Introducing kids to videogames

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Introducing kids to videogames

Post by TheEmailer »

Hello, listening to the patreon monthly, reminded me something I wanted to ask here.

When and how did you introduce your small kids to games?

My eldest is four, but didn't really understand a controller at the MOSI videogames exhibit recently.

Thinking of getting a switch for them, but too soon and what games? I'd rather not do it too early and put them off.
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Re: Introducing Kids to games

Post by Jobobonobo »

Don't have kids myself but my brother got my niece and nephew a Switch last Christmas with Mario Kart and Switch Sports. The youngest is 8 so can definitely know his way around a controller but I remember they both struggled with Mario Kart quite a bit. Granted, this was their first console and they only had the game for a few days at that point but it was a nice reminder how stuff that is second nature to adult gamers may take a while for the young ones to get their head around. However, they are both really into Switch Sports and my niece had played a fair bit of Wii at friend's houses. So in my not so informed opinion definitely start them on something approachable like some of the more casual side of Nintendo's fare. I'm sure other parents here will have better advice than me on this though!
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Re: Introducing Kids to games

Post by Pconpi »

Yeah I have been wondering about this too and navigating it with my eldest who turns four in a week. I guess it depends on what your priorities and goals are. Mine was mainly to share a passion of mine and do so while being conscious of the amount of screen time and building healthy boundaries with games. With that we set up that he could play for 15 min each weekday on a 2DS or GBA SP (I mainly have him playing these because I don't mind if they get beat up a bit). On the weekend we have "big tv game time" on the Switch for 30 min together. I started this when he was around 2 and a half or so but probably ever kid is different in terms of attention span/ability/interest/your own comfort of screen exposure.

Here are the games that have been fun to play and seem to be the right complexity and control scheme:

Ocarina of Time: one of my all timers so this is just really fun to see him experience. We have tried BotW, Skyward Sword, and Majora's Mask but something about the simplicity of OoT makes it great. I just let him explore with my save that was right before the final fight. He got to ride Epona and learn the song, see Biggoron on top of Death Mountain, get all the chickens in Kakariko village, get a mask at the happy mask shop, go fishing, get milk from cows, ect. My wife and I have discussed the violence in the game and I don't know if it is the right thing at this age but I am talking about why we are hitting things with swords and why they are attacking us...I don't always have good answers. Sorry Deku Scrubs.

Super Mario 3D Land, New Super Mario Bros., Super Mario 3D World: I feel like any of the Mario games would be good even if the kid is dying repeatedly...that was how I learned to play games :D Super Mario 3D world is great because you can play together.

Little Gator Game: just a very simple version of Breath of the Wild or like a Short Hike. I enjoyed it myself, but it is just a great game for kids too.

Unpacking: I was surprised how much he liked this. But he loves just opening up the boxes and seeing what the item is and thinking about where to place it. The room looks an obsolete disaster but so does my house now with these kids so seems fitting.

Switch Sports: pretty self explanatory. We play tennis on the same team and have fun swinging the joy cons around.

Love to hear what others have done though as I'm just winging it!
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Re: Introducing kids to videogames

Post by Alex79 »

Mine played a bit on PlayStation when they were very young, but the Switch was where they really got in to it. Super Mario Odyssey has a perfect kid-friendly mode where it puts a guide arrow to follow on screen and it's much harder to die. One of my lads had completed the game when he was 4, maybe 5 at the oldest. Now my younger two are 6 and 7 and can play anything. They both like really different stuff - younger one likes racing and sports games and the older is more in to platformers and stuff like Minecraft and Fortnite.

You'd be surprised how quick they pick it up if you just put a controller in their hands. One of my favourite things last year was playing all through It Takes Two and Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons with them both in co-op.

The Lego games often get mentioned when talking about getting kids in to games but mine never really enjoyed them. Doesn't help that I don't like them either to be honest, I don't think they're very child friendly, and kids end up wandering around getting annoyed and bored, not knowing where to go next or how to solve specific puzzles.

You won't put them off. Holding a controller at an expo would probably feel quite alien, but when they have time to work it out for themselves they'll be all in. Just give them a pad and leave them to it.
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