Whatcha Been Playing?

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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Craig »

Just picked up the first Picross 3D for cheap. What a chill little game. Perfect for when I don't really have it in me for Monster Hunter.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Alex79 »

Still plodding on with The Witness. I'm about 300 puzzles down 5 lasers lit (although one is pointing in the wrong direction!?)

Absolutely loving it still, though.

I've also been playing a load of old Neo Geo and CPS arcade games on my Vita. Trying to rinse as much enjoyment out of that before Sony force me to update my vita and lose emulators!

Oh, and slowly making my way through Arkham Knight. It's very enjoyable. I'm 50% on the main story, with some progress made in all side missions. I just like flying around Gotham in detective mode searching for groups of bad guys and kicking their assess!

Has anyone played Telltale's Batman yet? I'd like to play it but I'll be waiting for the entire season to hit a sale, as I've done with all their other stuff.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Suits »

Craig wrote:Just picked up the first Picross 3D for cheap. What a chill little game. Perfect for when I don't really have it in me for Monster Hunter.
<My Mrs is mad for Picross, she's only played the free Zelda version tho but I've be contemplating getting the full 3DS version her. I did see that Picross 2 for the 3DS was being localised to English though, so I may hold out for that for her.

Other than that, I've just been waiting for No Man's Sky. I've tried my very best to avoid as much as possible, video's, previews, screen shots everything. All I know is exploration, crafting and collecting.

Games nowadays you tend to know all about their features and systems before you even play them, so I've decided to go full avoid on this one and try to be surprised as much as possible with it.

Been chipping through Halo:MCC a bit with some mates too which has been really fun apart from the fact that my Turtle Beach XP500's don't work with it for some mental, crazy reason. So I have to use the standard out the box headset which works fine.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by skidoosh »

Decided to jump back on Sunset Overdrive. Played it for a bit after the podcast but didn't get very far before something else came along. I'm thinking I'm close to the end of the main story quest and so far I've really enjoyed it! The map and traversal has been really well thought out. I've only found myself stuck on the ground about 5 - 10 times throughout the whole game. Insomniac have made the act of moving from point to point so fun I've only used the fast travel system about three times so far.

Had a quick pop at Furi the other night too. Just popped it on medium but I think I need to drop it to easy while I get the boss patterns down. The first boss went down easy but I found the parry times for the second different even with the audio. I'm intrigued though. Very intrigued.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Stanshall »

I ought to give Furi another go, it looks more appealing than most PS+ dross but alongside Hyper Light Drifter, I don't have enough reason to fire it up. I appreciate that it's a different approach but there are enough similarities which HLD does better.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by skidoosh »

Haven't played enough to have a proper opinion yet. HLD is on my radar though! Just taken the stance to play some older games I've got on GWG and PS+ before I buy anything else.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Scrustle »

I've heard that easy mode is something you really don't want to do in Furi. I haven't tried it out myself, but I've heard it massively changes the game. Like it completely changes the bosses' attack patterns, and makes it so easy as to trivialise the game.

As for the game itself, I think I've come to the conclusion that it's not for me. I really don't get on with the bullet hell stuff, and with the way the game is designed, that forces me in to playing way more of that than the melee stuff. So the more I play the game, the more I dislike it.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by skidoosh »

Yeah. Kind of seen a lot of people just say it's "shit" out right but, I like a bullet hell game every once in a while. Might just stick with the medium difficulty if it changes it that much and see how I get on.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Bakers_12 »

Took a small brake from Hitman (which i'm loving) buy starting Tearaway unfolded for a change of pace. Really enjoying it so far, I seams such a shame that there seams to be no market or support type of game (out side of Nintendo consoles that is). Also the second screen stuff with this game is really well implemented
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Craig »

Just been on a long flight and two things struck me;

1) They now have a decent, playable and responsive version of Tetris. What's more, it has online in flight multiplayer both private and public games. Madness.

2) I'm not one for being elitist about other people's gaming skills, but I was sitting behind someone who was playing Tetris so badly it was almost torturous. It's one of those games where you want to keep giving your unwarranted advice at the best of times.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Jobobonobo »

I have just finished Paper Mario Sticker Star on the 3DS and I have to agree with the general consensus that it is by far the worst Paper Mario game.

But first the positives. There was just something about collecting stickers and knowing when to use them that felt good to me. Not to mention when you do figure what you need to take on a boss it can be very satisfying to see the sheer damage they can do! This is particularly true when facing off against Bowser in the end as you can combo certain stickers to really lay into him. The music was a joy to listen to as is usually the case for the Paper Mario games. But honestly, they are the only things I really liked about it.

