Games Completed 2019

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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by dezm0nd »

Jan 1 - Cat Quest
Jan 3 - Nex Machina (Arcade, experienced)
Jan 4 - Celeste
Jan 10 - Yoku's Island Express
Jan 13 - Evil Within 2
Jan 14 - Pilotwings
Jan 21 - Edith Finch
Jan 26 - Resident Evil 2 (Leon A)
Jan 27 - Resident Evil 2 (Claire A)
Jan 31 - Resident Evil 2 (Leon B)

Feb 11 - Firewatch

March 19 - Donkey Kong 64
March 29 - Goldeneye 007 (00 Agent)

April 9 - Yoshi Crafted World

Really enjoyable game. I'm sure we will be playing it again for the extra bits over the course of the year
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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by duskvstweak »

Alex79uk wrote: April 9th, 2019, 7:39 am Ha yeah, I never went back to Blitzball either. Just never really got to grips with understanding how it worked, nor enjoyed the match I played. Your thoughts pretty much echo exactly how I felt about the game overall.
I'm one of those sick people who enjoyed Blitzball and played it WAY too much during my initial playthrough. Wouldn't do that again in a replay, but, back then, I had the time to sink into mini games like that.

I'm pretty sure I put more time into the Xenosaga card game then the whole rest of the game..

Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by Joshihatsumitsu »

"Blitzball" is very much my main take away from FF-X, a game I started many years ago, got to the Blitzball bit, kinda tried to understand it, didn't understand it... somehow drifted away for FF-X, in the way you drift away from something and can't quite remember why.
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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by KSubzero1000 »

clippa wrote: April 9th, 2019, 11:48 pm Mine was 857,684,230
Hey, that looks interesting. :)

I need to sit down and have a go at Experienced one of these days.
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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by Michiel K »

9-4 Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha (PS1)

Did an arcade mode run through with the character Blair.

Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by Bakers_12 »

23/1/19 Baner Saga ios.
31/1/19 Life is Strange session 2 Episode 2
24/2/19 Marvals Spider-man
29/2/19 Mervals Spider-man The Hist DLC
3/3/19 Marvals Spider-man Turf war
11/3/19 Marvels Spider-man Silver lining

11/4/19 Valkyrea chronicles 4

I really enjoyed the gameplay , a clever mix of turn based and real time strategy.
But having to go though so many non gameplay chapters to get to a battle could put some people off , I didn’t love them but was not gripped either.

The game did leave me with a sour taste after enjoying but having an extra unlock-able chapter in the post game that has the female characters enjoy a hot spring bath and a joke around embarrassment of being seen nude and casual sexism. Did not sit well with me
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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by Scrustle »

Spoiler: show
25/01 - Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
31/01 - Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas
01/02 - SOMA (Safe Mode)
09/02 - Shadow Warrior
18/02 - Mulaka
26/02 - NieR: Automata - 3C3C1D119440927 DLC
02/03 - Race Driver: GRID
04/03 - Bladed Fury
10/03 - Devil May Cry 5 (Devil Hunter)
13/03 - AER: Memories of Old
17/03 - Devil May Cry 5 (Son of Sparda)
20/03 - Devil May Cry 5 (Human)
05/04 - God of War III Remastered
12/04 - Devil May Cry 5 (Dante Must Die)

Kind of conflicted on this run. I have to admit I did start using revives when it got near the end. This mode is still too much for me honestly. I don't really like beating it this way, but I don't feel too bad about it either. I still got further than I expected I would without relying on items, but it ended up getting to a point where it was frustrating and I just wanted to get it over with. That mission 18 boss I honestly do not like. I feel like there's some stuff about it that isn't really fair. But I'm pretty proud of being able to beat the mission 16 boss without revives, and even using Royal Guard a bit to do it. Usually I don't touch that style at all, so it was really fun to get to grips with that a little bit and deal some damage. I also feel like this run gave me a much better grip on Nero in general. Dante I'm a bit better at, but he's still pretty overwhelming and I'm nowhere close to unlocking all his potential.

