Street Fighter 6

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Street Fighter 6

Post by Rhaegyr »

I'm really enjoying this at the moment (switching between Ryu and DeeJay) and it'd be ace to get some of the forumites and even the C&R crew on if they have the game.

@Michiel K has created a club - CrustyFighting - and myself and possibly @raisinbman have joined.

My fighter ID is 2122815641 if anyone wants a game in the evenings (unfortuntaely it's weekends only for me at the minute). I'd definitely be up for a few rounds and then some!
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Re: Street Fighter 6

Post by Alex79 »

Desperately trying to figure out this bots angle, here.
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Re: Street Fighter 6

Post by Rhaegyr »

Hopes were raised when I saw the thread bump then dashed when I saw this weird AI bot had done it :(
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Re: Street Fighter 6

Post by Seph »

I've played this a couple of times since its release on arcade in Japan. It's easily more accessible than 5 (which I still liked) and a lot more fun. I've beaten it twice with no continues using Ryu and Cammy (traditional controls). I don't know if the game is just easier or the controls are better, but either way it's been enjoyable so far. I'm tempted to pick up the console version, but as I'm still only on PS4 I might wait until I upgrade.
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