Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

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Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by JaySevenZero »

Well, I gotta say I'm quite impressed!

Four years ago they made a game with an engine that still more than holds it own against stuff released recently, but it would appear those talented folks at Kojima Productions have been quite busy during that time 'cos this looks rather bloody stunning. Add the fact that it's another Metal Game and this is certainly on my list of anticipated titles of the year - the most anticipated title which year is the next question though, 2013, 2014 or maybe even 2015?

Let the rampant speculation begin as to who the guy with the melted face is?
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Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by James »

There's an extended version of the same demo, and it does look incredible.

At the moment it's being shown with PS3 and Xbox 360 logos in the end credits. That should give us some idea of the ETA.
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Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by JaySevenZero »

I've replaced the video with the extended version.

Open world, useable vehicles and what looks to be superbly implemented air support - shows fantastic promise. I guess, going by the Xbox and PS3 logo at the end too, this is aiming for a 2013 release. I'll be interested to see if there's any more info given at the Tokyo Game Show.
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Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by dezm0nd »

Kojima says that we will be playing this game soon. Wonder what that means in the mind of the mad?
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Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by JaySevenZero »

Next week if we're lucky!

I'm gonna put my money on it to hit for next summer - that said, whatever the release date, I think it's a sure bet they're gonna get my money day one.
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Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by Alex79 »

Slightly off topic, but anyone know the best way to play the original Metal Gear games? I only ever played Metal Gear Solid, but I'm thinking I'd like to work my way through the whole series, starting with the first two and playing the rest on PS3 (MGS on PSN and then the HD collection, finishing with MGS4).

Original hardware for the first two is out of the question so it's emulation, but are the best versions on the MSX?
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Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by JaySevenZero »

The MSX versions are also included in the HD collection as that's the Subsistance version of Snake Eater, which contained them in the package.
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Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by Alex79 »

Ah brilliant! Cheers.

I've half a mind they were also included on the GC version of Twin Snakes, but I sold my copy a long time ago and my memory is hazy at best...

EDIT : Hmm, no on further investigation it seems they weren't on that disc. They must have had a 'recap' type option on the menu as I definitely remember seeing the old games on the screen in some form or other.
Ghost World

Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by Ghost World »

When I first saw the video I was telling myself "No way is that current gen" but after putting a good few hours in to MGS4 again I have no worries the new FOX engine can pull it off.

Kojima also announced that Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes is a prequel to Metal Gear Solid 5, essentially confirming that Metal Gear Solid 5 is in development! :D
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Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by DomsBeard »

Wonder how the fox engine will run on 360..........

Very excited by this and I'm going to get my finger out and play Peace Walker now, it was £11.99 on demand but it's vanished now :(.

At the risk of asking a stupid question is the snake in the video big boss?. It's simple to presume with the eye patch but I'm not sure about the time scales off top of my head but that songs from 1971.
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Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by JaySevenZero »

Yeah, the concensus is that it is Big Boss. The eye patch is on his right eye (Snake wears the solid eye on his left) and despite the song being from 1971, that guy gives the boy a Walkman, which first went public in 1979. The soldiers take off in Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawks which also came into service in 1979 - all of which would indicate an setting around that year or so. The voice actors during the section where Snake is revealed section are Akio Otsuka, who has always played both Snake and Big Boss and Tomokazu Sugita who played Kaz Miller, and whilst they don't name their characters directly, it's a sure bet that they are playing them.
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Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by DomsBeard »

Brilliant, cheers. I had a daft theory about it being Grey Fox but that's put that to bed.
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Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by DomsBeard »

I've had that song that's played on the Walkman stuck in my head all day! :/

Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by MAp »

Agh...I already know I'm getting this, so by my normal set of rules I shouldn't have watched the trailer but I couldn't help myself. It all looks amazing and the open world ideas I've been hearing sound like a large scale expanded MGS3 which is all good with me. I don't quite get the story beats they seem to be pulling from, but I'm guessing they're mainly Peace Walker related which I've not completed yet.
Ghost World

Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by Ghost World »

MAp wrote:Agh...I already know I'm getting this, so by my normal set of rules I shouldn't have watched the trailer but I couldn't help myself. It all looks amazing and the open world ideas I've been hearing sound like a large scale expanded MGS3 which is all good with me. I don't quite get the story beats they seem to be pulling from, but I'm guessing they're mainly Peace Walker related which I've not completed yet.
Yeah there is a lot of Peace Walker crossover details in that video which is a bold move for a first look considering how many people wouldn't have played that specific title. Still for those in the know it does give context to time and place and we can sit here looking all smug in our superior knowledge ;)

Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by MAp »

Ghost World wrote:
Yeah there is a lot of Peace Walker crossover details in that video which is a bold move for a first look considering how many people wouldn't have played that specific title. Still for those in the know it does give context to time and place and we can sit here looking all smug in our superior knowledge ;)
Well that's not very friendly! You've put me completely off all MGS cannon now, I'm going to find my copy of MG: Ghost Babel and consider anything else in the series as a collection of pointless side stories :P
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Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by TomFum »

Thats looks very very good right.

Its def a current gen game, as great as it looks you can see the plasticness of the water on the rocks and the shineyness of the rocks if that makes sence, but its a lovely engine.

I very much look forward to this, im not so sure about that whole air support business, i know it was just showing it off in that video but its kinda out of lace seen as your sneeking around this airbase then u call in air support and not alarms go off, know what i mean.

Lets wait and see.
Ghost World

Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by Ghost World »

MAp wrote: Well that's not very friendly! You've put me completely off all MGS cannon now, I'm going to find my copy of MG: Ghost Babel and consider anything else in the series as a collection of pointless side stories :P
I count myself in that not very knowledgeable arena, there is still points Metal Gear Solid 4 where I catch myself thinking internally what the hell is going on! Still Peace Walker received the Cane and Rinse seal of approval so it comes highly recommended to anybody that hasn't yet had the chance to play it.
TomFum wrote:Thats looks very very good right.

Its def a current gen game, as great as it looks you can see the plasticness of the water on the rocks and the shineyness of the rocks if that makes sence, but its a lovely engine.

I very much look forward to this, im not so sure about that whole air support business, i know it was just showing it off in that video but its kinda out of lace seen as your sneeking around this airbase then u call in air support and not alarms go off, know what i mean.

Lets wait and see.
Using the whole water is wet and shiny thing always disappoints, sure it makes things jump out the screen but at a cost of making everything look artificial.
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Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by JaySevenZero »

TomFum wrote:I very much look forward to this, im not so sure about that whole air support business, i know it was just showing it off in that video but its kinda out of lace seen as your sneeking around this airbase then u call in air support and not alarms go off, know what i mean.
In the video Kojima says (through a translator) that the helicopter can be spotted and raise the alarm, but I guess for the purpose of the video it wasn't deemed necessary. The way I saw it you would only use that if things go really wrong for you in regards to making a mess of things or you simply want extraction. The was a similar thing used in MGS3 where you could call in a single airstrike from Major Zero's C-130, so this just seems like a better implemented system of that to some degree.
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Re: Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

Post by mikeleddy83 »

Any ideas if the going in solo conversation could mean we're not going to see a spiritual sequel to Peace Walker here?

I know Peace Walker was meant to be a bit more Monster Hunter like but I'd hate co-op to disappear after such a succesful introduction in the last game. Still, it looks pretty sweet and it'll most definitely be added to my 2013 anticipated titles list. Quite intrigued by the iOS game too, highly doubt it'll be anything more than a mini-RPG affair but I'm still optimistic.
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