Also, in terms of beating it with items, I don't feel so bad since the game scores you accordingly. Repeatedly playing and getting all S ranks, or at least A without penalties, is where the real bragging rights are, and what you're supposed to gradually work towards. I don't feel bad about admitting that I'm not there. Also Itsuno himself gave a really interesting talk at GDC this year where he talks about a lot of the design philosophy behind the game in a lot of areas, including the revive system. The way he paints it, it's meant to be an aid for the player that allows you to ease stress and frustration to a level of your choosing. Items are there to be used, and it's all in service of keeping the experience fun and positive. To avoid getting worked up over dying repeatedly. Not some source of shame meant to punish players for not being good enough. I guess this fits in with the discussion on difficulty that's been going around with Sekiro lately. Honestly, I don't really enjoy that conversation very much, so I stay out of it. Yet here I am doing it anyway...

I think it's time to give this game a rest now and move on. Despite a bit of aggravation here at the end, I still adore the game. It's truly amazing and one of the best the genre has ever seen for sure. It's also the longest I've stuck with any DMC game before moving on to something else I think. Maybe the longest of any game in this subgenre too. Although I'm not totally done yet. I want to mess around with the super character costumes now I've finally unlocked them. Maybe I'll go back to previous modes and try to S rank them too. Should be much easier now. But in terms of this being one of the main games I'm focusing on, I think that's done. Let it sit on the back burner. I was considering giving DMC1-3 another shot again after this, but I think I might be all DMC'ed out for now. Also there are rumours going around there's a big update just around the corner that will maybe add something very big. I would want to try that out before diving in to any other game in the series.
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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by KSubzero1000 »

Dangerous Driving (Platinum Trophy)

This is a decent game that didn't fulfill its potential as much as I would have wanted it to.

The core premise is solid, only let down by the flat and excessively linear tracks. Event variety is excellent and the handling of the various cars is very good overall. But the lack of polish is very difficult to look past at times. My playthrough has been plagued by all kinds of different glitches, from being brought to a complete stop for no discernible reason, being catapulted over the entire map as a result of the physics engine going completely berserk, or randomly falling through the floor only to end up respawning either in the wrong direction or in front of unavoidable obstacles. Rubber-banding is also an issue and arguably the worst it's ever been. Sometimes crashing while in first place would have little to no drawback, sometimes it would instantly put me in sixth place and 34 seconds behind everybody, forcing a restart. I've seen opponents pass me by at ludicrous speeds only a few meters before the finishing line, and I was repeatedly forced to restart a particular event after having an opponent magically spawn one kilometer in front of me despite never crashing or being overtaken. (Is that last sentence grammatically correct? I can't tell. Looks weird.)

When the stars align while you play one of the properly balanced events and don't encounter any of the numerous glitches, the game does feel like a fun low-rent version of Burnout. Which is undeniably enjoyable. I don't want to be too harsh on it considering the incredibly small dev team, but I can only wish the game had received the budget and polish it deserved.

Hardcore fans of the series / genre who are willing to look past one too many blemishes will probably find enough to like here. Everybody else might be better off waiting for a sale.
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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by Scrustle »

Spoiler: show
25/01 - Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
31/01 - Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas
01/02 - SOMA (Safe Mode)
09/02 - Shadow Warrior
18/02 - Mulaka
26/02 - NieR: Automata - 3C3C1D119440927 DLC
02/03 - Race Driver: GRID
04/03 - Bladed Fury
10/03 - Devil May Cry 5 (Devil Hunter)
13/03 - AER: Memories of Old
17/03 - Devil May Cry 5 (Son of Sparda)
20/03 - Devil May Cry 5 (Human)
05/04 - God of War III Remastered
12/04 - Devil May Cry 5 (Dante Must Die)
14/04 - Journey

Felt like giving this one another run through, to give me a much needed break from all the high intensity, stressful stuff I've been focusing on lately. Also I've been thinking of revisiting it ever since my recent second run through AER. I've only ever played this once before, but since it's pretty much the quintessential example of this sort of game, it seemed like it deserved another look too.

It's still as amazing as ever. Achingly beautiful, with fantastic aesthetic design that does so much with so little, wonderful soundtrack, and a great use of wordless storytelling. The pacing of it is just sublime too. This time through it actually felt shorter to me than previously. Probably because I spent less time poking my nose in everywhere, and finishing it in one sitting rather than two. But even still, both times it absolutely shines in how it uses structure to so powerfully elicit raw emotion. It's a masterclass in that sort of thing, and it's clear why so many other games were inspired by it. It still stands up as being one of the best at it too.

