but the 3DS version was a rerelease of the Wii game.
Ah I'm really tempted by a Wii-U these days. I think if I wait another year I can hoover one up with most of the great games for a very decent price.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Suits »

Alex79uk wrote:Ah I'm really tempted by a Wii-U these days. I think if I wait another year I can hoover one up with most of the great games for a very decent price.
Don't be fooled into thinking that dude, Nintendo stuff nowadays REALLY holds it's price.

I hung about for a while thinking prices would drop but they didn't, they just kept releasing newer bundles.

I ended up getting the basic pack, for £159.99 I think, no game, just a non hard drive white Wii U - when I finally managed to track one down last year.

Also, the games are still £49.99, the first party Mario ones are anyway, then when pre-owns ones come up they go quick at £30 quid odd.

Madness I tell you, I was surprised.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

Yeah you're right I guess, you still see DS games going for close to their original RRP in shops.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

Really enjoying Phoenix Wright:AA. It's tougher than I imagined it to be, the solutions are always obvious once you know, but there have been a few times where I'm sure I've tried everything, then on trying everything again something works! Very enjoyable so far though, I'm not far in, only on the second case cross examining the bell boy.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Suits »

Just picked up Sim City DS for £3.50 in one of those CEX shops.

£3.50 - Incredible.

3DS gaming keeps me sane in the Christmas period while traveling around staying with family. That point where you all get together and snooze to Eastenders on the sofa is when it pays for itself.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by MagicianArcana »

I actually only recently started playing Hotel Dusk for the DS. I found it at a half price bookstore that also sells games and DVDs.

I sure have been missing out. I love the story, art style, and characters. I don't do a lot of handheld gaming because I'm normally so distracted by my pc or console games, but I haven't been this compelled to play a handheld game since Crisis Core on the PSP.

I'm enjoying Hotel Dusk so much that I decided I'm gonna go ahead and order the sequel, Last Window, so I can play it when I finish this one. It's a shame it was never released here in the US. So I've gotta spend some extra money and import it from the UK. I'm glad the DS isn't region locked.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

Been playing quite a bit of Psychonauts today. I've owned it for quite a while, but never really had a chance to properly play it before, but with all the hubbub about a sequel I thought I might as well give it another go. Actually found it pretty fun. Platformers usually aren't my genre, but sometimes a 3D one like this can be pretty fun as something casual. So far I'm not blown away by anything about it, but it's got a lot of personality and an interesting look to it. I had to warm up to the visual style though. I think the polygon count in the game doesn't really do the aesthetic any favours, but after playing it for a bit I've gotten used to it.

I've been playing a bit of Jade Empire too, from Origin's give-away. Originally played this way back on the old Xbox, but that version never really emulated well on the 360, so it's cool to finally have a version that runs properly, with improved graphics to boot. The control layout on the pad is weird though, but workable. The beginning of this game really drags, but I've been having more fun with it than other times when I've tried to go back to it. Soundtrack is really great too. Love that main theme.

Also been playing Yakuza 4. I've been on a bit of a Yakuza kick recently, having finished 3 and getting excited about future games. This one is really fun too, but extremely similar to 3 so far. One of the most similar sequels I've ever seen. I suppose it kind of gets away with it because of how niche it is though. Combat is fun, and I love how goofy and over-the-top it all is, as well as all the extremely Japanese quirks to it. Some are kind of odd though. The whole hostess thing still seems pretty weird to me, but that's part of the appeal. Seeing in to a completely different culture, that isn't making any apology for what it is either. But the whole thing is just so full of personality it's hard to not love.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by MagicianArcana »

Scrustle wrote:Been playing quite a bit of Psychonauts today. I've owned it for quite a while, but never really had a chance to properly play it before, but with all the hubbub about a sequel I thought I might as well give it another go. Actually found it pretty fun. Platformers usually aren't my genre, but sometimes a 3D one like this can be pretty fun as something casual. So far I'm not blown away by anything about it, but it's got a lot of personality and an interesting look to it. I had to warm up to the visual style though. I think the polygon count in the game doesn't really do the aesthetic any favours, but after playing it for a bit I've gotten used to it.
That's kinda how I feel about the game too. I started playing it recently myself as well. I think the game has charm. It's a really solid platformer with some unique mechanics and ideas that make it stand out. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there are a lot of platformers like it being made today. So going back to Psychonauts was a nice change of pace. I'm pretty excited to see what they do with the sequel.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by dezm0nd »

About 14 hours into Mario & Luigi Paper Jam Bros. Yup, it's another one of those games and is up there with the best.

Not breaking any ground with a safe formula but it's a quality formula which I lurv.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by macstat »

Lately i have too little time and way to much games that i bought on steam sale.

What little time i had i split between Fallout 4 (though im kinda bored with it after 70 hours), Just Cause 3 (it has a lot of framerate issues for me, so ill probably wait for patches) Elite Dangerous (love that one) and pleying LEGO pirates of the caribbean with my 5y old niece. Oh and harvesting potatoes with my guild in Guild Wars 2, but that should be considered work.

Oh and i play Assassins Creed Syndicate, but only when im using my stationary bike. Yes, you've heard it here folks. Assassins Creed helps you stay fit !
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Flabyo »

After reading a bunch of reviews I decided to pick up SteamWorld Heist for my 3DS (there are home console ports next year, but it was on offer as well and the reviews intrigued me...)

It's good. Imagine the recent XCOM game, but in a side on perspective. It has the same 'move and fire, or move twice' basic structure to the turns. Even uses the same way to show if you'll be in cover (as did the recent Hard West, proof that if a game nails an interface design other games are going to 'borrow' it).

You can bounce your shots off the scenery to land crazy headshots. It doesn't use dice rolling to determine hits, instead the character arms aren't steady when they aim so you have to time your button presses. Some characters have a laser sight which makes lining up the shots easy (although their guns do less damage) others you have to rely on your eye, which makes hitting distant targets harder. It's a clever system, using player skill to balance the shooting rather than random chance.

It's in the same basic setting as SteamWorld Dig, so if you liked the art style and general feel of that one you'll be at home here. It feels like it has far more legs and replay value than Dig did though, this is a much better game.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by seansthomas »

Haven't had the time to sink into XCX this week so instead had a spin of 80 Days on my commute (still finding new things a year on, backpacking across Africa as we speak...) and FAST Racing Neo. The latter is right up my street. No messing about, just pure racing. Lean mechanic and boost system is great and I really really like it. Not quite as many tricky 180 bends as WipEout 2097 but its frantic and fun.

I really suck at the tracks with jumps in them though!
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Suits »

Been picking up a lot of Nintendo titles of late, for both my 3DS and Wii U.

Grabbed LoZ:Majora's Mask for the 3DS it time for the up coming podcast and Super Paper Mario for the Wii.

Then, I also picked this up today...........put a few hours into it so far......

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