Game suggestions for the podcast

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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by ratsoalbion »

Already on the list.
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by Alex79 »

Obvs. :lol:
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by Mr Ixolite »

I suggest Valfaris, a gorgeous heavy-metal run and gunner that feels a bit "what if Contra mixed with Doom Eternal"
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by ratsoalbion »

I know it, I have it on Xbox. There's a sequel too.

I will check to see if it's on the list.
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by Alex79 »

It's not a game, and I have no idea how you'd go about putting together a show for it, but I'd love to hear a Cane and Rinse breakdown of Music/Music 2000 by Codemasters for the PS1.

My friend and I spent 100s of hours back in the late 90s and very early 2000s learning and using the software, it was the first music I ever made myself, not counting a couple of terrible bands beforehand!

Listening back to it now, it sounds admittedly terrible, but at the time we were convinced we were going to be millionaire DJs or something.

Check, as they say, this out... :lol:

(Can't work out how to embed YT links any more, the address they give you is all weird).
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by ratsoalbion »

I think it's quite unlikely there will be enough experience and enthusiasm from the team, but I've added them to the spreadsheet anyway, along with PS2 follow-up, MTV Music Generator 2.
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by Alex79 »

Yeah I did think it would be a tricky one with it not only not being a game, but also lack of familiarity from the team. I suppose it's a bit niche!
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by Rhaegyr »

Any chance the Wargame series (European Escalation, Red Dragon, WARNO etc) from Eugen Systems is on the list?
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by ratsoalbion »

They aren't. I will add them in order to gauge interest, but I fear there isn't anyone among the crew who is familiar with these games, (save possibly Chris O).

I think I have one or two in my library from giveaways but they are really not my bag I don't think.
My mate Martin likes military stuff, but he really wouldn't be up for doing a podcast!
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by Rhaegyr »

Thanks Leon! Thought it was a long shot but worth a shot nevertheless.

In all honesty the military stuff goes completely over my head - I'd be just as happy (if not more so) if each force was composed of garden variety animals! It's more that it's a type of RTS that is (as far as I can tell) quite different to any others I've played. No base building, no hero units and no need to gather resources - just drop your units down and use them the best you can. It also has some glorious 10v10 matches.

High barrier to entry though - it's very micro heavy, has a steep learning curve and possibly the most horrendous chat lobby in any game I've ever played.
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by ratsoalbion »

Sounds terrifying!
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by Alex79 »

Nifflas' idiosyncratic platform metroidvania, Knytt Underground. A game that's been a bit lost to time, really. Never got re-released after the PS3 and Wii-U and a really interesting oddity.
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by chowington »

Hi y'all, thanks for this amazing podcast! I've been listening for years now but haven't posted on the forum up til now.

I did a search on this thread for one of my favorite childhood game series, but I didn't see any mentions of it: Ty the Tasmanian Tiger. It's a 3D platformer series by an Australian studio with over-the-top Aussie themes and characters. The original game came out in 2002, and we played it on the OG Xbox. I, as well as my sister who has almost zero interest in games now, loved them as kids, and they helped shape my American opinion of Australian accents as the best in the world XD. They feature a feisty anthropomorphized Tasmanian tiger as the main character, who wields boomerangs as weapons, with a load of crazy variants unlocked as the games progress. I've heard them compared to some of the 3D Spyro games. There are three mainline 3D titles as well as a couple of 2D games which I never actually played, as I just wasn't interested in 2D at the time. Any familiarity with these games? I'd love to see a Cane and Rinse treatment of the series, especially seeing as there as some Aussies on the team!

Edit: I forgot to mention that in the past couple of years they released *lightly* remastered versions of the first two games for modern platforms (I have them on Switch), and I believe the third game has a remaster that's only available on PC. So they're actually fairly easy to pick up nowadays, too!
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by ratsoalbion »

Hi chowington, welcome.

I've added Ty to our big, long list.
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by chowington »

Thanks, Leon!
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by laddergoat »

The PS3 multiplayer shooter MAG, a very ambitious game that did things others have never tried since.
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Re: Game suggestions for the podcast

Post by ratsoalbion »

An interesting game for sure, but almost impossible for us to revisit at this point.

We'd need a panel of people who had played a ton while it was live, and I'm not sure we have those in the team.

I will of course add it to the list to gauge interest among the crew.
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