Destiny 2

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Destiny 2

Post by Alex79 »

So Destiny 2 is now free to play for everyone. Its only the base game, but I'm looking forward to going through the single player campaign, and may have a look online. Any other Destiny n00bs checking it out now its free? Maybe we could organise something?
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Re: Destiny 2

Post by Suits »

I’d be up for this.
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Re: Destiny 2

Post by ReprobateGamer »

I've been playing Destiny on and off (possibly more off) since it first released. If anyone is on Xbox One and wants someone to assist them, do shout. Level scaling I think means that higher level characters should be able to join in without massively scaling up the enemy. I also seem to be a little out of sync with the majority of my clan (they play early evening in the 7-10pm range and I normally get online around 10pm ...) so there's content that I struggle to access as a solo player and would welcome another guardian or two (or five ...)

This guide seems a reasonable spoiler free starting point as to how to approach New Light. ... dian-tower

Public events in particular it's worth finding out how to trigger the heroic versions, and there are a number of PvE encounters where having several Guardians helps (Blind Well, Escalation Protocal, Menagerie, all the raids and raid lairs)

It's worth as well noting that with all the various vendors about the place, you can be working on several pursuits at once which can help on both levelling up and playing efficiently. And loot drops at the highest level you can reach with your gear - which is not necessarily the level of the gear that you like to use.

There is a wealth of guides online to learn more, including the extensive lore that sadly is not covered in game as easily as it could be.
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Re: Destiny 2

Post by DomsBeard »

I bought Destiny 2 at launch, loved it but bounced off it due to lack of online friends playing it.

I'd be keen on xbox or *cough* Stadia as I'm looking forward to have it all with dlc at launch
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Re: Destiny 2

Post by Simonsloth »

I’d be interested. I got it at launch on ps4 but never played beyond the intro mission.
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Re: Destiny 2

Post by ReprobateGamer »

For ease, I'm linking in this article which explains what is and isn't available

I hadn't realised that the year two raids were gated

That Cross Save is a thing means that you can transfer characters across different platforms - which is pretty cool (if you already have a character make sure to activate Cross Save before you start playing)

It's definitely a universe to get lost into - but definitely not for the completionist (unless you have a lot of time) ...
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Re: Destiny 2

Post by DomsBeard »

I started downloading the free version last night onto my Xbox One X so I will be curious to see what level I was on before. I'm 99% sure my save file was on PS4 so hopefully I will be able to transfer it to Xbox then onto Stadia if I put some time in between now and November 19th?.
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Re: Destiny 2

Post by ReprobateGamer »

Almost certainly! Cross Save I think is reached via (or the destiny app if you have that) rather than through the game so check before proceeding with the game itself (it does warn you of this as you boot it up)

Good luck!
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Re: Destiny 2

Post by DomsBeard »

Weirdly I've just started it now and my Guardian from Destiny is there but not my one from Destiny 2.

Only explanations are either I never saved my Destiny 2 character onto or it doesn't let you transfer a guardian if you have previously paid for Destiny 2? Weird
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Re: Destiny 2

Post by ReprobateGamer »

That does seem odd.

Only thing I can think of is that, because of Sony's ongoing reluctance to enable cross play, whether there was something you had to do before loading into Destiny 2 with a Cross Save character.

Hope you either weren't too far into the game, or better, find a way to make it work
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Re: Destiny 2

Post by Alex79 »

So.... I put this on last night. Played about an hour.

It's really not for me. I just don't like the whole design of it really, same with most other online MMO shooter games I've tried. Just the way you get missions, hub worlds, the whole thing. I think I just don't like playing online. I was only really looking to go through the story campaign but it's still set up like an online thing so I couldn't really get in to it.

I'm explaining it really badly, but I know exactly what I mean. It's just that way that most online MMO games are set up - it's not a fault of the game, I just can't get in to it. Much prefer single player, narrative experiences really.
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Re: Destiny 2

Post by Alex79 »

Decided to come back to this. In the time since I originally posted this thread I've played through the entire Halo series, which I really enjoyed, and haven't played an FPS which really clicked with me since finishing Infinite early this year. I had a sudden urge for some decent FPS action last night so downloaded Destiny 2 again and am looking forward to really trying with it.

Anyone still playing this?
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