The fact that bosses can be an absolute grind unless you have the exact right sticker can be infuriating, requiring you to backtrack to the town and convert your items that you collect into stickers is just pointless busywork. The fact that such items can be vital to progress through the game and can be hidden in the most obtuse places so you are just pixel hunting certain areas until you find you can drop off a ledge in the background that will lead you to the item in question. The amount of times I needed a walkthrough to get through this game because I was simply lost was way too many to count and then I would feel like an idiot for needing it because I forgot to check just one little spot of the screen....Argh! Then there is the fact that other than the bosses, battling is pretty much pointless as you do not get XP so you never truly feel that Mario is growing in strength as you play through the game. Unless you are low on coins, battling can be completely avoided and the game is usually quite generous with coins anyway. The fact that there are no partners is something I would have forgiven and overlooked if it were not for one aspect of this game and it is actually my biggest problem with it.

The world and its inhabitants are BORING! Previous Paper Mario titles were great in bringing the Mario Universe to life with a diverse cast of characters and weird and wonderful locales. In the original, goombas, koopas and cheep cheeps were something other than bad guys for you to stomp on as they were just normal creatures living day to day harming no one. Thousand Year Door and Super Paper Mario had a huge assortment of original characters with personalities and their own stories. What do you get here? TOADS TOADS TOADS TOADS! All the same cookie cutter design as if the Mushroom Kingdom was taken over by clones. I mean Thousand Year Door had toads in a whole bunch of shapes, sizes and colours with distinct personalities, but this game? I was gobsmacked by the laziness. The only other friendly NPC is a Wiggler who you have to collect back his frigging body parts in a section of the game that lasted way too long. The only original character was the floating crown companion Kersti who was useless to me when I got stuck for the 999th time, at least Navi actually gave helpful tips! And Bowser, despite being the main villain, does not speak a word of dialogue which is nuts, considering he usually got some of the best lines in previous entries in the series. Oh, and all the bosses of each world are just roided up versions of regular enemies. The worlds are literally the same template followed slavishly by the NSMB games; grassland, desert, forest, snow, jungle. Where is the toybox overrun with shyguys? The mystery aboard a train? The fortress of a nerdy chameleon? Christ almighty, where is the freaking imagination?!

And the real tragedy is that it could have been a wonderful entry in the series. Tweak the sticker battle system a tad, gain XP for battling, fill the world with interesting and diverse characters, give Bowser his personality back or even have a new villain altogether and this could have been top notch. As it is, it is a woefully missed opportunity with much* of the charmed drained out of it. Apologies for this big long rant, not usually my style at all but this game brought all this anger and disappointment out of me! Really hope Color Splash fixes a lot of these issues, Paper Mario as a series deserves a hell of a lot better than this.

*Again, the music keeps this from being a completely drab and lifeless affair. It really is the one thing it keeps from its predecessors.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Todinho »

I havent been playing much lately,mostly overwatch but the game I was playing for awhile and decided to stop and give up on was Darkest Dungeon.There are multiple reasons why but the main one is that the game really worn out it's welcome,I think the game concept and mechanics on it's own are solid and I had a blast playing it at the beginning but as it goes on the game just turns into a huge grind on all fronts: you have to grind relics to upgrade your hamlet,then you have to grind money so you can not only upkeep your heroes stress but also upgrade them,then you have to grind your heroes so they lvl up and you have to grind dungeons to progress.The game has a very simple structure when it comes to it's dungeons so there not much you can do to vary the missions up and there's only so much variety the turn based combat and RNG nature can provide until it starts to get samey after the hundreth time you enter a dungeon, also I hate that you have to kill the same boss 3 times and there are multiple bosses per dungeon...Why couldnt you just have a single boss per difficulty stage?I cant imagine coming up with one more concept for each dungeon would be that hard for the team that made all this,but nope we`re gonna have the same boss over and over again and of course you can have the problem of levelling your heroes too much so they cant do lower lvl quests and kill those bosses so you have bring up a whole other group to do that despite having a cast of over 10 heroes on lvl 6. What finnaly broke the cammels back for me was when I had a fully upgraded party going into a dungeon to kill the same boss I had already killed twice then I ran into a random group of monsters and the giant hit my highest health guy for 69 damage completely emptying his life bar and putting me on deaths door then before my healer could get a turn the Giant got another turn and killed him and not only that but he did the exact same thing to my other front party member and none of my characters could do anything because if your formation gets a little bit messed up,like when a character dies, your party becomes worthless. So yeah I dont even know how you unlock the titular Darkest Dungeon but I`ve put over 30 hours into this game and I think im good.