I was pleasantly surprised to find other people are still playing this as well. I was half expecting this to be just a solo adventure. Because surely, the servers are going to be deserted these days. Apparently not. I'd really like to see the data on exactly how active this game tends to be. It would be really interesting.
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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by Combine Hunter »

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15/02 - Resident Evil 2 (PS4)
17/02 - Final Fantasy VIII (PS Vita)
18/02 - FAR: Lone Sails (PC)
14/04 - Final Fantasy IX (PS Vita)

Thoughts on the pod!
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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by ratsoalbion »

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24 Jan: Florence (iOS)
03 Feb: Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Switch)
03 Feb: NieR:Automata (PS4)
10 Mar: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U)
16 Mar: This War of Mine: The Little Ones (PS4)
07 Apr: Pilotwings (Nintendo Classic Mini: SNES)
14 Apr: Final Fantasy IX (PS)
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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by MajorGamer »

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Jan 2 - War for the Overworld (PC)
Jan 13 - Pyre (PC)
Jan 16 - Heroes of Hammerwatch (PC)
Jan 17 - Mega Man 11 (Switch)
Jan 20 - ReThink | Evolved (PC)
Jan 20 - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Switch)
Jan 22 - Ruzar - The Life Stone (PC)
Jan 27 - After Death (PC)
Feb 6 - Vikings - Wolves of Midgard (PC)
Feb 21 - Loyalty and Blood: Viktor Origins (PC)

Feb 27 - Book of Demons (PC)
Mar 4 - Vaporum (PC)
Mar 5 - Frost (Switch)
Mar 9 - DarkMaus (PC)
Mar 10 - Octopath Traveler (Switch)
Mar 31 - Final Fantasy X (PC)
Apr 5 - Treasure Adventure World (PC)

A slightly expanded version of the freeware game Treasure Adventure Game. It makes for a nice island hopping adventure. Nothing particular stands out about it but there is nothing bad about it either. A metroidvania that may be worth checking out.
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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by Sinclair Gregstrum »

Jan - Streets Of Rage 2 (Switch)
Jan - Detroit: Become Human (PS4 Pro)
Feb - Quarantine Circular (Switch)
Feb - Yoku’s Island Express (Switch)
Feb - Shenmue (PS4 Pro)
Mar - Rise of the Tomb Raider (Xbox One X)

Apr - Gunstar Heroes (Switch)

My childhood memory of whether I actually owned Gunstar Heroes, or rented it a few times, or borrowed it from a friend, or a combination of the above, is a little hazy.

I know I played it quite a bit, both solo and co-op. I know I got quite far, but never completed it. And I know I loved it.

In the years since I’ve had the game on various platforms and in numerous compilations, but for some reason while I’ve always gone back and dabbled I never actually knuckled down and tried to get all the way through the thing. It wasn’t a conscious avoidance mind, and was something I only recently realised when scrolling through the library of the Mega Drive Collection on Switch looking for something to play.

“Have I ever actually completed Gunstar Heroes?? You know what…I don’t think I have…let’s give it a go!” – went my internal monologue.

So give it a go I did. People will probably now and tell me that this game is actually a doddle compared to most Treasure stuff and that I just need to get good, but I’m not ashamed to say I found some parts of this one particularly tough to beat (those bloody boss rushes!!, and I made pretty liberal use of the quick save function in order to do it!

But beat it I eventually did, and what a bloody great time I had doing it! It was all done solo sadly and I’d love to give it a go in co-op again one day, but for now I’m just going to sit back and bask in the glory of a great game well played, save spamming and all!
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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by Chopper »

clippa wrote: April 15th, 2019, 1:53 pm Rogue Fable III (Ranger -elf)
I'm a sucker for these simplified roguelikes. Streamlined but with enough strategic depth to keep things interesting.
My favourite since Golden Krone Hotel..
Have you tried Heroes of Hammerwatch? It’s decent but a bit grindy, maybe worth checking out in a sale.