I started playing Quasir Al-Wasat which is a Brazilian stealth game with a middle eastern(I think syrian especifically but I might be wrong) setting,the game is interesting as you play as a spirit that`s always invisible so you have to avoid making noise instead of being seen,it reminds me alot of shorts you would see in a animation festival I kinda like that the controls on pc are utter garbage though and I cant get my controler working with it for whatever reason so I dont know if I`ll keep playing.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by dezm0nd »

Jobobonobo wrote:I have just finished Paper Mario Sticker Star on the 3DS and I have to agree with the general consensus that it is by far the worst Paper Mario game.
For the longest time I couldn't work out if I was alone in my dislike of this game but it seems that the majority of people say the same thing. I couldn't finish it, literally. Every time I turn it on to resume my progress, I am so lost that I resort to a guide and end up getting bored and turn it off.

I hope Colour Splash doesn't make the same mistakes but after watching a bit over E3... I'm worried!
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by macstat »

Two days ago World of Warcraft started doing pre-expansion events, so a lot of demons invaded Azeroth and someone needs to defend it ;). Also they released new class for anyone who preordered expansion so its something new to do ;). Additionally i got sucked in into gold earning game so ive been doing a lot of that :P

Also ive beed playing a little bit of new expansion to Kingdom. Its more or less same game, though every couple of minutes i notice some difference or new thing. It was free for anyone who owned main game so im very content with changes and additions.

I also got a major nostalgia rush for Sleeping Dogs. I really liked that game so i went on steam, bought definitive edition and started playing that ;).
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Jobobonobo »

dezm0nd wrote:I hope Colour Splash doesn't make the same mistakes but after watching a bit over E3... I'm worried!
To be truthful, I'm a bit pessimistic as well but my post was already fairly negative so decided to end on a more hopeful note.

In a preview of the game, the assistant producer Risa Tabata is asked if more RPG elements are coming back, her answer was not encouraging.
Since we already have this established RPG series, rather than just making another RPG series as well, we wanted to do something different and provide a different experience to players," Tabata said. "I think what was good about the original Paper Mario games wasn't just the RPG elements but the puzzle solving and the humor, so as we've gone forward we've put more of our effort into the puzzle-solving aspects and really emphasizing the humor in the games.
http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/06/17/ ... -the-wii-u

This is not great news for old school Paper Mario fans, especially as Mario and Luigi have a very different feel to their gameplay in comparison to the Paper Mario series. Also those games manage to have humour and puzzle solving as well, so I don't see why Paper Mario needs to sacrifice its RPG elements when you can quite easily have all 3 elements in one game. The thing is, I don't require a clone of TTYD to make me happy, just give the series the personality and character it used to have. Hopefully, this card battling system will be more refined than the battle system in Sticker Star. Eh, unless this gets rave reviews I might wait until it drops in price to give it a go.
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Re: RE: Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by seansthomas »

Craig wrote:The more I'm playing Lara Croft Go, the more it feels like Hitman, but it's so well done and building on those ideas. Really hoping they do a Deus Ex Go.
I really enjoyed this game. Captures the essence of TR more than many of the 3D games.

The music and sound effects are two of the main reasons I loved this so much. Great score.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Craig »

And it looks like I got my wish- Deus Ex Go is coming this year!
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by Flabyo »

It wouldn't surprise me if Square ended up doing GO games for all their IP.

Just Cause GO would be fun. If a little hard to design.
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Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by macstat »

I watched DE:GO gameplay on some podcast ( i think it was Kinda Funny) a while back and it looks really cool. Good old GO gameplay but with really cool animations instead of just moving pawns like in hitman. Me Likey

And i would love a Witcher GO, because Witcher :p. Plus a Roach GO expansion, which would totally make sense, cause it would explain why Roach always is in wierdest places.

Re: Whatcha Been Playing?

Post by deacon05oc »

Ive been playing Sound Shapes in an attempt to go through Death Mode levels and it's a no go. I've beaten the main game and all the beat school levels. I got 2 DM completed and I think I may have to wave the white flag. I want to platinum this but Death Mode is winning. On every death my blood boils a tad bit more. Thank goodness for the fun base game, creator and user created content. A sequel would be nice.
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