I’ve finished Mutant Year Zero (PC), a pretty fun turn-based combat game that looks and plays lovely. I mentioned in the other thread that resources were so scarce that it was overly restrictive as regards upgrades etc, but happily that opened up at mid game. They made a big effort with environmental and other storytelling, though the plot was inconsistent and the story fell flat at times. Well worth checking out, I enjoyed it so much I think I might buy it again on console at some future date.
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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by Scrustle »

Spoiler: show
25/01 - Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
31/01 - Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas
01/02 - SOMA (Safe Mode)
09/02 - Shadow Warrior
18/02 - Mulaka
26/02 - NieR: Automata - 3C3C1D119440927 DLC
02/03 - Race Driver: GRID
04/03 - Bladed Fury
10/03 - Devil May Cry 5 (Devil Hunter)
13/03 - AER: Memories of Old
17/03 - Devil May Cry 5 (Son of Sparda)
20/03 - Devil May Cry 5 (Human)
05/04 - God of War III Remastered
12/04 - Devil May Cry 5 (Dante Must Die)
14/04 - Journey
15/04 - ABZU

I've had this sitting around for a while but never really had much motivation to play it. But playing Journey again made me think it was finally time to get around to it.

I enjoyed it quite a lot. Gorgeous looking game with some amazing scenery and a good soundtrack. It's really hard not to directly compare it to Journey though. Obviously it's trying for the same kind of thing, but if you compare the two this one does end up feeling like it falls a little short. I'm in two minds as to why. On the one hand, I want to say it feels less subtle and more controlling with its big emotional moments, as they take control away from the player to some degree to show you an impressive set piece, while in Journey you still had full control in those moments. But when it comes to storytelling, I guess it's less constrictive, since there are no moments where it just shows a cutscene where you have zero control and you have to sit there watching for a minute. It's all told through murals, as Journey did a fair bit too. But Journey also felt like the environments you were going through had more connection to the story than here. That story being more interesting and resonant too. But I don't know if it's really fair to compare them like this. I mean, obviously there's a good reason to, but it kind of sell ABZU short and doesn't let it be its own thing. By that merit, it was still a good time.

I also have a few other nitpicks but which I don't think really matter as much as the other stuff, but still came to mind when playing. For one, I really did miss the co-op from Journey here. But that really is an unfair comparison. It added a lot to that game, but here that was obviously not the point of what they were trying to create. Wouldn't have made much sense to put it in. Also, I found I had quite a few performance problems playing this. I was on PC, and I should be able to run something that looks like this with ease, yet right from the beginning I had to turn stuff down quite a lot, and there were still quite a few spots with poor performance. It didn't exactly ruin the experience, but it was noticeable. Not really sure what caused it. I suppose it would make sense if there were problems when a lot of fish are on screen, given the sheet number of them sometimes, but it didn't seem to line up with that. I vaguely recall hearing about these problems around launch too, but I can't remember for sure.
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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by Chopper »

clippa wrote: April 15th, 2019, 9:44 pm Did you see that DLC that came out recently?
Looks quite 'Shmup-y' :lol: but really good.

I haven't finished the full game yet; I must go back to it one of these days.
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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by hazeredmist »

Titanfall 2 (PS4)

I really, really enjoyed this. It might be my favourite FPS campaign, certainly up there with the likes of Halo 3 in my book. I felt more for BT than I think I have for any character in an FPS before. The level design is tremendously varies and well thought out, shooting mechanics obviously fantastic and the weapons are fun to use. The boss fights are also decent. Shame we may never get a Titanfall 3, but I'll live in hope.

If you've never played this and have written it off for whatever reason, pick it up. It's obscenely cheap on PSN.
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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by ratsoalbion »

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24 Jan: Florence (iOS)
03 Feb: Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Switch)
03 Feb: NieR:Automata (PS4)
10 Mar: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U)
16 Mar: This War of Mine: The Little Ones (PS4)
07 Apr: Pilotwings (Nintendo Classic Mini: SNES)
14 Apr: Final Fantasy IX (PS)
19 Apr: Pony Island (PC)
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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by Nupraptor »

20th April - Sekiro. The six hours I spent on the final boss make me question whether I am wasting the precious gift of life.
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Re: Games Completed 2019

Post by Chopper »


I think it’s gonna stay in my To-Play pile :shock: